CARROLLTOWN | North Cambria, Bamesboro Kiwanians Install New Officers 9 CHS Students Receive Poetry Acceptance Papers | Nine Carrolitown High School | tadents received certificates of | for their poems sub- noceptance mitted to Dernis Hartman, secre- | School | tary of the National Hi Poetry Assn, Los Ange Joseph V. Maucher Jr, ‘ising principal, presented gred: “American Carnage” by Lois Fees, uh, Sprin Life” by Joan Fwrabau ring’ Vice- toria Marana, * ‘Bamntul 3 Lamont, “Autumn” by Malloy, “Autumn” by Larry Leh- miler, “Sorrow” by Alfred Panek Never Be A Miner” Shero, and “If” by Mary Barnes. super- i the | Awards at a special assembly on | Monday morning. The following 8 Seniors and 1 Junior were hon- | Put | Vincent | by Tom | Ruth | These poems will be published | in an Anthology of High School | Poems this coming spring : 0 John Serafin Secretary Of Local Church Group The St. Benedict's Holy Name Society, at a meeting on afternoon retained the officers with the exception secretary, Cyril Stevens, tendered his resignation - John - Serafin being the ficial. Officers are as follows of ths having and new nf - President Harry Hoover, vice presdent. Paul treasurer; John Serafin 88 Senior Marshall for the year and Paul Gavaler was elected the | Junior Marshall The Holy Name Baciety of Sit Benedict's Catholic Church last . Bunday morning received Holy Communion in a body and foi the Mass service hod an Communion Breakfast in honor of 35 new members taken into the group. The meal wag served at the fostmaster, and the speaker was CLOTHING SALE! ALL CLOTHING AND SHOES Hie RELUORD FOR JANUARY BALE! Beys’ High-Top Shoes, sizes 10 to 1 Chil drake Artics ALL JACKETS FOR MEN AND BOYS T COST PRICE t JOE'S CUT- RATE STORE Sunduy | former | Fred | Lieb, | treasur- | er. Herman Karlheimm was chosen! Pictured are some of the members and James Studio Photo, Pa ta present at the joint installation ol officers of Barnesboro and Northern Cambria Kiwanis Clubs held inst Thursday evening at the Central Hotel in Carrolftown Installing officer was Kiwaniv' Lieutenant Governor Samuel Z. Miller of Phillipsburg. Assistant District Altorney ALY Com tary A tation A. McDonald of Ebensburg, who C spoke on the methods used by To Reorganize On Feb. 1 Communists in infiltrating their Bene Aoctrines in the Democracies, and dict hurch Hall on Bunday af. the part that all Christian peo: lernoom, members of the comn pies should play in combating the evil Rev. Father Fiavan OSB. pastor of Bt Church, gave an interesting in- stroctive address to the gather ing. About 90 members were in attendance at he breakfast a meeting in the St the C emetéry As named by the embers of the parish They are Lish, F. A. Khine FEimer Frank Buck, 8 1 Miller onnell, William J. Shar and M. PP. Westrick cemetery commitiee has exceptionally active during the past several y2ars and thronigh their offorts lhe Church cemetery has becomme a ¥pot pleanirg to the eyes Officers for past year were A A ied president, F. A. Kline, Vice presi- dent: Elmer Luther, secretary and Frank Buck, treasurer Dir ectors were 8 I Miller, Don Connell, Wiliam Lauer and MP Westrick. The new committee will meet on Feb 1 for a ganization meeling oe Sister Ann Augusta Schroth visited her aunt. Mrs Theodore Vogel, here, over the Week end Mrs Vogel has been ill recently F' A Kline and daughter Mra Anastasia Benjamin and family were in Pittsburgh on Sunday, wihere they visited with Mr and Mrs. Oscar Reig Friday visitors at the Joe Leo riard home were Mr. and Mrs Michael Struck of Cleveland, OO and Mr. and Mrs George Tomko of Rossiter, Pa. Mrs. Harry 1. Foes is spending | this week in Jouquesne and Van- arr AEE Yelinke Benadict's A A [.uther, Don ( baugh The been 20. 90.98 $1.98 & $1.00 $3.95 .. $1.98 $1.69 $3.95 $1.19 $1.98 & 98¢ Fer Values to $1095 $4.00 $9.00 $3.00 BUSKIN PLAY SHOES @ $4.99 $9.99 STYLED BALLERINAS HIGH HEEL WEDGIES OXFORDS YOU CAN ALWAYS DO BETTER AT ANS SHOE OAL gqergriit where ashe 4 a guest f her sons