Union press-courier. (Patton, Pa.) 1936-current, January 05, 1950, Image 2

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    Laz gest Generil Weekly Newspaper Circulation in the Area
Ee... a
pr Bukished 4 Thursday by Thos 4 Owens ang Prank P. Cammarsta
ond class mall aiding. a A. Patton, Pa. and entered as sec-
the Act Of March 3. 1879. st the postoffice at Patton Pa. under
Thomas A COwena, Editor
Subscription: $2.50 Yearly
in Advance
Individual Copy, S¢
Busiresa Manager
Managing Editor
“at |
= > 2
Advertising Rates Furnished Fe
Upon Application nia em—
Thre endeavor of the Unieh Press-Courier is $0 sincerely represent Org-
id Labor in all efforts to obtain esonomic treedom Material for pub-
Hestion must be by the writer ss an evidence of good faith
Tie Union Press-Couries gives ita sdvertisers the sdvantage of combined
strcriations of two iargely-circulated weeklies and has 8 reader coverage
that blankets Pattop and the major mining towns In Northern Cumbria
\ aty
the liberal voters in the district
_ candidate at the time Savior was picked by the Cambria
i S
Thoughts—Political, Etc.
The turn of another year is over With
political thoughts come upon the scene here in Cambria County
slsewhere In the county there will be three assembly candidates as
well as two from the City of Johnstown to be nominated by both
major political parties. In the three « ounties of the 26th Congres
sional District, congressional candidates will be nominated and in
the state a Governor, Lieutenant-Governor United States Senator
and Secretary of Internal Affairs will be the bill of fare
The primary election will be ia May, and the general slection
in November. While its entirely too early to determine just
whose names will come forth in the county for assemblymen, af
feast two of the present incumbents, both Democrats, and maybe
all three of them will stand for reelection. Several prominent
Democrats are putting out “feelers” as potential congressional
candidates, but at this early dale no definite crystaltzation has
betm in evidence.
the new YORr new
Democrats, naturally, after their defeat in the special election |
last fall to retain a Congressman are likely going to
cautious this year and select a candidate that will have appeal to all
Quite likely. John P Savior, the
presimt incumbent, will have ho opposition in the primaries. but there
is a possibility that Steele Clark of Cherry Tree, an Indiana County
Commissioner, may give him a contest Mr Clark was an avowed
Because the general election doesn’t come until November,
Cengresgman Saylor very probably will ind’ himself on many a
“spot” from this time on. He cannot but view with alarm what
happened to Former Congressman Tibbott in the election of two
years age when the late Bob Coffey, Democrat, won in landalide
proportions. The fact that Mr. Tibbott voted slong conservative
Kopublican limes wis responsible for his defert. Congressman
Saylor will have many voting choles thrown in his way long ‘ere
the geoeral election rolls around. Whether he will hold to the
Republicsn leadership thought, or jump the traces of his party,
. may well be the deciding factor of his return to Washington
Even some of the Congressmans own supporters admit that
certain circumstances, outside the pale of ordinary political thought
help 4 a lot in his victory The Democrats likely will see to it that
tinis sn't happen this year Pepped up a Io? by the congressional
victory, the GOP. placed the two strongest candidates they knew of
to stand in the geaeral election in Cambria County for judge and
sheriff. but the volers reverted to their original stand and both were
“ decisively defested A good candidate opposing Mr Saylor
next fall
can take him away from Washington.
In the itste, the Republicans already are developing factional
troubles. and the Grundy-Martin wing of the party seem lo be
alter Gov. Duff's sealp. Unless something happens in the very
future to heal the breaches, the Republican state primary
is May can become 5 knock-out affalr that will lead to a Demo-
fle victory in November. Asywny, the Demecrais are hoping
This means the Democrats themecives must comcentrale on
unssanily stromy state Hicket, and B® most be comenived in
harmony. Certainly they cannol afford any inirs-party strife.
Nationsily, the Republican purty seems to be running around in
circles. There seems 10 be som movement to void “me-tooiam.”
whitever that means, with other leaders saying they cant get along
ut all without some of that remedy. Yel strange as it seems in the.
sections of the past 16 years most all of the bigger newspapers in
the country have been plugging the Republican candidates platforms |
nad principles.
Repbiican leaders have flaunted the evils of the “New Deal”
of "hemvy tazation™ of “statism.” whatever that means, of
Yrumas's “Fair Deal” of “being against” everything the Demo
have advecaled whether good, bad or indifferent, and the
been just the same. It's easy for the fellows on the
‘criticise the “Ins” but unless they have something
themselves, criticiom sienply falls to register with
file of the voters. No betier criterion than that of
in this matter is needed.
voles that the Democratic party is JOEY a Ta
inferest of the comimon man and woman at heart. This has been
performed in the past by ihe party and
utie mitatives in state capitals
: of officials in the
he a bit
Mra Elaabeth Gahagen and dau-
Jr. homes this
item. DD. (. spent the
‘of Mr
‘Miss Mary Switzler Bride
At Ceremony Saturday
St Benedict's Catholic Church
Carrolitown, was the scene of a
jovely wedding prec fing a Nup
tial High Mass at 8 a Ratur-
day, Dec. 31, when Miss Mary
Switzler, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs Daniel J Switzler of Carroll
teens hecarne the bride of Walter
Beltowski mon of Frederick Bel
torwski of Hastings Rev Father
Flavian Yelinko OSB, pastor of
best man
Fred Beltow
and Miss Helen
Switzier sinter of the bride maid
af honor Misses Mildred Conrad
ard Miss Agnes Beltowski sister
if the hridegroon the
bridessiaids Ushers were Walter
Conrad Jr and Arthur Cunning
ham. ~
The bride was attired in a gown
of white slipper satin caught
aver & hooped skirt w on clusters
,of orange blassoms A fitted bo
dice and nn long train ©
the dress - She wore a
veil with a crown of
soms and carried a
white roses and carmalions on
twinned with net
The maid
Kki Jr
Served ARS
ange bios
bouquet of
of honor wore a dross
of green satin with matching
veil - The bridesmards’ costumes
were of pink and blue satin with
matching veils
A wedding breakfast and dn
ner were served at the home of
the Dride’s parents wilh approxi
mately 40 guests in atlendance
In the evening a receplion Was
held at the Union Hall in 3t
| Benedict
F Pretront
new yweds reside
. * @»
banquet and
High School
was held a!
The antiusd
of the OCarrolitown
Alumni Association
the Wissinger Inn
last Saturday evening and
hiyth a well attended and an eo
joyable affair
Hegins Fok of
Mrs Fred Bear
rik were
Mrene £ Mr
Rt the
Fred B Buck
Harry lacey of Mon
tty ard sm Patrick
ent vieitors at
Filla Harrigan
Catherine Lacey and
Fred Weaakiand
Mr and Mrs
and son, Jerry, and and
John Watters of Wellsboro
holiday guests of Mr and
Frank Puck and Mrs
Mr and Mrs Bi: Connell of
Pittatburgh spent tas holiday wits
the lady's parents Mr. and Mrs
Jon G. Kelly
Mr and Mrs Robert Snyder of
Washington, D. C., spent »evers
days during the holiday SeRaon
sl udent al Ware re
Marie and
he hoon of
Lm w
tf Mr and
vid Walters
here with the lady's parents Mr
and Mrs John Feighner
flav Father Germain Lich
St Vinestt's Archabbey, Latrobe
was & guest of his parents Mr
and Mra A A Lieb on Bunday
Accompanying Bim wns Haw
Father Valerian Mahala, OSB of
Saltshurg, for assistant pastor of
#1 Pesedict’'s Church here
Thé Holy Name Society of Wt
Benadiet’s Chorel will hid ite
annual Cphramunion Breskfast al
the Central Hotel in Carrsiitown
rex! Sunday morning The sockely
will receipe the Racrament at the
T30 Mass Reservations for the
must be made Wilh
Fred Sharbaugh or Paul
Mra Patrice Campbell = in
Washington, DD C. where she i»
a of her son and daughler
ifi-iaw, Mr ard Mrs Harold
Mrs John Short and Mr and
Mra Jobs BE Short and famiy of
{ cwistown were guests of rela
tives here Sunday and Monday
thar home Were
visiting at
ghter, who had bean
the AMrod Lied and Tom
xt week
faiac of Washing
New Yours
holiday here with her parents
Mins Mona Weakland daughler
aod Mm Lambert Fen -
a student nurse at the
Spangler. who
in advanced
Miss Mary
fand and
Miners Hospital,
has spent some Lime
training at
atti, returned home recently
sgain in located at Spangler
Cora and Harry Zimmerman of
Miffiinburg. Pa, were recent vis
tors al faird Zimmerman
| Mr. snd Mrs William Zadai
{and datighter. Linda, of Norfolk,
have returned home after
spending a week at the home of
Ce aa esiasssssss sss ss ssddddd
PPT Tow ww www
{Ania Tt that he
State Hospital Phila |
Tm ——
Gregory Buck
; Clauace Kaylor of Washington,
y, O
arents, Mr
and Mrs A ©
E E Miller and
Paul and * James were
guests of Mrs Miller's parents,
Mr and Mrs Laird Zimmerman
Miss Pauline Yuhas of Hastings
pent the past week as a guest of
Miss Marian Buck here
Mora Frances Kane fack
Barnicle spent some in Al
toona visiting Charlies and Mary
Kane and Mr and Mrs
Mrs. Anna Hogue and daughter
of Cresson and Mrs and Mrs
Cletus Melvin and daughter, Cone
nie. of Johnstown were recent
guests nt the A A Lieb hyme
Mr and Mrs Frank Grimes of
Hastings were Sunday visitors at
the H M Mohler home
Jorome Buck of New York City
was a visitor for several dave at
the home of Mr and Mes Fred
B Buck
Fred Feea Jr iB
Marine fiyer, of Cherry Point, N
., spent several dnys here With
his parents Atty and Mri Fred
J Fees
Mr= Buck of Portage
wis visiting at the home of her
son and daughter-in-law, Mr and
Mrs Fred Buck, for several davs
Mr. and Mra loo :
Lancaster spent several days
town last week at The hiame of
the former's mother Mr Mar
gare Ager
Mr and Mrs Oscar Wadwait
and daughters Kay and Edna, of
Cleveland, Ohio and Mr. and Mra
fonts Hollander of Beaver Falla
spent the week ond with Mra
Mary Hoover and Mr ard Mra
Gerald Springer
Mr and Mra
rere Visitors In
- Monday
Ming Regina
St Joseph's Hospital Pittsburgh
spent Christmas with her moiher
Mra Amelia Rulks
Cornelia Rotka, of
week with her
Mra 1. J Lacey
Mr and Mrs Bernard
attended the wedding
PRllon's oustin. Miss
Schroth daughter of
A. Behroth, al
ast Saluyrday
weddest oo Jovy B
of the late Mr
O'Hara, in One
Church, Was Orange.
Hara well
oral petsple
Barnesboro Girl
ls Bride Saturday
Mins Lornbardn
ghter » Mr and Mrs Joseph
{eanbards of Barneshorn Detain
hp San J Pern $
Eroeigh of 9 a m last Baturdas
in the aM: {arene {“atnadi
Charel in Barpeabaowrs ev
thor (aries Smyih officiated
the double-ring Orremony
Charlotte Detwiler vias
mabd of bonor And Josep Miller
was Sve bes ne A wedding
dinner Wis ey fn Lhe bride's
Jamies ChallaMan
Pittsburgh last
the holidays wilh
Mrs “Amelia Ruta
Patrick lacey of Bt. Vin
A rehabbey fat rv a
a couple of favs the past
parents Mr
ter mde
x iin
i Mrs
Marion B
Mry Frank
Kearney ~N i
and Mra
Laacty of
N I Mrs
known to
: x
Lr Adie
Bride od
the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. |
spent the holiday with his
Ager of
Rutka RR N ou
Mas Rchrdth wis
i Tce as
poene. The couple will lewide In
Ha rrnesborn
Mra Perot?
the Barnésboro High Selyonsi and
is employed by Phillipe Jores
Corp, Barnesboro flor husband
4 Bavy veteran of World War II
i 8 graduate of Cherry Tee
High School, He is employed BY
the Cherry Tree Coal e Bm.
Michael A. Ward of
A. Ward Sr and the late Mr
Ward of Barnesborn, has received
word that he has passed
is a graduate of
James |
Patton. son of Mrs Michael |
his |
state board sxaminations and has |
been imsued x MmOrtician’s {iene
He ia A graduate of Eekels Col-|
lege of Mortuary Belency
The Patten man completed his
studies at Spangler High in 1939
{ He then
prior to serving three years in
the Army Air Corps
i For the past
| been employed
.neral Home
imarvied to the farmer
' Catherine Hoppe! of Patton.’
Complete and depund.
able automobile hLahil
iy insuranee offers the
ee nnd
only practical,
mical way to proteel
vourself against dam
a a a a a a
age claims due to pute
Y ou
to be
this protection. Call us
Ww ithout
now for full wmforma
tion about our low-cost
ea den a an ee
full-eoverage polities
attended Virginia FPoly- |
technic Institute, Blacksburg. Va.
two years he has
at the Easly Fu-
in Hastings He i»
ae a a a bb dh
i Phil |
we Ww
sibility in advance with our auto insurance.
La i gh an dh db db gd
Mrs. Herman Beck Feted
On 61st Anniversary
Mrs Herman Beck was the
honored guest at a birthday party
and dinner on her 8lst birdhday
anniversary ast Monday, Dec 2
A ham and turkey dinner Was
served mrad thas honored indy re.
reived many gifts The following
Mr. and Mrs Clyde Bradford
and children. Shirley and Clyde
Jr. of St Benedict; Mr and Mrs
[eo Coder and son, Boyd of Pat
ton Mrs . Jark Simpson and
children. John Cora Mae and
David of Pation Mra Alma
Capion and Mr. and Mrs David
Beck and daughter, Cathy Ann of
Blandburg: Mr and Mrs Russell
Beck of State College, Mr and
Mrs Herman Cree of Juniata and
Orrie Lovell of Glasgow Three
daughters, Louise, Mary and Ed
na were unable to allend
¢e es
Mr and Mrs Kenneth Doug-
lass and son. Dale of Bellwood
were recent visitors nn Lown
Mrs Ella Moyer of Altoons was
as week end visitor here at the
home of her granddaughter, Mrs
Tom Nash
Shirley Fortney of this place
was a recent vimttor in Bellwood
Mr and Mrs Tom Nash and
daughter, Judy, and Mr and Mrs
Dave Nash were last Monday vis.
tors in Bellwood
Harbara McHugh of this place
was a recent visitor in Allonns at
the nome of Ker mother
Mr and Mrs Wm Wiser and
family of Tyrone visited here re
cently at the Clair Edmiston re
Dave Nash is recuperating from
an attack of pneumonia His
many friends wish Bint a very
fant and com plete recovery :
Shirley Wiser of Tyrone wan
a recent visitor hers at the home
of Connie and Barbara Graham
Gloria RBalyver of this place and
John Gual of Filinton Were on.
gaged to he married on Saturday
on 24 ;
Mr and
Br. of
ars in
James Hopkins
were recent vim
Bumble ewe
Moss Bers . f irises 7
piace and Angelio of
California State Teachers
ER engaged for De
Dev 24
inte Parks of
“ont Yimtiors in
Edmiston hone Z
My and Mrs SBeoti. Marrow of
Bumblebee are 1 at their
Their many friends wish
very mpid and complete recovery
Mrs Edna Foripey and son
Flray, were recent visitors ni MY
Union at the
beter, [Lewis
Mr amd Mra
married last
j.vkens and Mrs
A Lrwars
¥ ore at
A re
Ere. Pee
Clair Edmiston
and Compile and Barbara Graham
were recant visitors In Allaana
Mr and Mrs Wee Engle of Al
LOA Were recent
the P H Hollen home
Fev and Mrs Andrew MoNen
tan and ann visited al
rn Canada the
Vitti ors hene at
heir Domes
five ant Baoliday
[nmald Davis of Pontiac, Mich
jack Davis of Philadelphia, Gene
Imeig a student a! Bhippenaburyg
Btate Teavhers Collage and Bob
» a”
{inir his
thet: &
Bostrae of the adv'e
Davis of Clearfield visited Mbre
recently at the home of thelr p
Madeline and Katie Begic of
New Jersey visited in tows just
Mrs George Lightner and pon.
Rex visited In Tyrone recenly
james Angello, a student §t the
California State Teachers Obllege
vigited in town recently st the re-
ddence of his mother
Apprentice Seaman Wr West.
stationed Hoston, Mss
pent his Christmas vaalios at
the home of his parents Myr ard
Mrs Wm Westover Sr
Myr and Mra
: visited in own
der af M1 {nin
recently :
Nash and dsughter
Riggiex Co pe-
Mra Tom
Judy visited in
wars ¥ By
Ram Graham and Mr Leo
Ciraham of Riggies Gap vimid na
ferent apt Week
Pie Dwsrialed
Feld 11. spent
teva at he A rmbrase
Smith of
hodidds in
fmf re
Gayle MeC user of Irvon and
Shirley Lender of Ginter pent
we veral dave in Lown rocoly at
the Mike Evansitey home
Bgt Joe Frank, now tioned
in Washington, D.C. spf the
two week ond holidays her visit.
ng relatives
George Hohn
of Florida recently. wheree will
spend the winter months
Nancy Evanskey spent svers)
days in Ginter recently ate Joe
MoCusker home
The Walter Garmon fay vis
ted in Patten recentiyit the
van and Robert Bricker mes
Mr and Mrs Wm Fofs and
sone of Washington, D. ( Were
weak ond visitors heresl he
home of the lady's pares. Mr
and Mrs Bruno Frank
Cpl George Hunter ¢ Wash.
ngton [DC was a rece Visitor
in town at the Clifford Ukinson
Mr and
KRildren of
vimifora in
Mrs Madge Fishell
Diemrie and Kenny
Eleancer were recent lors st
the Luther Troxell hon
Mr and MPs Lewis ¢man of
Meade ville pecen Visitors
in town
age spent
th state
jeft four
Mra Guy
Mer and
we Pedent
od sons
snd waghter,
Bordars of Mes Coll |
the holidavsere with
Matthew Hise Sr
Fuse and $vivester |
Henak of Cleveland (0. spent
the holidays at theiromes in
Anna Frank of Altes was a
inst Thursday visitor Me at the
Home of her sister Mm Rose
; Mr and Mm Secttarss and
family of Clesrfield we Hsitors
Bere recently at the hie of Mrs
Rose Reese
Mr and Mw Bud Ihteer and
Arthur Lightser of Cleland O
‘visited here Poentdy Be Gen
lightrer heme :
Mra Angdis of Hengs visit.
ed Bere rectly wither daugh.
ter Mrs Tom Ross
Charles osx of Shon
i town rebently
: Sylveste Benak oo Cleveland |
Ohio, visid here rectly ot the |
ter, Born
of this place,
Mr. and Mré Dapnpsey (fOTmer ;
Philadelphia Weent visitol
here at
Sophie Hine ashi Ip
on DC hot Washif guatth of
with her
: Rose Lidwe Waces # mother, Mra Olive 0
tioned at Oang Vi, was Cleveland, Ohbia, over the
recent visiter iat “he na end
The small son of Mr. and
Bernant Lidws
The choir @
the Dempsey ¢
recon Ver
ny MM: oy
her pares und
bert Edwards
(ford at the
Joseph By % Janes I
dos, Clair
ast Chr Hospital
wnrd ©
~Many bets
3 football scores on Jan. 3, bul
don Michaal Freer and wl one on the UPC &
RE of Mrs. Martha Begeane
following an o
a am
m——t nasil
Fe |
. . TEpow to pe Shd conten.
plate tiwonders tiBOVe come to
pass of the dw this Fabaloos
Tweath Centory
Wendell Sak home
En go
A touch of the starter button emmands
more get-up-and-go than any ober in j=
field. For anly the "90 Foed in itweld offers
you a 100-horsepower V.8 —arengioe so
quiet you can hardly hear 3. . Je and
so thrifey
rou’ll ha
believe it. you alas ford
From its spar
that are Ris go
hat A
feature after fem
the 50 Ford. fusrures mehe Ford the
one fine car in the low. pe |
Listen 10 "ord's of
Feel the cou fort ofed’s ”
See Ford's “Fasly
you so much car.
more beautiful th ever. You realize
that nowhere elsan 0 lide mey buy
A Se AA Son a en AL