Union press-courier. (Patton, Pa.) 1936-current, November 17, 1949, Image 2

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> OLR - co IER Thursday, November 17, 1949 Thursd
. Ursa
: ee bakert Mr, and Mrs. Walter McCel- |Church Dining Room last Wed- -_—
Largest General Weekly Newspaper Circulation in the Area Ha rion ~ Beaver Valley St. Benedict Glasgow Notes lam and son of Johnstown visit- |nesday. Mrs, Jack Davidson and
Mrs. Nellie Stratton of Harris- . By JANET C. KUHN ea here over the week end at the | Mrs. Thomas States were in T
THE UNION PRESS-COURIER Bakerton Fence Busters burg, has returned home after Cyrus High Marks 85th Miss Joanne Troxell of Pitts- Fred Schrock home, charge of the lunch. )
Patton Courier, Estab. 1898 Union Press, Estab. 1935 Lose 20-6 G Sund spending a few days here at the Birthday Anniversary burgh spent the week end with, he. ioe ies Sjtended rs. Elizabsth Woodside spon The . 14
v oye | eti eld in|the week end here a m. :
pbtished every Thursday by Thos. A. Owens and Frank P, Cammarata, sé ame Nm ay L > Taster hows Sh q Cyrus High celebrated his 81st re Jaren Mr. 800 Mts, Her | Johnstown last olan Mrs. | Woodside home. e 3 of the I
ond class Mall MALver. Moy 7. 936, at tho Possoice at. Patton: Pa. under On Mcintyre Gridiron tamil ited ugk wool; pad ab birthday anniversary last Sun-| Mr. and Mrs. Clair Reynolds George Elders, Mrs, Frank Ton-| Mr. and Mrs. Harold Good and be held |
the Act of March 3, 1879. The curse of all good teams,|the hic Ene oe 8 day, Nov. 13. A dinner was held [motored to Altoona on Saturday kin, Mrs. Jack Davidson Mrs. | daughter, Rochelle, of Barnesboro the chur
Thomas 5 Owens. Editor overconfidence and overanxious-| Lemont Furnace Pa i in his honor that ‘day at the|morning. Carl Lindolph of this place and |visited here on Sunday at the business .
FRANK P. CAMMARATA........ Business M ness, that has eluded the Baker- Le vialtt home of Mr. and Mrs, Orville Mc-| Mr. and Mrs, Foster Troxell Miss Blair, director of nurses at|Wm. Woodside home. be obser
THOS. A. OWENS JR . ean anager ton Fence Buster oid Sar on Mrs, Ida Moore is visiting with | Kee, Out-of-town guests attend-|and daughter, Patty and Peggy, the Miners’ Hospital, Spangler| Bill Woodside suffered a severe Mr. an
Ae 1 a sr — anaging r season,’ finally caught up With Ne? 9 ue Mr. ne the Stopes ete; dw als were Altoona callers on Sat- and Mis, ge Ssdistant Sup scalding of the body When he, se- Altoona §
Subscription: $2.50 Yearly NA | t las 4 vali ¢ . , Pa. r. an rs. Howar gh and |urday. erintendent a e same hospital. [cidently upset a kettle of boiling relatives
¢ fan ry NATIONAL SP11ORIAL is ae, tinal C. T Marvin and Gene Gates were|Mr. and Mrs. Michael Brinko of| Hdward Peterson and sons of| Mr. and Mrs. James Laird Jr, water, at his home here last Sat- Mr. an
Individual Copy, 5¢ Ye |assp AATION League game of this Season the recent visitors in Patton. Ashtubula, Ohio; Donald, Barry Balsimore spent the week end in and jonlly of Wilkes-Barre, vis- |urday evening. He is improving Michael 1
y EN son, and Connie Johncour of South |Glasgow. ite ere over the week end at|very rapidly. were Visi
Advertising Rates Furnished FS ) a local forces were confident of Mr. and Mrs. John Gerhards Fork; Mrs. Amanda Johncour,: Mr. and Mrs. Everett Morrow the James Laird Sr, home. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Woodside a
Upon Application Re TY coming home with a victory, In-|and daughter, Sharon, have re . visited recent] t the. h £ The Ladi d : oN A Sunday ¢
The endeavor of the Union. Press.Cousler Is to sincerely represent Omg- | Stead, the tables were turned ana turned to their home in Detroit, Ms Catherine Bonner, Sally Le Sen] ¥ 2 4 16: ome 0! Nel e Bales Jd meeting was |visited in Indiana last Saturday George
anized Labor in all efforts to obtain economic {reedom. Material for pub- McIntyre, a much kicked around |Mich, after spending a week in Boner 3d lm Somer, dl hy a ON. ct | 224 In the local Presbyterian |efternoon Altoona |
t t be signed by tl 1t 1d th. ¢ . % ; . ’ : 3 ,
The Union Pross-Courier gives 1ts Advertisers the advantage of combined || L3M all season rose to the oc-|tewn Gt the John Sneath home Ed Grenaway and Earl Grenaway burg spent Friday afternoon with Mr, an
circulations of two largely-circulated weeklies and has a reader coverage cassion and thrilled their home- Hazel Monahan daughter of |, 4 Mrs. David Williams and Mr Mrs. Chester Kuhn. St. Bonif
that blankets Patton and the major mining towns in Northern Cambria town rooters by ecopping their | Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Monahan is hi pi Lynn Metzger of Blandburg vis- at the L.
County. oi final h dnp the | = d ' : + | and Mrs. Dick McKee and Cathie, |.
ina ome game, dumping spending some time in Detroit, |.) of Barnesboro ited at the Harry Cree home. Mrs. 1
Fence Busters to the tune of 20-| Mich. ty eal Chester Iubn and daygh- — David. w
’ he : r Elva Jean and Bill Gates, chil- . Lers, : , were bus- last Frid:
Who's Kidding Who? | Mlntyre started oft fast as|dren of Mr. and Mrs. David CHS Gridders, Band inesy callers 31 Altoons on Sst. : Mr. ar
iscas made the first score in the | Gates of Colver, visited here over x . and daug
We don’t like to hold a postmortem on an issue that’s over, Spenmg peviod on 2 10-yard run. | the week end at the Wm. O’Shali Are Honored At Party Wa MD ae ® For Emergencies delphia w
i : i e pass for the extra point was ire- Joa, ’
but a public statement made by State Republican Chairman M. 2B vie Boonen PO 25 |pome. A party was held at the Fire-|, 1 ¢ived’ in” Altoona on Wednes. . at the R
i : : 8 y g r man’s Club Carrolltown one ; $ M
Harvey Taylor on the way the election went in Pennsylvania gets|the second and final quarters. Mrs. Mary Mellott of Beaver Bal Se loot A ok re a foot. | 42Y. evening. or PP 1ances iy
under our skin a little bit. Said Taylor: “The Democratic leadership | Setlock scored in the second per- Reals Speni ihe Yeo eng si the ball RT and the music depart- Mr. and Mrs. Dean Cree and . home in
paid sorry lip service to the bonus measure and did nothing visible iod on a 65-yard jaunt and again| “np. "ong Mre Horman Lenhart|ment of CHS. Those attending SFughter of Beaver Falls spent ® For Un aid Bills ing the
i lt Gram? in the final chapter on 32-yard ’ 2 fork is: | : e week end with relatives in p
or tangible to help put it over. yan. Balicrta iad In the Dra of Chicago, Ill, are visiting here from this place were: Esther |¢ un. Mr. an
: chapter oy he es as Stockle at the Harvey Lenhart home. Anderson, Adele Ahlstrom, Bar-{ Mr and Mrs. Robert Garman : have rett
Just to keep the record straight, Mr. Taylor, the credit for tap L D Y| Glenn Shope, Cecil Black and bara Wiser, Helen Kohan, Sara and daughter of Arlington, Va. o or 1 Wort A ile urposes Homestea
the passing of the “adjusted compensation” Amendment 1-A it Desist fom Yards oa Bud Gates of Reading Pa, vis-|Travata. Victories Marana, Grace spent the week end with Mrs, days her
> : : ven thoug e locals suffer-|ijted here at their homes over the |Travata, ry u Miller, Nat-| Garman’ , lady's sis
belongs mainly to the two chief veterans organizations in this’ | 4 {heir second defeat this sea- week ond. omi Blick, Chloe Ream, Tommy |Charles 3 Dagens, Mr. and Mrs. We're in business to lend ; 4 10. wi 1it Gerald
great commonwealth. Democrats and Republicans alike supported (son, Lane and Teklinsky of the| Glenn Shope, Cecil Black and|Shero, Francis Miller, Don Swan-| Mrs. Beulah McClellan and son, : Te Jn business to lene money {o peobie WAO heed JL, Mrs. Frec
the proposal, and in this section of the state, at least, nearly . | losers Showse foe form in oh Bud Gates were recent visitors Son, Shins Maloy, od Brad. John, Blandburg, visited with Mr. For cash when you need it—at terms to suit your bud- loti fop C
eve votin recinct had veterans themselves at the doors |[fensive play, both making impos-|in Chester, Pa., at the Loy Flem- ford, arlin Stoltz a eo Ber-|an rs. Ardell McClellan. —SE S , where he
Till oor the proposal on a non-partisan basis. sible tackles and nice blocking. | ming home and in Eddystone, Pa. |ringer. A lunch was served and a | Frank Kuhn of Lima, O., spent get—see us today. Seminary.
: g : The locals showed great, spirit | 4t the George Black home. floor show was held and dancing |some time here with his mother, Mr. an
: ; inci ; and a will to win, but did not| Mrs. Gussie Potutschnig was also took place to the Joseph |Mrs. Matidla Kuhn. Mrs. Kuhn and son,
’ And perhaps it was just a coincidence, but it seemed a funny recover from the Surprise Of 8|a reat ooomer ir, domi at Ne | Boes Orchestra. has been HI oF some time at the LOANS $30.00 to $300.00 and Mrs.
th that 1 Republ trolled dail p
ing to us that nearly every Republican-controlled dally n€WSPaper gypposedly much weaker team | Alpert Rodnig home. * x * home of her daughter, Mrs. Wil- ghters, R
in the wa came out gi the brag Ngee ; ayy betore ne taking the play away from them.| Mr. and Mrs. Ted Fegan and . Oisde Bredton] hay 18tumed b Bam Lamb . : You are not obligated in any way by asking us garet of :
election. Included among these were the Pittsburg! ress, iladel-| The C. & I. League officially | children of Irvona were Sunday |his home here after being a pat-i = Glasgow was a recen : James Dc
phia Inquirer, and the Johnstown Democrat and Tribune, Most of closed last Sunday with Revloc | visitors at the Elmont Morrow dant i Ue Mined Hospital in Vigiiors ih Me Sain Begnoits how we can help you meet your financial problems RD, Ww
; “highe » And taking the championship. The |residence. pangler for a short time. ona, Chester at the he
Ihe Sion ou these JFagers get Suter prom, ign Aig We Fence Busters this season have a! Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hobba| Mr. and Mrs. Jim Lang and Rube, Charles Kuhn and Charles ents, Mr.
ow that big industry doesn’t supply almost unlimited amounts of | 0 .q of 6 wins, 2 defeats and a |of Altoona were Sunday visitor |daughter of New York spent a|sricker are spending a few days last Sund
money to the Democrats—you ought to know who gets it, Mr. Taylor. |tje, They downed, Heilwood, 13-6; | here at the home of Mrs. Mary few days here recently at the bear hunting at Sinnamahoning. r . John J
¢ Carrolltown 19-0; Indiana, 13-12; | Gates. home of Mrs. Matilda Lang. er : . 11 Army, sta
Gov. Duff came up with his thought on the matter, too. He |p. 0st 12-6; Barnesboro 19-7, and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lenhart| The card club held its semi- S an 1 Room 3 F rst National Bank Building spent the
said that “no one gets something for nothing,” which is true. |Cresson 2-0, in a forfeit due to|and children of Patton visited in monthly meeting at the home of Pp g er John Downey, Manager here.
But at least two responsible officials—Congressman VanZandt of |fact that Cresson failed to ap-|town on Sunday at the Joseph Mes Fyoncs William hig Fi Marvel Joriesiand Lither G ? ol pa
Ram pear at their own field to play. | Hughes home. week. rizes were rae H a er Cow- ursday
Blair County and. former State Treasurer sey S. Black are oC tied Revloc 0-0 and| Calvin Gates and son Glenn, of Mrs. Orville McKee and Mus. der of Clearfield visited here over Phone 467 Barnesboro Mrs. Luk
of the belief that the bonus can be paid out of present state |), ¢, Ebensburg 7-6 and Mec- | Johnstown spent Saturday here Bernard Brown. A lunch was also|the week end at the Dave West- attended:
surpluses. Opponents of the amendment proposed all sorts of |Intyre 20-6. at the George Gates home. served. Other attending were over home. Davis, Fr
taxes to pay the bonus, and every one of them, from a sales tax McIntyre held edge in first| Mrs. Mae Hill has returned to Mrs. Verlo Berringer, Mrs. Har-j Mr. and Mrs. Peter Tindiglia Adams,
on up, would be levied against the people, What they didn’t tell |downs, 6-4 and had a net yardage her home here after spending a Iy Painter, Mrs. Becky Jacksonjand Mr. and Mrs. Joe Tindiglia Mulligan,
was that in the event new taxes are necessary, if a corporation |gain of 171 to Bakerton's 63. The brief vacation with relatives in and Ms. Leroy Lawrence, and son spent Sunday here at Mulligan,
tax that was knocked off the books during the administration of locals made one of 3 pass heaves Altoona. a oaey Bradsord how sh the Jack Salbego home. Bosar, Mr
and McIntyre did not make any| Michael LaPenna of Virginia ployed in the ale e ‘| Mr. and Mrs. Francis Greene eph Davis
Gov. Arthur H. James was made law again, it would more than |r 4 Bakerton had 11 fumbles to |spent the past week end visiting Benedict. announce the birth of a daugh- Mrs. He
take care of the bond payments and interest each year. the winner's one. A post-season | here at the Ambrose Hamilton| Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ream and| ter horn on Thursday, Nov. 10 in ren of Ty
game will be played with Cres- residence. . __ |daughter Spent a day last week the Miners’ Hospital. Mrs. Greene visitors I
son this Sunday at 2 p. m. in| Willis Schaffer of Windber vis- visiting I® Altoona, Kohan of | 15 the former Miss Jean Miller of relatives,
Cause for Alarm Bakerton. The summary: ited in town on Saturday with re- trond i ng san at | St: Benedict. a 1g Nn
5 | latives. 7 y
LE Lamont Mointyre_2y| 1atl168. od Davis of Colver vis-|the Nicholas Kohan home here. | Charles Entler of Brooklyn, N. Clair D
Reading the dope of the political writers in the Sunday news-|rLT—Tru oi ouser | ited in town on Saturday with| Joe Kohan of Cleveland, Ohio, 5 NS Way Visitor Bors at bagging a
papers, both the national and state Republican leaders are “whistling a Contofcnie Styrifore friends and relatives. spent the week end here at the On oo ger an omas day of
in the dark” in their statements that the election of last week meant| RG—R. Strong Chrowsk} Nicholas Kohan home. : Wes. Clarence Westo d hunting i
i t, there is every portent that they have plenty of| BE poset Far Mrs. Louis Collins of Hastings X e stover an a
nothing. In fact, yp y 2 y RE—L. Strong Chiabi BLATT BROTHERS spent Friday here at the George daughter, Betty Jean, and Mrs. PRIVATE
reason to worry both in the Congressional elections of next year Inv Suinbets Miller home, Thomas Greene were visitors in Harrisbt
and in loss of the state administration in Pennsylvania. The close|RH—Lane Setlock Mr. and Mrs. Jim Lang and|Altoona last Thursday at the C. Aeronauti
race for superior court was a surprise for both parties, and had the | EB Hovan rn LSCHS Era daughter nd iy Matlida Lang Bene on, a sued a Ww
Democrats gotten out their vote in the smaller Republican counties, | McIntyre pore AN. 0 6=20 ! B |visited Pittsburgh recently Wit 3 4 / that the J
: the judgeshi ’| “Substitutions: Bakerton—Lawrence 3 the James Birchall family and in|home here after spending some flying low
they might have won the judgeship. Kotrick, Fitch, Yarko. McIntyre—J x FRIDAY & SATURDAY 3 Margantown W. Va., at the Vin- time in Elizabeth N. J., at the atives or
In Philadelphia, where the biggest upset election resulted, Ok: downi-Slouiley, Liscas, Set- |S November 18 & 19 3 oe heant hows, family vis Hone ES nla hi 2g Sans | groved bow
i i : : o o Berringer family vis-: § y y s. Fran r- Fated
Richardson Dilworth, elected city treasurer and carrying the gE points—Chiabi 2 (passes). % Judy Garland, Ray Bolger + ited 2 ation By owsky. less driver
Democratic ticket with him, now is causing a concerted thought * * iy Frank Morgan, Bert Law J SR. Edward White, son of Mr.| Mr. and Mrs. Tom Greene, Mr. | a_i
among the Democrats that it may be “Dilworth for Governor.” Sam Zaliznock, USMC, of Cali- * %* and Mrs. William White, was re-|and Mrs. Arthur Baker and Mrs. |
The Republicans have much to worry about. fornia, is spending a leave here |g THE WIZARD OF OZ % cently honorably discharged from |Leslie McGaughey of this place |
at the home of his father. % COLOR by TECHNICOLOR %|the U. S. Navy after spending a were last Wednesday visitors in |
. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Urda and |; » | one year enlistment. Lilly with relatives. )
Coffee Worries daughter of Detroit Mich., spent |e ALSO #%| WN. Marvin Swanson, son of Mrs. John MacIndoe and Mrs. | iE
the week end here at the home of | % Monte Hale, Paul Hurst in | Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Swanson, Robert Caldwell were last Satur- |
; , : ; Mr. and Mrs. Martin. Sponsky. ’ % | who was stationed with a hos-|day visitors in Altoona. {
For sere time back We've bos reading in the newspapers hat Gust Mazorski and sons of |% RANGER e | pital corps in Pensocola, Fla., was | Mr, and Mrs. John MaclIndoe | si
the price of coffee will be going up and up, until it may reach a|»rigiand Pa. were recent visitors | 3 % recently given an honorable dis-|were visitors in Pleasant Valley |
peak of one dollar a pound around about the first of the year.|at the "home of Mr. and Mrs. |e OF CHEROKEE STRIP b | charge from the U. S. Navy. last Sunday. { BARI
Frankly, we were worried about the bleak outlook, because, among |John Polinsky. : %|and Mrs. James Hunter, and Pfc.| Mr. and Mrs. Ed Young of TE
3 4 . : i i goofoeosfoodoeeocfogoedeofoofosfortosfoeeofoctoctectocfort and Mrs. James Hunter. and Pfc. Erie, Pa., attended the funeral of |
other vices, we do like perhaps more coffee than is good for the| Mrs. Monica Rogerzinsky is | gdeidiviisdeodechsefocdoedrirdrodeodedod ;
1 $ visiting at the home of her dau- |? # | James Symons, son of Mr. and | Mrs. Robert Young this past
health. But there’s a ray of hope in later news dispatches. Now we ghter in Conneaut, Ohio o SUNDAY & MONDAY %|Mrs. J. W. Symons, who were week. | /
read that coffee importers say that we can stop worrying about the|™ My and Mrs. Ad Burley, Mrs. | & November 20 & 21 | stationed in California are spend-| Mr. and Mrs. Tom Freeman
one dollar price, and that current myths of shortage and panic|Sue Regan, Mrs. Gust Busunis|% LINDA DARNELL R ing 8 Juough at Ehelp Somes nk a de i
i v indi i Re were callers | 3 a s | here, ey will return to - ; : T
prices were born when recent reports indicated that in 1950 there og Son Nese * PAUL DOUGLASS, in |r pneld. Calif. to report for |Gustfason, all of Chalport Were
may not be a surplus of green coffee beans. Fact is, however, that Joe Gobris and Mike Kutchman | *% f | overseas duty. Sunday visitors here at the home
the year’s coffee imports to the U. S. will exceed all previous records. |, New York spent last week at % EVERYBODY t Mrs. Wm. White and daughter, |of Mrs. Charlotte Fenello,
i their homes in town. og o | Lois, Mrs. Bernard Swanson and The Band Boosters held their
. We are constantly becoming more and more of a coffee Mr. and Mrs. Charles McCom- | % * | Marjorie Stoltz, spent last Friday [regular meeting on Monday ev-
drinking nation, and the number of two-cup drinkers at a meal bie of Baltimore, Md., were Vis- : DOES IT ) | evening in Patton. ening at the local high school.
is on the increase. May it might be well for a lot of us if it itors here last week at the Char- |< \ ; Mrs. James Boyer of Johns- | Plans were made for a Christ-
were to become a luxury drink. To some degree we are im- |les McCombie home. + with Charles Coburn . Jowa visited relatives in town last ih Ay ig i Des
i , i Mr. d Mrs. L. C. Wasser and | & b | Sunday. , I
mersed in a habit that’s hard to realize, but we surely are i Fon of Falls Creek spent the | amd Celeste Holm ¥ The Ladies Aid Society of the |not attend this week’s session are
helping the economy of the coffeeproducing countries. One |g. .i'.nq here at the John Muir % Just one long, loud laugh! ® [local Presbyterian Church held kindly requested to contact the
‘thing about coffee is that the capacity of one’s stomach curtails oo . | their meeting last week at the'president. The committe in charge
home. ; o : g J : : ;
the consumption after about two cups. The Mormons have Mike Christoff of Washington. |% Also... News & Cartoon | home of Mrs, Clair Caldwell. The of next month's meeting is Mrs.
coffee on the banned list. But we’ll keep on drinking it until |D. C. spent the week end NeTe | dugegufufuisegeogoogoofosfoufosfudrofoofoofeofodoofoefors following attended: ol Bedvar Mes, Joe Falger and Miss
it Becomes ton cxpensve. st i nome ot nis parents | TURSDAY & WED. | noc Jahan, Haney Paine | Fou on go wil
r. an rs. Paul chillin, ; - 3 ’ r ' -
d daughters of Silver Springs, | § Caleb Symons, Matilda Lang, x
E B Vi t Md., oy the ooh end ae z= 3 November 22 & 23 * Gust Anderson, Chester Bradford, ! hb hile doloris] YOO
dasSy onus 1C ory the Schilling and Wentz homes. | % INGRID BERGMAN % | Harry Ream, Gust Lee, Clarence denfer f&yonl The surplice top 3
Miss Imogene Schilling of Wash- . JOSEPH COTTON, in & | Hunter, Iobert Day, Thomas Staf- 2} Mis; FRED SclRocy i
Amendment 1-A voted on at the election last week could hardly |ington, D. C., also visited at the |» a org, Walle Myers Joan, Woods, Mrs. Lewis Fowl dung } toll collar with matching roll flaps off :
11 “ » gos : home of her parents. * eroy Lawrence, Bernar r ,| Mrs. Lewis Fowler and daugh-
Ye oellbg zn a Jaiging by the results of the Balloung, not only James Cl left on Monday | UNDER % |M. Muir, Clarence Stickler, Stan-[ter, Flo Ann, and Goldie Rich- . pockets add fo Mts delightful appesk b
in Patton an am ria County, but all over the state. The amend- for a visit at the home of his|® % ley Karol Jr, Patrick Malloy, |ardson, and Mrs. Frank Tonkin , ¢
ment was overwhelmingly favored. Oddly enough, the one amend- daughter in West Chester. 3 ~ Orville McKee and Clair Caldwell | visited relatives in Smoke Run Green, sand or gray 1
ment that wasn't even discussed out loud was the one that was . *% and Misses Jane Hunter ang Jun and Meera Sundey: Kk Sizes 12 10 20)
beaten rather soundly. It was No. 2-A, which would exempt slum ° 5 %|Symons, and Rev. an TS T. an rs. John Frank Jr, ‘ : s ¢
clearances from taxation. However, few people knew Eg was St Fr afncis Colle e 3 Goon by TECHNICOLOR | Plummer Harvey. ,__|announce the birth of a son, born Pink Ice Girdles, all sizes $4.95 $5 95
about , . o —CASH NITES— * A lunch was served following Tecenily in the Miners’ Hospital, ’ ’ ’ .
° © ° 3 _.. othe business session. pangler.
It G 0 i t Show Begins at 7 Both Nites Charles Gardner and daughter, NNIE C WE ZEL
a To nk samimenty to sie sin ire GIVING UpRoriumily (2 SY Bh I | A vat on the back is all most Karan, have. returned. home ater . !
reas that, I i # i y hy ° folks needs to make a success of [a two mon visit in eaborn,
bonus. I Ea clin] Altai Sich in To Study Abroad . THANKSGIVING & | any undertaking, and when a fel- |Mich., with relatives. Mrs. Gard- P HONE 4491 CARROLLTOWN 4
i low eds a shove it's just time ner will retu thi i week
out just what the proposed amendment contains, or whether it November 24 ow a8 Ove its J neY Wi Mm tals. coming wee . {
suits their opinion or not. The result is that there have been
many good amendments voted down simply because the voter
Sstially Joels safe in either not voting at all, or in voting opposi-
tion to it.
Modest Heroes
Recently there was the story of the bakery truck driver who
pulled a three-year-old girl out of the river at Easton, turned the
Students at St. Francis College,
Loretto, will be given an oppor-
tunity to enter graduate fields
of study in foreign countries.
This announcement was made by
the department of state and the
president’s board of foreign scho-
Transportation, tuition, books
and maintenance will be awarded
to successful contestants. Com-
NOW! Get The Automatic Oil-
Get DOUBLE The “Know-How
little tot over to competent authorities and then went calmly about iti i
his business. The truck driver didn't even leave his name. Ho didn't | Petition Jor he ayardy is 2
call the newspapers for stories of his feat. In fact, after the rescue, Bationw) e boss. Nod OE eos
it seems he scampered from the area as fast as he could. However Apne on i wi in 2 8 od e the
the deed did not go by unnoticed. Somebody called the baking com- of students Pil ti e mx 8 on >
pany, related the incident, and the driver's name was learned. ge ions Submitted oy
under-graduate school.
The scholarships which are of-
fered to American graduate stu-
a a a DN
Fired Boiler With ALL MOVING
Also... Cartoon & Song Reel
When You Buy DELCO-HEAT!
In your Delco-Heat installation, you get the
benefit of General Motors’ “know-how —un-
equalled skill in engineering and development,
That means your equipment is built right.
And because we've been factory-trained by
Delco-Heat—we have the “know-how” to
install it right.
So act now to replace your old, money-
wasting equipment—with a new Delco-Heat
unit that can give you up to 50% more heat from
your fuel! You'll be surprised to learn how
little a new installation will cost. Come in, now,
and see our complete line of 'Delco-Heat
equipment !
Thanksgiving Matinee
at 2:30 P. M.
In steam or hot-water systems—for regular or
radiant heating —this handsome Delco-Heat
Oil-fired Boiler is the last word in carefree,
comfortable automatic heat!
Its many outstanding advantages include the
Something on the same order happened last summer when
three Heilwood boys who were camping along the Juniata took
over attempts to save a drowning man’s life by means of arti-
ficial respiration after others had given up hope. They succeeded. |dents, are made available as a
And they, too, promptly forgot about the affair—until they were result of public law 584, 79th
honored at a testimonial given by Heilwood folks a few weeks | congress. The law is better known
ago. And we could cite other instances. as the Fulbright act.
. is 1 in
The heart-warming aspect of all this is the fact that even Le i Se as yi
today when each of us are so intent on considering almost exclu-|wil have the opportunity to
sively our own invididual welfare—there are those among our fellow | compete for these awards. Parti-
humans who take time to think of the other person. The deeds of |; i countries include United
this man and the three boys have proven them such heroes. They | gin ne Belgium and Luxem-
didn’t ask for laurels—but they got them anyway. Their deeds, I g B A I Gs Philip-
credited with saving lifes, should well be the creed each of us could burg, su pd N Z oi
follow. Let's take time out to think of the other person. i IOI,
Processing of local applications
which will include present stu-
dents at St. Francis and the lo-
cal area, will be made by the
| college's office of public relations.
Cartoon Carnival
An All-Cartoon & Comedy
Show, including
exclusive “Rotopower’” feature that combines
all moving parts in a single unit; money-saving
Thin-Mix Fuel Control; and the amazing
Quik-Action Heat Transmitter that gives you
faster, thriftier heat.
Your present boiler can be replaced quickly
and easily with this streamlined unit that will
help greatly to transform your basement into a
playroom or den,
Such a course of action makes our life that much richer—
not in monetary returms—but in self-satisfaction and a glow
within. It is the Christian way of life which is too frequently
shoved into the background.
Porky Pig Elmer Fudd
Donald Duck Tom & Jerry
and Lots More!
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hi wil Joos be tne to Suleh
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The public has been forced to realize that humans must look a aL Per er
like groundhogs, for again this past summer several Pennsylvanians | College. The best material is
were shot because they reportedly resembled these animals. A couple | wheat straw. Put it in piles along
of the accidents were in this area. But recently it became clear to | the patch so it will become moist
us why a man sometimes is called “an old duck.” A hunter in the|and not blow away when put on
northeastern section of the state was shot “in mistake for a duck.” the plants.
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