Union press-courier. (Patton, Pa.) 1936-current, September 08, 1949, Image 4

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Thursday, September 8, 1949
Miss Vonda Stevens
Bride of Glenn Houser
Miss Vonda Stevens, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Stevens,
and Glenn Houser, son of Mr. and
Barnhart, and Mrs. Herbert O'-
* 0% *
Mr, and Mrs. James Flemming
and son, Kenny, spent the week
end with the lady's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Ray Swope of Ashville.
Gordon Noel, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas Noel of Glasgow,
spent the week end with his
of New Castle, Pa., visited Sat-
urday with Mr. and Mrs. John
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Miller of
Somerset visited over the week
end with the lady's mother, Mrs.
| Mary Strayer.
Mr. and Mrs. Cloyd Shope and
| daughter, Dianne, spent Friday
| evening in Johnstown.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Letcher of
this place attended a wedding in
Ashville on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. George Letcher
and family of Turtlecreek visited
Mr. and Mrs. Vinceat Horten
and son of Cleveland, Ohio visited
in town over the week end at
the home of Mrs. Rowena Horten,
J. Anadene King of Denver,
Colo., daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Paul King,
is visiting here for
Mrs. Thomas Hayworth, are in
London, England. Mrs. Hayworth
is the former Ruth Hildabrand.
John Banko of Altoona is vis-
iting at the Naylor home.
Mr. and Mrs, Robert Cole an-
nounce the birth of a daughter
on Saturday evening at the Mercy
Hospital, Altoona. Mrs. Cole is
the former Eleanore Litzinger of
hone Ebensburg 899-J-3
The members of the Altar and
Rosary Society of St. Michael's
Church will sponsor a card party
in the School Hall on Monday
evening, Sept. 12 at 8:30 p. m,
Andrew Cronauer and son of
Swisgvale visited friends and rela-
tives in town recently.
Mr, and Mrs. Gergly and dau-
ghter, Ann, of New York are vis-
iting Mrs. Maime Bengele and
Marriage Licenses
ile Mrs. Louise Sloutterbock and | recently at the home of Mr. Let- D .
Mes. Jose Ph ee on Fe Ham Barnhart. Mean) Mis Wi | children of York, Pa. and Miss |cher's parents, Mr. and Mrs. the next Yow WERKE Sy young Yast Jean Campbell of Altoona Sinck 500 and pinochle will be es Barcaak, Susquenama
Wore Sue : irgi } | Wanita Kingston of McVeytown, | Harry Letcher. ady is a stewartress for Western played with a lunch being served | Township, an ary Catherine P
yirgil Speath of Buffalo, N..¥.| g x ay and Mrs. Dave Nash and | Airlines in Denver. Spent Sunday afternoon at the and prizes being awarded. Shilling, Hastings. u
day, Sept. 2, at 4 p. m. in Win-|
chester, Va. The couple was un-|
attended. The bride was attired
in a white gabardine suit with
navy blue accessories.
The former Miss Stevens is a|
graduate of Reade Twp. High|
spent the week end at the home
of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
Mr. and Mrs. Clair Ferguson
and son, Kent, of Philipsburg vis-
ited Sunday at the home of the
| Mifflin Co., spent the week end
| at the home of their parents, Mr.
| and Mrs. Bernard Kingston.
Chester Strayer of Springfield,
| Mass., spent the week end with
| his mother, Mrs. Mary Strayer.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Kings~
daughter, Shirley, and Mr. and
Mrs. Kenneth Douglass and son,
Dale, motored to Huntingdon on
Friday evening.
Don Monihen of Huntingdon
returned with them after spend-
ray of Cresson visited
over the past week end.
Pauline Horten and Ray Mur-
in town
and friends of
D. C., motorcycled
Don Straw
here last Saturday evening and
H. L. Naylor home.
Mr. and Mrs. James Rittner
and family of Cleveland, O., spent
the holiday at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Sandy Perino.
Mrs. Perino and Mr. and Mrs.
Rittner visited with Mr. and Mrs,
Recent visitors at the home of
Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Little were:
Mr. and Mrs. Regis Buck and
Mrs. Mary Buck of Washington,
D. C., Charles Tobin of St. Peters-
burg, Fla, and Mrs. Tillie Tobin
William E. Geisbrecht, Gallitzin
R. D, and Alberta M. Booter-
baugh, Amsbry.
—Three out of every four per-
sons who work for a living today
School, Mountaindale, and atten-|lady’s mother, Mrs. Mary Strayer. | i 0 11 weeks with his uncle én ;
a a In diana State Teachers’ Col-| Dr. and Mrs. Clark Forcey oi] Bn Sn cnldeen of Deesiory be eee iy and Mrs. Dave |Spent the week end visiting re- Rohe Myers of Mountaindale on |and son, Clarence of Cresson. are on someone else's payroll.
lege. She is employed at Kauf- | Philipsburg spent Friday evening Dion meay Bers Nash. y latives in Westover, SY salzato Yias retired ¢ aa ter — The
mann’s Clothing Store in Altoona. | at the home of the lady’s parents, | Charles Kutruff visited Monday | Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth Douglass | Pfc. Donald Horten of Chanute, | Alabama where he spent og - a, ened t
Mr. Houser, a World War II vet-| Mr. and Mrs. Michael Nedimyer. | the Benjamin Sneath home and son, Dale, of Bellwood visited | Ill, visited in town over the week | several months as an umpire 3 With :
eran, is a graduate of Coalport- | Mr. and Mrs. Richard Richards Mr. and Mrs. M. A Read of | recently among relatives and fri- | end. He was accompanied on his | with the Southern League Pp ) dents.
Irvona High School, and now is|of Cleveland, O., have returned | garretsville O. spent "the week | ends here. return trip by George Horten and| Mr, and Mrs. John pi and the EF
attending the Altoona School of | home after spending a visit with end visiting the lady's brother-in- Pat, Verna and Susie Grove and | June Syberts. family attended the fair M aN in the
Commerce. He served in the ETO. |the former's brother-in-law and | jay and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Letcher and| aps, Ben Kaye of Cleveland = oni \ ; th 2 bY
Following a wedding trip to) Sister, Mr. and Mrs. Harve Len-| Chas, Barnett. Jill Grove visited at the home of | opio Irma Bice of Altoona and \ ~ the 1
several Eastern States, the newly- go dM J h Sérnel Mrs. Frances Thompson and |Mr. and Mrs. Harry Letcher tof y,nior ‘Bice and Dick McCann of HASTINGS 7
weds will reside in Altoona. Tr. an rs. Josep €mels- | children spent the week end with [help Mrs. Letcher celebrate her |jney Philadelphia, Ohio visited in ¢ ONE STEP , New
* ux berger a =a ols. Weds the lady's parents in LaJose. birthday. £ Alt town over the past week end Mr. and Mrs. Clement Hupfer Th the
: ’ ’ , A Mrs. Ella Moyer oi oona is Sy Y , e Se
Shirley Barnhart Feted spent the week end with relatives mL Tos Nee visto at the yo of Mr. and| Mr. and Mrs. Orville Addleman |Oof Johnstown visited in town last -> — AHEAD OF had a
: and friends in Akron, O. Mr. and Mrs. Cash Gray were | Mrs. Tom Nash. and family of Beaverdale visited | Sunday. Econor
On 8th Anniversary Mrs. William Flemming spent Sunday callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dean Smith and |here on Sunday at the Murray| Mr. and Mrs. Ted Holtz and of bein
A birthday party was held re-|1ast Wednesday with her brother- | npr and Mrs. Cash Gray Sr. daughter of Ohio were visitors in | Wagner home. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Easly motored FALL see An
cently at the home of Mr. and in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Doss Flemming and ‘Russell | Blandburg. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Thompson tc Washington, D. C., over the been
Mrs. Robert Barnhart in honor of | John Swan of Berwindale. ..., | Harpster spent Sunday in Ebens-| Mr. and Mrs. John Letcher and son, John of Detroit, Mich. |Past Labor Day week end. ° and ha
their daughter, Shirley, who ob-| Mrs. Martha Brant and family | ppg, were callers at their camp in Ful- | accompanied by Orville King, also| Julius MacMurray of New Al- \ ceived
served her Sth anniversary. of Rahway, N. J, spent the holi- Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Gray and |ton County. of Detroit, visited in town over |€Xandra was a visitor in town Sosinsk
Games were played and lunch |Jay Week end with the lady's family of Coalport visited Sunday | Mr. and Mrs. Walter Willey [the holiday week end. over the past week end. II and
was served. Miss Barnhart re- mother gi Lge Green. at the Cash Gray home here. and family were callers in Coal-| Mr. and Mrs. George Nanoski| Eugene Semelsberger of Coats- shop ir
ceived many beautiful and useful r. and Mrs. Jay Hemskey and| Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Troxell | port recently. of Baltimore, Md., visited here | Ville is visiting in town this week of Pen
gifts. Attending were: daughter, Eva Lynn, of Williams- | and "children of Mountaindale| Mr. and Mrs. Richard Graham [recently at the home of the for-|at the Semelsberger home. Geor.
Lorett d Jill Everhart. D port visited over the week end|were Sunday visitors in town. and son, Johnny, and Mrs. Leo|mer’s parents, Mr. and Mrs.| Mary Nesdore and Mary Dillon Ng } of Wor
AD Argus an Me Baraat with be. Hemakey 3 berents, Mr. Graham and son, Gerald, of Rig-|George Nanoski Sr. of Washington, D. C. visited in BLACK Penn ¢
and Rosaleg og Mabel Bol- NM "Si G Ai o% i gles Gap Visited here at tie home George Horten and June Sy- Hastings last Sunday. sU Vocatic
linger, Sandra Morrow, Bobby Hed seins hg Ne RnL Nise Glasgow Notes 0? relatives. ; i bert visited in Cleveland, Ohio| Mary Miller of Chambersburg |® SUEDE Melson
O’Shall, Doris Cl Joa i Y . = Mrs. Edith Kaiser, Mrs. Eliza- | 5yer the week end at the Vince! visited in town this last week
Shall, Doris Claar, Joanne and |David Youngkins. By JANET C. KUHN beth Pfiester, both of Altoons,|forten home end ofofocor
Patty Barnhart, Me. Wade Sates ay Jad 3s, Bk Mike Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Nesbitt Jr., | spent the week end with Mr. and |" pejjg ang Katherine Conley of | Dorothy Siberts. R. N., and
Monahan, Judy and Sandra Kings- | holiday Week ent With the foo and son of Johnstown visited at | Mrs. Harry Jleaiser. t Tivons Baltimore, Md., visited in town |Derby Krangball visited friends .
ton, Gloria Jean Gates, Martha | mer's mother, Mrs. Gertrude Mec- the Frank Harpster home here iv jiain it his sis- | 4 the week end at the Richard |and relatives in town last Sun-
Bollinger, Bonita Morrow, Gene l|K over the past week end. visited here recently wi Wagner home, day.
ter, Mrs. Sarah Evanskey.
Bessie May Waite of Madera
spent last week here visiting with
friends and relatives.
Edwin Kavanaugh has been
confined to his home due to an
accident and illness. His many
friends wish him a speedy re-
Mrs. Bill Jones of Patton was
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Troxell
a last Sunday visitor in Hast-
and daughter, Joanne, were re-
cent visitors in Coalport.
Mr. and Mrs. Foster Troxell
and daughters, Patty and Peggy,
spent the past week end visiting
in Washington, D. C.
Mrs. Effie Bateman and friend
Pfc. Milton Frank, Pfc. John
Myers and Pfc. Willis Blake, all
stationed at Ft. Dix, N. J.. vis-|1ngs.
ited at their respective homes in Joanne Weakland of Cleveland,
town over the past holiday week |Ohio spent the past week visit-
end. ing in town. |
Pfc. Donald Horten of Chanute; Alberta Cordell of Patton is|
Field, Ill, visited his mother, Mrs. | spending several days visiting in |
Gates, Clara McKee, Donna' Mr. and Mrs. Archie Hemskey
of Tyrone visited in town last R Hort th t i )
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kuhn and | Rowena orten over e pastitown this week. 9
Wednesday at the home of Mrs. sons of Ramey were Sunday vis-|week end. : Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Easly and | PAUL “ SHOE S ! ORE
Margaret Burno. itors at the home of Mr. and| Mr. and Mrs. Gene Miller of family of Pittsburgh spent the | "
Mr. and Mrs. Wade Good an-
nounce the birth of a son Maur-
ice Wade Jr., born on Aug. 27.
Mrs. Walter Garman.
Mrs. Madge Fishel was hostess
at a birthday party in honor of day.
Lumber City visited at the Ross past holiday week end visiting in|
Westover home here last Thurs-| town. P HILA. AVE. BARNESBORO )
Mrs. Leo Semelsberger is vis-| )
The IO.O.F. members held |per son Kenneth’s 10th anniver-| Mr. and Mrs. Emery Westover iting some time in the state of] ~ ~ AAA
thei regular meeting last Thurs- | gary Saturday, Sept. 3. Those |were last Thursday visitors in|New Jersey. | MAAAAAAAAS
ay evening, resent were Mary Edna and Ste- | Punxsutawney. y ; CEEEEEE « CBO EOAOAEOCACARDA RACs
James Barnett of Blairsville i Pier, RY and Earl Gar- Mr. and oy. Don Phillips andl Mx aay Mrs Arthur Laney Gi diid diisia S66 SE66665% 4 : ]
visited in town recently at the |man, Jane Johnson, Diane Berger, | Millie Moore and Janet Wagner | {own over ee sR: 3
|home of his parents, Rev. and | Nancy Evanskey, Romayne Kel-| visited in Altoona last Friday. Mery Fiore) a0. mber. 12 a :
[Mrs. A. L. Barnett. [ ler, Susan Lovell, Joyce Wilkin-| Phyllis Neff of State College |jang Tid ager tn Wh 4 feria 3B 1
{ Frank Harpster and Margaret | son, Billy Yingling, George Sim-| visited here over the week end at|gavs last week wh Via ~~ 2.2. Yr |
Burno were last Thursday visitors | mons, Darwin Chilcote, Tom Mc- [the Cort Neff home. | John Dvorchak d children | -
in Altoona. | Gowan and John Learn. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hughes and |;siteq i yore a 2 Wa 0s @A a
The Reade Township Schools| Mr. and Mrs. Lester Draheim Mrs. Octa McCulley were week gis he IE a Poe 8 | N 3
have opened for the 1949-50 sch- | and children of Washington, D.|onq visitors in Youngstown, O. 4 a ina id oe y visit AN
ool term. C., were visitors at the home of |“ arg” Emily Mosser and Eliza-| CC pon “pr own On Monday. | \
. Jean Hoover of Pittsburgh was
The Caroline Troxell Rebekah [the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Lodge held its regular meeting on | William Fortney.
Friday evening of last week. Mr. and Mrs. William Forbes
Rex Keller of Orbisonia is vis- | and son of Washington are visit-
iting here at the home of his sis- | ing the lady's parents, Mr. and
ter, Vida McCartney. Mrs. Bruno Frank.
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Abraham Mr. and Mrs. Robert Garman
and daughters of Philadelphia | of Washington. D. C,, are visiting
were recent visitors here at the | relatives and friends here.
Clair Reynolds home. Mrs. Dorothy Lewis was hos-
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Garman | tess at a party Monday evening.
and daughter, Sandra of Wash- | Those present were Mrs. Dessie
; 4d | McCusker, Mrs. Kate Reffner,
gon, Dion 1s Week en Mae Hahn, Mrs. Bonnie Beers,
_| Mrs. Sarah Evanskey, Mrs. Mar-
il Wr BE guerite Garman, Mrs. Ruth Van-
Scoyoe, Bonnie Wilkinson, Mrs.
Carney S04 Mis Chester Kulm [Berle Shown. Mrs. Eluzabeth
ang daugher, vane ore vipiors | Wilkinson, Donald Lender, L. Ref-
in Altoona on Monday evening. ner, Mrs. Mozi and Mrs. Dunn.
beth Miller have returned to their |,
home in Allentown after having.
spent the past week end visiting Mr. and Mrs. Robert Anthony
here. of Altoona visited in town on
The Men's Bible Class of the|l.abor Day.
Baptist Church held their regular Mr. and Mrs. John Dvorchak
meeting last Thursday evening visited in Patton last Sunday. 3
on the lawn of Mr. and Mrs. B.
D. Frye. The speaker for the af-| No married men will be ac-
fair was Rev. Amos Harnish, cepted for aviation cadet pilot or
pastor of the Zion Baptist Church navigator training by the air
of Ansonville. Music was furn-|force after Oct. 1, according to
ished by the Chest Creek Quar-|Sgt. Stanley J. Warhul, head of
tette and a hamburger frye con-| the Johnstown army and air force
cluded the event. recruiting office.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McGlynn of —
Madera visited friends in town NOTICE
The school board will receive
day this past week.
OY vd Hy R. C. Owens of [bids for a good grade of coal to
visitor over the week end in
town at the Gordon Hoover home.
No matter how effi-
cient your heating
system, is you aren’t
getting the most out
of it wunmless your
house is properly in-
sulated. We will sup-
ply top quality insu-
lating material—and
put it where it will
do the most good.
BoeTeceoTocTootooToetootoetosioToetootoctoetootostooteotecTootesTo ote ote so etorTocTorTo os Toutes Pe a fe Bo Be Be. 0. 2.9. 9 0 5 0.9. 9.990.080 8
Mrs. Clair Reynolds and Mrs. Mrs. Lois Frank was hostess " > i, be furnished in the bins of the
a} : 3 S | Jamestown, N. Y., were week end ed
Chester Kuhn were visitors in Al- | 5¢ 5 preakfast party held Friday | visitors here at the R. H. Owens| school buildings for the term
toona last Wednesday afternoon. morning. Present were Mrs. Mar- | home 1949-50.
Visitors at the Anna Lender | oyerite Garman, Pauline Porto, : : All bids to specify the mine Tall insnlatl Ml. save v 4
home last Thursday evening were | Maxine Lewis, Elizabeth Wilkin. from which the coal will be fur- “ull msulation will save you up to i
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Lippa and | gon, Ethel Scott, Emma Scott, nished and a waybill must accom- 509%, ; Ne ie winfar... HH
daughters of IMinois; Mr. and | Mrs, Margaret Troxell, Mrs. John Dysart pany sack load a delivered, each 0% on your fuel bills this winter i R
Mrs. Gerry Gunnell and daugh- | Ochionic of Altoona, and Mrs. I bidder to include an agreement will pay for itself in two seasons. 3 | ri
ter, Connie, of Pittsburgh; Mr. | Shirey of Bellwood. Mr. and Li Alex Matta Sy for the removal of the ashes ac- i E ? ; 4 |
and Mrs. George Bennett of | Frank Miscoski of Washington, |family of : non ows Ty Ben. | cumulated from the coal furnish- For information, call us today!
Utahville; Mrs. Ardell McCellan | D. C, was a visitor at the Frank the home o rs 36p ed by him.
: zie recently. All bids must be in the h
Fiedor home here. Dr. and Mrs. William Lowe Of | ,¢ the secretary on or La
Altoona are spending several days| September 30, 1949.
at the Rose Naylor home. The board reserves the right |
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Poet and| to reject any or all bids.
Hollentown |
Miss Marian Hollen and her co- family spent Sunday afternoon in)
worker from Glenhurst, Del, are |OWn- . \ | SCHOOL DISTRICT
visiting Miss Hollen’s parents, Mr, | Duane Lewis og Baltimore, Md. Gretchen McCann, Secretary 9-22
and Mrs. Gilbert Hollen. Miss Hol-| Was & caller in Lysart on Sat- O era Ee
in | urday. {
len has a Pentecostal charge inf “Bill” Lewis of Washington
and son, Barry, Barbara Luman-
ick and Mrs. Sue Banas of Cleve-
land, Ohio.
Mr. and Mrs. John Troxell and
children, Rea, Roger and Jerry
Jane and Joan Kuhn, Mrs. Mary
Gubash and daughters, Pauline
and Sophie, Marve Westover, J.
Matthews, Robert Troxell and
Mary McCartney and son, George
Call 5752 Carrolltown
| $
visited at Mussellman’s Grove last | Glenhurst. | spent the holidays at his home |
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Cree and | turned to her home here after a | Tom Daugherty and uncle of]
daughter of Beaver Falls spent | Visit in Bristol, Pa., where she | ; ich. e holidays
the past week end here. was called on account of illness | Degroits Alek, spent the ho ay
Mr. and Mrs. John Colton of | in the family. |= Mr and Mrs. John Hale and)
Smoke Run visited here recently Mr. and Mrs. Paul Green and | My and Mrs. David Hale and son |
with Dolly Conrad, daughter of Bellwood visited at|f Clevelafid, O., spent a short]
Mr. and Mrs. Don Cree ofthe Carl Hollen home here. Mrs. |yacation at the Joseph Conzo!
Beaver Falls spent the past week | Green is a registered nurse, hav- | home at Richland.
end here at the home of Mrs. |ing graduated from a Philadelphia Mrs. John Luke and daughter)
Mary Cree. nursing schoel. spent a week with Mr. and Mrs. |
for America’s fastest washday! ALL
Wis a Speed Queen, there are no series of
“cycles” to wait for. You can keep loading your
Speed Queen, at 5 to 10-minute intervals, and finish
’ : : Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Hefferman Rev. and Sister Glatton, and | Luther Hale of Richland. |
your week’s wash in a matter of an hour or so. This of Altoona spent the week end | the evangelists sister, Mrs. Ethel Mrs. Earl Davidson and chid-} ——— — — — — — —— IN THE
saving in zime — in bot water — in soap — plus at the Clarence Stine home here. | Hook, who had been holding a ren have returned home after] A
Mrs. Wilda Landrus has been | series of meetings here, left Mon- | spending several days with rela-
low initial cost — all contribute to giving you
America’s fastest and lowest-cost home laundry
tives in Cleveland, O. |
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Naylor Jr. |
of Camden, N. J., spent the holi-
day morning for Oklahoma.
Mr. and Mrs. “Chet” Rickard BENDER
of Altoona and Mr. and Mrs.
confined to her bed due to illness.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Cree of
Westover visited in town Sunday
Bender Electric Co.
Carrolltown, Pa.
| |
| |
| |
service. Come in and see the new models priced at the George Cree home. Charles Conley and daughters of day at the Mrs. Rose Naylor | | ELECTRIC CO.
as low as $99.95 Rally Day will be held at the | Fallentimber visited at the home | home here. { | Please enter my Frigidaire |
Glasgow Lutheran Church this of Mrs. Esther Conley on Satur- Bob Reinert of Camden, N. J. | Sup
FREE SET OF WHEELING TUB Sunday morning. Everyone is| day evening. spent the week end at the H. L.| in your contest. Itisa .. . | FRIGIDAIR hea
S cordially invited to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Blair Rickard | Naylor home. | year model. thre
WITH PURCHASE OF ANY WASHER THIS MONTH ee and daughters, Harry Reffner, Mr.| Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gregg and | | 3 | dist:
MORE AT SPANGLER HIGH 3 and Mrs. Wilmer Rickard and family Blisnise ie far Monday] | Name Priz S A d d S t b 13 po
Spangler’s High School’s enroll- | daughter, Emily Jean, and Mr.| Mr. an Is. ilhlam Naylor, ANE : < sets
W OLF FURNI j URE CO men of 345 this year is 22 over | and Mrs. John Rickard and fam- announce the birth 2a on on | | € warde ep emoer
that of 1948-49. There are 119 | ily spent Sunday at Musselman’s | Saturday morning at the oona | Address
. freshmen enrolled, 20 more than | Grove. Hospital. Mrs. Naylor is the for- | tiTess ALL ENTRIES ELIGIBLE
PHONE 278 BARNESBORO last year. In the grade school, 286 _— mop Margaret Voshinsky of Coal Ot
children report. The first grade * port. Ly.
Fil i ed gi MR I Vig Music Classes Added Nancy Hayworth and Rhet|| | | BENDER ELECTRIC COMPANY
attendance. For Spangler Graders Hayworth of Pittsburgh are spen- | | Phone.
Music classes were added to the
ding several months at the home |
of their grandparents, Mr. and |
curriculum of elementary grades| Mrs. Gilmore Hildabrand of Rich- |
in the Spangler Borough Schools |land, while their parents, Mr. and
by the borough school board at a = —— Ser
In setting up the music depart-
ment, board members 6 assigned
Our gaily patterned group of famous AZAM Wallpapers
promise your home long-lasting beauty. Priced so low—
you'll want to come choose your new decorating theme
Miss Ella McKivigan as the teac-
30% Off w=
0 Regular Prices
her. Miss McKivigan had been
teaching music on a part-time
basis but when the new school
term opens she will devote full
ink’s Hardware
Bigler Ave. Spangler, Pa.
souiment SAN) INI
iy l= :
You’ll thoroughly enjoy the sport with Bacha’s fine equipment. Shop at
Bacha’s Hardware in Barnesboro for the best buys!
time to that department.
ASK ABOUT OUR LAY-AWAY PLAN 3 for sale. Also 1938 Dodge dump
Road). Phone Patton 4051. 9-22
Size Electric Range for sale—
Two-burner, 230 volts, fast cook-
ing, oven and roaster combination
with grill and time clock, all in
one beautiful cabinet with plenty
of storage space. Complete with
pigtail, ready for installation. Reg.
sale price $129, special offer $75.
Albert L. Haluska, Patton. May
be seen at Standard Motor Sup-
ply. *9-15
® Knives © Caps ® Warm Hunting Clothing
Philadelphia Ave. Barnesboro, Pa.