Tharsday, May 18, 1960 Fence Busters, Bakerton, Enter ’50 C & I League The Bakerton Fence Busters, defending champions of the Cam bria-Indiana Boys League begun practice for the 1950 son, Manager Tom Lehmier nounced last week The is building for another the three over from gration ers Bob and first baseman man Five regul from | SEARON 8 eral goo much brighter There are | the C & 1 season. and besides Bakerton include Revio iast season's ner-up., Cress Ernest, Indi : Heilwood, Colver Marsteller Lorett Ebens burg Each team teams moe squads will Sy piay-off for the gue char pri loop officially opens 21 nee Bakerton S68 an- team prospect successful! season eteran regulars ast They l.ane and Vear s Al are pitcher-intiel Bob Stockle Jackie Tris graduat Sad but the I Al's a at . AS 5&5 ents 1 teams ! the League for $ hyd Bart eshore and engage wnghin Sun i regular lay C the Ba arroilt kers Y T pm who is har as faa Manager sisted by YEar sit ower abil iy wiil prospect in game begin a new Lanny 8Btrong Players trying out for a tion the Fence Busters team include Wasco Kotrick Frank Konitaky, lanny Strong, Domenic Rocco, Eddie Hovan Thomas Hovan. Jack Lawrence Jackie Trueman Rabert Swerbinsky Larry Myers Michael Hovan Tommy Taylor, Jim Muffey Stes Visnyczkie, Bob lane Jack La mont. Ray Boslett., Alex Kolrick Terry Controchick Larry West Dick Bassett, Timmy Regan Pa! Barnes, Tony Varscavish Tom Blose, Tommy Fitch, Tom Vallery, Charles Sponsaky, Richard Moore Henry Knotts, John Btockly, John Controchick. and Eddie Lamont and Larry Barnes bat boy and ball boy, respectively Mr Lehmier said no position is secure until each individual play er proves himself capable of hold ing It down by good piaying and good hitting The Fence Busters Post on Agan is have UNION PRESS OOURIER Beautiful ful Scene At St. Mary’ ch Sunday During May Crowning Ceremony Sterling No. 6 Mine =: Established sa the Sterling Coal ton a-iay Bakerton with fisat Com pan y' # Sterling No. 8 should be supplemented additional safeguards, a Federal coal mi inspector advised after a reinspecti thi Bureau of Mines announced on Tuesday When reexamined 01) April by Inspector David K the nN Cambri had 120 employees reporting some nents ingpecior ited the safe handlin 4 rOVISIOm 3 15} 31% 1 ures at BHO Hi fist y HOTE P ne wy Kreischer wih # Ce § sien mine in PY Ha recent HT. Kresichet binsting “lear EAPITIinA. 15) g wf RAULARAWA 5 by wires at jeast altaniion ne Coal ge ryan that air TAS 3? Pen nORN K raise he odes of places el- wt pylon it hauiagh for six and wearing and f iin & obec us fois amnrk Housewarming Held At Ashville part y Wis the nt Mr Analy received many Patras solemn crowning of the stato ol the Blessed Virgin Dorothy Ra- Above is the scene at St. Mary's Charch in Patton en Sunday afternoon during the Mary. Taking part in the ceremony were the children of St Mary's Parochial School and a number of former graduates dolph was May queen. Catholics set aside the month of May as a time afspecial honor to Mary, the Mothey of (roel being sponsored bh Athletic Associal sponsor the Bakert: ! Nari Cambria Industrial Bakerton's first leagues § al Barnesboro on B nday, 28 and home opener Wednesday evening. May 3 the Bakerton field. All games will be played Daylight Saving Time Rit pe NR arming oo an A x Gay Lod Bakes rt § wh Weeks = Ar FOrce Bands un. sire bceutine sa Fibrin of basic : Rel Rig fand - ¢ “ the hire Ja ntly i ised i Mrs La ce ing ecrul IS DETieTIet ) £1 for onlin EAW PROTECTS HOD NES : Phas atten tig avent in 8 Of { t X rin : : Lir § ef : Pleo gine he housing short fucded Mr and Mrs Henry Nolen i srl, Martino and Alice Nelen, Mr Mrs Edgar Reymour and y Edgar and Rober! Mrs Fegis McElheny P Flos se he Ne of wrence Nelen of the $ w Lhe on dr THIS BIG, NEW DELUXE 1950 2 Model just as pictured *1993 AT JUST Phone 278 and Mrs. Michiel | SOT, mine at WH Wer | | NOT SO FUNNY though Joe Miller, a studious English actor, never wrote a hy morous line in his life, his name ‘was connected in with a cheap joke book published a year after his death in 1738 As a re sult, joke books have been refer red to as “Joe Millers” since that time and Mrs and Mrs Eimer; Mr Thomas Sherry, Mr Seymore and Mrs Edward Watt George, Theresa ard son, James, Mr {Paul McElhney, Mr. Leo Watt and son, and Mrs. Mr. and and Charles, Leo Watt Mr. and Mra Gust Wilt Mr and Mrs. Harvey Wilt and child- ren, Betty and Mary Grace, Mr and Mrs Harvey Weakiand and son, Garvey, Edgar Callahan, Ed. ward Albright, Mr. and Mrs Geo Nelen, Mr. and Mra Ken Galla- gher and children, and Mr. and Mrs Lawrence Nelen and child- ren, Genevieve, Patricia, Paul and fames Rockerfeller Center is said attract more visitors Jo than the Grand Canyon, the Sta- tue of Liberty or the W ton Monument, ashing- Read your North Cambria Sports in this paper each Week. aah a —— ht ———— ——— —— i SUCCESS... with an ELGIN Graduation is an end and a beginning, and a time never to be forgotten because you gave the traditional gift—an Elgin Watch. 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