| Mrs. Mary Gerrick { Catherine {awarded to Mrs. Harry ana “tra | Gerrick. Prizes were | and Mrs. Joe Hallows, Lenyo | - - - : _ | Vincent Hollews home were Mr Mr and Mrs. Fred Hollewa and son, and DYSART Uniontown holidays at the George Dietrick home vigited here over the | Wronks, her hrother Citelaw, Mr. mid Mrs. Mra Joseph Bender children of Jamestown, N spent the Easter holidays al a ae |and Mrs. Thomas Bolger. The Helen and Rose Hollewa, Mr and bore 829-R-2 all of next meeti ill hel ic and Visitors in town over the week i: m ng will be held on May Detroit, Mich. 5 end at the home of Mr. and Mrs.| Sarah Hutton, who is employed Mr. and Mrs. Ralph fdwards James Laird Sr, were Mr and | in Cleveland, Ohio, spent the past and Mrs. Logan Keith And son, Mrs. Alex Laird and family of | Raster week end here With het Richard visited with Logan Galiitzin, ‘and Mr. and. Mrs. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Hut.| Keith in Johnstown dn Buncay James Laird Jr, and family of ton ) ee "I Mr. Keith is a patient in the Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Mrs. Lewis Fowler Memorial Hospital in that city Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hallowa, Mr.' john MacWilliams visited last Mr. and Mrs Carl Woods and and Mrs. Frank Hallowa and friday afternoon in Burnside at dsughter and Mr and Mrs. Jim Rose and Helen Hallowa, all of the William MacWilliams home Woods and family of Strongstown Detroit, Mich, visited here on and also attended services in the visited here recent'y at the Paul ; Easter at the Vincent Hallowa Baptist Church in Barneshoro Woods home residence The following the Mr Bill Tonkin of Dearborn, Mich. [those who were baptised in aml son spent his Easter vacation here jocal Presbyterian Church ted with his grandparents, Mr. and Sunday by Rev. Flias R Mrs Mrs. Frank Tonkin Laraine Diane Hanson, daughter Mr Mr and Mrs Richard Fowler of Mr and Mrs George Hanson Jersey and son of Ambridge, Pa, and Darlene Kay St daughter of +5 also Richard Fox, of Ambridge, Mr and Mrs. Clifton Stiles; Carol Birch is the fo spent Bunday afternoon at Ann Good, daughter of Mr. and Frank Jr, Bill Frank and Mrs prpers Mr s-d Mrs Dave the Lewis Fowler residence Mrs. Nattle Good; Lana Kay Rails Peel of Detroit, Mich ! na Wera recent its Mrs. Kenneth Richardson Kutsick and Mrs. Catherine Han. gnes o weak end at thelr Hale of : son and Mrs. Frank Tonkin well and children Way ' recently. al visitors in Johnstown Hanwell e omblitmen od ia last Wed. and Linda fan PP la red 1 ; ix J i wi F320 nesday ; Mr and’ Mrs. M ar Patty Jacoby of Clearfield Mrs. Andrew ind ’ Mas Jacods of presided at the : aulshare, NJ of the Altar Harms Incarnation Church evening A was Served by hiriey Naylor. Mr inond, and sister-in-law, Mrs {Mary Crokett, sll of Baltimore; - und her daughters, Misses Faye wig on Buligoon, and Mr. and rs. and i N Hiney and ta tani) . nore she attended the Pui FE iar vo if her granddaughter, Darieen Wronka. She also journeyed to Washington to see the cherry hiossoms : and Mrs Rev. Father Edwond Waters Huckle and James Huckle of was assisted by Pev Father Al the home of Mrs Susan Hertzpog CAT len J spent the week fred Schendel, TOR, of Bt. Fran- and at the Bender home in Dys- oni} nese at the Rose Naylor re. cis College, Loretto, at Easter art. R D y , Fe £ £36 : Sunday Bervices in the St. Augus- Mr snd Mrs Olen Wade and lhe es of Indiana State tine Church. family and Mr and Mrs Francis er Ro Spent week Mr. and Mrs Joseph Johnston Campbell ard family of t he neni idle ol . and family of Dean were visitors : Traile Cont Alam arolyn Naylor, student here Monday with the lady's par- ralier ges spent LIE Pitt Center in Johnstown spent emis. Mr a M Low y Hm past week end in VIPEInA. . |tne Easter holidays at her homs | Mars Coll or Miawoad oy ! Be pe ah JAug a7, here. Miss Naylor was recently y spent the Welk and Bars with yk 7 ‘ irginia Spent a # the Phi Theta Kappa Lis parents My X 3% " here entiv & he Francis homorsry So iety in Cart, 5 Li ? a8 22 maverage is Juste ry. Mr and Mrs Boyd Dicke sited tearfiels wr i ly at the H 1. Naylor home. ., .. astleid wi rent vie Mary Mrs Paul Oleary of Chest 5 09 B-Myrae ( prings cimit Morsay Q . spending a8 week here J Ky tu x (3onrge | who is resid- oo John Feel home Mrs a Md | . any Fig an rer Alice Peel Pittsburgh at the h werk ond at his hb the and Mrs at the Cuomo burg Dairy Dell on Wednesday, Apr. 5 Light brown color. Re ward Phone Patton 3533. ys a an Classified Pages on 6 and 7 Rye it ia Vis rd wf Bolas | Arthur (Coot Johnstown at the Susan ( vali pn Mrs Hal Birch of HT and Mrs Ed Pa and Altoona visited re. and Mrs John, of ently gen phe] he Mr home of r if list of the iast iherts is axrhuck : wach Mr rier { Bernard daughter, st Ht C Inst orm) Flodye wilh and Mra their Jomo him onvent in Fev Mr Loretio = yar Sister Jumbia VOIR here red here ‘Rrrie ut ou o = MNEADQUARTERS are al ere OF First C1 Navior evi i * . . Lewis jie8 Fit py ¥ grant EP * time, the hoarie Reve here §> Prom? of Al Fr here and . tha holiday Ji AY Harrisburg Flgid ad were i Jerry 2 Filmer Hale Pore apy nregidant . Janey, presid f Deas gr me eting Society vf 1 regu fini Ir f Holy is, Tuesday v4 = : the srw hs ast Ke lunch regiden Mr were town Mr and children of home after spending the home ¢ Mr Mrs and Monday Is Your Motor Sluggish? Eating Too Much Gas? Missing On the | 1 woe wi Hills? hn Lazy Starting? 4 daugh Mrs. John K Pittshurgh Ye town at th parents Hromalich Bdward Richardson and Aerie and Lyle, of Madera 5 x hy # i yn } TEEN neth Ric) and Marks WT nf redid here ® OA va Felaess : 1% Lo. : , : iy A a Wh 1 ¥ (O18 ; : Ek Ee Yn he Voy . ¥ pr gry ¥ rend . * He pital home On Xi nday isa We {rere Fil Fic 3 : % EE be : ta at Run. TWH Wis 2 DURDess 8 gh FE f id # bo 34 3 f AilisTsh SD SEE > a ’ » A M rAd gC oc 5 si Tuesday a 1 ard Mrs (Clarence Y at jo ra n hp iF pg Baker Sal | ET tha A Fith are fooled by our realistic lures they're firmly trapped hooks, and you reel ‘em with our top quality rods down and see our new Spring collection, {i daughter, tyeorg rs FER : ke : Lf E : ws rif ha he Now ire in Ambr i end Yisit Rudy Yivadeill Army spent the al the Riivid Mr eats hore Marg end g Gallitzin Lions to Hold wy Siivia Vi Ladies’ Night At Oriental | ASHVILLE Spangler visited h iy CialMtmin léons the John Malick home ; 8 “me vin | MRS GRORGIA LIDWELL Fave Burpoon of Millvil Mr. and Mrs Srush of : PH rid r it® ane Cleveland. Ohio Night t the Easter holid _jarenis toclay ! end here al Uhe Cyrtun® Easter es = ERE Mr and Mrs Herts and IY 4 of Cleveland, Ohio, of Patton snd Mr Th Q Wn $4 5m iabyrall Baliroom is the week Hauz { harter 4 wis The affair rb ry of oe ris Ja nes the a the hore A Mrs lore xt nd Mr Jowph R Lindahl Georges the past Jose ph Robert spel al lhe ais will be open ther Lions Clubs ir ‘hig vicinity A 8B Krisck is the arrangements BREWED AND BOTTLED BY THE DuBOIS BREWING (0. So § PETALS nw ¢hasl Pablar and § : ——————_ respi Mr ® Paul DuBOIS, PA, TETTLLL Lowe on week end in town Pe 27. esidence " Baja o.~ de Tony Purcell Ahles and farmily Ie 0 1 children of Luzerne visited here a Re ein a PHONE 43 «» BARNE aver the week end si the Adam wh Ze Mra 3 ae rEe Burg on Jou ently Weir residence ow Be ATHOG eXLenoed Lip on Richard Weir of spent the geek end Adam Weir residences, Mrs. Joseph Vargo Kent, were week end New York Joe Vargo Friday here al home, i Visitors bere recently at ‘home of Mrs. Frances Olish | family were Mr. and Mrs Derkie and Dennis, and Mr. Mrs. Leonard Purvin of New wey. Mr. sxd Mrs. George Galia and daugiter, Sandy, of Philadel : spent the holidays here at ta rene? Ha Eon LF YR 19588 arn she visited which Ror Born -iD-1awW | W GENERAL ELECTRIC REFRIGERATORS BIG 6 CU. FT. MODELS FROM OO the Cleveland, here Al and son, visitors in of Ere Joseph ar the | spe ns Vargo the and (00 and Jer- in Indiana State Teachers College, | visited here Bunday st the Mike Calla residence Recent visitors here at the { John Peel Br. home were Mr. and ‘Mrs. Hal Birch of New Jersey, | i Mr and Mrs. Fred Peel and dau ghter, Susan, and Mr nd Mrs David Hazelett and daughter, | Bonnie, of Apollo and Mr. and | Mrs Moss Peel of Commodore ! Mr. and Mrs Steve Smurch © 81. Michael were visitor iat the John Masscrnio home Mr. and Mra Joe Gitligner nd daughter, Susan, and Mary Janice and George Johnson of ( Jeveland {Ohio, spent the week end at Lhe | Andy Janice home Mrs. Joseph Gittigner and dau. ghter, Susan, are spending this week here at the Andy Janice re- | gidence. Mrs. Gitligner is the for- i mer Helen Janice, Mr. and Mrs Tony Sclesky and family of Bakerton visited here ly at the Andy Janice home Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Keith and son, Fred, of Twin Rocks visited | here over the holidays at the Pat- home. Mr. Mrs. James laini of Wilkes-Barre, were Sunday visit- ors here at the Natal Good re- nsidence. Week end visitors here at the At the AMAZING LOW PRICE of $4.95 "40 Fords and Other Makes Slightly Less. Parts Extra TE STOLTZ MOTOR CO. Corner 5th & Lang PHONE 2161 PATTON recent Pays For Your New 1950 General Electric Refrigerator ring Wedd t planning a S¥ Here's a Silver Anniversary offer you can't afford to miss. New General Elec- tric Refrigerators with lots of storage space and full length crisper. Years of trouble free service in every General Electric Refrigerator. | tr $35.00 TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE LY. OLD REFRIGERATOR ON A NEW 190 On. FL. 6 KE MAIL COUPON TODAY BLATCHDINORD FURNITURE CO. 192% Phibydelphia Ave, Barnesbore, Pa. Please serid me the new 6 cu ft. CG. EB Refrigerator for anly $194105. 1 ie $ iy Day I%¢ per day on BLATCH- . FORD'S METER PLA Give her a dhamond ring thot you're sure NAME is trustworthy . . . @ guoronteed ADDRES Please chick ond registered Art-Carved diamond ring. { ) New Acct. ( ) Closed Acct. | Mode by America’s oldest and lorgest | I can be reached at Phone & | oJ Hugmiskee, nu wide vorlety of modern Phone 463-J 1028 Phila. Ave., BARNESBORO CITY... Priced from $50.00 moze LOVED BY sung POR ALMOST A NUNDRED YEARS PATTON, PA. J a ART-CARVED JEWELER and tradiionol sider. See them todey.