Union press-courier. (Patton, Pa.) 1936-current, August 11, 1949, Image 5

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    Thursday, August 11, 1949
by Mr. and Mrs. Gill and son, Al,
People’s Meeting at 6:45 p. m.
fractions are just what their
“a Fr - .
Phone Mrs, Callin | Ne ns, Mr. | Provo and’ Prise Sorive os P arty for Child Requires Carel ul, UE ay re Reali wie ee
roun atto Union I 2 OF and Mrs. Gill left for Detroit, | 7:30 p. m. Efft Pl . I from blood by physical and chem- learn just when you are through.
bial 3101 [ich where they wil spond sev: vou are coraaty nies to EFH1cent Planning to Insure Juccess iu retrods of sepwration, me res soonan to argue ut te
. - e no heart—
2 Qe ——— — patients in hospitals in this area. | ns ne the sheriff to develop oy
Vesta Seymour |
Weds Ted Haluska
A beautiful wedding was solem-
nized in Mary's Catholic
Church in Patton on Wednesday,
Aug. 10, at 9 a. m. when Miss
Vesta Seymour, daughter of Ed-
Karen Ann Steir Honored
On Birthday Anniversary
A birthday party was held on
Tuesday, Aug. 9 in honor of the
eighth birthday anniversary of
Karen Ann Steir. The young
lady received many gifts and a
lunch was served. The following
Mrs. C. J. Laramie and son,
Rand, of Ishpaming, Mich, are
spending several weeks with Mrs.
Laramie’'s parents, Mr. and Mrs.
William Rhue. ?
Abe Maffit has returned to his
home in Altoona after spending
two weeks at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Norman Swisher,
Mr. and Mrs. Jess Wilkinson
|and sons, Donnie and Richard, of
attended: Y
Becky Weaver, Keith Steir, |Sidman spent several days at the
tion in Altoona, 1290 KC on your
| radio, each Sunday morning
from 8:30 to 9 a.m. and enjoy
the Way of Truth program. It's
the Old Time Gospel in sermon
and song.
This program is sponsored by
the Churches of God at Patton
and Burnside,
* % %
The Trinity Methodist Church
Rev. J. E. A. Bucke, B.D, D.D,,
Every mother wants her dau-
ghter to make friends and be pop-
ular. A party is a good way to
help a child develop this ability,
but it must be wisely handled to
succeed. The child must be al-
lowed to take on some of the re-
sponsibility of planning and pre-
paring, with helpful suggestions
and guidance from her mother,
says child expert Toni Taylor.
tive exhibitors on the waiting list
will more than absorb the few
that decided to abandon plans for
running exhibits next year.
Commission Chairman Miles
Horst pointed out that in the
past decade space rates have in-
creased only 66 per cent while
operating costs have advanced 75
Exhibit space prior to the war
Writing in McCalls, in collabora-
tion with Luella M. Foster, Di-|cost 60¢ a square foot, the com-
—It's unhealthy to suppress a
laugh, likewise unhealthy to
laugh at the wrong time.
[Attachment for your new car.
—Travel and just plain sitting
down have a similar effect
|they're broadening.
Central Press Writer
rt] Q 3 :
gar Seymour of Ashville, became ; 4 ie | home of Mrs. Eliza Lee of Lan S | . as : : '
- the bride of Theodore Haluska |DC cry Steir, Paul Kane, Connie fC 0 & | Pastor. rector of the Kansas University | Mission pointed out. Cost during A CALIFORNIA rancher is ex- | The seed, for instance, furnish-
i » | Erickson, Frank Donnetti, Carole Sunday, Aug. 1b—Public Wor- | Nursery School. she tell ther | the 1949 show was 75¢ and the : ; : : ;
i son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hal-|Capara, James Capara, Bert Mc-| Week end guests at the Ste-| >Un9ay, . AVurSery wohool She lols MOLier iis y | perimenting with a rubber fence | ing ammunition for pea
e———— 4 Siw a apara, p ’ oh J h : : ship in the Grand Theatre at|what to do when her daughter | Price has now been advanced to | A .. »
uska of Highland Ave, The double 4 « | phen Jacobs home were Misses z “" ; h to cut down injury to cattle. shooters?
: Connell, Bobby Weaver, Delores 3 10:45 a.m., sermon subject A | gives a part $1 per square foot.
SSIFY ring ceremony was preformed bY | Thomas, Patty Hckenrode, Mary | Mayme and Elizabeth Jacobs of Spiritus] Queer adult Sood at g yes party. Beribas decid | Square fo Besides: the fence, no doubt, 4
Rev, Father Rupert Stadtmiller,| Ray and Judy Feigh, Billy and | Diladelphia, sisters of Mr. 92-\ Grand Theatre and Primary Sch- 4 Ace § mot or Das dom eg to . . presents a very snappy appear- An Italian held his eyes open
OSB, pastor. : cobs. y let her- daughter plan a party, |
rolltown ye ._ [Irene Burkey, Nancy Pavia, Mar- |", a 5 i1d- | ool at Odd-Fellows Hall at 9:45 |ghe t De wise if the Ml ance. 97 hours, we read. Must have
July 24 The bride, who was given in |g: “nding Se Mrs. Joseph Despoy and child- | : she must be wise if the exper-| tr
uly es aTcam Do hor far gn ; garet Elms and Joanne Simpson. |... spent Thursday at the home| m. Robert Rowland, superin-|jment is to be successful. The | Ye been SOME movie—for him to
ah o> ae ne ar Bo Via $s {of Mrs. Despoy’s mother in Mar- | tendent. {child will need help and guidance | ecejve b A iy Resigned a | sit through so many shows.
- apy Finger tin ‘Vai a : | steller. ree |and the wholehearted approval of | y | boat made o reglass. own vy
7th St 3 Nin ands ager vel ih BeLomdl Bride { Mrs. Philip Gers and daughter, | [Ihe Whole family. Te be good | € to the sea in chips? To relax op a student of
la e ees Cr Hors <2 | Alice, of Lewistown spent this | St t St Cl k [hostess she must feel secure and | Ty o relax, nt
oS To ried a cascade of white lilies with | ar. uck, Carrolltown Wednesday at the home of My | d e ore er ) self confident and it is at home! ross 0 nstown Canadians have develobed Yogi, act like a cat. There's no
: white satin streamers knotted| Mr. and Mrs. David McConnell | | i ; aout / e ped a tam 3
rmation with baby pompoms, The maid of [of iT Ars. v og x |and Mrs. Norman Swisher. They ... . jas with her family that security | nylon fur said to be superior fo relaxation in being chased up a
*8-18 honor wore a Plie satin ZOWN | inc rriman Ave., ation, were accompanied to Patton by Civil S I'viC Ex m | begins. | Two blood derivatives, one| she real stuff oh iL th I tree by a dog.
easter ‘ unce the marriage of their | Catherine Swisher, who had visit- “Then, given a chance she will useful for aid in shock and the | . + Wel, he seals 0
ymouth i a gwestiedit ha} to (hatch | daughter, Eathel, to Earl Buck ted at the Gers home for the | probably. show a surprising am-|other a help in some measles hry always get jobs in vaude- a wrisiok
"1939 an carried a cascade of pin | of Carrolltown. | past several weeks. Scheduled Soon lount of imagination and sKill in|cases, have been received by the ville. While it's winter down there
001 be- astors, : The ceremony was held in the| Rev. and Mrs. Plummer Har- her preparations. After all, she!Johnstown Regional Blood Cen- } 12 now things seem to be hotter in
Vill sell Jane Haluska, sister of the|Methodist Parsonage in Winches- | vey are spending some time at arri a. ination | is the best judge of what interests |ter, Red Cross officials ann A dietician says every part | Guatemala at the moment than
Harrisburg—An examination judg , $s announced
*8-25 groom, was the maid of honor ter, Va., by Rev. Emory Elmore, | Chautauqua, N.Y program to fill more than 100 |her friends, and ‘she will welcome on Tuesday of this week. The | Of 8h orange ¢an be put to use. | it is anywhere up here.
ye and Paul Yencho, cousin of the on Thursday, July 28. The couple| Mr. and Mrs. Jess Cochran, Mr. | State Store clerk positions was | Suggestions from her mother if|blood fractions, serum albumin, en
op sale, groom was the best man. was attended by Stephany Lacey |and Mrs. Harry Audreau and dau- | announced this week by the state | they enhance her own ideas. |and immune serum globulin, like “rman
+ A wedding breakfast was serv- a Bobbie Williams, both of Pat- ghter, Mr. and Mrs. John Coch- Civil Service Commission. “The kind of party, who will he | whole blood, will be free to pat- 7 5
11 ed at the home of the bride's sis-|'0n: “x4 | Jan ions, Jack, an) Wy Written examinations will be |invited and where it will take |ients needing them, it was learn- tr 14 PERFORMERS
ter, Mrs. Lawrence Nele of . iidren, : ; lace, the game d -— ed. ’ ;
COAL Chest Springs, and a wedding | Janet Harrower and Lois Beck- all of Johnstown, spent some time | P€ld by Allentown, DuBois, Erie, Dace rn things tt Tre Dr. Fredrick [)
Cl with attended the Scotch Picnic |among friends and relatives here | Harrisburg, Johnstown, Philadel- doch ; r. redrick Mayer and Dr. a y S 1: 1 7
moved Sinner was Sifved a the Eagles Ee I a | AE oh phia, Pittsburgh, Wilkes-Barre | decided well in advance. | Joseph P. Seplogle stated that . uperb styling plus world-
allroom in Patton to abo ) , Week. wh “Don’ :
0 tokes u on Saturday of last week, and| Visitors at the home of Mr, and | and Williamsport on Sept. 17 for Don’t let her take on so much they endorsed the work of the famous eeaftsmatiship: mak
8-11 guests. while there were the guests of |[Mrs. George Donahue over the | the jobs which pay from $1848 to | that she becomes discouraged be-| national blood program of the J ous craltsmansup e
The bride, a graduate of then; ang Mrs. Frank Meneely, | Week end were Mary and James |$212¢ a year. Deadline for ap-|fore the party even begins. But) American Red Cross in keeping . Gruen watches first choice of men
r Sale. Patton High School, is employed |g. "0 coo oo tton. ‘Donahue and Marian Ogren of | Publications is Aug. 29. once she has decided what she | pace with the progress made by
n. Mrs. by Phillips-Jones Corp. in Patton. | Washi tes ; ists | wants, do let her take the re-| medical scientists about blood and
*8-25 Mr. Haluska is a World War II| Mr. and Mrs. Modestus Bender | Washizgion, 2 Oa and Mr. and| The Commission said the lists sponsibility for carrying through.'its uses. | and women who demand
Ea en veteran, having served two years 2nd son, Wilfred and daughters. | oo aliis and family Jeylling rom fie Drogen: Stam’ Let her invite her friends and Referring to the 96 vials of | he 4
NH, in the Pacific area. He is em- |Myrtle and Loretta spent a few | ? ; ied Pe Sp : choose in advance the games to! : : the finest... year
Y C A. days In Akron, Warren and Steve Molnar of West Virginia, | eligibles established in February be played so that game equip- | Serum albumin received at the
ployed as a mechanic at the Hal- Youngstown, Ohio visiting with | 0fMer manager of a Patton |1948. Persons who qualified in| po" 3] edeq and prizes, can Center; Dr. Replogle said that the after year.
uska Motor Company in Patton. friends and relatives g | flower shop, called on Mrs. P. J.|last year's program and who have | pe ready. : | derivative had proved a success-
After a wedding trip to Can-| "10 "0 4 Mildred Williamson | ely last Sunday. Other Sunday | not received an appointment must "Devide. what £ th | ful medical aid in the treatment
ada, Mr. and Mrs. Haluska will |; oh i ‘ | visitors at the home of Mrs. |take this examination to be con- |. ecide what part o e res- of shock. |
4 i |o Detroit, Mich., are spending a |gelly were M Regi Gill 2 s i idence is to be used and what| |, |
reside at 809 Fifth Ave, Patton. | tw, week's vacation with their | o) ¥ e rs. Regina Gill of | sidered for appointment, the rooms left for the family. Ard It has also been put to work |
® A parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. wi, | Sievelent, 9, Harry Leider, oe SCSC added. | have some outdoor games if pos- |i the treatment of some kidney |
: iamson. | inus Gill of Pittsburgh YS. 8b | A “considerable number” of ap- (ance. Where there are other chil- | 8nd liver diseases,” he said.
0Ca rmy cer Mrs. Thomas Hamilton and son, | Martin (Vale) Valjasek of plicants will receive offers from | ance. Where ther eare other chil-| . . Lmmune serum globulin is used
Billy, of Haddonfield, N. J. are Cresson visited for a few 4 t | the Pennsylvania Liquor Control |dren in the family, they should be | Chiefly for lessening the severity |
spending a month with Mrs. | the Stephen Tori ays a, Board for temporary employment | allowed to invite playmates for | of, and in some cases, preventing | .
Named to New Post |
First Lt. Frank Pinali, son of |
Hamilton's mother, Mrs. Gertrude | among other friends here.
Grant. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Rodkey
Mrs. james DeRosa and family have returned home after spend- |
|as extra personnel during the
| holiday season, the PLCB has
| advised the Commission.
[the afternoon of the party and |™Mmeasles,” Dr. Mayer, pediatrician |
[enjoy the same menu. This is a |eXPlained. The centershas 2,000 |
| more effective way of keeping | Vials f@ use. wa 1
[them from being a nuisance than| “It is frequently given to child- |
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Pinali of |of Media are spending this week |in a six weeks vacation at| Applicants must be citizens, 21 | i »
Patton, presently is serving as)with Mrs. DeRosa's mother, Mrs. | Muskellung Lodge Miron | vor of age and have been legal | by telling them to keep out of [ren Who have been exposed to
executive officer of Battery A,|Adaline Cunningham of Patton Wis, They also visited friends in | residents of the Commonwealth |the way. measles. A mild case of measles |
| for a least one year prior to sub-| “At the party itself, having which creates a permanent im-
60th F. A. En, Ft. Dix, N. J, a|
part of the 9th Infantry Division. |
Lt. Pinali first entered the|
Army as an enlisted man in the
infantry from 1934 to 1936. He
returned to active duty in Febru-
ary, 1941, and in October, 1942, |
he completed his officer candidate |
training and was commissioned a |
second lieutenant. |
During the war he served in |
the Asiatic-Pacific Theater where |
R. D. ._ | Chicago, Ill
Connie Benden of Homestead iS| joseph Riner of Patton R. D.
spending a week’s vacation with |is very critically ill at his home.
her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Baker
Walter Miller of Patton R. D. |and children, Anna Marie and
Shirley Bender of Houtzdale, is | Kathy, of Albany, N. Y., have re- |
visiting tlis week with her uncle |tyrned home after spending their
and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. W illiam | vacation at the home of the for-
Miller. Cn |mer’s parents, Mr, and Mrs. A.
Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Winslow | x Baker of Patton R. D.
Rodney, spent Sunday * % *
Patton Church of God Chapel
znd son,
with their son and daughter-in-
mitting an application. In addi-
| tion to the standard SCSC ap-
| plication form, applicants must
fill in a supplementary SCSC
fcrm which contains questions
| about the candidates’ physical
| condition and any arrest record.
| No positions exist in Forest and
| Union Counties, the SCSC ex-
| plained. However, applicants from
| those areas may be appointed to
munity is the result if the dos-
| greeted your daughter's friends, : 3
ages and time interval are pro- |!
you will do well to be available, : :
I'but do go about some activity of | Perly adjusted,” he stated. |
your own. And when the party is| “When it is important to pre-
over let her know you think she |Vent a child from having measles, |
has done a good job.” the serum-can do so in about 10 |
days time. The blood derivative
does not offer permanent immun-
[Farm Show Space [or 3 ete, ten < ie
Dr. Mayer said that the serum
. . . :
Me past in te new Guinea |!aw, oh a Wine) Lov G. Gorguch, POOL 5 3 DSHS in nearby counties. Hike Feeling Varied sony ts) dus ig NN
align and in battles east of | . » unday, ug. —Bible School | i : : ” . AN
Manila. He holds the Bronze Star| Banns of matrimony were pub-|at 10 0%: a; a TAI a Th | Applications may be Nine Dannievivania News. Service that time it was secured from a | STEWART \
Bad i . | Church f Miss Viola Callahan, | v 3 iar- : ro y ic y e- n
adge, American Defense, Amer- | Churc or Ss | risburg; State and County offices to run high here in many quar: ment of knowledge about blood, $595
fic medals and the Philippines
Liberation medal with three bat- |
tle stars and a bronze arrowhead. |
Lt Pinali is married to the
former Mary L. Vengrouskie of
Patton. They have two children,
Mary and Frank. The 35-year-old |
officer has two brothers in ser- |
vice—William, Eislon Air Base, |
Alaska, and Ralph, at sea with |
the Navy. |
* OE % [
ican Campaign and Asiatic-Paci-
Patton R. D. Girl
Potato Blossom
Queen Winner
Donna Mae Gooderham of Pat-
ton R. D. was picked as the po-
tato blossom queen of Cambria
County on Tuesday evening of
this week in a contest at the |
Green Gables in Jennerstown,
Sally Baumgardner of South
Fork R. D. 1 was judged as the
alternate from this county,
The winners and alternates will
represent the county in the st-
ste contest at Camp Potato, near |
Coudersport, Aug. 18 when the
state potato blossom queen will
be crowned.
Miss Gooderham, a daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Gooderham
of Patton R. D. 1 is employed in
an insurance office in Patton.
Requisites for participation in
the contest are that the parents
must reside on a farm where at
least five acres of land are de-
voted to potato growing and the
age limit is 17 to 21 years.
The contest is sponsored each
year in the Cambria-Somerset
area by the Jenner Community 4
Chamber of Commerce.
The other contestant from this
county was Leona Hoover, dau-
ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Hoov-
er of Patton R. D.
122 Conn., visited at the
“ . home in Patton recently and also | : ; S ;
PHS Band fo Picnic at the Frank Miller home in| Due to an overshipment, we're featuring our entire group of lightweight Summer Suits at sale prices!
Chest Springs. | ) : : : . J
Mrs. pr ge Fung returned to They're superbly tailored ... right for every occasion from morn to night! And you'll appreciate the
Tuesday At Altoona
At the regular meeting of the
Band Mothers’ Association held
on Tuesday evening in the High
School building, plans were made
for a picnic to be held for the
band students at Lakemont Park,
Altoona, on Tuesday, Aug. 16.
The committee in charge of the
picnic are: Mrs. Mark Malkin,
chairman; Mrs. Jack Simpson,
Mrs. M. M. Scott, Mrs. Gerald
Goodarham, Mrs, Lawrence Hoov-
er, Mrs. Elizabeth Garrity, Mrs.
Domenic Vezza, Mrs. Anthony
Thomas, Mrs. Lewis Hoover, Mrs.
Elmer Dietrick, Mrs. John Pat-
rick, Mrs. Costello, Mrs. Nick
Mrs. Marshall Shreve and child-
daugh.cr of Mr. and Mrs. Frank |
Callahan, and Andrew Kosto, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kosto
of Barnesboro. Their marriage |
will take place Aug. 27. |
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Connor
and daughter, Donna Marie, of
Delair, N. J., spent last week
with the former's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas Daugherty.
Sunday guests at the Thomas
Daugherty home were Mr. and
Mrs. Leo Sacca and Ted Sacca
of Delair, N. J. and Mr. and Mrs.
11:00 P. M.
of the Department of Public As-
sistance; local offices of the
Pennsylvania State Employment
Service; the State Office and St-
ate Stores of the Pennsylvania
| Liquor Control Board; State and
| District Offices of the Bureau of
| Employment and Unemployment
Compensation; State, County and
| District Medical Directors’ Offices
of the Department of Health.
—Fairy tales are harmful to
ters over the decision of the
State Farm Show Commission
last week to boost space rates for
commercial booths pas the 19501 ‘More facts about blood have
Farm Show. been learned in the past quarter
Observers in general point out|©f @ century than in all the years
| however, that continued skyrock-|©f past history,” he said.
[sume maintenance and operation- |
al costs more than justified the has already revolutionized
| increase, which has not resulted |treatment of some diseases,” the |
[in decision by more than a score surgeon said. “But much remains |
{of farm equipment dealers to|to be learned. There is hope that |
{ withdraw their planned exhibits. When additional uses for blood |
| However, this action on the and its derivatives are discovered,
| part of the group is not expected | doctors will have more weapons |
Dr. Replogle cited discoveries of
the last 25 years.
John Litzinger of Collinwood, N. | 3 =
4 | children, say some educators. Per-| py commission officials to inter-|for fighting disease and safe- |
Mrs. Ed Dunn, son, Ted, and | haps the kids shouldn't listen to |fere in any way with commercial | guarding life.”
Swissvale, space plans. Nearly 150 prospec- The doctors said that blood
daughter, Shirley, of
Pa., and Mr. and Mrs. John Eck- |
enrode and son, Gene and grand-
son, Kenneth Springer of KEbens-
burg spent last Thursday at the |
home of Mr. and Mrs. Leroy
Luther. The ladies are sisters.
Mrs. Christopher Garafola and |
sons, Christie and Vincent of|
Brooklyn, N. Y.. and Mrs. Joseph |
Kaibie of Long Island, N. Y., are
spending some time with Mrs.
Garafola and Mrs. Kaibie’s moth-
er, Mrs. Anna Litzinger.
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Hretz and |
daughter of Lancaster, Ohio vis-|
ited in Patton over the past week |
end with relatives and friends.
Pvt. Eugene Gray, fourth son|
of Mr. and Mrs. Cletus Gray of |
Patton R. D. to enter the service, |
spent a 5-day delay-en-route at)
his home recently. He reported to}
Pittsburg, Cal.,, for an overseas
assignment. He had been station-
ed at Ft. Knox, Ky., with the 3rd |
Armored Division.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bearer |
of Carrolltown, Pvt. Eugene Gray, |
Mr. and Mrs. Cletus P. Gray and |
son, Earl of Ebensburg, and Mrs. |
Cletus H. Gray of Patton R. D.|
attended christening of Patrick |
Lawrence, son of Mr. and Mrs. |
Fred Lawrence, at Butler recent- |
ly. Mrs. Lawrence is a daughter |
of Mr. and Mrs. Cletus H. Gray. |
Mr. and Mrs. George Baranik |
and children and Mr. and Mrs.
Edward Matucze of Bridgeport, |
her home in Pittsburgh after]
spending a few days with her|
mother, Mrs. G. K. Christoff. She]
was accompanied on the return
trip by her children, Karen, Kath- |
leen and Vincent, who had spent |
several weeks here with their |
grandmother. Her niece, Miss|
June Christoff, also returned with |
her to spend the remainder of]
the summer in Pittsburgh.
Mr. and Mrs. William Schaefer
and children of Chester are visit-
ing at the home of the lady's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Michael
Mr. and Mrs. David Heist and
ren, Marshall and Cathy, of De-
troit returned home Sunday after
| those Dad tells Mom.
Tailored to
Comfort... Handsome Good Looks
comfortable ‘‘air-conditioned’’ fabrics that we've put into these suits . . .
ties . . . the way they’ll fit you right. In a wide selection of newest colors—solids, stripes and plaids.
All sizes. Drop in today—for real value in Summer Suits.
19.95 to 22.50
Values to $50.00
Suit You in Cool, Cool
their light-but-sturdy quali-
“The recently-gained knowledge |
the |
Prices include Fed. tax )
“The Store for SAFE Diamond Buying”
Naa. =
Letso, Mrs. Leslie Albright, Mrs. spending two weeks with Mr.
Thomas Donahue, Mrs. E. Sun- |Heist's parents, Mr. and Mrs,
seri, Mrs. Raymond Burkey and clark Heist. Manveial and. oo
Mrs. Harvey Mulliga rs. Jame eval a :
Brvey su hgan : Danny, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Grim-
The next regular meeting of berg, and Mr. and Mrs. William
the organization will be held on Grimberg and children. Paula
Tuesies, Song. Sok ls, Band Rosemary, Judy and Billy, all of
rer oF ofton High School Band | wijjigmeport, and Eddie Smith of
e o 2% nm. 5 ursoay | New Jersey spent Sunday at the
Choose from single and double-breasted styles. In feather-light gabardines, tropical worsteds
or rayon sharkskins. Hurry in today, for a complete selection.
Philadelphia Ave. > BARNESBORO, PA.
i morning for Kane, Pa, where | j,.., Leaper home. Mrs. Mane-
ne they will participate in the Cen-| ya) is 5 daughter of the Leapers, School Clothes
§ 1rad District Firemen's Conven- Miss June Jacobs, R. N., of f Y
on. Yi Philadelphia is spending her va- or oung Men
tion at the home of her parents,
. ] Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Jacobs.
Clyde Watt, Priest-in-charge. Mrs. Regina Gill of Cleveland,
Sunday, Aug. 14—Morning | 0, spent a few days at the home
Prayer and sermon at 9:15 a. m. | off her brother and sister-in-law,
The Church school picnic will | My, and Mrs. Max Gill. On her
be held at the Patton Recreation | return trip Wednesday she was
Fark on Weadnesday, Aug. 17. accompanied as far as Pittsburgh
Trinity Episcopal Church
and Boys