Union press-courier. (Patton, Pa.) 1936-current, January 12, 1950, Image 9

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    —_re —_— am
Show Gain of $1.5 Million During 1949
1949 A
692,850 $
48 580
Planning Bear Hunt Watkins, Still Walks On 1950 Calendar
November, 1954 10 Miles fo Work Lincoln's Birthday Will |
raion | Gove Years hence. S5.yearold, Has Been Making Trek |... ... i 15 sevote plaatyl Ses
hi (roorge W % of Eme ans ; » : devote plenty e
81310 ty take a day off from gn _plana For Past Nme Years of time to their holidays will find counters
Martin Barrett, 49.year-old re
1,098,750 muning duties to Eo bear hunting 1950 right down their alley. iton'g birthday
1,852,660 He promised friends that he'll | The new year has no less than Feb. 23. Patriotic
shoulder a gun in quest of Brier Sident of Watkins, a small village five double holidays. The double- out the Colors to observe
Bruin on his 90th birthday anni. |Detween Bakerton and Spangier, takes are where festive days fal Day Wednesday, June 14.
Allegheny Township $
Ashville Borough
Barnesbhboro Borough
Barr Township
Cambria Township
Carrvciitown Borough
Chest Springs Borough
On the basis of approximate
the value of real estate
Camda County increased by
little $1.5 million during |
very" minor chan-
may be made, is
all there were gains in 75
percent of the county's asses)
ment districts. These include #2
and townships and II
Outside of the greater Johns
area, the most sizeable
gain was in Patton, - where prop-
valuations were Increased
$80567.130 to the new 1830
O50. Patton Firmt
ts are listed ns
$20510. Cam-
surrounds Eb-
an increase of
tabulations show
considered as
County during
an assessed valuation of
. The combinad asseas-
in in Northern Cam- |
Chest Township
Clearfield Township
Eider Township
Gallitzin Township
Hastings Borough
Loretto Borough
Tunnethill Borough
West Carroll Township
White Township
| Below are the figures for some
{of the subdivisions in this area
{a8 listed by the State Tax Equal-
{zation Board last June, Towing
that property assessments in al
jof them are far below legal re-
‘quirements. These figures give
{what the state experts figure is
the true total market value of the
properties in towns and town-
iships, along with the assessed
valuations for ‘1948.
By comparing the tables of the
| 1949-50 assessments with the fig-
urges of the Tax Equalization
Board the rate of increase may
be seen. However, the number of
new homes, etc, constructed dur-
ing the past 12 months aiso must
Se taken into consideratiom
Districts with low assessed val
uations in the have bene.
fitted in the matter of state ap-
propriations to school boards. The
districts with high percentages
probably will receive the same;
268, 600
231,940 %
823,100 !
555 480
$15,394,190 $15,580,130
Low-Asssessed Cambria Districts
Facing School Headaches This Fall
amount of state school appropria-
tion money, while those in the
lowest category stand to have
theirs cut in half causing local
school boards to up laxes in order
to raise the same amount of
revere As now is received in
jocal taxes and state funds The
information is that {his
“equalizing” of stats appropria-
tion funds will go into effect in
September, 18550
'nequal assessments in various
towns in the county also is un-
fair when it comes to paying
county taxes A glance at the
table shows that a resident of
South Fork who owns a house
actually worth $10,000 pays twice
‘as much county tax because his
property is located in that boro
as he would if his home were
jocated in Susquehanna Twp. or
Carrolitown or Dean Twp... be-
cause county millage is the same
in all districts in the county
versary, And judging by the way doesn't want for exercise.
4 Judging by y In addition to digging coal for day or a Monday.
i his livelihood which is no mean
{chore in itself he walks 10 miles
he now shrugs off the weight of |
his years he may fulfill that vow.
Mr. Michaels started digging
coal in 1902 at the relatively ad-
vanced age of 38% But he's been |
going strong in the industry ever
since, i
His present job is lampman, |
watchman and janitor for e, |
Peacock & Kerr Inc, 5t. Bene |
dict his employer for the past
15 years :
He worked ag a digger and
later as a company man until 18’
years ago when he sustained a
broken leg in a mine acoldent.
I feel good, it's hard to tell)
how kng I will work, fust as
long as my health permits; I hope |
that is a long time,” Mr. Michaels |
said. Already he is a strong bid- |
Cer for the Jongevitly crown
among coal industry workers in|
the district ;
Although his favorite hobby is
runting, the octogenarian only!
got in one day of the sport dur-
ing the past deer season But he
is looking forward to a rendex-
vous with a bear in five years
Known to his miner friends
either as “Uncle George” or:
‘Gravipaw,” Mr. Michaels has a
good word for his associates
“They sure are a great bunch of
fellows” he mays
The aged man lives alone on
company property. He is the fa-
ther of seven Hving children
Mrs Bertha Richards of Pitts
burgh. Mm. Annetta Copp of
Cleveland, Mrs Wanetta Keith of
Hastings Norman of Emeigh
William of Cleveiand, Ralph of
Youngstown and Elva of New
| most
in any share-theride plan as none
a day to get to and from his
place of mit at Mine 12
(either on a Saturday, or a Sun- Tuesday will have its share of
| holidays. Indejisndencs
This gives obwervers a chance Day sind WEiection Day,
stretch out their celebrations Nov. 7, all fall on a Tuesday.
over two days rather than oon- Halloween also will be on ss Tues
ifine them to the normal 24-hour day.
of Barnes & ker Coal Com- | cyele It the bis i
puny, Bernssbore to rainy flee... gpl
ploy- |
Barrett liveg five miles | ges who never skip a legal holl- when
from Ms work. By simple arith- day.
metic the roundtrip adds up to a]
total of 10 miles he “hoofs” it Lincoln’
in the Thursday column
of the double-headers is] 180 calendar,
s Birthday, Feb. 12, which Oct. 12, and
each day. | falls on » Sunday and will be ob- | Nov. 23, also will be on
He has been travelling the dis-|
tance on foot so long he doesn't)
mind the hike any more, IU's al
for him to join
of his mine buddies reside near
by ;
“IT never ask for a ride but!
sometimes cars of and offer to!
give me a HNL" , Barrett re
ports. But more y hej!
trudges the entire distance..come |
‘rain. hall, slest, snow, lc
During the past nine years the °
Watkins man Jost only one day's.
work because he declinad to brave |
unfavorable weather He's proud
af that record
The miner also jokingly refers |
to his daily home-to-portal stint
whenever the conversation tums
to a portal-to-portal topic, 1
Mr. Barrett has worked at his
trade for 35 years. He received |
hig mining indoctrination when he |
was a Ind of 14 Unmarried he
makes his home with a farried |
brother, Vincent
You weigh more downstairs
than when you're downstairs, and J
you weigh more when the moon
is on the horison than when it w&
there is no Valentine
GIFT which could be more
charming than your PORTRAIT
make an appointment now
boot Sons of the Auld Sod will
PHONE 4651
BI i I at I rt at I i I Epes CE pl I als WO pa I
Pet. of
Mk. Val
30 07
28 22
34 358
for 1850 will be ap-
ately $15.560.130. This is a
of some $1635 .840
Subdivisions in this ares show.
Bs In assesaments were
: Twp. Ashville, Barnes- Cambria Township
Cambria Twp., Carrolitown, Carrolitown
peings. Chest _ Clear- Chest Township
p.. Dean Twp. Car- Cresson
.. Barmesboro, Gallitsin, Dean Township
Twp... Hastings, Reade East Carroll Township
, Bpangler, Turnnelhill, White Ebensburg
Twp. und tion. Fades Teoanship
> Only orth C Gallitzin
a Samba xb. Gallitzin Township
Johnstown City
Prince Gallitzin Unior
Reade Township
Market Vilue Ass’d Value
‘217 882 $ 85 520
3.671.648 1.041.510
5 TTIRATS 1.8868 540
8.331.994 2.048 810 35.37
1 401.390 352.870 25.18
815223 253 800 41.22
3.470.114 O80 R10 31.15
778.961 2TH 28 40
2.048 DOS 35 500 11.49
A R25 R70 528 480 $7 04
SOR 323 ZRH 30 21 86
2.128.298 048.220 £4 BO
887 300 304 410 31.47
1.561.581 $48 O06 2R 15
136 794.271 64 330 880 48 02
4 313.030 ASS 0) 33 67
3 343 803 814.310 27.34
5554757 RTO 0 41 &R
2.235 840 #5 030 348 01
412.458 174510 42 31
2063 270 70 0 51.14
26801 873 T5854 580 IR 1
2 RTA825 877.970 ad BR
185.450 63 S800 IR 55
1.278.413 SOR 030 48 85
2050 KD aT RS
School District
Ashville $
Barr Township
° .
Thin Sioek 4-Door 6-Possenger Towbark Sedum heod: 5 lime. up
of sin smart SUPERS, oll powered with the surging sew F241
raight acght engine, very lated word in valve. m-hood [iW and bie.
"FASHIONED for every
Priced for every BUD
Se you think that's taking in a
lot of territory — for Buick, or
In Patton Borough itself. both
the First and Beccnd Ward as
semmory reviied their figures up g ah Fork
Real estate valuations in| go ngier
the Pint Ward are now listed aso
SERN, and occupntional assess
SE at $1000, for a total of
ai" U.S. Inspector Notes Improvement
ai regs ane | At Sterling No. 1 Mine, Bakerton
uehanna Township
West Carroll Township
White Township 530 885
ae a ——
correction of ted shelter hole at a switch
a throw, effective car blocking, use
ederal coal mine In “tor prais- of a drag on trips ascending
od the generally good compliance haulage roads, overioad protec-
with the Vederal Mine Safety tion for circuila of seven trolley
Code at the No. 1 Mine of the locomotives, provision for a sec-
Sterling Coal Co. ut Bakerton, the ond escapewny from the 19 laft
Bureau of Mines announced Sat- section, and wearing of protective
'urday. hats and footwear by men ex-
: men posed to falling objects and -
The mine employed 308 men Ang pnp uth. eB
87 tons of coal Kles by those
. .. | Work
0p 42 Reporting the
’ ae many substandard conditions,
dowetBucade | press, ers 2 Marsteller Soldier
Eompeies th Sev (11% Th compiance win ne, CXPiFES In Hawai
was advised, re-|
: plan Baral
ball design — and one of them, the dealer now? Could be 1950 will
sensational new F-263, wholly
But even these are so little above
deat ala for 1048 would be he Piece!
i ‘alich 8r. of Marsteller have re-
: 4 leeived word from the War De-
ison, Sgt. Michael Mihalich Jr.
An army veteran of 19% years’
: . Mihalich died
from W
work- in
rock- nn Korea
regions, a8 end of World War 1! and had an.
haulagewn and ly six mon to serve ore his
8 : yn Ee He served a the
Kreischer also | European Theater during re-
t of Jue sited | gent world conflict,
obstructed along haul-| A brother of Joseph Michalich,
and shelter holes at the Spangler chief of police, the 42-
derail switches, elimina- | year-old veteran was tom July
tion of some risky haulage prac- 2 1907, in Johnstown Durin
grounds for electri- World War II, five M
cal t and other electrical prothers served (n the armed
safeguards, display of signs to €s- | forces—three in the European
driving machinery | Pacific. One brother, Thomas,
For added blasting safety, the has 18 years’ army service to his
inspector sald alli shots or series credit.
of shots should be fired immed-| Spangler American Layion and
after charging on shift. Air Veterans of Foreign ars will
not be coursed from pillar have charge of military rites
‘lines or abandoned areas to live Funeral arrangements are in-
workings, he added, also recom- | complete pending arrival of the
ing of an obstruc-! body from Hawaii
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Mih-
and guarding of some Theater and two in the South
1 “An Ounce of Prevention
Is Worth A Pound Of Cure” . . .
It's an old saying. but never truer than when
applied to State Inspection of your car. Peansyl-
vazia’s traffic accident rate due to mechanical fail-
ure of oars is less tham 4% . . . the national aver
age 1s 18%-Proot that State Inspeetion puye off
} your car to
of . We'll give
anyone else.
Well, look at the 1950 Buick line,
which these -three high-fashioned
honeys represent, and decide for
vourself if it isn't right.
Nineteen — Yes, 19 — smart new
models to choose from — open
cars, closed cars, sports cars,
utility models, all with the smart
styling of big, bold-lined bumper-
guard grilles, sleek tapermg fend-
ers and the over-all look of a jet
Three full series — SPECIAL,
SPECIAL models available both in
standard finish, and the extra
luxury of de luxe handling.
Three separate power plants
- in five horsepower ratings — all
higher in compression than before,
and all more powerful.
All valve-in-heads too, all Fire-
Tune in HENRY J. TAYLOR, ABC Network, every Mowday resing
new — giving SUPER models a brill
liance on the road to make vou
Four wheelbases — all planned
for riding comfort — with overhang
reduced to make parking and
garaging easier. Rear seats are as
much as 13 inches wider, giving
generous hip-room, shoulder-
room, head-room and leg-room
to all models.
Plenty of outlook as well. And
the abiding comfort of coil springs
on all four wheels. And rorque-
tube drive, to keep vour going
steady and sure. Not to mention
Safety-Ride rims, for comfort
plus control.
Then look at prices — do they
really fit any budget?
They range from the fine-car level
of the ROADMASTER down to just.
above-the-lowest figures on the
Six ROADMASTER Models, woiwding the
wire awart Biwers, cover the See-cor Reid
152 hp. Fusbat sraight sight sngine,
Dymafiow Drove standard
inything else — buy you so many
more years of happy use — and
give you & car of such consist-
ently-better trade-in value — that
you'll find Bgick reachable by
buyers in any price range.
Se why met get the whole story,
price and all, from vour Buick
be the Big Year in which you
step up to a Buick and start driv-
ing the car of your dreams.
The delivery situation’s good,
you'll find the "'deal’’ is right —
and you're going to find yourself
a lot happier just to have an order
vers at your door for. . . .
delivers at your dose for . . . .
THE BUICK SPECIAL )-Pamenger Coupe
{Dynoflow Drive availoble of extra cost)
THE BUICK SUPER 4-Door 8-Passenger Sedum pictured
{Dynaflow Drive available of exira cost)
THE BUICK ROADMASTER Riviera pictured here, inc
Dynaflgw Drive, delivers af your door for . .
Optional squipment and slate and local loxes extra. Prices subject to change without
nakior. Prices may vary :dightly in adjoining communities doe to transportation charges.
pictured here do
% * * « *
* - * » . *
. . ¥
Phene your BUICK dealer for a demonstration — RIGHT NOW!
Fourth Avenue, Phone 2171