Union press-courier. (Patton, Pa.) 1936-current, April 06, 1950, Image 5

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Thursday, April 6, 1960
Phone Mrs. Callahan
Around Patton Ezi
William H. Kelly
Gets Scholarship
of Mr and Mrs (Clair
Kelly tf Chambersburg, former
Patton residents Teva word
last Tuesday that he has been
awarded a $1600 scholarship at
Lebanon Valley College, Annville
Pa. :
He is a senior in Chambersburg
High School and has achieved an
average of 83 He has been active
in the high school glee club and
was also a student director of
the recent operetia The Red
Mill" He was named scowt of
the year and is the senior patr
leader of Troop 130 sponsored by
Park Ave. EUB Church He holds
rank of star scout with 10 merit
badges and also has been a don
chief in cub scouting
Young Kelly is vice president
of the church Youth Fellowship
and has been councilor for his
church camp. He will graduate
from high school this year
Bake Sale On Saturday
To Benefit St. George's
The Louis Haluska Store win
dow on Magee Avenue will have
an assortment! of home-baked
goods -cukes, pies, bread roils
cookies candies. cupcakes, et
this caning Saturday, Apr 8
The hake gale is for the benefit
of Bt. George's Church and the
sale is scheduled to begin at 19
Your patronage will be ap-
Pasta. If you do not sec your
y on display, stop in-
they may have it
i —
Music Club Plans
Amateur Program
Square and Folk dancing
Iocal members, will be featired at
the regular monthly meeting
the Pation Music Club in the
local Moose Hall next Tuesday
Mrs Edwir
Pauline 3
Miss Til
interenting evenls
neluding some parody
the entire membership
Home Makers Group
Works On Shp Covers
Mrz June Griffith Cambria Co
horne representative, met with the
Cross Roads Home Makers Ciub
on Tuesday at the home of Mrs
Aaron : of Pattor R D
Eight ladies attended the meet
ing and worked on slip covers for
bedroom chairs and r
ng roo
The ladies are pleased
results of their work and thank
Mrs Griffith for the encourage
ment she gave them
The next meeting of the group
be he on time saving quick maxX
es at the home of Mrs James
Dietrick of Pattor RD, on Apr
1ISat 130 pm
with th»
Is Crowded With Bargains!
We urge you to see this value if you are
2.” It haa
chairs that
looking for ‘fashion at a
& Tonutifl chil Sabinat,
+ upholstered in arresting modern fabrics, and the buffet ©
A awe: pw, A regular $379.00 value.
9 .Piece Waterfall Walnut Suite
Ba er os unos youl
his SToup 1a being the . sized just
home . and priced right for your bud-
ws $229.00
get. It's a regular $279.00 value!
Lovely Blond 7-Piece Dinette Set
search end here if
for an important
Ei portant laden Simstee
Ya heen
y. this set has a lovely china buffet,
A regular $200.00
$2.10 sa wm.
Marbelle Patterns
Convenient Terms
_Suraiture — Appliances — Floor Covering
| ARNIVErsary
Terra Cotla Ave,
Philip Gers family
over the past week end
law and daughter, Mr
John Lilly, spent
and daughter,
‘burg, spent Sunday with the for.
‘mers parents, Mr
Weds At Katonah
Miss Alcia Louise Momsen
gaughter of Mr and Mrs Rich-
ard Paul Momsen of Cross River
N.Y. ard FHio de Janeiro, Brazil
bride of Paul D Mil
er of Merion. Pa son of Mr. and
enry Miller of Colurr
mn Sunday afternoor
came the
the First Preshiyteriar
Katonah | N Y The
eer was assist ad at
rermpony by the Rev Ernest
Post tor The Millers a former
st ton residents
Mr Momsen gave his
Wg A
Sar £ rite
erdcara in Rio de Janeiro and
graduate work at the Univ
of Brazil During the War
Be rved n the Waites Hl ovat
Corps. Mr Miller, an alumnu ’
Gettysburg College attended he
Reload (vi
Universit }
Foreign Service He served with
the Army Air Force and with
the DD. 8 Air Mission to Brazil ir
the war He is a Cplomel in the
Alr Force Reserve
After a trip Mr and Mrs
jor will divide their time bet
Marin ' 4 T (remax Five
after June will reside ir
® & =
37 Years of Married Life
Marked By George Longs
Mr and Mrs Long
were the guests of honor al a
buffet supper heid in Lheir honor
their home last Bunday Apr
2 the occasson being their 37th
wedding anniversary Altending
the event were
Mr and Mrs Michael Ranish
and children, Mr and Mrs Joseph
Long and children, Mr and Mra
FaAward Pfohland and children
and Earl and Dorothy Long
. eo 0
5 Patton High Semors
Take Chemistry Tests
Five Patton High School senior
took the secondary school chemi 5
try test given at St. Francis Ool
iege, Loretto last Saturday, Apr
1 under the auspices of Lhe
Pittsburgh Section of the Ameri
can Chemical Bociety. ;
Students taking the exam Aare
ohn 1. Barnard Marian Oooper
Alan Christoff, Stephany Lace)
ard Eugene McGough
Terra Cotta Ave Homes
Now Nearly 50 Years Old
This year will mark the 50th
of the constroction
of 15 double dwelliz hotises on
atton. The
homes were built by the George
George W
I8 Good Co. in 1900 They are 46
feet by 32 feel in size and each
‘unit contains four rooms and a
e *
Patton Volunteer Fire Co ans
wered a call to the Murray orch
ard near Patton about 3.20 last
Thursday afternoon Shortly after
returning to the Fire Hall fire
men were again called out at 3°50
pom to quell a blaze al the
Gastlo home on Palmer Ave Dam-
age in both cases was slight
* ® »
Thomas M. Finley, aasistant
Girector of the Johnstown Center
of the University of Pittaburgh
‘recently interviewed those seniors |
of Patton High Bchool who are
interested in going to college
Mr and Mrs John Bossar and
daughter, Cheryl, ted the
in Lewistown
Mr and Mrs Jess Wilkinson
and sovs of Sidman RD, vis
‘ited at the home of Mm Eliza
Lee of Lang Ave
on Sunday
Mr. and Mrs, Robert Kibler of
Patton recently moved their re-
sidence to Ebensburg, where they
have purcidsed a new home
The regular monthly meeting
lof the Band Mothers Association
‘will be held on Tuesday, Apr 11
‘in the Band Hall
Mrs. [. A. Yeckley, and son-in
and Mra
Sunday with re-
iatives in Pittsburgh
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Healy
Karen, of Philips
and Mrs Jim
The Miners’ Hospital Auxiliary
: will hold a social for the benefit
‘of the Miners’ Hospital Building
{Fund on May 1 in the Fliremen's
| Hall,
A son was born to Mr. and
Former Local Man Special Holy Week, Easter Services:
Scheduled By All Patton Churches |
Sunrise Service Slated
By Methodist Fellowship
I ¥ A Buke BD DD
Cae Te 5
a driniet ered
a% arranged by pare
FOTIRAOTR and the rust OT Fr
Church of God Service
On Easter At 11 AM
(rey? Pastor
Bible Rtuady
Lat OTRe ¥
m. Young
845 p’ wm
leader Ewvange
45 p.m
12 Mid-week
re Bt 0
ri 9
He ne
W aired y A pr
raver and praise serv;
Nite We extend a cordial in-
vitation to tune in WJIBW Broad-
casting station, Altoona 1294)
KC on your radic each Sunday
fren R30 to ® a m and enjoy
the Old Fashion Gospel in Ser
mon and song by E KE Marquiss
or the Way of Truth program
The pr gram ix sponsored by the
Churches of God of Patton and
Burnside You will always find a
welceane at the Friendly
oh of God servioes
* 00
° Easter Cantata Scheduled
At Calvary Baptist Church
Calvary Baptist Church, Rellleys
Rev. Ralph E Whitmer, Pastor
Thursday, Apr & Choir prac
tice wt 830 p m and Bible
Study at 7.30 p.m
Friday, Apr. 7 Boys and girls
meeting at 8 pm
Bunday Apr 5 Faster Cantata
al 9 a mm. and Bunday School at
10a mm
Mrs Samuel Kepshire of Paiion
Hospital Spangler
Mr and Mrs Michael Berigh
we the rik of a son al
ners’ Hospital Spangler oo
Josep lechens
of a son on
28 al the Miners
WYN of the
837 will
Cosa ried
Peggy Ann,
IRI are
Humphrey eT
Mrs Mary Wyse of Las, ig Ave
vas returned to her home aller a
visit with her son-in-law and
ughter, Mr and Mrs Ciair
Kel y of Chambersburg
Mrz Susan Kelly of Lang Ave
mas returned Lo her homme after a
visit with her son and daughter-
in-law, Mr and Mrs
of Altoona.
Mr and
visited at
8t. Augustine
after spending several weeks with
her son and daughter4n-law, Mr |
PP. Dietrick of Sharps |
burg and a daughter, Mrs George |
and Mrs C
Clark of Pittsburgh
Robert D. Stoy, Seaman, USN
of R14 Palmer Ave, Patton, vis
ited in the following places while |
en-route to Bremerton Wash
aboard the Aircraft Carrier, USS |
Kearsarge: Colon and Crestobal
on the Atlantic side of the Pan- |
ama Canal and at Panama Oty
ard Balboa on the Pacific side
of the Canal Zone He aiso spent
some time in San Diego, Calif
and Tijuana Mexico
Mrs Ww. ¥. Mclaughlin of
Geistown, spent the past Week
in town with her mister Mrs
Russell Bianco and her mother,
Mrs Charles Colberyg
Mr and Mrs Robert Colberg.
visited here a day recently with
Mrs. Russell Blanco while motor |
ing from Nevada to New York
State. i
Cost To MOVE A
Bank wont
on Mar an in the Minerw |
Biair Kelly
Mrs James [DRetrick
the home of Mr. and
Mrs Ralph Nagle on Sunday in|
They also visited |
Mr. Déetrick’'s mother Mra Mal.
iida Dietrizk, who returned home |
Announce Holy Week
Schedule At St. Mary's
Holy Week BRervices at
v& Catholic Church we
fim wee lk ny
Fupert Stadtmille
ey are as follows
Th Thursds ¥ Holy Heowar
ad at 7.30 po
(ww Friday lhe
tf iad
M ass
ww avy 4
§ Bo
Faster Haskels
. * @
St. George's Church
ne Holy Week Schedule
Fev Father Basi! Balk ORE
Pastor ¥ Bt (reorges Uathol
hurch ann K
winced the
HH a Y Week Reryv cos
Holy Thursday KETVICAR Are
so heduled with 8 mass at
flowed hy & procession Alles
# The Rleased RSacramer
held all day and rot ons
held at 7.30 p m
(www Priday the Maza of
Presaratifiod will be held at 8 a
There will be an all day adora
tim of the Cross and Stations
he Cros will be
Holy Saturday services will De
gin with the various blessings af
7 A m, followed by mass De
vot bons and Resurrection Services
will be held at 730 p m Confes
sions at 330 p mand following
evening devotions The evening
~onfessions are for adults only
and will not heard after 9 p
Om Faster Sunday a ow mass
will be held at 8 a m and a high
rans x7 10 a m
6 A. M. Sunrise Service
Planned By Baptist Church
Rev. Ralph E Whitmer Pastor
Sunday, Apr 5 4 x m the
erican Legion Home.
' Bible Study
Easter Sunvise Service. 9-45 a. ».) .
Ee er ws mung County Borough Officials
People Society 730 p.m bven- To Meet At Barnesbore
ng aretip The (Cambria County Associa- manager of the Clearfield Broad-
Wednesday Apr 12-4 Pp m tion of Bd will meet on casting Station. Arrangements
Happy Hour, a meng Sesignes Tuesday, Apr. 18 in Barnesboro are in charge of Richard Tod-
ww boys and girl T30 p for its semi-annual meeting hunter Jr, Barnesboro Burgess,
A business session will follow and eure T Atkins, thc presi-
% banquet in the Barnesboro Am- dent of the Barnmesboro Council
Trinity Episcopal Chureh | fon
To Have Holy Commuzuon
The principal speaker will be
William Thomas of Clearfield, the
(wilbert Watt Priegt in-charge
Thursday Apr 8 Maun day
Thursday Holy Commanien 8%
Sunday Apr Bb Easter Sunday
Holy Commurdon and sermon al
915 hm Cf fertory Aldus
Church School at 10.15 a Mm
Seton Hill Founder
Dies Of Broken Hip
The first pres i.
ed Retlon Mil Co Loge Greens
burg. Mother Mary Joseph died
jagt [unday in a Pitisburgh Hos
Kate Harvey in Piten
Mother Mary
t He Ristori Wf
; [RNG Khe
imber of
Joma or
taught flor
yours in Pittsbargh
geryed an
He'll Say
She’ll Say
[Hocesan sohoois and served 0 .
that capacity until 1987 There « plenty of time before Commencement
She fractured her hip mix weeks bi ; 8 suggestion w hy t choose your grad 8 gift
yu small budget payments
other gift vou choose
Faneral REIL We wedi)
gesterday rt the Set on Hill
na rachial schools and
principal of several
She was ass ried AR reggure!
Rete Hl community an 18908)
and in 1915 became Hw Imot hen
Three years ater the
slilege was chartered and Mother
Mary Joseph bevafte its president
named. Super.
ET Tle -
In 1633 she wan
A small de posit and
wateh, necklaces, or any
College Chapel at 9 a mand in.
terment was made in the aollege
Blandburg Man Sentenced
By Cambria County Court
Raymond Adameryk of Bland.
burg. who pleaded guilty a few
weeks ago to stealing and cashing
checks made out to his father-im.
law, was sentenced Monday by
Cambria County criminal court
to make restitution in he mount
f $110
The restitution is to be made
Lamdalow Lednik Plamibary,
who brought prosecution. Ads.
czyk also was directed to pay the
costs of prosecution
make it easy for you to say
T .
Lsradination ay
Choose Your Grad’s
Gift Now
‘The Store for SAFE Diamond Buying’
i —— A a a
Sorry to say so, but we suspect you . . . we suspect
you'll be needing some new Easter Clothes and we
want to get them on you nght away. Drop mn and _
make a selection today so we will have time to
make proper alterations before the big day
atl the price you
at Toy
Masterpieces in wors-
tods. Tiveedls gabar-
dines anil otders
$22.50 ~ $3535
White and oolors from
to famous makers:
Manhattan and
Van Heusen
$2.95 $4.95
Feel good and wear
wel], e know youll
like the new colors in
cotton, wiol, nylon
0c * $1.00
The universal hat favories
Champ und Knox, in all the
mivw spring styles, colors
$3.95" $10.00
We think we have the best
sellections ever. A fine sel
ection of buckles, desigms
$1.00 * $2.50
Famous Van Heosen and
Manhattan Shirta In a
a variety of styles new colors
$2.95 * $6.95