Union press-courier. (Patton, Pa.) 1936-current, March 16, 1950, Image 1

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    Recognized Medium
Of Union Labor Interests
Vol. 57 No. 21
Fallentimber Group
Offered Dam Site
Spertsmen Present
Glasgow Man With Owl
by Joe
of the Fall
Ise HERIOT of !
McGough to give | v of
a dam site to their
featured THs
Friday evening
The site offered by
Gough is located near St
tine A commitiee
to inspact the
the next nmeeting
Another feature
was presentation
Charles Bowman
SEvVe Tal xf the
mar alor g
sentat) as of
& Waters
ted a 30-mi
(the -
Ing in¢
next meeting
to the first
being Apr
a8 three-man
with C R
Fish (
a ting
Mr. Me.
was appointed
site, and report at
the nieeling
of a live owl to
of Glasgow by
members. Mr. Bow.
with another repre
the Dept of Forests
Joseph Byrne, projec
nite film for the mem-
date to
day of
Apr. 7 due
troul season
of the State
. The regular auction sale held
following the business ression |
wis very successful Representa- |
tives were present from
timber, Glasgow, Van Ormer, Hol:
lento, Blandburg, Beaver Vai-
ley, Cenlport, Ebensburg, Frugsal-
ity and Dysart The group medte
in the Fallentimber School Bldg
Hospital Alumni
Delegates Named
Six delegates to the
meeting at the FL. Stanwin Rotel,
Johnstown on Mar 35 were &-
ected st a meeting of the Nurses
Alumm Association of the Miners
Hospital, Spangler, Tuesday ov-
ening in the Nurses Home in
By on named wern Mm
Bertha Klaswick, Carrolitown,;
Mra Marjorie Linden, Barnes-
boro, Mrs. Ruth Legdon Hast-
ings, and Mm Emma Wesner,
Lentzy all of Spangler.
Two other members named to
sttend a meeting on Mar. MM in|
Johnstown of the committees are:
Mrs. Midred Haines, public rela-
tions coanmittee and Mrs. Martha |
Callahan, legislative committee.
Bats Jadlies are Barnesborn resi.
Quarterback Club
Will Promote Better
Athletic Facilities Here
Initinl ste toward the form-
ing of a erback Club In
Patton ‘were taken Friday eves. |
ing at a meeting at the
Home. The club is expect hs |
be of interested to all citizens of |
the ccinmunity and outlying dis
Priniary purpose of the club is
to prornote better athletic facili-
ties far the ¥ men of the
community. IU endegvor to
raise money to have the high
school football team receive pre.
senson camp train and ya at-
tempt to provide
nr such as blankets to aid the |
comfort of boys who participate
in rts.
club also is contera
the supervision of the
There will be a meeting this
Thursday evening at 8 o'clock in|
the tien Home to formulate
the future policy of the ovgani-
sation. At a later date there will
open to the
Alphonse Fregly
Dies In Warren, 0.
, for many
Patton and a
barber here, dind at his
mmission, and approval of |
support for 4 radio program for |
Martin cond Mrs. Marjorie |
jon Apr. 11,
ton | D).
Single Copy bec
Mrs. Kinkead Keeps the | Public Reading
last =
taken at the meet.
ded the moving up of the |
the appointing of §
It is not only the
sion that keepa the Cogs
neas in Patlon
Cambria County meshing
| there also are women
This week it is our privilege to |
|writa of an estimable lady who
{ through many years has been one
| of the outstanding business
le of Patton. 8Bhe is Mra Ary
ane Kinkead, proprietor of Kin-
ead a Btationery Store, who upon
| the death of her husband, the
{late Frank Kinkead, in 1922 con.
| tinued the businesa, expanded it
| and made it one of the most pop
| ular establishments in the town
The Kinkead store was estab-
lished more than a half century
ago when Mrs Kinkead's hus- |
band purchased a small business
from Jack Shide and moved it
into the store room of the Cooper |
building at Fourth and Magee
Aves, where it remained for
many years. Today, the establish-
ment is housed on Magee Ave.
and sells all the latest periodicals,
has the delivery agency for all
the daily papers, conducts a sta-
tionery and office supply trade,
| with various other specialities
And Mrs. Kinkead the former
[Miss Mary Jane Williams, also
has been around the town since
‘Patton was just a whistle-post
(Coming here from Clearfield
| County with her parents, the late
{Henry and Frances Williams, she
‘has been as member of the local
| Mathodin Church ever since
There are scarcely any folks
ay live In Patton who don't
know Mrs Kinkead Because of
ithe nature of her business, there
| are huhdreds of piople en
of busi-
| been
to citizen she
| holds the respect of the commun.
ity in which she has spent prac.
i tically all of her life
Spangler Alumni
Plans for Award
Preliminary plans for present.
ing an alumni award each year
to a member of the senior class
were discussed Tuesday night! atl a
meeting of the Spangler High
School Alumni Association. The
i award would be given on a schol
'arahip basis .
The three members who were
named to investigzle the proposal
and report at the next meeting
were Kathryn Hurey
{Roy Leslie and George Fisanich
R. Lovelie, supervising princi-
‘pal of Spangler Schools, will be
(the special adviser.
Other business included a re
port on the testimonial banquet
held Monday The group voted
appreciation to the 120 sponsors
who helped make the event a big
suecess. Plans were also started
for a dance to be held in June.
Three Barnesboro Girls
Receive Nursing Caps
Three Barnesboro young wo-
men were given Caps al exercises
on Sunday, Mar. 5, al the Mercy
Hospital School of Nursing in Al-
toona. /
saving caps, at the event!
marking the completion of their |
first six raontha of training, were:
uy Romettl, daughter of |
Angeline Musso,
and Mrs
Mary Strollo, daughter of Mr. and |
Mrs. Anthony Strolio.
Alice June brown, Gaughter of |
Mr. and Mrs, Robert Brown of
the dean's list at Dickinson Col-
lege, Carlisle, Pa. Miss Brown, a
Fourth {pus theatre and serves on the
student newspaper staff,
Ji ardsin Dilwortn, who de.
Ta Iw a
ago, was slated last Friday for
Democratic nomination for
"poilky committee: picked. Di
el gu op
jtine of SD Tu.
a 18
mm with U. 8 Sen-
ator J. Myers, who is un-
38d for the Jertys nomina-
a ar Th
math aii endorsed these
male persua-
and Northern |
enter ber ' clean
[ings at
and Mrs. John Romett; | at 7:30 p mon Mar XN
of Mr. Bunday, Mar 26 at 10:30 a m
Charles usso, and
| on Sunday, Mar 28 at
has been named to
{Jaane Studio Photo, Patton)
Mrs. Kinkead reared five child
ren, all living, as follows: Rebec.
ca, wife of Rev. Maurice Smeal of
Scalp Level,
| Varner of Altoona, Frances wife
James Roach of San Diego
Frank, of Patton, and Louis,
representative of the United
{Afr lines at Omaha, Neb Two
saw service in World War II
Leuis with the Air Corps, and
Mrs. Roach with the Army Nurs
ing Cotpa
Mrs. Kinkead reminisces that
‘back in the early days the num-
ber of periodicals and magazines
handled covered only a amall
{show case top sugmentied with a
‘small kitchen table Today there
are hundreds of different periodi-
‘cals and It takes all kinds of
| specigl racks to display them
She notes, however, that there
‘hasn't been much gain in the
nambers of the really good mags-
zines through the years, with the
‘exceptitom of the fashion maga-
Here again. the writer cannot
keep himself out of the picture
Back in the early 1900's as a
boy. he with a group of Carroll
town lads whe managed to scrape
capital of # nickel each were
wont to journey to FPatien down
the railroad tracks and each in
vest his B¢ stipend in ate of the
paper-back “weeklies” 80
popular in that period
alely, some of the periodicals
‘have been renewing ome Gays
of the *“B¢ paperbacks” and
really telling the truth about
thers. When we were youngsters
parents fell they were harmful
yet most all of them were the
very “tops” in preaching good,
living. Our visits to Kine
kead's were frequent during the |
pmmmer months of 46
and wa could hardly walt to get |
‘a peep in the show window at
| the highly- “illustrated covers on
the B¢ weeklies
Lady Evangelist
i Cal. :
To Conduct
Services In Area
Lown N
Churches in Pallon
Hastings. Barnesboro
Tree, and assist hose
conducting spacial Len
di rng ihe two werk
Mrs Miller, widow
Dorsey Miler assisted
band before hia dealh in
ing evangelistic services
Dg the Central
Conference if the
Church. Mrs Miller
this type work
meets with popular
ever she goes
Mra Miller is a lalented music
ian. Flesides playing the organ
and singing. she ia a preacher In
her own right
services at
Dorsey Miller of Mogren
J ys Billed wonan
will vis? the Methodist
and Cherrs
churches in
len services
period Deg
Bar hus
is now doing
aione, ang
favor where
the Lenlen
schedule of
witch Mrz
(appear is as follows
Services will be held in Hast-
10.3) a m. on Sunday
Mar, 19 and at gs om. oon
Mar. 21. 22 and 2
Services in a will be held
st 7:30 p. m. on Sunday, Mar. 19,
ari on
Services in Bakerton will
iheld at 7:30 p m on Mar 29 and
' 30.
Bameshoro services will be held
T30 pm,
and also at the sane time
i Mar. U7, 28 and 31.
Cherry Tree will hav
‘vices on Friday, Mar. 24 at
e the ser-
is 2 member of the cam- | P. Mm
These mectings are open to the |
i general public.
Dilworth, Myers to Head Harmony
Ticket for Previa Democrats
Lackawanna County,
perior Court.
The endorsement came in the
for the Su-
county chairmen circulate peti-
. slate of statewide candidates
In addition to statewide issues
us | Dilworth said his cam
hit hard the issue of
municipal reforms.
phia and need the support of vo-
do it”
he will carry his
counties barring |
Ruth, wife of Wade
Ctub st
form of a “recommendation” that
tions immediately for the entire
En will i
“We want to clean up Philadel
ters from all over the state to
said the Philadelphia city
Dilworth told #1 reporter that
campaign on
= | statewide issues "into every one
Oy Move
At Children S Nome
i 1 AYE or
vi # ong enunty
new $225 000
ted this vear
are the follow.
# Pye
cling of the present
as a chapel
repair of the
N ow
equipment for a
basement, remod-
laundry for
and inspection
electrical sys
ij 8s
Detention home - Exterior re
pairs to woodwork and repair of
the road leading to the home
Home for the aged Establish-
ment of a more suitable means of
evacuating the building in case
of fire and construction of sep-
arate quarters for the superin.
Courthouse — Repair
ment of main entrance doors, re
painting of radiators, refinishing
of chairg in grand jury room and
replacement of torn | and faded
window blinds
Seek Equal Figures
For Equal Values
The fact that the two Patton
Borough taxing bodies are not
asking for a general increase mn
assesgmenta, but instead are seek-
ng to have properiies of equal
value assessed at! equal figures
was made piain at! a joint meet
ing of the Patton Council, School
Board and Assessors Stephen
Hovan and John Hudak Monday
evening of this week in the school
The group hopes to bring about
an equalization in properly valua-
tion throughout the borough. It
was agreed that (Be assesacrs
would work toward a complete
equalization between the wards
and tha! any questions on the
revised valuations would be fin.
ally passed upon by both Council
end School Board members, and
will be the NNapaniiny of thope
two baddies an well as of the as
‘Robert Leiden to Head
Robert Leiden was slected as
president of the St. Lawrence 4-H
A meeting held Friday
evening. Other officers named by
the group were aa follows
Henry Leiden, vice president
Betty Leiden, secretary -ireasurer;
Imogene Karibeirm, news report.
er. Joseph Leiden, game leader
anil Patricia Leiden, song leader
Mra George Leiden is leader
A project
was discussed hy the e members
Ashville Firemen
Name Unit Heads
Neighbor Villages to
Have Local Leaders
Warren Noel ehie! of Aah
ile Volunteer Fire Com pany y, ap
pointed saders for four neighbor
hood towns al a mesling on Wed-
resday evening of last week
the Ashville School building
The apopintees are Ll. D. Bloow
and John 8. Coumo Dysart, A
Funicelll, Dean, Paul Madigan
and Harry Biakney Amabry, and
Elmer Pettenali and Warren De-
ioxier, Coupon. These men have
been instructed to supply maps
their towns including the places
where the fire plugs are ocalsd,
io the Ashville conpany The
isaders also will direct teaffic
their owns during a fire
President Frank Lato lauded
the members of the fund-raising
ceunmittes for their work cod -
lecting money construct the
new fire building. It is expected to
be completed by August he said
He also commended the firemen
[for their spirit in recent drills
The company discussed plans to
join the Volunteer Firemen's As-
| sociation of Cambria County and
Vicinity. Action is expected to be
taken at the next meeting March
is 5
| Niektown 4-H Club Has
Election of 1950 Officers
Election of officers was the fea-
jied event of a meeting of the
| Nicktown 4-H Club last Monday |
| evening Michael Byrnes of Nick-
town RD. was elected president
{of the group.
Other officers are Alice Pan
lesak of Ebensburg RD
president; Robert Krug of Nick-
town RD. secretary-ireasurer,
| Edward Kline of Carrcitioen R.
| D., game leader and Helen Nealen
of Nickiown KR. D., hews reporter
Fred Bechel of Nicktown is the
adult leader.
| Amos Zimmerman assistant
i Cambria County Farm Agent |
gave a brief address al the sey
Children born in 1975 can have
an average life expectancy of 72
The average life span among
| people of the United States today
is years, nearly double what
it was in 1800. Only the Scandin-
avian countries, Australia ana
New Zealand can offer compars-
or replace. |,
for the coming vesr
‘was scheduled
Jan. 3
yice |
In Allegheny Twp.
School Flee Flames
Damage Estimated at
Six Yiousand Doliars
" wder
D Harr
were forced
fie a
e-room Fisher School
¥ oe
mn est Rpr
iast Friday
wiginated in the ceilir
xd destroyed the roof y
iB i% Alle Tower
The bhiaze
the sthool
Mr Horne
y the ceiling
discovered in plenty
to get the students to safely
few books and desks were
The wis nearly
traved and the interior was
aged by water and smoke
The Cresson Fire Company
rived about 10 minules afler an
alarm was sent in and played
water on the roof. The waler Was
obtained from a nearby stream
Ebensburg Fire Company assist
ed in helping to save the One
room bricked cased building thal
housed students from the first to
cighth grades from the Prince
Gallitzin School district Hoss
lines were laid 800 feet to reach
the building
The firemen
what, due to
guste directio
the fire
Volunteers also formed & be
ket brigade until firemen arrived
but were unable to get to the fire
ve partitions bac Xx of the room
heater. Firemen were forced to
pull down a portion of the ceiling
wall to reach the seat of the
John long. supervising princi-
pal of the Prince Gallitzin district
said tempory quarters will be pro.
vided for the pupils Damage to
the structure was #stimated al
$8 000
en fire
er pened
2 > 4
anda par
A 44
entire roof
were delayed pome
fact Hf nade
the scans of
ins Li
Ex-Warden Bunch
Still Making
For County Jail Job
State Supreme Court
To Hear New Appeal
The Perinavivania Bupreme
Comart will hear arguments nDext
week on lhe (wWo-year-old oon
trovery over the warden's job at
the Cambria County Jail Ebens
The jegal ball Ie began in Apr.
I, when the prison board
fired Vincent F. Bunch, after he
had served about one year as lhe
warden of the jal
Edward Ww Bealls Eben
DUrg Was appo warden on
June 1, 148, by the prisan board
and sil Dodds 1hal post
Mr Bunch CRasles ged Mr
ties right to the job Buseh sald
Wika uniawfuily dim saad Hie
he oO dischargec
ineflicienc amduct
and A proper
Judge 48 wg of
County, ap
point ted to Hear dis
ag reed with Bune Jiuige Long
ruded thal the priwn board wis
within ils rights when it
Bunch and hired Mr
. Beat
af fice
cows ax §
¥ Uf IAN
aly aller
the Case
The counsel Yor Mr Bealillie and
the prison board bad argued that
Bunch was elected only ito [4] an
unexpired term of his predecessor
According io Faon board's
bylaws, 1 was asserled wardens
are glected from year lo year and
that Bunch's tern actually ex
pired on Jan 1, 1948 The time
he served as warden after thal
date was borrowed lime, counsel
said since Bunch was not feel
ected al the first-of-the-year re
organization meeling of the board
Judge Long upheld this argu-
ment and stuck by when coun
sel tor Bunch appealed his rul-
ng and argued against it in the
Cambria County Court.
Judge Long was chosen to Dear
the case DbDecause the county
judges. as membery of the prison
board, were parties to the pro-
Fae 38 Wy
J ceedings and thereby disqualified.
The subsequent appeal which
for argument on
tnustion, and it was not
scheduled until recently,
Argument will be heard by the
Bupreme Count justices at Pills
burgh on Monday. Attorney Alton
A. McDonald will represent Mr
Beattie and Altorney ip N
Shettig will represent the prison
time spend beiow. Centers will
Grand Jury Praises Fourteen Students Mark Golden Wedding At Home Here
12 Pages —— 96 Columns
Northern Cambrin’s
Best and Largest Weekly
Subscription $2.50 Per Year
9 Girls fo Receive
Caps At Miners’
Hospital Ceremony
{ Mar. 20,
ine sehoot
| cetve
| Elder,
| Ji Studio Photo. Patton)
A large number of friends nnd relatives attended the open house at |
fhe hae of Mr. and Yoru. Vita Botiand of Metre Ate: Foran |
in homor of the couple's 50th wedding anniversary.
was servied Sunday.
X-Ray Exams for
The Hollands
Set In North Cambria Next Week
TB Unit to Set Up
At PHS Wednesday
Approximately 2.525 high school
ipiis will be given achest X-ray
Northern Cambria Bigh schools
turing Mar. 20 to 24 inclusive
Schools fo be included in
program are Patton Carrolitown
Hastings Spangler Barnesharo
Cresson. Gallitzin, Reade Town
and Eben Carnbria
Technicians fro The National
-Ray Surveys Orange N, J
will aonduct the examinations,
Coat of the examinationa is born
by the Johnstown Society for the
Preventios of Tuberculosis. Sth.
edules are set up by the office
of the Chmbria County SBuperin-
tendent of Schools and the X-
Raving will be supervised by Al
vin T Buck assistant oounty
superintendent, and Harry Her
shey of the Johnstown Society
All adults are encouraged 0
present themselves at one Of he
centers for a chest X-Ray Ar
rangements have been madd with
focal school administrators 10
X-Ray grade school calldren at
the various centers especially
those whise medical examinations
reveal a need for the X-Ray
Adults may be tested iff
desire, free of cost, atl any
various (samingtion ona
of the
at a
high schools in
Cresson, 89.
angler snd at the Baraesboro
Skating Rink.
The following schedule will be
in effect during the examinations
Monday, Mar. 29
Cresson Celter- Cressonn High
School from § to 11 & mm Gailit-
gin High Schoo! fram 11 to 11:40
a mm Gullitzin High School from
I to i i p m. and adults from
Cresson and Gallitzin and vicinity
from 3 2 to 3 > Hh.
A family Enner |
were married in Rootville in 1900.
School Students
‘under the direction of
Dr. W. M. Leonard
To Be Main Speaker
Nise pre-clinic students of the
Miners’ Hospital School of Nurs-
ing, Spangler, will be ne
to the school when the given
their caps on M gan
in the auditorium of
The cap symbolizes the spirit
of unselfishness, sympathetic un-
| derstanding and devotion to duty
Land ia presmnted Song the cere
mony. privilege of wearing
cap signifies that the
The following students will re-
their caps. Mary Louise
Hastings, Mary Alice Gel
i and
‘Rita Therese Vasilko, Nastydsie.
The music for the
| bert Caldwell, director of the stu
Twsday, Mar 21
Spanginr Canter Spangler High
RBehool from #30 to 11 a
Barnesboro Center Barneaboro
High School from 1 to 4 p m
Adults Irom Spangler Barnes
boro and vietnitly (such as Mars
teller and Nicktown areas: from
§ od m
Wedoaeondiny, Viar. 23
Patton Center Hastings High |
School from B30 to 10.30 a m
Reade Twp High School from
10:30 to 11:30 a. m. ; Patton High
School from 1 to 3:30 p. m., and
adults from Flastings, Reade Twp. '
Fatton, Carolitown, East and
West Carroll Townships, Clear
field Twp, Dean Twp, White
Twp, and Chest Twp from 3.30
to 5 pm
Xorays of students will take
piace in bus-load groups of 50
Adults aire requested 10 come inte
the KH School the side
door the Patfon School, |
and go from to the gym
nasium, site of the X-ray -_
Thursday, Mur. 23
Ehenstiurg Center Ebensburg- |
Cambria High Rehool from 9 to
11°30 as mm, Carrclitown High
Sehool from 1 to 3:30 po my, and
Adults from Ebensburg. Colver
Review and su £
ships from 3:30 to Sp Mm
one femae
pany swid group to be
boys to remove axy or for girls
to drems in paper bicuses as they
did for previous examinations. All
pupils and those to take the ex-
aminations are cautioned not to!
wear clothing having metal fix-
tures, dJapecially in the chest
ares, becausp metal affects the
X-Ray picture. Remember do not
wear metal buttons pins neck
“mains ote, if you are to be X-
Elder Quits As Head
Joint School Board
The poetic of the Ebernaburyg
Cambria wenahip School Board,
Jolin Elder since the creation of
the body 33 years ago, resigned
31 a meeting Monday night
Mr Elder plans to conlilue as
a board member a capacity he
ras served for 40 years. The vet.
evan +ducator said be la MePPing
own because he has held the
paaition the long period A
evil engineer, Mr Elder is em-
pioyed by Citizens Lumber Co,
of Ebetudurg.
The board accepted the resigna-
and named Frank Erhard as
the new president Mr. Friward is
president of Cambria Twp School
3 Spangler Youths
+ rns
Draw Sentences
1948, by the State Su-
preme Court, was granted a con-
board Bunch will be represented
h led guilty to charges of forgery
by Attornies Archie Matthews of
S8amerset and Bruce Sciotto
Contests Banned by
Liquor Control Beard
Customer-atiracted contests for
prises at lLipensed places
banned last Thursday by
State Liquor Control Board
Chairmar of the Board Fred
erick T. Gelder, said that
the order was
at leagues,
composed of several teams each,
organized to play pool and bowl-
ing pinball machines and shuffle
in taprooms.
of |
i James
: Magulicit, §
fore Juige George W. Griffith in|
Fbensburg. Their sen- 3
For Check Forgery
Others to Get Hearing
Before Juvenile Court
The three Spangler Youtls, who
had pociteted hundreds of dollars
by cashing fragdulent cheeks in
four North Cambria banks, were!
sentenced to a stale mdustrial
school Monday, when they plead- |
The boys, Donald Abmma
Passerella and Andrew
entered their pleas De |
& “art
alt i»
the White Hill Indus.’
trial Sclicol are for indetirminate
Were |
| 18 yeary
while |
i broadly worded it
was aimed especially
| mayer
| Roberts
The order prohibits license hold- |
ers from conducting conlests
any kind on the lcensed premis-
es or from permitting outside
sponsorship of such contests
Purchase Property
Guy H. and Virginia Weakland
of |
‘month period. They fo
periods. They are to remain there
until released by trustees of the |
institution. i
Three other youths all under.
af age. are being held in
the county detention home pend
mg 4 hearing in juvenile: court
They wire arrested following an
inveatigition by Sgt. Eimer Sch
pf the state police, and
County Detective Joseph
The six youths cashed approx-
imately 30 fo checks mount
mg to early 000 owtr a ane
signature of Dr. F. C in of
lof Hastings purchased properties was
Lawrance Beers, 21. of Ashville
treated in the Altoonn Morey |
sald an
' members enrolled in the unit dur-
ing the past five years
Lecorchick Named
By Rod & Gun Club
Report 107 Rabbits
Trapped In Barnesbore
Joneph Levorchick was retained
ag president of hd Barnesbord
Rod and Gun Club al a meeting
Sunday in Barnesboro Moose Hal
Other offuters are John Korta,
vice president; John Petruska,
treasurer, Andrew Mehal, secre
dents’ chorus. The chorus has
selected three numbers: Look Por
The Silver Lining Little ud
8Bhoes and My Creed
Hoes, music
supervisor at
town h School. will sing, An
Irish Lullaby, and Macushals, dur-
ing the program.
trator of the Miners’ Hospital, wil}
five the welcoming address Dr
M. Leonard, pein
cipal of Barnesboro
a member of the So
Council, will address the students.
Mrs. Mary Lou Coy, Nunsing
Instructor, will
and Ethel! H
Nurses, will accept ‘and np
he Cambria
In this area four branches bave
announced the workers for the
annual campaign,
chairman of the
Branch. Cleon R. Wyland of Bar
nesbors 8 the
Susquehanna Branch,
Andreas is chairman of the Moun-
tain Branch, and Joseph W.
Sandy ia chumirman of the Alle
gheny Branch,
The following i= the list of the
town chairman in the above nan-
ed branches and some of the
workers who will help in the fund
tary, Michael Ranick, Joa Willa- ¢
ski, and
nd ML
Jobin Peirigiko, auditors;
Yankoski, Mr FPelrisko
Witinak:, trustees, and
Mr. . Lecorekick, publicity
man. All active menibers are n-
Jaded cm the game comumillee.
It was anounced by (he presi-
dent that 17
trapping 43 of the rabbits. Mr.
Lecorchick thanked the borough
residents for cooperating in Lad
chair- a
rabbils were trap |
ped within Lhe borough mits and .
Romeo Babella was credited wilh
rabbit trapping program. He also Harrs
average of about 1s
It wis mported that streams
in the BRBarnesboro district have
been stocked with ‘arious types |
‘of fish and Khe WONS with sma)
Nominees are Attorney John P
Lantzy, commander; Hugo Viva | ore.
deill, senior vice commander;
Robert Morley, junior vice com- |
'mander; Cleon Wyland
master, andl Wm. Reed
Mr. Lanizy and Mr
Wyland |
‘ara thy only candidates thus far
for reelection.
‘Grand Jurors Indicate
They Sat en Splinters
The Manth Grand "which |
completing its work last
Half of
G. I Insurance
of the state's :
none.” | tive figures iin Hastings, 152 feet on First
| Hospitai dispensary last Saturday
The advancement is credited to Aveune and 135 feet on Spangler afte in after being caught i
ts not only in medical Street in from Fae . as
Hastings, Emma | tall of arth at the Oavalier Coal
sanitary sciences, but also in!G. and Guy Weakiand, for the Ch. operations X-Ray examina-
standards of living. sum of $8,000. tion was made of the injury. and
He led a Democratic ticket last |
Sop that soundly thrashed the
Be eT a rah. of
Secretary of
meth tn Finan
HR + mem