Domenick Stevens (Continued from Page 1) a bricklayer. He helped construct the Prindible mansion and .other buildirygys in the area He has 2s- sisted in and supervised the building of all the rick and tile kilns at the Patton Ciay Works and is engaged in that work at present, as well as in general re- pair and maintenance employ- ment. There are 36 kilns at the local clay plant However, there mission in Mr residence, was ones inter Stevens’ Patton AT UNVEILING and that was at the turn ¢f the present century when | he returned to Italy and united in marriage to the former Miss Esther Raneri at the home town of both Was | of them, Castel-del-! Sangzro, near Rome. They remain- | ed there for two years and then Mr Stevens came back to Patton with Mis bride Mrs Stevens and A son returned to Italy for a visit of six monthe about 25 The have a daughter Inez, wife of Chief-of Police Ed- ward Donahue, and a son, Louis, both residing in Patton. They are members of 8t Marv's Catholi Church VEeRATrs Age Ktevens' PATTON AUTO CO. ror TOP-GRADE CAR CARE! FRR HL ET) FOR CHEVROLETS Other makes '3.95 Engine sluggish?! Hove our foe- fory-trained experts tune it vp | for the right fuel mix . .. good | hot spark, perfectly timed . . . | ond maximum compression. Then listen to that purr of power under shightly higher | i PATTON AUTO CO. PATTON, PA. Of Lieut. Governor i MOTOR TUNE-UP ONLY | that iiess of how powerful they may "be, have the right i the i flea seekers | stinin office ” i Governor, 1 i just i helisve still IN NYDE PARK, NEW YORK, US. OF FDR PAPERS 5 EH} Archivist Wayne Grover and Mra Franklin D. Roosevelt, widow of the late President, examine a box cone taining some of FDR's personal papers on the eve of the opening of the private papers to researchers. For the past 1% years, Federal archivists Bave been classifying the papers, numbering five million. (International) Steele Clark GOP Candidate for Post Steele Clark, Indiana Coumy Commissioner, who is seeking the 2 | Republican nomination : Lieu tenant Governor, declared today that he is in the race to stay He has filed his nomination petitions I will not withiraw from the regardless of appeals that been made to me to do 80" (lark said "1 am in this to stay. 1 do not believe any group of men, regard- for race ave Mr. fight to dictate to voters who shall or shall not | be & candidate for public office’ “1 have always been independ erst in appealing to the voters snd 1 believe that is the way of- should endeavor 10 “Pennsylvania would get if I am not elected am no of along Lieutenant SUper-man citizen many sei styled super-men i itike the average Pennsylvania cilizen, can spit and wittle and lle a tile Mr Clark has beer elactad the Indiana County Commissioner three times by appealing direcily to the voters. He iz serving his third term as Commissioner, serv. al as president of the Pennsyl- vania State County Commiasion- ers Association. He was bore and regides in Cherry Tree the run we have mine § ony With more and more emphasis on the production of high-quality milk, Ivan E Parkin Penn State extension dairy specialist, points out, “All milking utensils and t that come in contact with milk should be perfectly clean.” Barnesboro R. D. Man Acquitted On Burglary Coun Mike Gima of Barnesbora BD last Friday was acquitied of three charges in Indiana County criminal court. ie was charged with burglary, robbery with an accomplice and receiving stolen property. The case against Joseph feh, Mentele, indicleg wit was dismissed evidence. Mrs. Mary Vrasovich, 68 year old aunt of Gima, reported to the police that early on the mMOrniRg of Jan. 14, a young man Wearing an Army jacket came into her soon while she slept. Hhe claimed that the man beat her up and stole her life's savings 31.700 which was pinned in peti cont Mrs. Vranovich, formerly Starford. had been residing in the Gima home about a month when the alleged robbery occurred The iady was treated by a Clymer physician for injuries of the head and arms. A short time ister Indiana Co officials arrested Gima and Stan- ich. Mrs. Rose Dillon Dies At Hastings Mrs Rose Elisabeth Dillon wife of William Déflon and of the best known residents of ‘this area died at § a m on Tuesday of this week Mar 28 al her home in Hastings Mrs Dillon was born om Mar 10. 1876 in Busquehanna Town ship. a daughter of Henry and Lucinda (Bender) Link She was united in marriage to William ! Dillon Gn NOY 14 IRE Mex I[vilon, who Was a ang resident of this section ember of ihe Ladies’ Auxili to the Hastings Fire Com v and the Rosary Confralern- of 8 Bernard's Catholic t Charch, Hastings i 8Bhe ived by her husband and the fod lowing Mrs Aline Sullivan of Mrs Winifred Caretti Taf Detroit, Mich | Bernadine, Ed- gar and Adrian, all at home, Russell of Gary, Ind. Mrs Geo- rge Bell of Harrisburg, and Mary of Washington, D, C. Two child- ren preceded her in death She was a sister of Vincent link of Allentown; Mrs Mary Cunningham of Hastings, Mra Ada Bills. Valentine Link Mm Ann Lantzy, Edwin Link and Mrs Guy Weakland, all of Hastings | Thirteen grandchildren and eight | great-grandchildren, also survive | | Funeral services will be held at 9 a m. this Friday _ Ostholie Church In Rian h (ima ark ¥ for Lhe her of 4 ome iife- WAR ik sLrN ; nen lion 8 children F Hastings: i made ) ; | Friends are being received in the { inte home : A RIN iP i 1: i 4 Tg {Comtinued! from page 1) Chester OC (seOrgs Earl J Mowery tention State WOMAN gan V anaugh { i IES tora Heinz Baked Beans ...2 at the primary precinet to the county committee respective parties filing were: Davis, FEbensburg, J Salem, Frankiin and Mowery, Johnstown R. D has announced his in- withiciraw ) committees {man and to be elected) Atty Mor. Margaret! Jones, Mrs. Mary M. Cav: ward: V J v Mrs Mpry C Haws and Dietrick F. Hoover, all of Johns to Democrat First Inez (Pegi % ael Capko lair i W Hepublioar Qh Fir %? ex Rtpir ja Agr One man and one woman from each party also are to be named in each serve as members of election Among those Patton Party Committee Ward Diomahue Second Bender and Ruth © Ward Robert 1. P Rowland and Daisy CC. Lacey, Second Ward: Regina Winslow and Knute Forsberg. Carrolitown Party Committee Democrat--East Precinet: Pat. trick Campbell and Maude CC. Farabaugh, West Precinct: Lig- ouri J Lacey and Mary Van Kok- elberg Republican East: Kathleen Eck and Gerald Sherry; 'West James P. Campbell, Thomas Wan. sf and Helen Wensel their ign Wars, Mich- and home Irv n ar ress-Courier Ads Pay Borst! Of Barnesboro Veterans John 1. Binder was elected the commander of the Lewis EE. Bel- cher Post 343, Veterans of Fore- Barneshboro Tuesday | evening at a meeting in the post He succeads Paul Pollock. | Otiver officers are Eugenes Nas- | tasi, geri vice commander; Les | ter Stocd, junior vice command John Patrick, quartermaster; Josepin Wernoaky, judge advocate, | April With census enumerators _ Now | Know Why All My Friends Pay v Customers’ Corner For even the flavor and quality with age. . are the steps we takes to im- the freshness of A&P foodie We buy only the freshest food direct from farm or factory. We buy oniy for current needs. We ship it quickly to store or warehouse. We keep it under proper temperature and hu- midity eonditions. We price it low to sell quickly. ; . bhy We rantes everything you at ARP to be fresh and flavorful Please tell us if it ism't. write: CUSTOMERS RELA- TIONS DEPT ASP Food SN - Lexington Avenus, J LN Pink Salmon Coldetream , . . fancy solid peck Evaporated Milk ...6 ™! © 68¢ White House Apricot Nectar Hearw 13-0n. Delight 2 Cans 23 160m. 29¢ Cans Libbys Jumbo Peas ...2 ¥ ** 35¢ Heinz Ketchup DelMonte Fruit Cocktail ™. >* 21e Sultana Prune Plums .. .™. 2" 23¢ A&P Sauer Kraut ...27 2% 23¢ Iona Tomatoes .......2°2 } 25¢ Apple Butter .........2 T° 35¢ Ann Page Salad Dressing < '** 39¢ Tomato Soup ann Page 3 Inga 25¢ A&P Tuna Fish... No % Ca g54 Nutley Margarine . .2 ''™® P= 43¢ Devils Food Mix aunt Jemima i o® 29¢ Choe. Drop Cookies coiniai * 29¢ Sky Flake Wafers . . . 14 P's 29 Cscar Mayer Weiners 19° Coa 43¢ Oscar Mayer Select Beef 2° 47¢ Oscar Mayer Select Pork 2.*47¢ Linit Starch . Ra Pus J20 « 5 ss % 8's = Niblets Corn Their Meats At AsP. Canned Hams Whele 5-11 Lbs. Midigets 634 Lbs. ro G15 wy Many an AAP customer has sald something like that fey trying “"Buper Right’ mests for the first time For yoo real. Ivy bave to BEE these famous cuts to appreciate thelr fice qusiity and thrifty prices. You really have to BUY thes te understand bow ASPs policy of removing sucess wastes be. fore weighing gives you greater values And you really have to TASTE them to reailme just how tender juicy and delicl. ous they are So if your ve bevn wondering why se many of your friends Buy their meats at A&P. the very host way to find out Is to try a "Super Right” out Deo it today’ Pork Loin Roast From Corn Fod Porkers Rib End vw BeBe Sunnyfield Hams Whele or Shank Naif Ne Conter Slices Removed Ded Pork Loin Roast Center Cuts Surnnyfield . . . lean and tender Sunnyfield Picnics 4-8 pounds average . . . family size “Super Right” standing 7-inch cut English Roast of Beef . . . “Super Right” from steer beef A wide selection from lake and sen makes fishing good Come catch a beauty snd have it prepared for cooking free of charge! Fresh Mackerel Frozen Haddock Fillets. . Frozen Salmon Steaks. . .. Frozen Redfish Fillets. . . . Frozen Rock Lobster Tails Salt Lake Herring . . . .. .. 19¢ Fresh Bay Shad, Buck. ... '* 4l¢ Frozen Dressed Whiting... > 19¢ Frozen Skinless Cod Fillets > 33¢ Frozen Pollock Fillets... > 27e¢ Smoked Finnan Haddie.. > 39¢ FRESH FRUITS & VEGETABLES AP's fruits and vegetaliles are always sold fresh, because ali wilted tems are removed from Shipman and produce racks and put om a “Quiek-Sale™ table at fe Iceberg Lettuce . ......2 ¥=% 25, Large size . . . 8's . . . fiom and erinp Idaho Potatoes .......10 ™™ $5b¢ U. 8 Noa 1... great for baking co. 81 185g Yellow Onions . . . .. 5b Bag 38¢ ... 10-10. Bag Mu Broceoli ...........on-. 25¢ Try some to add variety to your menis Cut Green Beans. . . . I> ™s 27, Birds Eye Frozen the peak-fresh foocks peek at AAPs Dairy and you'll wast to ay off your products here. Fresh Roll Butter. .. > 45¢ Si verbrook—9% score Ched-O-Bit . . . *'> Loaf 75g Cheddar Cheese .. > 635¢ Cream Cheese 2" > 47¢ Brick Cheese ..... ™ 43¢ Bleu Cheese ...... ™ 5% d prices. Giant size . . . stalks average over two pounds Slender Carrots ..... 2 ®nb= ]5¢ Large bunches—try them raw and cooked White Ssbago Potatoes. . 5 “™* 29¢ Florida . . . U. & Ne. 1 Pt 25¢ Fork Hook Lima Beans ** P= 374 Try them with steaks Prose Pirds Eye Entire Contents Coprighted 1950—-Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Co. Kitchea (harm Wax Pager ra 21¢ Residents of the state have re- cently been asked by Gov. Duff tc cooperate during the month of