+5 R RA SLL eb SRR pea ol Rp pc a Thursday, February 8, 1900 HASTINGS Hastings Twins Observe Birthday With Party A birthday party was held Wednesday afternoon in Darlene and Arlene Easiy's irthday annivarsary. The voung ladies are daughters of Mr and Mrs Paul Easly Games were played and a lunch was served They received many gifts. The following attended Judy Yeager Lew and Rose Marie Urich, Adams, Elame Link Patria Cunningham Fasly Or Nevins, Ann Florencs Dolly Link and (Connie Katherine Beck was a Patton last Friday Mr. and Mrs O. T. Strittmatter and daughters, Patty and Alice, visited in Altoona on Sunday Nancy McNelis of Johnstown visited her home here over the week end Kathryn Pontzer of DuBois spending some time in town Mr. asd Mrs Stephen Easly of ARoona visited in town several days recently. : "Mr. and Mrs Clyde Kirsch sons of Spangler visited in last Sunday. Alveria Cordell of Pattor ited here on Monday Anthony Fiasco visited in town last Saturday Panl and Alice Strittmatter siudenis at Penn State, visited al their home here during the semes tear vacation : Lois Donahue ted here over Mrs. George Detroit. Mich tors here at sidence Anne Nesdore wag a last Satu day visitor in Pittsburgh Mr and Mrs Paul Easly in Patton on Sunday Mr and Mrs Wm Bebble of St. Mary's Pa spent Sundeéy at the Dumm home in East End Mary Dillon of Washington D CC visited in town over the week end Paul. McDermott, a Pitt University visited home here over the week Eileen Strittmatter of visited in town on Sanday Mrs Joseph Woodley and Mrs Ralph Woodley were last Friday visitors in Ebensburg Hobart Lord of Washington, D C. is spending some time at his hore hore Mr apd Mrs James Dailey of Wilkinsburg visited her: Saturday st the J. B. Semelsberger. Mrs Jomephine Hiberts and Mrs Anrs Bills visited in Carmiitows ast Sunday Mr. and Mrs John Rolard family and R. E Strittmatts of Altoona were Sunday v here at the M FP Sirittmat!« sidence. Gilda Martuccl of Indiana od here over the week end Blanche Rogal of Akron Ohio visited nt her home here recently Mr and Mrs. Paul Byrnes of Town last visitor in and town Johns of P tishurgh Cis the week Bell and were Sunday the W BR. Dillor and AO ed student al al his end Altoona Rev. GG. E Seas. Pastor Bandar, Feb 12, 1950. Utahville -10:45 a. m.. Worship Service: 9:30, Sunday Schocl, Ed4- ward Gathagan, superintendent Allemensville 2:30 p m Wor. “Lomi” §---7:30, Worship ,Berv- ice; 9:30 a m. Sunday School Jackson, superintendent day Hamby $30 a m, Sun- School, Howard Glass, super- intendent. Glasgow Pleasant Hill 9:30 a m., Sunday School, Charles Cree superintendent. ————— 5 ny #0 15 tee, {pee oot ant Ad yp. home. BAKERTON By A A PANCIZAE Glona Shevock Honored A bi Was i Mrs rthday heid Joseph Pa daugnier voutng lady receive (Games were played served. The following Gloria Shevock Jane Mortensen JTudy Barnes Marlene Mastran Patty Wysock Sandy, Bobby, Karen Becky Joan Shevock ther and atten ded Fiain: and in ® 0 Theresa Hovan and Robert Stephen Hovan, of Detroit were visitors here [ast attend the funeral of their er, George Hovan Mr and Mrs Eari family and Paul West N. Y. were last week visi here at the Reuben West home Mr and Mrs John Sciesky Mrs. Francis Knee and Paul Ven esky spent Sunday in Pittsburgh at the Aspinwall Vete Hos pits! Mrs. John Holmes of spent the week end here Charles Hertzog home Mr and Mrs Blair daughter, Arlene of spent the week end here John Schilling home Pius Yeagiin of Johns a last Thursday visitor the home of his molher Mary Yeaglin Mrs FF T Williams is this week in Pittsburgh Mr and Mrs George and] daughter of Ashville Runday visitors here at the cis Yeaglin Mrs Wm turned from where she attended of her Hrother-ir (‘onrad Mrs Wm Lamont Chester Mortensen were rdavy re in All and Mch week, to fath West and of Buffalo tors TANS Belsano at the Robb an 3 Johnstown at the f CYT Was Bars at Mrs spending home Fadmistor Mornango the funerai Taw (yoorge Mrs Sat and last wits Ona - RE, Nicktown Bry ROSE MARIE HURER Mrs Lens Brown of Ebensburg were Ry tri here at the Reed CH and Bi inday Brow (srace Fala ! is vissting here at the ho Mr and Mrz John Falatic Mr and Mrs Rube Parrish of Akron, Ohin were week ond vis- it here at the Ray F Rube Farabaugh TIER Edwin Kirsch of Loretin ded among i4 Thursday Winnifred ¢ oF SB ' B i rR Arrish and Peters, a student a: | incent Latrobe Vis ting here with his parents Mr and Mrs Adrian Peters Mr and Mrs Merle Kirsch and family of Carrolitown were Sur day visitors here wilh relatives Mr and Mrs Jack Falatic at- tended the gradualion exercises al the West Penn Hospital in Pittsburgh, ast Saturday Miss Grace Falalic, was numbered among the graduating nurses Loutse Huber of the Mercy How pital in Altoona spent the week end here with her mother Mrs Genevieve Huber Mr and Mrs and family of Sunday visitors Lieb home Mrs Ernie Banfield of Ebens- burg was a Sunday visitor hers a! the Al Kline home Mr and Mrs Merle Parrish and family were Sunday visitors in at the Waiter Duman College Stanton Dumar Ebensburg were here at’ the Rube ww UNION PRESS COURIER Marsteller Beaver Valley Youth Fellowship Rally Is Held Here Recently A Youth Fellowship ra nur : ¥ VERITIR Mesdames Davidson Instiann #hoa Rohrer "My Wednesday ! AA served by lows Taylor and Harry lLandenburg of here at urday Ann Fowler Betty J and June and Pat attended the birthday party of Caroline [Legros In Barnesbor inst Friday evening Regis Hanwell and spent Wee i hommes here Mr and Mrs len Pon family nf Johnstown lesen Pounds Luda Mary Hogers of the Transvania Bible School, Freeport, Pa. spent Sunday in town at the Ross Tay ior home Mrs Jacob Zabresaky : ited relatives in Oolver on San day Mr son of end here sidence Mr jack Kings Kingston «oe Mr and Mrs. Harv Anhar nd Mr and Mrs Delbert Len hart and children visited in Wood land last Sunday at Homer [.enhart and Blair ROM es Mr and Mrs Gerald Miller of * huis week smut ow r1wit odd APY SF jant Sat Flo Willams Charies M au £3 sTRS fina raha John om ard A Aer end fadys spent the he Mrs Mary arid Mrs Joe Kendrick took housekeeping 1 ene the here at yme of the . inds and Kath Henry and Ah er Strayer Mr Entiy ip heir apartment here Mr and Mrs Fore Ww daughter. Barbara of spent last Saturday Charles Barnett home Mra Mary Mellott of Beaver Falls the week end hers at the Wm Flemming home Mr Mrs farrea MINE nn, Kenneth Franklin Qundav at ard CO seaming home {haries =? 1 of tioned u ted Hamil hore w Mrs Robert Mowery this way. to oF ATtowsy v * ol AT ¥ oy var he Wwe ] y vo ded df Mr Hattie (sales y " "pn gS (reorge M ee "0 Friday busine Haron and daught EL {i There SEPT ITE i STESR, WN : Hams A tow hers 57 |r vis arnt { pane Ke Lai ng ant the woesk Laird and Mrs Bradford at the Fie oh Fa 4 How spent James re hp Blog here and Mrs Orel alport spent Sunday the Henry Hoak home The American Legion 1 shes 10 sXDrTES their tHADKSE | the members for Lhelr the bake sale Zane! we TORS tha 17 * 7 ur YAYVY ’ > a" York, re i r a¥ £ ently here At ni wm Ambrose ? Mr and wi ¥ wi} a's Rt AAS Fhenasbury of Harrisbun ; the Week the home of his parents Mrs 1. Riack Mra lewis Evans was fay gilor Fhenshuyr foe Holler of ARron * t tha Poy IRILInE here 5 | 4 vig GLASGOW fiy JANET C KURN Crwen (Guasie techn Lapp redday Join ast i Mra Masser Masser Car # WAS BHarneshor ance incarnat WARS xg WY Cis at terion FC ems (ANT Wank ve mg # or ed tr A With My Mind On Jesus My JAMEN KURTZ BIG recent { Arpt Mr and Mra Hardgld Kuhr sons of Ramey spent Sanday town atl {Marles Brick side fice Mr. and Fiitaburieh cvening at Fd not NEE MAY grow rong iy Jesus wrong rage the [or { sda 4 3 Mrs. Guy Bland of pp gen people may scorn visited here Baturaay sah raph . the Harold Traxell re rth my mind on Jesus the atrife iife sidence all The f.adiey i can bear Aid Bociety of the Pisasant Hill EUB Church Reid g. with all the trials a8 meeting last Wedneads That arise in life's game ing at the home of Mrs ind _— think ab Sd is ERE LPs Jackson. Those present He remains the same incindesd Vor Mra Leslie Smiley and daughter —— Camilla, Mr» Pillott Glass and Mra DD A Dixon, Mrs John Bchmittle, Mrs Wm. Baker Mrz Harry Heverly Mrs Ambrose daughter Patsy, Mrs Amos Glass. Mrs Charles Troxell Mrs Hannah and: daughter Faye and Mra Raymond Jackson even Linnie Matthew, Mrs J I. Me Grasl, Mrs. George McCartney ORE POWE R than ever! MORE VA LUE +, ever! NOW. . . the most powerful truck engine Chevrolet ever offered you . .. THE LOAD-MASTER "105" ENGINE ADVANCE-DESIGN TRUCKS Pixrormance Leaoeas Here is power aplenty Master 105-h.p. engine —the new the Load- more performance in the light- and medium-duty field! Come in and see these two greatest Chevrolet power plants. Whichever suits you best, remem- ber this: Chevrolet's your buy with more power than ever! more value than ever! > Suves You Thne on the Mills « Suves You Time on the Getowny + Seves You Money of the Way Pavioan leaoms Porutaniiy Leaoeas . Price Leavers PATTON AUTO COMPANY MAIN STREET GARAGE PATTON, PA. CARROLLTOWN. PA. Mima AI ing several faughters Washin gis Bal Fadie Miss Judy Hale Feted At Surprise Gathering 3 wr at Wayne Wade Ry Flar ed Walter Ire ETO {former's Hatehford fanet hn : ar NANCY joan { Passonita £ Vinglish, David and } at Zip - Anns J iy Her? ROE Patty Ann Ihetrick, Rose Mary Navior Dick logan, Helen and nda I Don Pesachman, and Carol Ann Fiora, all of Dysart Mary Ann, Edna Veronica Hollen ean Karon and 1. Baker Angus Joan Krise of 8t Augustine. David Baker of Patton, Peggy and Tommy Krise of Carrolitown, Mrs Annie Zupon Mrs Myrtle Diehi Mrs Betly Logan, Mrs Pat Campbell Mrs Peg Davidson of [Dysart Vertis Krise of 8t Augustine Shirley Haker of Patton and FElvera Hol en of Dean Mr an Mundys nan ne fas rently ' ¥ her? nda Jean and Jerry The young rec od vind gifts Games I Was lady were pl served a yed * 0 Mr Mrs and family of Nanty Pauline Fernarri, alm were Sunday v fan Flora indiana $y Charles Caley it Ors fhe vor fori rvu sreRE. a State T# 8 Te ryt 1 Marg Wry ows ’ 3 Week ond ward Lewis lewis J Nagios a Cy vey ad Hal Woe 1 &y * in sinLer Mansfield A 3 Corner with iY of the re her = Nanty-Glo, Rev Mine Stores Sold Two 32-ve ar. 0 Fire Last Fad yr. i weeks visiting Pittsburgh pa NODANY stores gold Heigley Ma ho ne Rav Supnly £ oy - 5% TY Bankin é Fae Store ot Mra atiy He as bat » a Yl eiy the Pp DUSINSS8 Inces of perate the Revior store kKett and son Bud short time : 4 » wg Lh {13 . and Ail Phelemum I ‘ i private hm vent Nas Rin ess a the one in Nant dgquidate its tise The lwo stores were ed in a deal last year by which Bethlehem Rte! Co acquired the Moneow Comal Co. Revioe and the Heigley Ceoal Co Nantvy-Glo The ste] company =zince has disposed spent. x vy at Lhe home of Mrs merchan. includ Mrs Ed Bregerald of visited here re Olan Wade farp Trailer Cours the ELH sal of two other ; properties purchas- ed from the J H Weaver Co. These two were in Heilwood, Pa. and in Dawson, W. Va Both business places opened in 1917 as coal company stores where miners were able to make purchases and pay for them through payroll deductions Wanish, Yewcic Named il Wanish, Bt Francis for- ward was selected on the first team of the 1948 senior all-Am- erican team picked each year by Central States Basketball head quarters. Wanish was named the mtstanding player in Johnstown ald Medal Tournament, pie Grow with our Classifieds ni dentine i SPECIALS If she’s wearing THAT ring or is soon going to, it's high time start snfe-guarding troussean and shower gift treasures Give Her A Lovely Cedar Chest! Wor Leen wmv akle de KEeeplisig Eran peed v imdiangt luge Lamy WOLF FURNITURE CO. BARNESBORO, PA. PHONE 278 «oD Modern Waterfall Styled Beauty $49.50 A famous make cedar chest with a $250.00 noth damage aaran- tee! Advanced design vith exterior veneers of beautifully, Agured and Rand matched American and Cathe iral Walnut Fall 5 rived coder interior 48 ang. 19 ride. 21 High With lack rice $49.50 Attractive roomy Tedrawer Bole desk has bullt-in electric Graceful desk chair An metal lamp Knee clock adiustabie c. Special Spare Room Group at Low Sale Price! Ou Tem $49.95 with restful spring bend pallows Big All at low price etn Had and Se HE Live IR matiress nie wardrobe Sofa bed so well styled you'd never suspect it opens to a bed' Pleasing pair of table lamps on smart lamp tables, matching coffee table and a colorful rag LOT Ouning 9.Pc. Living Room Group Worth $279.50 SALE-PRICED Lo 3199.95 Terms The rich beauty of the migddern styled sofa and hair keys the rest of the furnishings of this Ving room group You get all of these pleces Sota I Sela Plilbes Laumee Chair Ottoman Table Lamp. Lawnp SAVE $50.00! Get A Big 9-Pc. Bedroom Group $179.09 If you choose the van- ity with the bedroom suite, the vanity bench is included’ Bedding and lamps, too! Fail Stee Red est resser or Vanity with Bench Inerspring Spring Vanity Lamps3 ited Lamp Natiress SAVE WORK! SAVE $30.00! 14 Pieces for Kitchen-Dinette $99.50 So complete! So colors ful. S¢ many work yeving., step - saving onveniences. Just look what you get Sande Price ® Stepan Can Pe e Fuit Base Rug i USE OUR CONVENIENT TERMS