Thursday, Ages) 31, 1000 Around Patton = Phase, Mis Chats 1 a Nt vurice Lay Plans for Visit |Aliene Long Weds Of Bishop Pardue Recently At Eynon Will Confirm Classes ‘At Patton, Barnesboro The Right Rev. Austin Bishop of the Episcopal of Pittsburgh, will make nual visit to the Trinity pal Church Patton, mas’ Epascopal Church boro, or May 7 He will be at Trinity in Patton at 9 a nn Thomas Church iP. am Bishop Sunday and Pardue wi confirm a class of both churches He is Enown as a radio preacher the author of several mast recent! works lives and The latter acclaimed throughout the for ts clarity and Information on the books may be tor ef the Patton Churches, Watt book Rev INSURED RECENTLY Betty Stoltz, daughter and Mrs Milton Stoltz of Akron Ohio, formerly of Patton, was in- jured in an accident recently at Saattle, Wash , where she is sia- tioned with the WAF. She re right Mr elbow and lacerations of the face in oetved a fracture of and head. Diocese Episco- and St Harnes- Church Barnesboro, at ait raf preach and candidates at the widely and is books being “He oun with a Prayer Works is being widely church effectiveness above-named obtained from Barnestoro the and Gilbert M the Miss Aliene Long Mr. and Mrs Ave, and son of Mr and Mrs Eynon, Scranton, were united in marriage Apr. 15 at 10 a m St. Mary's Catholic Church Eynon.' Rev. Father Kolowsk pastor, officiated at the double ring ceremony and sang the Nuptial High Mass Mrs. John Solomon, sister the hride daughter of James long o Edward Motil Joh, Motil of ¥ Moose green, was the d Dorothy § the brideg m bridesmaid John Solomor a8 best man and Gene usher The hrids marriage by her hanor ar r¥ whi Wa fath« his tired in an ivory VE train and rown of seeded stones with a pearis and finger-iip carried a colonial | bouquet white rose buds and stephanoles The matron of honor Wore a pals yellow gown with a headdress ! match and carried a colonial bou f talisman roses The brides. maid was attired in a light green gown with a headdress to match and carried a colonial bouquet of talisman roses fyuaet « Dinner was served at 12 nowe te relatives and friends at the Spencers Sun Parlors at Dun more, Scranton, followed by a ry ception Motil where wiil reside they are and Mrs Wilkes-Barre employed PICK UP PLENTY of PROFITS PATTON "AUTO CO. Phone 2171 Phone 2181 PATTON PICK-UP This will give you on idea how strong Chevrolet pick-ups ore built. You con drop the tail-gote you want now . . . Have it working fer you in loss then twe weeks! 116 INCH WHEELBASE TON CHEVROLEY Pl WORKS LIKE A BEAR—ON VERY LITTLE GAS! Hordwood floor with fish steel skids meosures 78" x 50” inside oll usable, no wheelhouses to interfere. Two stoke pockets on each side for extended sides or conopy top. DELIVERED HERE AND NOW ONLY $1337.00 1251 INCH WHEELBASE 3/a TON CHEVROLET PICK-UP ~—=10TS OF TRUCK FOR THE MONEY! Box measures 87” x 50” inside and has six stake pockets. Theift-Master engine does © lot of hauling 92-horsepower AND WOW OY $1456.00 o INCH WHEELBASE CHEVROLET PICK-UP JOB” x 50” box tokes plenty of load. Thrift-Master syncro-mesh fromsmission ond heavy-duty won't soon maich for heavy “(Fete Bess Donahue | At Shower Here i A miscellaneous shower | ned Monday evening, Apr the Moose Hall in honor Bess Donahue who will be mar ried to David Hupert on May 8 Host essen Mrs Joseph Carnicilla Paul Thorias Mrs Joe Rose Donahue and Anna Huber Cards the feature WAS 24 in were Mrs Bruno Marie and other games were entertainment of the evening followed by a lunch Miss Dona hue received many gifts Attend ng included Mrs Anna Donahue [winahte, Mrs Ed Donghus Joe Banana, Mrs Clair Gill, Mrs Fichard Rhody Mrs Williaey Crevgrell Mes Lewis Binitz Mrs lames Tosek Mrs lowic (avs Mrs James Larkin Mrs Flarold Myers Mrs Michs (ash Fryer Mra (George Flutes Mra Bla: kenhor: Mrs La Mrs A rncld Ryae Ars Hupert Mrs Handaolp Mrs Mary Leh: y Brith Mrs Mich inbert Rowland Mrs Mrs Frank eu Farabag I aeer ik Mrs Pal Mra ¢ ’ tuper Music Club Banquet Scheduled Tuesday Miss KNOW? ROprAr the featured enteriair annual Patton Mus quet to be held in the ff the local at 6 Miss Bathgale a! First Baptist Choir Altona Chora Prest yleris 5 $i ™ ’ ¥ and also of the Bow jot y wid Fae Mrs ("haries Hendricks tertainment is also planned for what promises to be 4 tI evening Mrs Faiph Good will give a re her 8:8! (nher en Pienaar | port on the State Federation Com- | vention which she retenlly at- tended Election of officers will [also be held a! the event Committee members for the af fair is as follows: Mrs Jesse Cogley reservalions { Mrs. Mack Shannon, Mrs Edgar Cooper and Mrs Frank Schwab | nominating. Mrs. Wm. Bosserman Mrs. Cecil Mitchell and Mrs Mrs. Paul MAIN ST. GARAGE == = Tima Mr Charles ‘and Mrs Ambrose Yahner Now ere | mands of Mrs C {than this Friday evening 0 PHS Term to Close On Friday, May 26 Patton Public Schools have an- nounced the schedule of closing activities for the 1948-50 { The schedule follows: You! 4 State Forensic Cornlest Pittsburgh. and the Junior ro at the local Moose Home | May 5 State scholarship exam | Fbensburg May 8 ~Haluska scholarship exam at Ebensburg May 15 to 17 -8enior Class trip to Washington, D C. May 19 8th Grade county exam. May 23 {High school commencement al {Grand Theatre, May 24 Senior [banquet and the Eighth Grade | commencement, and May 26 Last | day of school . Lee Kelton to Play For Junior-Senior Prom The Moose Hall will be the | scene of the PHS activity on May 4 when the Junior Class will hold its annual Promenade in honor of the Beniors The committee has secured the gervices of lee Kelton's Orches. tra to play for the Juniors, Sen- will be from 9 to 1, DST. to Juniors, Seniors and their guests Patton High Class of "40 To Plan for Reunion Plans for a reunion of mem of the Patton High School (lass of 1940 will be made at a meet. ing of class members to be held next Tuesday at 7:30 p. m. in the PHS Auditorium. The event has been scheduled for Sunday, June All members of the class of "40 are asked to be present and to bring their reservation fees if they have not already been turn- ed over to the treasurer * ® » Patton FFA Holds Final ‘Social Event of Season {i The Patton Chapter Future Farmers of America held its final social event of the season in the Eagles’ Ballroom last Thurs- day evening. Dancing was the main event of the evening with the traditional cake walk being won by J. Jumes Jolly and Patsy Burkhart | Vie Hauret was the door prize Win- ner. | Presbyterian Women Plan Parcel Post Sale The Ladies Aid Society of the! Patton Presbyterian Church, Mrs Marian Bigler Good, president, will hold a Parcel Post Bale in the social Wednesday, May 3, at 7 p. m.. The | admission is set at 50 cents. Each person buying a ticket of Wri ng will be entitled to a parcel worth at least 50 cents. In | addition light refreshments will be served to each person attending. | without further charge. The public is invited to support the Ladies Aid in this sectivity. { Packages have {from many parts of the United States find a some have also rT received Milton of Miss accompanied by |! Mrs {many gifia All reservations must be in the | no later .¢ [the Miners’ Hospital The school administration of the | da | Sunday visitors here Marie Bone and the Walter Bur- spent the past week end V jors and their guests and dancing | Admission to this affair is by invitation only and is restricted ter of the Penn Siate | Tehnical School Branch, room of the Church on been coming in’ UNION PRESS OOURIER Mr and Mrs Earl Stoltz and] isughter, Mary Kay, spent | week end in Akron, Ohio, with the former's parents Mr and Mts Stoltz Mrs week end ir Mr and spent Lhe iege Andy Kosto, of Patton, Miss Bertha Kosto and Mrs Arthur Sherry of Barnesboro, spent week end in Columbus OG where they attended the funeral of their aunt Mrs Wm Kolmar Mer 3a 4 Mr and Mrs Charles | Yeokis and daughters of J spending tay: Weeks their parents. Mr and Mrs I. Yeckiey and Mr and Mrs FP Strittmatter Mrs Hug? Henry Bosinskl State Col. the mnsliowrn. Bre vacsicn wan A Resricisberger $18. 440 5% tay i] 31» ~ ng Ww rere BY ¥ * anKir g aries who assisted her at and xls the airs Wis ped with their food donatioms The Women rf the Mow oe ("anter 83 will hold their regu ng and alse an initst Thursday Apr 27 Mary harge ard pariy in (the ny mee! thin filig w Pe ir The second tha! $ being sponsored by the Women of the Moose will be held on Friday May § Mr and Mrs Clair Kelly of hambersburg spent! Sunday with their respective mothers Mrs Mary Wyse and Mrs Bus: Ke Mrs Rita Jolly of Mingo Ju $ ie (thio, underwent (pera ion at the Miners’ Hospital Spangler inst week Rhe erating ta the home of Mrs Ray Humphrey Mr and Mrs Bd Charles and Rtanley, of Cleveland On spent jast week with Mrs 14a “haries and Mrs Susan Kelly Harry Baker has returned hens after spending a week in Duluth Minn where he attended the fun. eral of his youngest brother Mor. ris Baker formerly of Bt law sence and a son of Frank Baker The members of the First Bap tist Church held a supper in honor of Rev Whitmer and his wi Monds: y, Apr. M in the social hall of the church A shower followed | the supper in honor of Rev and Whitmer They received Mr and Mrs Regis Holtz of Patton RD. announce the birh a daughter on Apr. 18 born al PEER i relap- fe of Spangler Dan’t forget the social at the | local Piremen’s Hall on Monday, iMay 1, at 8 p m. DST The Lad ies Auxiliary of the Miners Hos | tal are sponsoring this social for the benefit of the building | fund for the Miners’ Hospital Mr. and Mrs John and ter Mr and Mra Norman and children and Patty | oi ‘and Dickie Despoy, visited with . {Mrs Elizabeth Lee at the hone | of her nephew, Joie Wilkinson, in Bidman RD. recently, where Ms Lee i# confined to her bed due ! illness. Some improvement was noted in her condition Mr and Mrs Ralph Dishart and family of Conemaugh were Sun- day visitors with relatives here and in 8t Augustine Mrs. Revel Sommerville has been confined to her home (his past week due to iliness June Berdosky, student nurse at the Aloora Mercy Hospital spent Sunday hers with her par- “nla Mr and Mrs Earl Buck of Herriman Ave are spending sone in New York, where Mr Buck hopes Lo secure employment Mr. and Mrs. Waller jo xd family of Caunneaut Lake were with Mrs children Ling relatives In Lewistown. {room the Patton Auxili Mrs Robert Sincox, Mrs Donahue, Mrs John Hudak, Mrs Wm Whiteford and Mrs Minnie Smith . Mrs A J. Weidwald of Cleve- land visited here over the Week ¢.4 with her mother Mrs Mary Hoover, who is ill at the home of her son and daughter-in-law, Mr and Mrs Lawrences Hoover Melvin Long of the U. 8. Navy stationed at Norfolk, Va, spent a 10-day furlough here with his par. ents, Mr. and Mra James Long of Moose Ave. While home he a2- tended the wedding of his sister Aliene atl Eynon, Scranton Elaine Hoover, studen! nurse a! the Pittsburgh Mercy Hospital spent the week end with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrz Paul Hoover of Patton R. D. Janet Harrower and Joan Hut- chinson represented the jocal Trinity Episcopal Church at the Lenten Mite Box Presentation at the Trinity Cathedral in Pills burgh on Sunday, Apr. 23 at 4 p m. ss ee SPEAKS AT PHS last week, Mr a re tative of the Altoona Cen- College which is being newly reopened and offering a 13-month course, spoke to the PHS senior boys, who are inter- ‘ested in taking a technical course next year. Strayer, 9 0 QUARTERBACK CLUB MEET The local Quarterback Club wil meet next Thursday evening. Apr 27 at 8 p. m. in the Bagles Home Organization plans will be «is cussed and officers will be elected for the coming year. * " BAKE SALE SATURDAY The ladies auxiliary to Walter McCoy Post 614, American Le Bian, atte, will sponsor a bake this Saturday at Louis Hal- store. Baked goods or al donation will be appreciated from | members. Haven any baked goods the at Standard Motor Bupply & by | 10 a. m 0 INTERVIEW SENIORS AT [08 Mr Semyan, representative of | the Altoons School interviewed last FHR who are rn taking an advanced COUrse Seniors in TI ITIereis ee» The Trinity Methodist (Burch Bev J F A Bucke BD DD Pastor A hurch services will be held [rayiight Saving Time Apr fs D 4% a mr tf Pe hureh schoo Rober, Rowland terddent Adult school a beast re snd srimary and juniors Od4-Fellows Hall 10°45 a ring worship in theatre mus yv the choir and sermon subject Great in Humble Bervice The ith Feliorwship w ’ n Parsonage, [wns £3. onl id 2B) Brier. Tr ride? Kt Yahner wii ® ry Howse ( hur: h of (cod Chapel { wrap ® Past or ir Bible | OTR WW tender + 3 esting at 6 40 rr Foss ieader and Ewvar = bert Bimmons gelistic Service at 745 p m Wednesday May 3 ~Mid- week : and praise service at 7 30 ee peri . i & redid ir * at by . *ipr yp WIRY Broad axing tation Altona exch Runday morning foyer, RK 365 ¢ Seiwek and enjoy the Wa Truth program by Earl E Mar. quiss amd his ©O WOT KArS Hagerstown, Md This program is sponsored hy the Churches of God ation and Burns be Note All services OOMITeNCINE Funday, ApY 30, w Fill be conducted on Daylight Saving Time ee First Baptist (Church Rev. Ralph Whitmer, Pastor Sunday. Apr 30 -10 a m San | day School 11 8 mm morning wor. ship theme “The Salvation Pro- coms 8:30 p Rociety 7.30 m., evening wor. ship. theme Ao Great Salvstion’ Wednesday, May 3 415 p mm, Happy Hour 7.30 p mm Bible study 8 cher practice ® ® % { mlvary dew, dp Church, Reedley Rev Raiph Whitmer Pastor Thur adny, Apr 27-430 p m lehodr practice, 730 p m Bible I etady Friday, Apr 28-6 p m Happy Hour Sunday Apr 36 -% a m mo™- ing worship thema “So Great Ralvation 10 a m Sunday - pepe] Hh mm LE Patton Presbyterian (horch Plummer Harvey, STM, Minis ter pig ig gaol Delon vice, asrmon by the pastor, Hea mT Westminster gy Cogley in charge | pervice., nesday at 7 p mm. and carol choir rehearsal each Saturday at 11 & m. May 3 Parcel Bale by Ladies Ald Baciet ¥ Notice Rev. H A Bailey, Pal of Johnstown will occupy ihe pulpit on May 7 and May 14 Note-All church services will be on DET beginning this Sunday » & Trinity Episcopal (Church Gilbert Watt, Priest-in. charge Sunday. Apr. 30 --Morming ser: mon and prayer at 9:15 a m and Church School at 1035 a m Gallitzin Man Hurt Slightly In Crash Stewsrt FF. Hertzog, 42 of 319 injured slightly at 2.45 p.m. Jaat | Chestnut Street, Gallilzin Saturday in a three-ar accident om Route 220, ome mile north of Leamersville. The injury lo his | of Commerce | Wednesday ail interested | iin the Field on m Young Peoples “+ Model Plane Contest to Be Staged By Local Legion Post : Will Be Held At New Patton Athletic Field Patton will have something hew way of contests next month a model airplane contest to be held at the Patton Athletic Thursday, May 20 The event is being sponsored by Walter McCoy Post 614, Am- Legion, with students in through 12th grades In Patton schools elijnibie 10 enter The local Legion post will of. prizes to successful con First. Olson 23° gas model airplane motor, second iai-Draper Zikeh 42-inch wWing- span gas model airplane and ATES PARS ih rd = ' 5 rn whe Pree. Wer die h Ir nor - fying air fleas of planes will be $b p “ ETrCar the 7th fer three testants Eas pod own Eola oad HE rrr Aran sie Rubber pos ered models Rich type Fase age with either all bales or buiit- y Limsue wing and lal] assembly The models will be juiged om itne mn the air from a jaunched pomtion % Fhenshurg Pioneer, 96, Expires Jey Mrs Mary ia 8 ¢ lf hard. Jane lac yd Eber shu 33 ap at 3 25 : ” nn Bg hrne The lady. a raative was the greal-grea’ Rev. Rees lloyd jensburg. She remo iburg when three and resided in the the past 93 rears. Her husband | Rivinios, ‘in 1877, in Ebensburg. and istore still bears his name ieouple was married on Apr 14 INR8 Mrs on Feb 12 Abel and Anna had Deen a member Presbyterian burg for more than 8) years A———— oof pt , * PAT Withee the late 1854, a { Gardner Lioyd I L.A geLicenses and Orland J. Perry, Gallitzmn Eleanor RB Sady. Bmscreak Stanley rary: Kendra, jand Leona Stiles. Barmsbor RB Gene C Pyers, Cherry Tree R D. and Leona Barneaboro DD, and Mary Therosn Weakland Asteille RD. ;- | Defrands ger Spade of Cufhis 1 D a plea of puilty BE house keeper, in Cambria County Ciongrt this weal A man's strength and ability is never known until tried left arm required no medical al- | tention The other autos involved were by J Martin Bipes, 24. operated of Altoona R. D. 2 and J. C. Hor- | Sipes’ trouble and pulled sharply to the right only to have his car sideswiped by the Sipes saute. The latter also struck the Horton car which was parked off the hughway strengthen the the strong CARDO "4 You weak by weakenin TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WILL BUY ANY MAKE OR model Sewing Machine: also repair and rebuild any machine Free estimates given Call Hast- ings 45841 evenings 04-27 11-FOOT STEEL DUMP BED and 10-ton Hoist Also 14-inch 2. bottom Plow: Nice little f~ T Holtz, Ashville, Pa r HOUSE IN 'CARROLLTOWN for Sale T-room frame in central iocation. All convenjences Inclu- des jot 5Ox200 feet Call Johns town 68-795 or inguire Fannie C. Wetzel Store Carrolitown. of MAYTAG WASHER in excellent condition. A very young model Bender Electric Co. Carvolltown Phone 2401 «4-27 1950 FORD TRACTORS & DEARBORN We have the following used trac tore and equipment for sale Mode! HG Cletrac tractors with plows and lights in excellent con- dition: 1948 Ford-Ferguson with plows and lights; 1940 Ford-Fer- guson with plows lights and new tires: 3 sets of used I-Dottom drag type plows: 1 Fordson trac tor and plow. Open every day until 30 p mm, incloding Sun- Hal- days. Phone 78 Ebensburg, Pa. “27 Cari founded a jewelry store the The Riviniue whe was born daughter of of the First Church of Ebens Byrnes, Robert J Weber Oallitzin to a Youth eholt rehearsal on Wed- | Sleru of defrauding a boarding | 3-PIECE BEDROOM SUITE 3. Cabin event Robber ered mode! with foselage of to up construction, either balsa or tissue, and enclowing the rubber | niotor except for openings need ed for winding Non-flying models will be ex- simined by the defense committee off the local Legion post and the tigilder will receive 5 points. next hiest 4 points next 3 next 2. and alll other models 1 point each Fiying models in each class will te judied on time they stay in tive air. Each contestant will be tillowed three fights and the best flight will br one counted Best time will receive § points next 4 next 3 next 2 sand all models in the alr 10 jeeconds or longer 1 joint in each particular svent The points will be added up for nil events thnt the comtestant #n. hers with the largest Ariat the one desiring to asked to _colthel Put a Mr. Soames 4 "the" re Sema Tay 18 Recent Deaths Mrs. Mary Zagrapan Emeigh-- Mrs. 80, of this place at the Miners Hompital Spangler, last Wednesday Surviving are her husband John and these children: Mrs Anns Babiak, Irvington N J; at home and Mrs Mary wick Newark N. J She was a» brother of Anthony Borrovicka, Barker NY Four grandchild. ren also survive Funeral services were held at # a ra Saturday in Most Precions Blood Catholic Church Emeigh, by Rev Father John Marnecheck Burial was in Bt John's Cems. tery at Barnesbhoro —— SONS OF ITALY LODGE 316, PATTON, FAIDAY/ NIGH? ry I ce 10 the PENNSYLVANIA 10:00 to 1:00 Music of Mitch Lastort, His Trampet & His Orchestra Plus Half-Hour over Statins WISW SATURDAY NIGHT 10:30 to 1:30 O'Clock Dick Berger & HIS FLOATING NOTES Dance Music for Your Enjoyment the Radio Broadcast 1100 to IL. PM SUNDAY AFTERNOON 300 to 6:00 P. M . Joe Aveni AND HIS ORCHESTRA Dancing Phas Novelty Bongs and Acts’ ITALIAN SPAGHETTI SERVED FROM 5:00 F. M. ON 5 Nylon Acetate By Campus Orpen or closes 11! First with men price and style the collar Either way it s tops in looks Features warm weather wleeves, breast poe kts $5.00 LUXEN PHILA. AVE. OFTHE YEAR BERG'S NEW —-REFRESHING MODERN - SMART Ire sound 119: * DOUBLE - DRESSER * BED Whether your ron is lnrge or small, you can furnish it from Wn Stark ind Aedrocs-—feioed your Wour'll Nike the of the smooth Sowing : roastraction. Hew, 20 * CHEST nd OCTAGON COUPONS REDEEMED HERE CHARLSON'S PHILA. AVE. EIR A CARTAN TREAT Le es