PAGE TEN Carrolltown Phone Carrolltown 2682, 4491 or 5394 Very Rev. Father Daniel W. Egan, TOR. president of the College of Steubenville, Ohio, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Hipps last Tuesday. Banns of marriage were pub- lished for the first time in St, Benedict's Church last Sunday for Paul H. McGuire of Cresson and Donna McNelis Thomas of this place, and for Andrew Papson of Carrolltown ‘and Stella Penksa of Barnesboro. The Sodality of the B. V. M. of St. Benedict's Church will hold a picnic at Lakemont Park, Al- toona, next Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Paul Bauman and Mr, and Mrs. Hayden Bender were visit- ors in Altoona on Monday of last week, and likewise visitors in Johnstown last Friday. Recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Felix Bender in West Carroll Township included: Mrs. Clara Kelly and Mr. and | Mrs. Thomas Prescott of Pitts- burgh; Mr. and Mrs. Sowers and three children of Waterbury, Conn.; Mrs. George Sowers Sr., and daughter of Pleasant Hill, N. Y., and Mr. and Mrs. Otto Shen- dle and son, Alfred. Virginia Shendle is gpending two weeks at the Bender home. Miss Ethel Donahue of Gallit- zin was a visitor at the M. Connell home during the past week. Mr. and Mrs. James Cunning- ham of Washington, D. C., spent the week end here and at Pat- ton with relatives. Dick Bender is at the Roaring Run Scout Reservation in Somer- set County for the season. He is © use WASHERS & - SWEEPERS FOR SALE! Also Guaranteed Parts and Service for Any Make We Pick Up & Deliver AUTHORIZED DEALER for wud UNIVERSAL ELECTRIC APPLIANCES WASHER & SWEEPER HOSPITAL BIGLER AVE. BARNESBORO Open 9 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. Mondays thru Saturdays 80 for 87.00 100 for $10.50 » and tissues With double envelopes THE OLD HOME TOWN (4 J Ll EY GASPR'-- TH'LAW WAS CHASIN ‘ME AND il 1 COULDAT LET GO O TH’ DANG JUG-, BACK ROAD FOLKS = WINNY HAS A BRUSH WITH THE LAW — COPR_1%46. KING FEATURES SYNDICATE the WORLD RIGHTS RESERVED soetv two By STANLEY rl los py” STaNLEta a member of the Junior Scouting staff. Members of the Carrolltown High School Band spent last Thursday in Pittsburgh, where D. they attended the ball game at Forbes Field and enjoyed an out- ing at Kennywood Park. Richard Mangold and Robert Bell spent a week at the Antice- tus Schroth Cabin at Richmond, Indiana County. Recent visitors at the Schroth residence on St. Mary's Street, were Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Schroth of Chambersburg, Pa., and their son, Pvt. Earl T. Schroth, located at Fort Dix, N. J. Mrs. Edward Fagan, son, Dav- id, and daughter, Rose Marie, of Johnstown, were visitors last Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Bell. Miss Patricia McCombie was a guest for several days with her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. John Fox in Ebensburg. Miss Cecelia Flick of Philadel- phia has returned to that city af- ter spending a month with Mrs. Rose Arble here. Mrs. Rosetta Donahue enter- tained the members of her bridge club at her home last Friday ev- ening. Mrs. M. D. Connell, son, Dick, and Miss Ethel Donahue spent last Saturday visiting in Pitts- burgh. Louis Luther of Altoona was a Sunday visitor at the home of his sister, Mrs. Rose Arble. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mooney of Irvona visited over the week end with the lady's mother, Mrs. Agnes Weber, here. —Strange as it may seem, many forms of old French cul- stone valleys, Bradford County is of Clearfield County, WEDDING | INVITATIONS = and announcements... Each distinctive invitation thermographed on 25% rag china-white vellum paper; giving you fine raised lettering that speaks of the highest quality. Field Artillery One Of Most Fascinating Of Army Branches The Field Artillery is one of the most fascinating and instruc- tive branches of the Regular Army. It offers you almost any type of interesting work and training and experience in many modern technical subjects which will prepare you for a fine fu- ture. You will be given plenty of opportunity to learn any one of the many trades which mean ad- vancement in the Regular Army and a foundation for many civil- ian jobs. The Field Artillery is also open to high school gradu- ates for training in Army Tech- nical Schools. You may choose the school you want before enlist- ing. If you lack a high school education you can still attend a Technical School by establishing your qualifications after enlist- ment. Modern fire power 1s both complicated and highly technical. You may be trained as a meteo- rologist, a precision instrument man, an automotive technician, or a communication specialist. In fire-control work, mathematics, the use of charts, transits, and dozens of other scientific instru- ments are part of your training. Radar, radio, telephone and all- types of up-to-the-minute devices are in constant use in the Field Artillery. You will be trained by experts who will give the most personalized instruction, both in the classroom and in the field. The latest textbooks and mov- ing pictures, the best techiques and operative methods will be Your cheice of SIXTEEN individual TYPE STYLES The moss popular selections shown below. Ms. Paul Crosley Mrs. Paul Trosley UNION PRESS.COURIER taught you by men who are masters in their profession. In this way, you too will become a skilled technician, For only the skilled technician, the man with a specialized trade, is found in the Field Artillery. That's why American gunners are admitted to be the finest in the world. Men, go. to your local U. S. Army and U, S. Air Force Re- cruiting Office located in Room 323 of the Post Office Building in Altoona. See the recruiting of- ficer and ask him to explain the many advantages that will be yours ‘when you join the Regular Army. VISIT LINCOLN CAVERNS Among folks from this area visiting Lincoln Caverns, near Huntingdon, recently were Dol- ores Koontz, Patrick A. Dillon, Robert Buck, and Paul E. Miller of Hastings, Josephine Meloy of Loretto R. D.,, and Mary Barnett of Chest Springs. ASHVILLE Ernest Shingler of this place recently enlisted in the U. 8. Navy and is stationed at the Great Lakes Naval Training Center. Dr. and Mrs. Elliot Flick and family visited here recently at the home of Mrs. Martha Bercan, Mr. and Mrs. James Gibbons announce the birth of a son, born on July 19 in the Altoona Hospi- tal. John Mansfield of the U. 8S. Army is visiting at his home on a furlough. He had been serving in Germany. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Chirdon and children of Connecticut were re- cent visitor in town at the Chir- don home. Thurs A 1040 July 18 at the Glasgow Ceme- tery. Marriage Licenses Francis B. Robbins, Ashville R. D., and Olive R. Swanger, Ash- ville. William C. Wensel, Carrolltown, and Betty Myers, Carrolltown R. The Ashville VFW Post was |p represented at the funeral of Pvt. Robert Reese on Monday, Stephen Bakajza, Hastings, and Bernadine Yerger, Patton. THE FLOP FAMILY By Swan DOWN To OUR OLD NEL WHAT A SWELL DAY= LETS TAKE A STROLL FBORHO0D, HELEN OW, PRILANDER ~ INT THAT A GORGEOUS GOWN? J! men HERE WE ARE IN OUR OLD NEIGHBORHOOO- PAH | REMEMBER THAT CORNER OVER THERE 7- REMEMBER How WE ALWAYS USED TO MEET HERE WHEN WE WERE COURTING 7 YEAH -BUT THAT. SIGN WASN'T THERE THEN YOU MEAL THAT OL KETTLE IS ALL YOU CAUGHT ALL DAY 7 FOR AN OL, Nl COP # BOYOBOY! TWO 3 , NOGO PER KETTLE! OH, BOY! FORTH. IT EASILY # ALD I'LL SNAG HIM, WOTAVA SAYZ.-OK.2 RATS OW SUCH ROTTEN LUCK! , King Festires Syndicate, Inc, World rights reserved. =: * 1 GIVE UPI: on i a —— —a— THE TRAMP \) C.D.RUSSELL | GOT A SPECIAL DELIVER YOU~ LOOKS VERY IMPOR BUT THERES 22¢ DUE ON IT! 3 Wel 7 | O-| why, ~g/ in Y REGISTERED LETTER FOR TANT~ STRAITS ~ COULD YoU SPARE ME FEW penNigs 7)” LADY, M IN Sm es) A OF COURSE / Cr 2 THANKS, MISTER/ YOURE A LIFESAVER! = OC [15 Also matching reception cards; response cards, thank you cards; at home cards and informals. Mes. Paul Croley Mss. Paul Crosley Come in today and make your Mrs. Paul Crosley SINE iany 0 / / RS TEE Whisrs [ouaRe 2-4 NEW TROD Tory ) choice from our Mrs &P aul Crosley \ NN 2 2 rer = DEAS ONABLE OATES ~ SINCEPE LY NUCLEAR . \ 7] 2 ~ b Flower Wedding Line” catalog: : ‘ SSN BATHS": AND FOR THIS | GET HERES THE SF ’ ( STUCK BRE A212114 1 22¢ FOR MY 8 7 : » SS a | / Phone Patton 3161 TY FS ——— Th A ) NS Copr. 1949, aor RE Syndicate, Inc, World rights reserved.