Union press-courier. (Patton, Pa.) 1936-current, July 14, 1949, Image 2

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    Thursday, July 14, 1949
4 Killed, 19 Injured |Ashville Lady to Head Cambria Co. |. S. Mine Inspector | '
In Cambria Mishaps American Legion Auxiliary Units (To Set Up Office ing
June Fatality Record Carrolltown, Barnesboro [most money to the department In Barneshoro Area a
y : . .
irl 0 E new sunrooms at Lebanon Valley 5 . Mrs
Doesn’t Include City Girls C p lussay Prizes Veterans Hospital. The combined| David K. Kreischer, federal Loret!
For every five highway acci-| Mrs. Gertrude Shortencarrier of | county units turned in $198.30. [mine Lhetor attached to the paule:
The award for the unit reach-|Johnstown subdistrict office of the Mrs
Largest General Weekly Newspaper Circulation in the Area
Patton Courier, Estab. 1898 Union Press, Estab. 1935
Published every Thursday by Thos. A. Owens and Frank P, Cammarata,
Press-Courier Building, 542 Magee Avenue, Patton, Pa., and entered as sec-
ond ciass mall matter May 7, 1936, at the postoffice at Patton, Pa., under
the Act of March 3, 1879.
Thomas A. Owens, Editor
B\ 2
FRANK P. CAMMARATA.. Business Manager dents in Cambria County last |Ashville, member of the Barnes- C
THOS. A. OWENS JR Managing Editor month, five persons were injured |boto American Legion, was elec- ing its membership quota first ea OF Migs has buen Boote
. — and someone was killed. ed president o ambria County | went to Cresson. Three auxiliaries ‘ " i
Subscription: $2.50 Yearly NATIONAL EDITORIAL These figures are based on the |Council, American Legion Aux-|—Spangler, Gallitzin and Barnes-|fices to be set up in Barnesboro. tay +
1 a Advance 5 H ASSO Tio) monthly accident report released |iliary, at a meeting last Thurs-|boro—tied for the award for pur- Also under the new setup, In- Jan
n vs py, be (7 7 ip ON by state police at Ebensburg. The 'day afternoon in Spangler. She |chasing the most poppies in 1949. | spector Harry L. Scott will work baseb:
Advertising Rates Furnished statistics are based on accidents |Succeeds Mrs, Oscar VanKokel-|They donated the cash to the out of offices in Punxsutawney Wednq
Upon Application SRR which occured on county high- |berg of Carrolltown. Earl J. Mowerv Fund. and Inspector P. J. Beatty will go Mr,
The endeavor of the Union Press-Courler is to sincerely represent Org- ways and dc not include traffic! Mrs. VanKokelberg was named| Mrs. Mary Krumine, department | to the Philipsburg area. Transfers state
JT Labor A Su Stuns CORSTIC frestom, Malatial Jor Dube COMPYIGN mishaps in the city of Johnstown. [delegate to the state convention |president, State College, was the win be $Ssctive within the next ing h
Union Press-Courler gives its advertisers the advantage of combined A State police were called to in- [in Pittsburgh in August and Mrs. | speaker. She said that the success | ¢W Weexs. And
Tha Piaakets Patton: aad the Major MIRE. towns ib Noraors Camps AGAINST vestigate 20 crashes last month, | Shortencarrier as alternate. u the bast year has been due a hisough This nove Sach Man the M
at PEL1Glon n'a, tour persons wer lied | Other officers are Mes Bia IfECl Lo, he ffs or the nd | Vil hue ig pw, dit, he wi a
SUNG Hs, ng 1 jue Damige dent; Mrs. George Ellors los) Cambria Co. auxiliary units have| map his own itinerary,” stated a
: ed to $8,875 to boost the year's |town, second vice president; Mrs. | been in the forefront of these ef-| Harry E. Sanford, engineer-in- t To
Easy Matter to Register tota To d-breaking loss of | Regina Reed, Cresson, secretary: |fOrts, she said. charge of the Johnstown office, in ended
$105,535, ro roaiing 1088 OF | Mrs, Geraldine Leech, South Fork, re cin making the announcement. Pd
By action of the County Commissioners recently it will be an To date this year, nine persons |treasurer; Mrs, Bertha Parrish, He explained that the bureau Cha
easy matter for folks who are not now eligible to vote at the coming have been killed in 176 accidents Loretto, histovion ; dps. Yargarel tate FW Backs il wu Rea Soglenoy by Cornel
: : i iatra- ; ong, Patton, chaplain, an rs. intain .
Congressional and Primary election to get on the books. Registra. and 152 people have been injured. Mary Kelly ee es headquarters in the immediate and F
tin points have been set up well within easy distance of most every- The total of four deaths in Jone GL GITHS. ’ ’ Bonus Pro osal vicinity of the region where they Mrs.
one in Cambria Co. and elsewhere in this paper you will find the i2 st Sa Shes x the scord o Mrs. Ligouri Lacey of Carroll- | work. patien
dates and places that will be most convenient. There will be no other Of the June crashes, 13° were town was named director of that Pennsylvania's Veterans of For Under the plan, the inspectors Hospit
field registration in Cambria Co. this year—at least not a general attributed to excessive speed. unit. Other units still to name |eign Wars threw up a solid front !seldom will be required to drive a goit
Four others ‘were caused by directors are Beaverdale, Port-|last Sunday behind a move to get|more than 25 miles to reach any Mrs.
ope drivers who failed to yield right 0% Conemaugh, Dunlo, Bland-|a bonus for the state's 1.3 mil- Mune within their pesighed terri- of Va
it. urg an illy. 1 Worl A ory,’ r. Sanford said. This is ors he
Perhaps the greatest talking point of registration for so of way and one was a hit-run | "0 * ew council GFiners: and hon y ol 4 War a Yoaarans 10s kea TBon a or int Sat Tome,
many of the younger ineligibles is the fact that this fall the : : acsiqent ane other ve DRESS those of the Spangler unit were | tion } Snoae su ry i tage. Mc,
question of whether or not the state of Pennsylvania will pay a : A AK Aad EE Were classifie] as Tniscelianeous, {invialled during the session. Mrs. [jag Saturday night in the ball-| The old system called for all daught
bonus to the men and women who served in World War II will > fre Duslen Dresident of the|room of the Bellevue-Stratford|of the force to be stationed in Sunda;
come before the voters. Payment of such a bonus was authorized LETTERS TO THE EDI TOR ois 0 Barneshoro Hi h William os a i slown Hotel in Philadelphia, where near- | Johnstown. Trips to outlying sidence
for referendum by the people by two sessions of the state S Mi S ° was announced as winner of the DN ) seing Yelogatay Suih- 7 SO siimes i on n
. first prize i [it up for a bonus. ( ° ) ,
tra 1 wit ater” ary or ut ww ie ove | State Mine Secretary Maize (ited In Pamphlet [35255 mst Said heme th Sit Sh ori 21 + iy
. * * o ° dents of the county. Second prize eu ime 3
: : SE i + i G. Lynn Brotherson of Erie was |ago was transferred to Ebens- Ronr
The irony of this vote proposition is that there are so many of Disagrees With Our Editorial Barnesboro High School rates Jeu Jo Bony | 7 thir Sombie of | elected commander at the con-|burg and set up an office there. week
the former ex-servicemen and women who are NOT registered, and : : Rois = Mi Danibiuel Sisteh, won by Janet Steele of Barnes-|cluding business session, advanc- CE ARR home
there are so many of their own immediate families in the same Department of Mines sion happened, and the federal |buted last week by boro. ing from senior vice commander| John R. and Ruth Easly of Bar- and M
iei i : rd 1d aft Harrisburg, Pa. mine inspectors had the same in-| Coal Association. The. Loret i in the VFW’s traditional moving : y Bern
position. Inasmuch as there will be no registrations in the field after July 6, 1949 formation that the State Dept. of| The folder is titled, “The Prob- |, e pe to unit was awarded 5p Dian for JHE nesboro purchased a property on day ar
the primary election, this will be the only chance for convenient|yr,;.oine Editor Mines of Illinois had at that|lem of Properly Trained Techni- lL Cg a tg a 1 : fer ayes Spangler °R vie last wi
registration in time for these folks to protect their own interests by | Union Press-Courier time 2 Sul ihe federal gerne ea Fesenns] J the Bituminous | ong” Spangler received prizes age toon girls! A store in a ni of 36 000 Te Mr
t Lrrhle ; nor e federal mine inspectors | Coa ining Industry.” ins § : 2 3 ¢ yx son an
their eligibility to vote. Dear Mr. Owens: In pointing out steps taken in Wn tan ost coupons, Cres George in advertises “Pure | took place on Wednesday of last Rt
In former years it has been the practice of the County Com- I have read with a great deal mine they were operating, and|some communities to meet the g in the n efs. week. bil
¥ > the pri a of interest your article under the |too, the federal government and | problem, the association cites the relativ
missioners to afford field registrations after the Primary. an Lapin, ‘Maize Bucks Federal [the federal mine inspectors were | Barnesboro school as having a &
before the general election. This has been changed this year due ine Law. equally responsible with the State | worthwhile educational program.
I especially want to call your
attention to the Centralia, Ill,
explosion. You state in your ar-
ticle, “Investigations into this dis-
aster showed that state mine in-
Dept. of Mines of Illinois for the |The bulletin states:
death of the one hundred eleven “Barnesboro High School in
(111) men who lost their lives| cambria County is in charge of
in the Centralia explosion. Supervising Principal Dr. W. M.
to the fact that on primary day a general election also will be
held for the office of Congress from this district to fill the vac-
ancy caused by the death of Robert L. Coffey Jr. Field registra-
tions are costly and there will be no other in 1949.
: nothing to shut down the
| I am mailing to you,
under |y,eonard who also serves as in-
Registrations ‘will be taken at man: oints in the north of the [time again that the pit was a ver- |brief that I presented before th i j ASS IS A N
PI Thursday and Friday of next and after Saturday of Jalls Dowd ie ready to let go Congressional Committee, Wash. The important subjects covered | i |
next week no one can register to be eligible to vote at the September |“ "po voy know that the federal ington, D. C, la ee “Geology of Coal, Pennsylvania 3 J
primary and special election. One can register anytime at the|government was operating the RICHARD Maize | Coal Seams, Mining Arithmetic,
Commissioners’ Office in Ebensburg up until the deadline on July 23. (Centralia mine when the explo-| Secretary of Mines Ye MI is: |
JULY 16th to 22nd
tr. “Field trips to neighboring
mines and lectures by men from
. . . Here 1s the opportunity you've been waiting for . . . We are loaded
with real bargains . . . money saving values in every department Shop at
Labor’s Non-Partisan League the industry are arranged from
MURPHY’S in Barnesboro and Save!
spectors had reported time and separate cover,
It is a well-known fact that there are many people, particu-
larly women, who consistently refuse to register to vote because
of the fear that by so doing they make thmselves liable to tax-
ation. This is not the case at all. The one function has nothing
to do with the other. However, these people whether they regis-
ter or not, are going to find themselves on the tax assessment
books in a great many places and in every community before
long. Local taxing bodies have set up other means of determining
those who are dodging taxation. They’ll be paying whether or
time to time.”
Upholds Our Editorial Stand |; :
Labor's Non-Partisan League | mony before the House and Sen- Nick Ruha Given
Washington 5, D. C. ate committees investigating mine . s
July 11, 1949 safety, especially his verbal testi- Nice Promotion
Thomas A. Owens Jr. mony, was wild and intemperate,
not they register. Managing Editor to say the least. Many statements| Nicholas (Nick) Ruha, the
Union Press-Courier that he made were not based on |state game warden taking care
It is rather an unfair thought to contemplate that there are so Dear Mr. Owerts: facts 5nd could pot be proven. of the lor poriion of Canin Svecial! |
i i ivi - ' > ile we admi the Stat 0. an e man “who seemed to ial! i Sod \
many who fail to pay taxes who enjoy the same privileges and pro-| —o "cL July 3 aided lol ee rsad That aE A ey pecia. Special! $1.69 Value Fresh, Delicious
tection of government that the good taxpayer is afforded. We wonder | ¢, the editor of the United Mine mining laws in the United States, |is moving on to a better job. Regular $1.39 L Tri d
if these folks really realize just what they are doing. They are| Workers Journal has been refer- {there is still room for improve- Mr. Ruha, who has been work- One Pint ace rimme ORANGE SLICES
making the burden of the good taxpaying citizen heavier by their|red to this office for reply. Wg do|ment, especially in the enforce- |ing in North Cambria for the past |
default. If all paid, burdens would be less. not have at this time the infor-| ment of these laws. four years, has been transferred |
’ mation that you require but we| I would appreciate very much |to the Ligonier District, where he |
are endeavoring to obtain it for receiving a copy of any further | Will be elevated to the position of |
y . oi + you and will forward it to you as |editorials that you may write on |assistant land utilization super- |
registration facilities in order to get many ex-servicemen and : {goon as received. this subject. x 2m ¥ ve the | visor in Southwestern Pennsyl- |
women and their families on the voting registers. The County I wish to compilment you on United Mine Workers of Penn-|vania, with headquarters in Lig-
Commissioners have obliged them. Whether there will many you recent editorial, “Maize sylvania appreciate very much | Onier. In his new position, he
interested in their own bonus or not remains to be seen. It is | Bucks Federal Mine Law.” It was |Your Jolie for their welfare. Will supervise an i gh Sidi
important, too, that they have every member of their families |pertinent and very much to the EY gay yours, 5 |
i 5 " JOHN T. JONES southwestern part of the state, |
point. It is deplorable that men : 3 :
over 21 years of age also register. like Secretary Maize who bear Director including Cambria, Somerset and
the responsibility of protecting Labor's Non-Partisan League | Westmoreland Cos.
: : : Granville Miller, a game pro-
the lives of coal miners should (Editor's Note: We wrote the i xler-
allow personal vanity and the | UMW Journal requesting exact fscior fhe SeaiglenBarmnesbors.
Catching Violators ow “personal vanity andthe | U3
political picture in e tate o information on states having lax the duti f Mr. R
Fish wardens and game protectors, engaged in duties for the |Pennsylvania influence their atti- | mining laws or laws not rigidly pl gl be Bia pn tone
Rayon Satin Slips
Size 34 to 44
ony $1.19
Spearmint Leaves
Yacuum Bottles
Only 19¢ Ib
ony 51.00
Veterans organizations have been clamoring for convenient
A Real Bargain!
Regular $3.65
Men’s Long Sleeve
Sport Shirts
Regular 19¢ Close-Out!
All Reg. $1.95
White Handbags
Sprinkling Cans
state in enforcing hunting and fishing laws, have rules to enforce | tude toward the Federal Mine | enforced. Mr. Maize will be an-|tector is named Pl
even when they make enemies galore. And at the same time these |Safety Bill. Mr. Maize’s testi-' swered in the near future.) $ 10¢ $1 27 ig
hunters and anglers make a lot of bad friends. The practice of halt- - F | Attack Only . Now Only ° Tax
ing automobiles is what causes a lot of the hard feeling. Road blocks Sl . Harold Luther, Michael Rabish, In ata ttac GETTI!
have been operated rather often, especially on busy days, and all d itzin egion Prank Longisky and James Wa- lets of
ers :
: basket
cars are halted as protectors and wardens look for violators among
the anglers and hunters.
New officers of the post were
installed by District Commander
Joseph F. Bernard. The post now
has 667 members, a gain of 25
_ Delegates to the state conven-| iin. the last meeting. Two post
tion of the American Legion in members, John W. Rose and
Pittsburgh next month, were an-| poo. moi, “have been elected to
: : the fou
Save On This Special! -_—
Regular $1.49
Boys’ Short Sleeve
Special! Regular 49¢
A Real Value!
Regular $3.98
Picks Delegates
Route 44, in the Williamsport and Jersey Shore area, was the
scene of a road block the other day and 500 cars were stopped.
Not all were hunters or anglers and many of those stopped were
riled at the delay. Six of the cars halted, however, were violators
of the fish regulations, so the stopping program paid off as far
nounced by Memorial Post 174,
Gallitzin at an election at a meet-
ing last Thursday evening. Com.
Charles Parrish and John W. Rose
as the state was concerned. Autoists don’t like to be halted and
examined at any time, but as long as sportsmen, so-called, violate
the laws, all cars will be halted.
membership in the 40 et 8, fun
and honor order of the Legion.
Service Officer Rose reported
two members, Clem Berkey and
Sport Shirts
Framed Pictures
4-Way Sun Dress
Only $1.99
became delegates by virtue of
s $ s their offices. Others are W. How-
Learning to Swim Projects ard Weston, Dean W. Lewis,
Stanley J. Gubala, John R. Gil-
One of the really better features so little thought of that the|len and Joseph F. Bernard. : t to hospital het bed
Patton Recreation Park has afforded young people not only here but asgighment 10 hospita’s waen ve
all over the north of the county, is the Red Cross summer programs RSE yates a» 2 Sohert Debus; Shace is available, Rose announc-
of teaching youngsters to swim, and praise is due not only the Red 3 : J
Cross and Park Commission, but also to the various organizations in
our neighboring communities who have afforded transportation to
Patton for so many of the children to take part in this instruction.
Nearly 1,000 children in Northern Cambria have learned to swim and
have been taught water safety in the courses here during the past
three years.
Steve Szynal, are patients in Sale Price $1.00 e They Last 17¢
veterans’ hospitals. Arthur Will- I
iamson is to enter Aspinwall this
week. Five others are awaiting
Here's A Bargain!
Regular $1.79
Kiddies’ Overalls
Sizes 2 to 6
ouy Y7¢
Large Selection
Printed Percale
Only 34¢ Yard
Attention Men!
6-Foot Wooden
Folding Rules
Only 69¢
Youngsters all like water and enjoy being around pools,
streams and dams and water safety can’t be taught too early.
Learning to take care of themselves in water is essential to all
youths. One of the first lessons taught is that no youngster
should ever go alone into any pool or stream. This lesson can NEED
save many lives. A i i A h”
This month—July—is a peak month for drownings and the boys | | ] Regular $1.98 Save Here! Sati dR
“ ” atin an ayon
and young men at the “reckless age” of 15 to 19 are the greatest Regular $1.59
risks, according to statisticians. Deaths by drowning average about ° ’
40 a day throughout the country. The statisticians warn of the Bou oir amps ° R i
dangers of swimming alone, swimming considerable distances without 0 y uits emnan S
being followed by a boat, entering the water too soon after eating,
and undertaking feats beyond the ability of the performer—with the : TODDLERS’ ;
last applying even to good swimmers. with Shade Sizes 1.10.3 1 to 1% Yard Pieces
; «31.00 $1.17 3 «1.00
Beauty’s Here At Home Special ® Leo special > 1 for "Leo
FER eae,
The writer, after quite a lengthy trip recently through the
Western states, like so many other Pennsylvanians, has come to the
conclusion that scenic beauty elsewhere is not surpassed by what we
have right here at home. Pennsylvania has fine highways and a lot ' : so11
of mileage in the roads. To a motorist who wishes to see Pennsyl- Big Selection Special! Why Pay More?
vania and travel on each one of the state highways, the speedometer MANY BEAUTIFUL STYLES All $1.98
Fresh, Tasty
Potato Chips
Now 29¢ 1b p
would register a total of 99,964 miles without backtracking. That
would really be a tour.
Secretary of Highways Ray F. Smock has just compiled a
highway survey and he finds the state highway system maintains
40,939 miles, while local governments, townships, boroughs and
cities have 59,025 miles. The state is responsible for 41 percent
of Pennsylvania’s roads and this is a far greater total than any
other state in the Union. The average for the country is only
18 percent of the highways built and maintained by the states.
Women’s Summer
vow $1.37
Regular 10¢
Special oe
Whether you're in the market for a new truck, or want serv-
ice on your present truck, here’s a headquarters you can
count on for all your needs. Our line of GMCs offers models,
engines, chassis and equipment options to meet the specific
Fast One Didn’t Work
We saw an unusual information made by State Police Thursday
of last week. Seems that along about 2:30 on the highway between
Ebensburg and Carrolltown the road patrol picked up a 1935 Ford
coupe bearing only one license tag—and that one belonging to a
car dealer. Information against the driver was made at the office of
M. J. Farabaugh in Carrolltown. About an hour later, the same
State Policeman traveling along the same road spied another 1935
Ford—this one a cabrolet—bearing only one license tag—the mate
to the one on the car driven past earlier in the afternoon. And so
the wide-awake patrolman made another trip into Justice of the
Peace Farabaugh’s office. Our hats off to the State Police.
requirements of every hauling job... pick-ups, panels, stakes
+ + « specialized tractor and dump models. . . cab-over-engine
and conventional types . . . gasoline and Diesel power plants.
Our service facilities include a staff of expert, truck-trained
mechanics . . . special truck tools, machines and equipment
« « » a complete stock of genuine GMC parts . . . almost any
type of service for any make of truck. Come in and see how
we're set up to give you expert help on all your truck problems.
James Dumm GMC Truck Garage
FATALLY Injured when he fell to a
Brooklyn sidewalk after being
either struck or pushed over, the
death of National Guard Warrant
Officer Alexander Taras (top) is
being carefully investigated. Held
by Brooklyn police is John Patrick
Hart (bottom), one of two brothers
alleged to have been involved The
Harts, it was said, heckled a parade
in which Taras was marching
Taras stepped out of line and re-
portedly was hit. (International)
... The Friendly Store” in BARNESBORO