Thursday, January 30, 1000 Around Patton 2] Patton Varsity +: emphasized Members Feted * y Appropriate participation in pressed his interest ir Football, Basketball made also by Jesse W Jr, supervisin yrincipal. John Awards Are Presented Jr, tupervising princips facilities AvVal Ie ot the Barrmrd, high school principal; Twenty-seven varsity members H W. Fleming. John Semonich of the Pattoh High School Foot- Dr. B. J. Overberger, E WW. Win: ball and Basketball teams were. slow, Frank Cammarata and Dr feted ut a heli in the John Allen Murray. Commercial Hotel in Patton last’ Letters and certificates Tuuraday evenings award were presented to each of was arranged for’ the following by ih the Patton High School Ath-' Wiliam Albright lectic Committee with funds con. 2r. Henry Jolly tributed for that special purpose Richard Lowes Alan [Metrick Rev. Father Rupert Stadtmi. Wm. Turnbull Ted Galuschik ler, OSB, pastor of St. Mary's Wm Kopera, Steve Brinso Jack Church, gave the invocation and Litzinger, Evan Jenkins Albert appropriate remarks Skrodinsky, Tom Swab. Francis Pascsl H Marquette Hoover, Ixidore Lengle! John coach, rwarded certificates Fier Ralald LONE hi Pas leltersg to the 184% football ant rs JAnagS alts ers and announced that , in VIELINER. yr Dietrick and William per haive been slecied as ohne Mrs. Julia Legros Is 75 On Monday Ronald Trexler tain presented birt hi fav Nel i at the home Cyr Prac ios week in honor Mrs Draglos mother. Mrs Julian Legros, who her 7Hth hirthday legros is a daily two Masses in St Church . here many beautiful gifts and for which she extends her thanks to the senders the mother of two sons daughters, John legros William Huber of De Mrs. Cyril Duclos and Emanuel Legros of Patton She also has seven grandchildren and 11 great-grandchildren Lunch was served at relatives and. friends those present were Mr Edgar Seymore, Ashville and Mrs Joseph lilly, Mr and Mrs Joseph Legros, Mr. and Mrs William Selegkey, Mr and Mrs Maurice Huber, Miss Betly Dub yak, Mrs Mayme Thomas Mrs Margaret Zern, Mrs Mary Gar rity. Mrs Mary Sura, Mr and Mrs. Emanuel Legros and Mr Mra Roger 3 Phone Mrs, Callahan Dial 2652 Union Press aarie: Dial 316} gift as a token of the ap {on of the 1948 squad Schwab in remarks her efit 8 der froy athletic ved and having possible youth i % eX nest made Patton remarks of Ronald Trex- Paul MaoNuaity head and pay Alan Turnbuli co-Capt Ans Panther football man retiring cap Mr. Marquette RUTprise of Mr M: cif } art Was And y Mrs this {Ty wniday | of attained Mrs dant a! Catholic CHiN Cards many She is and two and Mrs trait and for Dad on Valentine's Day . oo # or - silen Mary's She re ed 5 o'clock Among and Mrs and Mr 5 ar i Duc ion * * » Future Homemakers Turn to Square Dancing The FHA group held the Ii jof its two parties during this ischool term at the Eaglts Ball room last Thursday night While the main feature of the | evening was to be round dancing, ‘a square dance was held with {Johnny Bender the calling ‘Winners of the e walk were { Louis Deschamps and Louis Hasl- uska. Jomnn Epon won the girls’ door prize and Alan Christ. | off, t the boyy’ ee» Patton Navy Veteran Jos National Guard ff Paul A. DeDea, 24, son of Alex DeDea of Patton and a World | War II Navy veteran, last week | switched services 0 join {1803rd Engineer Aviation Co of | the Pennsylvania Air National Guard, with its headquarters at Johnstown. DeDea enlisted as a recruit for three vears. He served with the Navy from Jan K 1844, to May, 1946 ryt would be mighty pliased b receive a fine new portrast of his family on Valentine's Dey. He's deserving of such thoughtfulness, and we would like to make the picture for you in our cheerful studio, FARABAUGH'S STUDIO HSS So the People May Know SSS Botany “500” Worsted Tex SUITS and TOPCOATS Knox ® Champ Adam HATS VanHeusen ® Truval Manhattan SHIRTS and SPORT BHIRTS Wilson Bros. SHIRTS and BPORTESWEAR Blocks tailored m California SPORTSWEAR ® Wemberg ,SHOES Florsheim Coopers and many other Imes of What is tke power that pulls so many men into our shop season after season! We can find no other reason except fine clothing at prices comsistent with fine quality. Even our cordial welcome and friendly service would not entice men if they were not convinced that famous makes give better style, service and wear, dollar for dollar, than inferior brands. LUXENBERG'S MEN'S SHOP Philadelphia Ave. Barnesbore We Pi - ( ‘ogley } the Patton Young Man Rejoins Air Force UNDERWEAR § Presby terians Name 80 Officials Friday Evening Patton Presbyterian it Rr (Church EA £¥rya 2 Frid gat oti OTR Ye Far PF . mer ber hinner Fark chair Sous Rex Fi rec AIT ps if 3) : PARst Or Harvey, Harry | man of the board tewak { the John | Reports folborwir TIS gurer of Mildred West mi triest narge iy Barnard were rf ti maeting ¢ as clerk from thi H1EA % wisi rea ACs heard gre] ; Laks Rhode Ladies Ad treasurer tg ere [ »ront hy ha Hest mater (puild Flo Wests sme WW ley, treasure Feliowship, and Js ir ssire hy troasiirer ard ® favorable financial Orr be Patton High School Honor Roll Listed ¢ he hes ¥ FRE Lf Ry + ¥y DAY Yahnet i Jiumlors Jagicek Sophomore Flair : a Cogtlels won: Mary | lee (sRrrily Hichard Sw RY Tirpak Freshmen Royer aKer Frine Fire Co. Auxiliary Intalls Tuesday Mea dent of of Patton fiers al Lena Crooks the Firemen's installed the new the unil's ing Tuesday evening Officers instalied suing year are. Margare! the president Ajice vice president. Margaret secretary, [Daisy Lacey, er, and Katy Deschamps trustee Out -god Minnie session, a social charge of Mrs Mrs Daisy Lacey garet Nincox Cross Roads Club Gets Home Ideas Makers formerly the Club, met at Charles Holtz of Hastings, F. D.. on Tuesday, wilh Mrs. June K. Griffith hotne ec- onomics representative of Came bria County, in charge Griffith showed fill frciires on ja st pres Auxiliary Of « meet. Jan 24 the en Forsy- Bwisher Stnoox treamur. the on for ran president was Mrs Following the nour was held In Marie Marshall and Mm Mar ing Smit? The Home Ciab Cross Roads, ton-Hastings home of Mra ” a Yl ig ving room furniture Arran gements and gave the ladies many ideas on how to make hom- es 4 more pleasant place to ive There will be a series of five meetings of the group, the next to be held at the home of Mrs C. J. Bearer. Subject will be furniture spring Ueing and upholstering. Mrx M/8gt. Williemm L. Whitacre of the Army and Air Force Recruit. ing Station at 1003 Philadelphia Barnesboro, this week an- re. a RT Ny ww Te A Wa a aT www UNION PRESS COURIER I be held this Sunday afternoon in kcal Moose home Richard Hood Navy who had Philadelphia, spe with his grandme Wyse of Lang Avi ny Jan. 27 for Ma ” Calif of the 11. 8 been stationed in the week end rier, Mra Mary He will leave Island San rif ah ra FORO nd Were {Ohio Carol at th Miller [rick day Bert LOTR fMaugn Other week o giresta Mrs Ed mother of May ariel and Willia and Mrs family of Con Wyse hone Hf ARron Hood: Mrs ghts P Sa aime of Akror Wyse and RD Mr and Frank tine PY and Mry, James Iris children Spent Sunday at the Nagie home In St Augus- Mr tion Word has been received by and Mrs COC Gray of Pa B.D that their scn-in-law’, Fred Lawrence, has been named man- ager of radio station WACB at Kittanning. Pa Fb a ry and Mrs Normar tM mm el y Word has ¥y v Mr that received Nwrishar fanughter Fodwert have ar pw mding tw and rela Lew st rw Rt fay "i r Mastsr of A r vied) Fy wees 8 $iraR LCE r § WwW Sat ard Mrs ustin, Texas after Arpt (ers HY KETONE friends here & Fi im {eers st IR OY sUALARITIAE = 8 Ba id paren 4 Wins! eave I Sar : ay us § Mr i £5 ww Oharn Mary las { Johnstown turday here wilh and Mrs Harry Rland Ave Mrz Ruel Burkhart Ave, is recuperating at after being a hospital patient The condition of Mra Emule linglet is unimporved Mrs Ling let suffered a stroke of paraliyws two weeks ago and is a patient in the Miners’ Hospital Spangler A bake sale will be held by the Biewmsed Virgin Sodalitly of ®2 George's Church this Saturday Jan 28 the [Louis Halukka's Store Room. The sale will begin at 10 a m . Mrs. Anna Biller of Altoona visited among friends and rela tives in Patton on Monday wise Deschamps HN Friday and parents wesc ha Sper a her Mr f Hig Iii of LOE EW ner i ad Mrs Pauline Reed of Hunting. | ton, W. Va. is spending a month visiting her son-incdaw and dau ghter Mr and Mrs Lacava of Patton and ber son and daughter-in-law, Mr and Mra Thomas Reed of Carrolitown Usisse you con post 31! 000 cush wr secs Py, rend Niel Under sew stete Sage gl Mepansihilty wes She aus golden oil ene? pew your detew loses four wreimgs! Inssegnre 3 yeur bes preted eal La me shaw wow wiv 2 Soy te sewe with Shate Farm Moteei—werid' s largest «© Pressiums for Six Months Farmers, $3.91; All Others, $11.16 {Excluding filing fee) 08 Magee Avenue Phone 2743 Patten, Pa. | Fourth’ Michas!: | STEPHEN A. HOVAN i ‘of the Westminster Fellowship in the service, 7 p m. Westminster Fellowship, Marjorie Turnbull and Kenneth Swisher in charge of the worship service Episcopal Church Gilbert Watt, Priest-in-Charge Sunday, Jan. 29 Morning Pra- yer and Sermon, 5:15 a m Church School, 10:15 a m Tuesday, Jan 31- The Annual Youth Cholr Relearsal at Parish Dinner at the Central mManue each Wednesday at 7 Hotel, Carrolitown, will be held '& eh r areal each at 8 p m., after which the an- ne al 11 o'clock nual meeting of the adult mem- : pera of the church will be held * & » Trinity Methodist Chureh Rev. J. E. A. Bucke DASTOY Sunday, Jan 20-845 a m Church Bchool, Robert Rowland superintendent {Primary and Jun. ior Depts. at Odd Fellows Hall adults at Grand Theatre); 10:45 a m., Morning Worship at Grand Theatre, sermon subject, Une used Blessings, 6:30 p m , Youth Fellowship at parsonage Janice g, DlpteITe in charge, subject, supt. 11 a mm, Preaching Service, ‘hat Does the Bible Mean to . : te’ Say 7:30 p. m, Worship Ser 8:45 p m, Young People's Meet - rin 4 ing. Robert Simmons, leader, 7.45 vice in Lutheran Church, subject, Evangelistic Servic Our Faith at Work." P ¥ VAnRgeiistlic [ET VICER a af aS . - Wednesday 7:30 p mm, Mid Special note Frayer Rervice at Weak Prav sd Pra Riv ienrs the parsonage Wednesday even. © oo Ya Yer and usu fa Vian Durin the evening. J H You have a cordial invitation to L% WE CET FORTE Than i” * oy % ma . . t n ff] ROK $ Hankinson of Carlisle will speak WJISW, Altoona ey " radio each Bunday from wn memorial windows. Those a +h { way io terested In purchasing a8 memor ¢ ’ . " And hear " ial church window come and hear . of T rut h program F be Mr Hankinson Marquise and his coworkers a of Hagerstown M4 [t's old fash- onyed Gospel in sermu and song. Patton Presoyterian « nurch otf Ceol at STM Burnside You will a hearty welcome of Gol servicers the m Ratur the Pp arol day “hurch Tuesday “omnferend crwsi p First Tenstown rivhe Or in Jar 41 P 1% the for Westminster Fel RV leiders in Preshy rn Cor wit “ sere and BD, DD torian Church i Special meeting of the Blairsavi Presbytery in Avon- Prashylerian Church at 7 p ™ i . » Church of God Chapel Levi GG orsuch, pastor Buynday. Jan. 29-10 a mv, Bible iy Sehool Geo W. Colberg ing OTe the the edd iF ing oy Ae Th 3 Churches al sponacred hy Min- P and diWAVS receive t Church Pilumn it ar Bun wr MAarvey at tom | ander Deing tuted 4 ay tay Schon rit earndent Berv Fan 2B 10 a Fims a ry Sag x Del ome 11 Young Prople's pastor will be assisted Oe Worship Day, the Hy 2 ¥ qt mst we officers had charge of the group's meet. Law president Ape rs Education and Objectives,” Law said in part: “This week we jents admitted and celebrate the Ist anniversary of the Colver Hospital for the past waniz The a perscnal matter We must live fore T what stands ueation CI ve He also Kiwanis and then asked how give spiritual Thre nur A Kiwanis Education (gems eens 2 Theme of Meeting Thursday Fry The Northern Cambria Kiwanis < Plummer jate president, will nave charge of this week s program. He will be assisted by two girls ‘from Pattes High School in pre- senting a 15 Burns Day pro- gram. The : will be in: the Central Hotel in ursday even ing at 8 o'clock. Colver Hospital Patients’ Record The follow ing is the list of | rmittes on Kiwanis Education, h Dr B F. Bowsrs chairman, inst of! with Samuel immandiate Ebengpurg © pagt Thursday, Revioe, of the axer sing’ as his topic, Kiwanis Mr 2 at founding of International Ki- week: ness of Kiwanis is 4 gniesions Alice Smith Secs objects of Kiwanis I belong- ondine Ultak. Mary tin Aldo Congiloli, Vi Dixon, to Kiwanis for three years be- Th ov rach began to have an idea of as Bu tr. M ros Ks for Through Kiwani ry ana Bernard Marsh. tv I gradually began to ‘per Discharged — Ernest Bellas, An the significance and mean na Hajzus = Ethel Public. Paul of ‘the organization Ahles, Catherine Scanlon and oritlined the objects of, Alice Smith can Matern it _ gd objects into use 10 \,.., Ray He od hn un. Siar + i \ J ‘ ; » » pone moral and Jan. 21; Mr. and Mrs. John Vetok : : : Bbensburg. son, Jan. 17. and Mr, and Mra Ros€ Dixon Ebensburg, daughter. Jan IR put hess PRImRCyY rather to other Ebenshirg mem Mahlon Baumgardner Alex Maclain and FE George pregent. the meeting oon an inter-club meeting for Ramuel F. Yannitelli and Elisa- wrth Cambria and Fbeng. beth \F Maloney, both of Patton. 2 Paul ¥ Dee logier, Cresson and meeting of the board of 4- Mary Janczy, Gallitzin MARRIAGE LIC ENSER Bh Ni LUXENBERG'S “YOUR DIAMOND STORE’ , tire amedl vf oF 3 § joe iRMGN vd ring y a * hsihiant, fi th bs pt NT y nhian Brilliant solitary Eraved moant a3 we r ’ diamonds " PE | 4K B® Od 100 Kvely fran “The Store for SAFE Diamond Buying” Matchin nond in cach from 87 5 8g set LUXENBERG’S PHILA. AVE. BARNESBORO y Should a Dollar’s Worth of Travel ntinue to Cost You’1>? S THIS TRIP NECESSARY?” you were asked in 1941, when every inch of space was needed for troops and war supplies. To discourage travel then, a tax was added on vour travel dollar, azax that grew to 15% during the war. The Federal Government collected it through the railroads. The Government still collects it, though your travel need not be ra- tioned now. Today, the original purpose of this tax is as obsolete as an Air Warden's helmet. But, four years after the war’s end, YOU are still paying the Government at the rate of $250,000,000 a year in travel tax. And, of the billion and three quarters collect- ed since 1941, sver Aa/f came out of your pocket after the green light on travel went on again. Yeu don’t have food rationing today... you don’t have gasoline ranoning today. Yet, a very real brake is still being put on travel. On a coach trip from New York to Chicago, for example, YOU are stull paying $4.61 in Federal tax. And the same with the goods that are shipped to your home community. On every dollar you pay for freight, you pay the Government an extra 3 cents (4¢a ton on coal). That means YOU are still paying over $300,000,000 a year — freight tax alone. » * - This tax should be repealed NOW. There is no longer any reason you should pay $1.15 for _every dollar’s worth of travel . . . $1.03 for every dollar of railroad freight. Eastern Railroads 143 LIBERTY STREET MEW YORK 4, N.Y. 1