Thursday, April 6, 1950 ADDITIONAL SPORTS Center Jump May Return To Basketball Would Discourage Fouls Says Rules Committee Basketbal center jumj te li = J i Av resurrect ths uccessful free more his was i a preliminary t throws impose evere Bask«tha United ONAL the the ¢ hig stipreme Form Are i the offending froin censfy Ashville Youth To Play for Selma Bok Rasa of Mr and Mrs Oh Basar i Ashwviils has recently ned a contract with the Seima Ala ciub of the Clhagag B South Baseball League A [546 High School the fielder plready is in the so training with the Alabama according to the latest Upon graduating high school he enlisted in the Marine Corps Playing shortstop for the Secomdi Division champion squad In his last season with the Quan. tico Marine team he clotted 13 home runs The pro prospect stands 5 feet inches His parents are the of the Fountain House Ashville Rries SRY Se graduat. oF { “reese 165- pons nd ws r 3 : thiand Pris report from 10 owners Hotel, ® State's ace hurler Jin of Altoona will captain track and field team STATE THEATRE ALTOONA «~STARTS THURSDAY — § Ye Finest Fi) Penn Gehrdes the 1150 in 3 Years’ DONALD OOCONNTYH PATRICIA MEDINA Fran-is (THE TALKING MULE) STRAND TREATRE ALTOONA ~STARTS FRIDAY— Red Bkeltis:, is YELLOW CAB MAN with Gloria DeHaven PLUS THE FIGHTING - STALLION | TW Next Season showed Keeping Reading Is New PCIAA “Champ Hi En Kohor VP they al ©" Cath ARSC IRYS take VARI Athlets wh P Northwest and it was winner's history ia pionship In the Class B game played the iast Tuesday the at LIT yon # mat at the Rea aging ¢ Bin aved um in was pri s VIN NAS) the first time take a cham . state M'IAA san 2X 4 Lo vening Mar James High Schoxl of Pittaburgh ed Bethlehem Cathol 81-55 take title st that National League Calls Donatelli Augie Iwmstell of a star pupii at Bill Umpire school at Orlando will make his debut in the National son Augie, who is well Kn« alse a natn of this Area roflsd in Mo Oowan 8 she recruit three and years ago He iz now the hig show as as full-Tisdged diamond official, and at presen is a teacher at the school ® On All-Opponent Team Westminster College basketball team of New Wilmington, Pa narmed 8t Francis College CRge on their Ail-Op- ponent Bakertor Modyrwan's Mia R8 An HT Leagues next sea. and en As A one-half ready YT wel for two players squad. Bill Wanish top-scoring for ward of the Frankies, was un animousiy chosen for the all-op- ponent team George Banchansky, also of 8t the Waestrainster first team Thirteen letter winners of the “| Fut | daughter i day strong Westminster cage took part in the balloting * Bill Wanish and George Ban chansky of Bt. Francia College Loretto, received honorable tion on the Pittsburgh Sun graph all-district collegiate ketball team “Tei \ ea bas MARINO’S PLUMBING LOWEST ‘NEW DEPARTMENT A COMPLETE LINE OF SUPPLIES AND ACCESSORIES ANNOUNCE THE OPENING OF A FIXTURES PRICES Fittings — Marino $ Home OPENING SPECIAL — REG. ¢¢ VALUE Plungers With Handle Tank Balls — Spigots — Toilet Seats — Nipples — Pipe Washers — Soap Holders — Tools — Ete. 19¢ & Auto Supply Barnesboro, Pa. I bids for {here Francis was placed on | {home for the {| returned | more frien ii visited for a few itives and friends i secured employment n i ville served as substilule for the lower grades ithe past week in i regular teacher L Were WHAT'S FOR 1950? BILL MEYER PT TrsBuURGH PIRATES MANAGER SEEMS CONCERNED A pre ABoUz WHAT =e N 98 FF TOOK OVER A CLUB THAT RAD TIED FOR LAST, BROVENT THEM IN Sran ONY 2 GAMES O0T| OF 24D, AND WAS VOTED MA NASER OF THE YEAR, I... NIM) THE PENRANT CONSCIONE PIRATES JMET REVERSED THEIR VE wWoN AO LOST TOTAL 6, FINISHING ETN. 5 sAMps our OF Ze / Hon — Piveribored by King Footares Pyadicote 2 KATHLEEN BUCHANAN Mickey Godfrey Honor Guest At Surprise Party Mr and Mrs Earl ¢ tertaind with a m their son, Mi evening, the (wx 17th birthday anniy Evening fining and dancing Mickey rece T home pres Ay wif rey er irprise Key ja agion being hb for Satur “erssry The Was sper! ng Rames h was many nice gifs inc iuded Florine Madigan, Hegins Mad gan, Helen Racz, Donna Buchan an, Anna Marie Saracena, Mary [Lee Bradley, Gladys Booterbaugh Betty McConnell, Bernice McCor nell, Donna Hertzog, Francis Sar ACETIA John and Don Clawson Regina and Tom lewis, Paul Madigan, Buddy Verobish Pe McConnell, John Madigan, Mr and Mrs Delmar Hertzog nid daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Wate! and son, bell Mr and Mr Lan Served ved ent and Mrs Bill and Mrs Ear] Godfrey & 2 electric concerns measgring and viewing Re veral heen party Mickey, Mys. Jim C op Hertzog | UNION PRESS OOURIER By Alan Maver Fallen Timber Mr and Mrs Rohert Miller and song Robert and Rager and Mrs Luther Midler and daughter Nancy, were Mor ening vis tyra n Aitoons Mrs Ho Mary Glass and attended a Filen Wilsor f Coalport Maggie St. Benedict By MISS MARY REAM Bud Bradford Honored By Party On Birthday FRG { Ethie] wt % i irthday party was of Bud Bradford at his here this week. He ro useful gifts. Lunch Those in ward Mrs egilar Rebekah PE Mo eluded Marr y Liaw oe Tenoros * in ih d Bill Zeroka, all of B #8 and ¥ LL’ ye * 11 ry 1 { IAN SINNER A ’ a3 fa § EH TRIE nome past Hved many Wan ed 7 rovich, Don Brubaker 3 ¥ firn Ilion Vallery Rew ard Ratchford Wiseman « lakerton Mary Rhirley White Knarr Shirley Mi The Eris ‘na linart Fdamins y Sam Fugen: nia Matish inst Lat Bra) Eu Jen Hunt. Khern | and Met Thursday Hd fats ub Ma t Qt er ite Malle Y Blink He Wie arty hee Patrick Ann Hur. Patton 4 Mrs 4 Mrs Bradford Bradfon thin Mr POT EE Far 3 day "ee of i sid 3 riers t ryan tha ho sed yile Hradf ¥ i if yIR™Y heater yricd Fhren Lewis Bradf rl visit Mra felel FIT § yore thin {null rge Sta- AEE Wine Je and son Wf Hastings Ae Vial of son by pi wipe he Gearge Miller he Hospital on nong the young folks whe ihe Rliuirsville Preshy ct Chorus practice nt Rundav WHre Bue ne Blick, Fd White 3 Ahlstrom Adele Ahlstrom Father Anderann NICKTOWN By ROSE MARIE HUBER Surprise Birthday Party Held At Weiland Home A surprise arid in honor of ns 3 uf the Announce birth Merey Ye GLASGOW By JANET CC. KUNN Joanne 'roxe!l sf Pittsburg Ke end here With Mr and Mrs Herbert atent he her ¥ - birt hday marty Bunday eve ing. March 18 Was Ellen Weiland wha celebrated her 15th birthday Those present were Kir sch, Jane! Kirsch, June Lambo Weiland, Louise Jon Ellen Nortan Weiland Mary larry Kirsch Melvin Kirsch Hopped parents We Troxell Mr and Mra Coalport Sat eming with Mrs Bricker Peggy Troxel of Altoona week end bere atl the ame and Mrs aspen! Bricker ist sri} and son of » yk Per 5 spent Mr v srday ev oris ITGRY N Charlies St. Francis College To Stage Musical Kr Delores spent the Foster Troxeli Mr Adloaomna OW at Ales {* Fran” Farabaugh Dickt and Joe Hoppe) Launch John Rtine Jr. of the week end in Iohn Sr... home 4 yi ve... Ellen STOIC Ea atherine Ir¥ixon 1 A Tow gifts * as Fe = : ny pt BY * +h fh 270 ht he Johns. days Altoona recently a he ow and Pittsburgh areas Kenwth [Dixon home ¥ first performan wild id Mr ard Mrs {rene Lovell of day Francis Col stage a musi / a4 and 25 lege was received served many he iF Me and Mary beautittul xine allers Were Indiana on and Mrs Satur My Warren Apr 1# at Be Cresson A fem anss Re Were red um to cd Morrow home Mr and Mrs Ww lin Altoona spent [ast Satur in Camden N. J Mr and Mrs Clarence Stine Mr and Mrs A. all Mr and Mra Howard Miller Sr: and. Sra gdents and family were ast Saturday af BOLnCs the ATea ternoan vistors in AllOona of Johns Mra Clair Reynolda was a adviser for the nt caller in Alt an English in Mra Stron of Anmany college the week eof here with law and daughter Mra Foster Troxell Faster Sunrise Sery gy § ot ai # ent Visite Coawrned M: We ry * Mh 4 he Lie ami Mrs Vise Merle the Parrish week end atl the home of DeWilllams Walter Lieb Birth of a iesday inet Weel Mr and Mra RIL. kilos among relatives in spent burg on Sunday BOR - Fr Hilary Ki of and University, Pittsburgh the home of his Kline Se ie 14 day with #itors fealunes udes st briana ( Hine daughter Mar 28 Brown were Eben aut nd the (Cam Misa Joanne Marrissay of town is faculty wn. She in the FYI Lo ¢ \ . ue r aunt y WER ¥ presiyiet K Lhe stiri tor vo hr Mr at Ne Duquesne ue visiting TAX EXEMPTION father John In the section of the lax marked “Exemption claimed held at the Glasgow Lutheran Steward children,” the newly-wed pen Church on Sunday morning al week end ciiled, “Watch this space” 400 a m in Nie sees Will be fe turn Brows of i for visitor town Ohic was a among relatives have the | homes here for the submitting of | ik Rew electrical Surveys have been pleted and notices tacked on installation of hoxes and meters Mr and Mrs visited Sun Blaknevy of Caolvey with Mrs Edna system | com- | each | {une i Jim Litzinger and: r and Mra Steve Herhel have | to their b ufter a week's vie! lowal relatives Roger Godfrey in iw sae in Faltl of Midland ays. with rela tom loaiterbangh Baitim Paseonita of Ash teacher Miss Hila are Mrs Ginny here during af the Lanz the place Mrs Pearl and Mr Don Altoona callers Mone Mr and Mrs Gib Ball ver were Bunday callers Mr tay of Col at the | Earl Godfrey home Mr and Mrs George Gorman {and children of Van Ormer visited i Thursday i baugh family here with the Sam Booter Mr and Mrs Gilbert were callers in Alloona Thursday | of last week Mr and Mra John family of Colver visited the lady . mother here last Sunday Mr and Mrs Louis Armini Vintondale visited at vola home here on Sunday William Lewis and sister, Millie, | in| of Dysart called on relatives Amabry on Saturday Pat Ball of Colver day evening caller at Godfrey home Mrs Matilda Gorman of Ormer was a recent visitor am- ong local friends and relatives the Mrs Clyde Lewis entertained | at her home in honor | 7th birthday of her son. recently of the | Darrel Ss | a FOR THOSE EXTRA - SPECIAL FLOWERS FOR EASTER Lewin | Gaida and i of | the Pier. | was a Fri-| Earl! Van | Among Pas | { Mr | week held ing attendance | of Barney | of | Bill | Funicelli, daughter of Mrs Arthur Funicelli, | at her home here [ast | Evelyn net was ill Mrs. Mae Lofflin injured her leg in a fall last week, loan Gionfreddo, daughter of Mr and Mrs Paul Gionfreddo | sited at the Bergamaschi home inst Friday. Betty Lewis, Alice Ratchford and Mildred Lewis, all of Dysart, visited at the Bergamaschi home lagt Haturday Joseph Bergamaschi and Uchird were last Saturday tors In Cloalport. A number of girls attends a spaghetti he Domathy own hast tending |On, Vie~ from Dean supper at Passonetts home in Saturday night At- included: Evelyn and Dorothy Punicelli, Doriy Bergam- Doredhy Briggs, Rose Ann Fontaneiln and Donna Jacobs Flaine Lewis daughter of Mr vl Mire Howard Lewis of Dysart edd Here ast Week wit Bh Mrs such, e ‘Arrinisel] WITHDRAWS Fart J Aro PR Pi FROM RACE Mowery rey the State Recond ¥ He the ntiv with. A ssernbiy IHutriet of filed his Republican fram tha Cambria Con petitinng irit under effi ts arty ation (and Sunday School at ~ Garch Noles Ginga Gene n SUS Shuichi Sunday, Apr. 9. Sbrmon Topic, “Christ is Risen” Utahville Church, Worship Service at 10:48 a. m., Sunday School at 9:30 a m, Bdward Gathagan superin- tendent ; Allmensville Church, Worship Service at 2:45 p mm, 2 p m Roseland Church, Worship Ser- vice at 7:30 a. m., and Sunday School at 9:30 a mm, Raymond Jackson, superintendent timber Church, Sunday School st 9:30 a. m., Howard Glass super- intendent, and Glasgow Pleasant Hill Church, Sunday School at 9:30 a mm, Charles Cree, superin. tendent BARR TWP. WAS FIRST According to files of 50 years ago, one of the first wagon loads of maple syrup to be produced in Cambria County in 1 was de Hvered by Jacob Scherf of Barr Twp arsnmsrinidioin Known from A ai w a. or Relieving Baltimore RHROMATE TIAN SINUS, ot H bg MASSAGE and MINERAL VakoR BATHS » Phone 52.962 JAC JAC'S am --8p m 41 Vine St Breet om Delighted keep a record of FENERAL DEPOSIT that's you after a month of using our Special Check- ing Account. It’s easy to pay bills, and it saves you money too. Stop in and ask about it today! MEMBER INSURANCE FIRST NATIONAL BANK AT PATTON, PA. your spending { ORPORATION Here's rollicking good news for vou! We can take that noble Buick of yours, and in a few short hours we'll put new life--new pep—new spring zing into it! You'll hardly know your own car. You'll have to lay a gentle toe on that gas treadle--or look for your hat in the back seat. Because our mechanics are Buick specialists right to their fingertips—men who know your car and its needs from Just check those 17 big items in your mind. How long since vour Buick hus had these important | Ci attentions? And how aboit coming in this week? paints, carburetor, THE PATTON AUTO COMPANY Fourth Avenue, Phone 2171 PATTON, PA. 1. Drain crankoine and refill with tamer grad oil, 2. Cleon and adijust spork plug. 3 Clean and ndjest distributer 4. Coan corbunstor screens; odie 5. Scientifically time ignition, & Aditust valve tappen tor proper dearonon. 7. Completely tine engine lov peak performance and mileoge. 8. Adjust genetistor charging ate. ?. Tost bottery: clean ond coat ter bearings. 12. Drain and flush owt system. long experience. Because they use Buick methods, special Buick tools, factory-engineered parts, to bring out the best in your Fireball baby. And because that big 17-step maintenance and tune-up routme we show below is just about the finest, most complete way to get vour motor ready for really lively spring driving! GAS—OIL-WHAR-AND MONEY! 10. Repack ond Impect front whee! 11. impect broke linings ond drums, cooling 13. Tighten ofl hose connections, 14. Adiust fan belt tension. 15. Tighten cylinder hod bolts with special torque wreuch. 16. Fill weering gear howmsing with lubricom. 17. Complete LUSRICARE chassis ly brication ond inspection.