PAGE TWO UNION PRESSCOVRIER er ——— ee Thuraday, May 11, 1000 ERR ern HASTINGS ~ Patton fo Vote Area Grade School Alcoholism Studies *= ta mse oil Sey ™ ™ = 3 INI ) PQQ ‘ Y + : | . {foring from the disease. The unit will eventuaily act as HE UNION PRESS-COURIER | ., "07"... ./On Bond Issue Pupils fo Take Part Being Undertaken |. ‘ue o i oo sore dm imi a —— an: Page 3 * : i” i % 4 Published every Thursday by Thos. A Owens and Frank P Oammarsta nh bdunday J Abt entionm: wlinnt Baik are. in ve bn be accomplished if approach- techniques of alcoholism Press-Courier Bullding 542 Magee Avents Patton, Ps. and entered as sec Mrs Fad Black and daughter BRF&LI ts . . y ep 0 €ad ond class mall matter May 7, 1938, at the postoffice at Patton Pa § - } sd of FE) opRirs 1 YER? » : Ar 4 rim ted i i } 8 r 4 a N under ( RTI Za bret ! the Act of March 3. 187% Judy. and Enza Pre program Rar Desr RB By Pennsyivaiia News Serie e— wi r Pg K1 Wiis mprove woop fear tH Noort By w gry A lw & Lowe hd Thomas A. Owens. Bditor dav — ne hime : : Ein & 3 qd g hoa = r hern a Harrist irg A ®t ay of — Pied « RIDES FRANK P. CAMMARATA Business Manager Fhyil tt f Phila-, cyers and at least § ria. County Gade School Musics as a public heats proh.em THOS A OWENS JR Maraging Editor | deiphia visited here last Satur-! (lg go. ." wars and Fa be held at 7:30 p.m. | Pennsylvania wis. stated this year ' 4 a a : y re 4 # ; ’ » § V o ee Fig 2 " Ying Fe Py ha Bate [ene cil Health i ] 8 : rly i imal Pit tab pairs A nsburg-Cambria ' High Schoo Secretary Dr. Norris WW. Vaux re umesigtion: 42.50 Yearly NATIONAL EDITORIAL Lots Donahu ittgburgh vi fat HH B nderstood that the Cochairmin: for the svent are vealed this oak » x ; |assp cation end - . v 3 . rein . ye - fihea M Tavier of Narty Gio and Announcing he creator 7 “J J : i : Sutiste of Ebensburg Ar. new section to direct : 3 Y Mr and ed F . i d lr ; eit sire é . ry = ch LA we “ : Lise Wore GFA 3 —_— A 1 Upen Application we 85 R ghte hh KF ITE git eNO ar [his rigs . vebupahadt . aEkra rangerments for the font ivi were [Dr Vaux said * AMRGE CLYDE SMITH NEY WS, at . " a ir sina v "i 2 . ¢ : ‘ sie hy Ruwhard OConnor pres This is the first time in the | The endeavor of the Union Press-Courter is to sincerely represent Org Leirii y Fnary f ae i 4 Azam r % ct 3 Conpnty " ’ . | anized Labor in all sfforts to obtain economic freedom Material for pub fr. ard rs. PB ritiria this vor Hag : the Arbria Ounly fLaommonwesiln 8 Riso that Lhe HM Heation must be signed hy the writer as an evidencs of good fait! tas $F Path a vt ¢+ y bi ays ig ww a baw " tu Teachers A ser ard Dean. Rtate has taken acto I wk The Union Press-Courier gives its advertisers the advantage of combined rena iy ; : eri 5 ‘ T Apr herbach gamigt grt + PO Lor AT circulations of two largely circulated weeklies and has & reader coverage 8 A AANA i 5 3 : hid - § EE 8 gui og A PR that biankets Patton and ali major mining towns in Northern Cambria [ra { [rom f Traflce ire « Hr rid TER ’ - y superinlendent of choos County i Lien a a i Tica | i ois” Pepin This Beetice tals the 1949 X gfaseild LOT NEXT TO FIREMEN'S CLUB part in the festival Friday Primary Election Is Important ep sek BET TE a ey nai wt 2 | ALL NEXT WEEK! & bs GAMER AMUSEMENTS FUN FOR ALL! Next Tuesday 1s primary elector LEER I: § ar rrp nt rit - _ a} BAYET Ww A th i Unecwrwile Farm {heres ard = Prema rid : Shope MONDAY, MAY 18, te SATURDAY, MAY » The candidates who will stand up to be elected in November » ’ n & tamed RAR , Cm td ther ha thirre is a Hapy . I Days” Grades The candidates who will stand up to be elected in November will be| "ytary Newdore of Washington |, C0 U0 te" mire baminess: R34 Pome te ages of 30 ad 0 aoa | CARROLLTOWN FIRE ENGINE COMPANY % % » i wv J \ Falk Oe peau nigh i aE By , ed . oy ; : RE aE > NT fight in the state hy "E . Bet Nisan Fa ia it Likely that 13 & hers as , ' ’ wind on ' : teed 1} ; SPONSORS : : i 4! 4 2 ¥ ‘ * ga Busy ad iy PT % 3d ¥ F¥ou y Lay ¥ . ¢ » i £. 1" . i 2 § » a ned ] 2 Lp py i it 3 iF » » A er 4 i , - ¥ r $58 A ye Republicans wil yor kl ler per tags f rs i Next week ' % ri cd : i , 3 than will the Democrs t theo ft: AOS SAAS FF ANA ANS SP VST POS PIS AAI COME TO THE EAGLES FOR F THIS FRIDAY NITE ROUND — SQUARE — POLKA JERRY ADAMS “Old County Store” i THIS SUNDAY NITE MOTHER'S DAY DANCE LK MI BY BOB FORD . » . J— FOO ta 12.00 (O87 will be many soreheads ve (GOP ranks be some candidates defeated and they hiking it at all n fact name-calling in the GOP primary campaign than ommon enemy 1s me! atl genera pio? Happily for the Democrats, the sinted candidates in the state, headed by incumbent Francis J. Myers for 1. 8 Senator, and City Treasurer Richardson Dilworth of Philadelphia for governor have either no opposition or teken entries. The Democrats state wide won't be pursing sores when Wednesday morning dawns Even the major Republican newspapers in the state eredit the Democrats with having a mighty good chance of taking over the state government this fall because of the intense bitterness of fay : the Republican campaign. The hundreds of county Democrats Io Vink oo nA nn Easiy A amnbay. aie who paid ten dollars a couple of weeks ago te hear Dilworth inv Bond Issue that by voting . speak at Johnstown, all went away stitisfied that he has what is Mr and Mrs Floyd Sykes and the Bond Issue (Yes: the neces required of a candidate to win. hildrer jeft for Georgia Ast SBIY mMOney Can be raised without Qaturday any increase in taxes and can be ¢ Seri od f i ~ » a £ fr sR RETIGT RT 8 5 VV rg However in the local congressional district and in the county MEATY Fitzgerald : : . we eA igi ted ; assembly contests the Democrats are not quite so happily situalisd Why Se : = ’ » wee K as are their ticke: leaders in the state Opposition candidates he Mrs Joseph Frontino and aay hi I. Haluxea, Seq'y AD WAYS CR Bn TEL RI RI SIPS APS I SSS III SY county Democrats organization's indorsed siate are in the field Bo ghter, Dolly, and Mrs Jossaphin far, thgse contests haven't become bitter and candidates themselves Siberts visited in Altoona’) as are endeavoring to keep their CAMPARIENS on 8 high plane without Sat sing , "OE . ;¥ : # . : - e - Mra Wie | 3 asly - ree name-calling snd without putting themselves in an embarassing . _ spent several days here position such as the Republican state candidates will have to face last week SEE ! EW COLORS ! n after the primary. The very strength of the state ticket will prob Mr and Mrs Clyde K And MEW . ’ ably keep the county Democrats together after nominations ar hildren of Bpangle! town last Sunday OUR made Annette Rogal spent the week NEW GREATER VALUES IN eee M's our onnuol event ond GS ESB EN Lining up behind the organization's indorsed candidates will end i Akren, Ohio. Pithsare? this yeor i's bigger, better be found every one of the Democmitic officeholders from the ya BN and : than ever! You'll hove to three judges down through the row offices, in the courthouse, : Mr and Mrs Bd Weakland : see the new, finer Frigid. with the exception of the one office In which the head, himself, were Sunday visitors in Pitts oire Appliances to opore- is an independent Democratic candidate. Naturally, the greatest burgh rw be Sub ; cote how much more vol interest is centered on candidates for Congresa. Lewis FE. Evans, Mr. anc A r8 On hs * of Colver, has the indcrsement of the aati and this | Driroft. Mich. spent The | Wen you get for your money. . SU tend here Moke ao dote now! Come column last week devoted practically all the space to Mr. Evans Gilda Mart 4 Indians » - ' candidacy. FIC visited at her home here : ; : [over the week end ond them Evans has the personal qualifications of intelligent thinking and Mr and Mrs Paul Byrnes and persuasive and logical speaking A Congressman must be able to|daughter were Bunday visiprs © think and to speak Evans has experience in and knowledge of BAINES. a Docetio legislative processes As Assemblyman for four yeArs at Harrisburg vimlt s at’ her home he he has championed the cause of the worker the farmer. the teacher day. and the businessman A Congrssman must know HOW laws are Mr and Mrs. Wm Soysler made Hollidaysburg visited hefe recent ly at the Molino home i : (3icirs rid weDding Maris Evans is an outstanding Democrat. He has helped fight the | bri h a g a cently battles of the Democratic party. He has helped build and forge "Anne Fasly visited in Harm . | | —— Democratic victorica. He has helped elect all Demosratic officials boro on Sunday a {i FARE EAL In fact, he helped clect one of his opponents for four comsecu- Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Spon or f Ptigburgh pre orf Bur # tive terms and 18 years of lucrative office. It is Evans’ turn to sky and daughter, Sandra, Of A SOTIEE S the week © % | LEE i : é % yo rye rst i 5 receive the support of the other Democratic officials and fair. | Paxerion pest | | HL ? minded mesnbers of the Democratic party. He In the choles of , Paul Early visited ins “Petts CH — . . - 3 : 4 the Armstrong. Cambria. and Indians County Democratic Com. burgh on Bunday ———— Tr : mitteon. He is a regular, active and militant Democrat Mr and Mrs John Milchgk an "sp = nounce the birth of a daughier Evans has a war record, having been a vetsran of Worid War II (born last Wednesday May 3 in J . wi i . a . v The Democratic candidate for Congress, to win in November, must Miners’ Hospital, Bpangler 3 : Big Deluxe Frigidaire Refrigerator have a military record “lew” Evans with such a personal legisia- | a c——————————— : amass - — Bp i with Super-Freezer Chest tive, labor and military record, can and will win in November GLASGOW Ba i ; Here's brillicnt new styling, new food- Model DM-90 * ¢ . By JANET C. KUHN , 5 i keeping lectures, and the convenience Simply Beyond Understanding’ Mra Ray Hamilton and daw b 1 of a ll. width Super-Freezer Chest in. S$ ghter, Sarah Lee were last —— terior trim is shimmering new * A couple of weeks ago, for the first time in nine years the | Thursday visitors in Adoons. : . . Hien Is ne leg-Slue, Cambria County Department of Public Assistance has used legal The JOOF Heid their Peguias : ” — | i id i" 6. rust-proof shelves, atso imperial, Master methods to enforce the state's support laws. In two instances the Reetihg uu! Tineedny : valtang ¥ 1 0 -Drawer, twin porcelain end Standard Mod i Mrs James McCartne)q) spent : a ‘ b Hydro porcelain Multi - Pur i Cambria County Court ordered children to contribute to the support last Thursday visiling relalives in Th ; Te — § ng : . BrP 4% 17 cu. fr. of their parents who are dependent on state relief. Of course, these Coalport 2 | ma . : ] Tray, full-width Chil Drawer ond the starting ot $180.73 cases are not to be compared with worthy relief grants The cases of | ' Rude wr. He" defealec 2 : | i 4 IF fomout Double-Eosy Quickube Troyr. J ; Ft HOU e-Woodward in a base’ : : ; the chislers are in small minority, it is hoped ball game piayed last Thursday ; knows better th the bis Micials who t up in Mountaindale., Score 10-9 with the miseries he unfortunate g Mr. and Mrs Clarence OSline ality ot the the writer as a and son, Timmy, and Mrs Willis | their need for help—which Is Stine visited in Carbondale N ; i . r—— J i 13 THE GIANT circumstances seem justifiable. Sometimes |Y. recently with friends Fr LE THRIFTY OVEN GOES appreciated by the recipient's own relatives, | Fev. and Mrs A L. Barnet! CE iE [spent several days here at the : po a | | CLEAR ACROSS! in some instances may mot have adhered to the strict truth |), ./ their son-in-law and dau. . . ' 13 In picking up the | nier Mr. and Mrs. Charies Cree a 11k Lr Journal the other | Moy T C. Colyer of Altoona . 4 ‘§ ! Chr = ¥) | > o) trend acting in | visited here recently at the Clar- y | a 1E Ne {ence Stine home 4 /1 4 | D 26 | Mr and Mrs Foster Troxell : 1 kh s bg 3 moving, though quiet and simpie scene was enacted in|and daughters were last, Satur-| other day. involving a 70-year-old retired day visitors in Altoona ta by name, of Summit Hill, Pa Schipta Many loc ha uiienind the udge James C. McCready in Mauch Chunk, | ions last wek TT or and handed the jurist a check for $2000 James Barnett of BiRirsville who came to the United States shortly after visited here last Friday figures it was what the county spent on Patty Troxell Janet Kuhn + ii i i it 08s fe Hh i i teh i : | i i | Louise Lender and Bob Bowman poorhouse at Laurytown years ago spent last Thursday evening ai! the Charles Bowman home A , % spaghetti supper was served to pee 3 > Be gro, eg &3 Mr. and Mrs. John Stin¥ Jr. of A x Altoona were Sunday visitors i town at the John Stine 8r. re-| [3 Only the Frigidaire sidence. ! Rd Mrs. Herbert Troxell was a re-| “# Automatic Washer has cent visitor in Altoona. i Mr. and Mrs. Robert Garman [ Live-Water Action! and daughter, Sandy, of Arling- : ; TT : ton, Va., spent the week end here’ with the lady's parents, Mr. and . and Camberg of , Mrs. AL rt : : Juniata were Sunday visitors in| . < that wash clothes oil the way through with. J - NEWEST IDEA town at the Foster Troxell re- out pulling, yanking. All you do is put in - IN YEARS! ; : clothes and s00p, set the diol, ond forget it. The Carciine Troxell bekah | i Lodge held its regular spre A After two Live-Water rinsings, the Ropidry- Frigidaire "Thrifty-30" Electric Range Friday be TL ad Spin clothes 0 some ore ready Mrs. Chester K and daugh- : oe dry 1 if ! : { & { ; is it AR : Ws @ nev, wonderful range. Is big in waist high. Be swe to ee this ter, Janet, were last Tuesday ev- Sn for ey of "ha everything that counts and yet is only tin priced wonder t SuAf Vialute 3s Biltnenn. | ih 30 incls wide! in giant thrifty oven pounce the Dith of a daughter, : "big anouh fur § pies--lig suough Sesdet $169 79 born on May 5. It will be named, for more: oven dishes, bigger rocsts— RM-30 . a nother and end it ses omazingly linle current. ? 7 other models Shelves adjust to 5 positions. Broller is i | i | i i 1 : ¥ | tr ih ifr fis it 1 4 1g: Hs I | fl il if 1 { : : i Look at it Outside | Look at it Inside | You Can’t Match a Frigidaire __ BENDER ELECTRIC COMPANY i; hi fil Fils Hi : bas YWOIAT LD) p— 4 A 0 AEE BVI RAS AV romney -—