5h lI i ————hi——r fs PAGE ELEVEN Thursday, June 16, 1949 An UNION PRESS-COURIER PHONE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD -- DIAL PATTON 3161 or Roo Classified Display Classified Display Classified Display FURNACE CLEANING ... Steant ORDINANCE NO, 201 FOR S ALE n CLASSIFIED RATES One Insertion, 2c per word, with a minimum charge of 50c. Additional Insertions Fithous change of copy, 1c jer word, with minimum charge of 5c, THREE INSERTIONS FOR THE PRICE OF TWO! For Sale 65-GAL. STANDARD MAKES of Electric Water Heaters, special low price of $139.75. Other sizes from $75.00 up. Our men will make complete installations, Ben- der Electric Co., Carrolltown, Pa. Phone 2401. tf ATLAS METAL WORKING La- thes for Sale. Also Atlas Metal Working Shaper, drill presses and bench saws. Motors, 1/3 h. p. to 1 h. p. Delta drill presses, grind- ers, circular saws, band saws, joiners, sanders, jig saws and wood lathes. J. V. Hammond Co., Phone 273, Spangler, Pa. tf “KAREN SUE” JUNIOR HIGH skirts. Plain colors with ruffle. Sizes 10 to 14, $4.95. “Karen Sue” 2-piece dresses, sizes 7 to 12, $4.95. Fannie C. Wetzel, Carroll- town. Phone 4491. 40-GALLON EXTRA HEAVY gal- vanized range boiler, complete with fittings. Used only three months. Will sell, complete with fittings, for only $15.00. Steve Campbell, Campbell St., Carroll- town. 6-30 TYPEWRITERS—Remington, Un- derwood and Smith - Corona machines sold on the §5.00 a month plan. Also Victor and Allan - Wales Adding Machines. Eagle Printing Co., Phone 118, Barnesboro. tf TROUBLE LAMP ONLY §2.95! Switch, plug-in and 50 feet of cord. Regular $6 value. Western Auto Associate Store, 10th St., Barnesboro. 20 LOCUST POSTS FOR SALE— 5 to 6 feet high. 50¢ each. In- quire Frank P. Cammarata, Fifth Ave., beside high school, Patton. Phone 3646. COMPLETE BOTTLED GAS Ser- vice and a full line of Magic Chef Bottle Gas Ranges. Bender Electric Co., Carrolltown. Phone tf WHITE ENAMEL ICE BOX for sale. Porcelain lined, 50 pound capacity, in good condition, In- quire at 405 Magee Ave., second floor, Patton. Phone 4533. 6-23 BASEBALL SHOE SPECIAL!— All sizes, $5.50. Western Auto Store, Tenth St., Barnesboro. tf JUST RECEIVED—1 Dozen Com- bination Storm & Screen Doors. Grade A. Call Gerald Sherry, Carrolltown 4751. #6-23 2-PIECE LIVING ROOM SUITE for sale. Newly uphlostered. In good condition. Also one very good used bed. Phone Carrolltown 4581. 6- BONNIE DRESSES. Pre-'teen! In beautiful plaids, dots and stripes. Sizes 10 to 14. $5.95. Fannie C. Wetzel, Carrolltown . SEE THE NEW DOMESTIC Electric Sewing Machines at Wolf's. New models. Complete parts service. Immediate delivery. Buy on easy terms. Wolf Furni- ture Co., Barnesboro. tf NEW SHIPMENT White Purses. All styles. $2.95 and $3.95, plus tax. Fannie C. Wetzel, Carroll- town. ROLL-TOP DESK FOR SALE— Also John Bean Headlight Test- ing Machine, never used. Lester Conrad, Box 4, R. D. 1, Carroll- town, Pa. (Carrolltown Roads Station) . 6-16 TYPEWRITERS FOR SALE, $20! The Patton School District is offering for sale at a price of $20 some used typewriters. Anyone interested can inspect them by calling at the High School any time during the day between the hours of 9 a. m. and 3 p. m. 6-23 GREEN & IVORY ENAMEL Coal Pa Range for sale. In good condi- tion. Phone Patton 2704. 6-23 For Sale Wanted to Buy LOOKING FOR BARGAINS? Then See Bender Electric Co. Re- operated Equipment Department: 5-Burner White Table Top Oil Range with oven .... 5-Piece Breakfast Set with Formica top Electric Water Heater Electric Range a Full size C logenRaa F Full Size Coal Range, just like NEW .....omaumnion $25.00 BENDER ELECTRIC CO. Phone 2401 Carrolltown, Pa. SLAB WOOD, MINE CAPS and mine timber for sale. Also two 400-egg incubators. W. M. Black, Fallentimber, Pa. : 6-30 FOR SALE CHEAP! Porcelain- lined ice box; bed springs, like new; 2-piece leather living room suite. Mrs. Frank Fregly, 507 Russell Ave., Patton, Pa. Phone 3302, *6-16 NOTE: WHEN YOU BUY an Electric Water Heater or Range from us, we do the wiring or plumbing complete. Experienced service men. For quick service, come in today. Convenient pay- ment plan. Our price will con- vince you. Callahan's Electrical Appliances, Carrolitown. Phone 001. tf $79.50 PLASTER BOARD, ROCK Lath, Rock Wool Insulation, Roofing, Siding, Inselbric, and all kinds of paint. Strollo Bros., Phone 31, Barnesboro, Pa. ti WEDDING INVITATIONS print- ed at the Union Press-Courier office in Patton. See our samples. We also print all types of job work, including mine weigh bills approved by the state. Contact us before you order your next batch of printing. Phone Patton *6-23 | 3161 YOUR AD PAYS in these Class- us and tell us of the fine results they obtain. ghe constantly in- creasing number of users of our Classified Department is ample testimonial of the real investment offered you. The price is nomin- al, the returns are great. ELECTRIC ROASTER, complete with 3-piece pan set, rack, in- sert pan and grille. $49.50 value at special price of $29.95. Order today for quick delivery. I. J. Bearer, Appliances, phone Car- rolltown 4891. *6-30 COMMUNITY AUCTION At St. Augustine, Pa., every Tues- day at 7:00 p. m. The public is invited to bring merchandise to be sold. Come out to buy and sell. Manager and Auctioneer: F. J. Schellhammer, Altoona, Pa. tf Plants, Produce, Etc. VEGETABLE PLANTS Tomato, early cabbage, cauliflower broccoli, brussel sprouts, sweet and hot pepper plants: 2 Doz. 25¢ $1.00 per 100 Late cabbage plants ready in June at 50¢ per 100 ALVIN C. SHARBAUGH CARROLLTOWN, PA. Phone 4252 or 2482 *7-7 PLANTS FOR SALE—Tomatoes, cabbage, caulifiower, and pep- per. All ready now. All kinds of flower plants June 1; cabbage, kolorabi, rutabaga, onions and broccoli by June 10. Mrs. A. J. Yahner, Patton R. D. (St. Boni- face Road), Box 299, Patton. Phone 2574. *6-30 CURRANTS FOR SALE—Will be ready in week or two. Place order now. 30¢ quart. Tom Owens Jr., Church St. Carrolltown. Dial Carrolltown 5601. tf PLANTS FOR SALE — Cabbage, caulifiower, tomatoes, peppers, 2 dozen for 25¢. Mrs. elo Cammarata, 807 Lincoln e., Patton (Above Hoppel’'s Mill). GUERNSEY COW & CALF for sale. Inquire of Angelo Yanni- telli, 607 S. Fourth Ave. Patton, . 6-16 HOME DRESSED FRYERS for He. E. W. Strittmatter, R. D. WOMEN’S STRAW PURSES with | leather trim. Luggage or blue. IR $2.25 plus tax. Fannie C. Wetzel, Carrolltown. Phone 4491. KITCHEN RANGE FOR SALE— Blue and white enamel, with hot water front. In good condi- tion. Inquire at 510 Russell Ave., Patton, Pa. *tf MALL CHAIN SAW for Sale. Good condition. Inquire at home of Carl Durbin, R. D. 1, Box 45, Patton. (near Chest Springs). 6-16 CLEAN OUT THAT ATTIC—Sell via a UPC Classified! HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE for sale. Electric stove, electric Kel- vinator refrigerator, 8-piece break- fast set, 3-piece mohair living room suite, table model radio, lamps, Maytag washing machine, Electrolux sweeper, portable type- writer and other articles. All fur- niture like new. J. A. Buck, Good Building, Patton. Phone Patton 1, *6-30 RUBBER TOYS FOR INFANTS Large variety of safe playthings for tots. 50¢, 79¢ and $1. Fannie C. Wetzel, Carrolltown. REOPERATED FRIGIDAIRE Re- frigerators — 90- day warranty. Full purchase price allowed on trade for new Frigidaire Refri- gerator anytime during warranty period. Prices range from §50.00 up. Bender Electric Co., Carroll- town, Pa. Phone 2401. CHINTZ APRONS, yellow, aqua, pink, $1.69; dotted Swiss ap- rons, white with print trim, $1; fancy print aprons, suitable for gifts, $1. Fannie C. Wetzel, Car- rolltown. Phone 4491. S1ynx93)0 TARPAULINS for sale. War surplus. New. Five for $6.00. $1.50 each. Rope in- cluded. W. Earl Sharbaugh Jr, Carrolltown. Phone 4721. tf Box 12, Patton. Phone Patton 3545 (along Patton - Carrolltown Road). *6-30 FRESH COW FOR SALE—In- quire of Babe Adams, R. D. 1, Box 44, Patton, Pa. (near St. Augustine). #6-30 Farm Equipment 7-FT. GRAIN BINDER for Sale. Also Mower, Tedder, Dump Rake, Hay Ladder and 165 sq. ft. slate blackboard. Inquire of Er- hart Farabaugh, Loretto R. D,, Pa. 6-23 HAY LOADER, ROAD WAGON, Buckwheat, 6 farm Horses and 6 Mules (47 to 53 in.) for sale. R. E. Troxell, Utahville, Pa. 7-14 SMALL OR %-SIZE UPRIGHT Piona wanted. Must be in good condition. Call Carrolltown 2572, LOGS WANTED- -Wanted to buy, hard and soft wood logs. Also gawed timber. J. V. Hammond Co., Spangler, Pa. Phone Barnesboro CLEAN COTTON RAGS Wanted at Union Press-Courier office, Must be cotton! buttonless. REFRIGERATOR BIDS Sealed bids will be received by the undersigned on one 7-foot re- frigerator with padlock to be used by the Miners’ Hospital at Spangler, Pa. All bids should be plainly mar- ed “Refrigerator,” and should be in the hands of the secretary not later than June 30, 1949. MINERS’ HOSPITAL Joseph Jones, Secy’ of Board St. Benedict, Pa. 6-23 Wanted VAN LEAVING FOR DETROIT on June 25. Want load or part load either way. Anthony Elias, 1501 Chestnut Ave., Barnesboro. Phone 367. 6-23 Real Estate 5 LOTS IN CARROLLTOWN for sale. Located below Ed Stritt- matter property. Inquire of C. J. Meisel, Carrolltown R. D. (Patton- Carrolltown Road). 6-30 For Rent SANDERS FOR RENT — Renew your old floors with our com- plete equipment. Phone 3481 or call at 511 Magee Ave. Patton. Crowell's Carpet and Linoleum Shop, Patton. SANDERS & EDGERS for Rent. Save money, do your own work. Bacha's ‘Hardware, Barnesboro. Phone 43 t Automotive DISMANTLING 1937 Plymouth Sedan. All parts will be sold reasonably. Sibert’'s Garage, Has- tings, Pa. Phone 4371. *6-16 1936 FORD DUMP TRUCK, new motor; in good condition. Also two 700x20 10-ply tires, used only short time. W. M. Black, Fallen- timber, Pa. 6-30 FOR THE BEST IN USED CARS Call Montgomery Motors, Cres- son, Pa. Phone 6431 Cresson. The biggest little dealer in the coun- try! tf GLASS Cut and Installed for all makes cars and trucks Sibert's Garage, Hastings, Pa. Phone 4371 1937 PACKARD 4-DOOR SEDAN for sale—3 good tires, new clutch, new paint job, $165. Also 1942 Chevrolet Panel Truck, $200. Thomas’ Service Station, 216 Ma- gee Ave. Patton. Phone Patton 2262. 6-23 1939 DODGE 2-DOOR SEDAN for sale. Has 1947 motor, sealed beam lights, radio, heater, and defroster. Body good. See Charles Maus, Patton R. D. (Eckenrode Mills). Phone Patton 3858. *tf THE ONLY AUTHORIZED Deal- er for the Famous Cushman Motor Scooter in Cambria Co., is located at 800 Broad St. Johns- town, Pa. Dial 6-2182. A com- plete stock of Scooters, parts, and accessories on hand always. Open every week day, plus Mon, Wed, Fri. evenings. Notices CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank all those who assisted me in any way during my recent bereavement, the death of my mother, Mrs. Catherine Glasser; also for the Spiritual and floral offerings and the use of automobiles. —Clara Glasser CARD OF THANKS Grateful appreciation is given | to neighbors, relatives and friends for their kindness and sympathy during our recent bereavement, the death of our husband and fa- ther; also for spiritual bouquets, floral tributes and use of cars. We wish to thank firemen and others who assisted in a search. Mrs. Mary Overberger & Family. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank all those who assisted us in any way during our recent bereavement, the illness and death of our wife and mother, Mrs. Ellen Morgan; also for the floral offerings and use of auto- mobiles. —Roy Morgan —Reese Morgan 2-SECTION SPRING Tooth Har- row for sale. In good condi- tion. Inquire C. J. Meisel, Car- rolltown R. D. (Patton-Carroll- town Road). 6-30 Help Wanted HOUSEWORK WANTED—Either housecleaning or general house- work, by 19-year-old girl, high school graduate. Will consider be- ing waitress or clerk. Write or contract Mrs. Raymond DeLattre, R. D. 1, Box 228-A, Patton, Pa. (Rileys). 6-16 GIRL OR WOMAN WANTED for general housework. Steady em- tf | ployment with good wages and ample time off. Must be fond of children; stay in or go home nights. Phone Barnesboro 917-J-2 and ask for Mrs. Glova. *6-16 Entertainment DANCE AT THE COMMUNITY Restaurant (Polish Ranch), in Hastings every Friday and Satur- day. Good orchestras. Walter (Bart) Schall, prop. wtf CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank all those who assisted us in any way during our recent bereavement, the illness and death of our father, Alex Berzansky; also for the Spiritual and floral offerings and use of automobiles. —The Berzansky Family ADMINISTRATRIX’S NOTICE In the Estate of George Mis- levy, otherwise Lucas Mislevy, otherwise Lukacz Mislevy, late of the Borough of Patton, County of Cambria and State of Pennsyl- vania, deceased. Notice is hereby given that Letters of Administration in the Estate of the above named dece- dent have been granted to the undersigned. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims or demands against the same will make them known without delay to the undersigned Administratrix. MARY MISLEVY, Administratrix, Patton, Pennsylvania SMORTO, PEDUZZI & TAYLOR, tf | land Bros., phone Barnesbhoro on tt | SHAMPOO YOUR RUGS in your f | tails. Bacha's Hardware, Barnes- tf | this Ordinance is hereby repealed Attorneys for Administratrix, or hot water furnaces, scraped and thoroughly cleaned. F. A. Kuhnley, 705 Palmer Ave. Patton. , 6-16 RUGS CLEANED & DEMOTHED Domestic, Oriental, Broadloom. Work guaranteed and insured. Superior Rug and Upholstery Cleaning Co., Ebensburg R, D. 1, Pa. (Route 22). Write or phone 865-R-3 KEbensburg or 123-R-3 Manly -Glo. We pick up and ues iver CUSTOM MADE COATS, SUITS and Dresses—Also sample line of materials; alterations on men's women's clothing. Mrs. + H. Sharbaugh, Carrolltown, Pa. Tel- ephone 4261. tf EXCAVATING AND GRADING! Bulldozers and rubber mounted shovels. No job too small. Weak- R-11 or 841- R-3. TRAILERS FOR HIRE—With all attachments for your car. By hour, day, week or month. Haul your own coal ashes, rubbish, fill, or anything. All sizes. W. Earl (Bill) Sharbaugh Jr., Carrolltown. Phone: day 4721; nite 4251, *tf LET US REPAIR YOUR OLD House with genuine Inselbric, Inselwood or Inselstone siding. Also new porches, additions, and inside remodeling. Check our prices before you start your re- modeling. Up to three years to pay on low monthly payments. John Leslie, Patton, Pa. Phone 3852. *tf GET THE BEST OUT OF YOUR Radio. Know your radio tech- nician: he’s around when trouble occurs. We sell and service tele- vision sets, too. Contact us and see how easily you can have a set in your own home. Harris Radio & Electronic Service, 416 Magee Ave.,, Patton. Authorized Philco, Zenith, Motorola, Colonial service station. MOVING SERVICE—Either local or long-distance. Call W. Yeager, Hastings 2052. Reason- able rates. We carry insurance and have P.U.C. License. 7 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING— House wiring and electrical re- pair work. Germaine Niebauer, 121 Mellon Ave. Patton. Phone *tf own home at half the cost. Rent our Clarke Shampoo Equipment, as simple to use as a vacuum cleaner. Write or call us for de- boro. Phone 43. LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED and repaired. Also used mowers for sale. Will buy or sell. Inquire Henry Hofer, 602 Magee Ave, Patton. Phone 4543. 2% Notices NOTICE! The Commissioners of Cambria County have agreed to sell at Private Sale the hereinafter des- cribed property for the sum of $25.00, to Mary Luther, under the Act of Assembly of the Common- wealth, apprived the 29th day of July, 1941, P. L. 600. The Court of Common Pleas of Cambria County, Pennsylvania, has fixed Thursday June 23, 1949, at TEN o'clock A. M. (Daylight Saving Time) in the Court House, Ebensburg, Pennsylvania, for a hearing on the Petition for con- firmation of said Sale. The Pro- perty to be sold was assessed in the name of H. L. Mayne, as 1 Lot—Prop. N. 49-0668, in Reade Township, and was sold to the County on April 4, 1938. The total amount of taxes, mu- nicipal claims, penalties, interest and costs due is $94.82. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, tf twenty-foot alley; H. | Block 37, f|to be unconstitutional, illegal, or OF THE BOROUGH COUNCIL OF PATTON BOROUGH, CAM- BRIA COUNTY, PENNA, Providing for and Relating to the Condemnation of Certain De- scribed Property for Flood Con- trol Purposes. l~ Be it enacted and ordained by the Borough of Patton in Council assembled and it is hereby en- acted by authority of the same as follows: Section 1. In order to effectu- ate the flood control prograg as presently planned for the drain- age area of the Chest Creek and Flanagan Run, more fully shown on the official plans of the Water and Power Resources Board of the Commonwealth of Pennsyl- vania for Flood Control District No. 26, the following described land situate within the Borough of Patton is hereby appropriated by virtue of an Act of Assembly [Ie] WZ YL #1114: Economically (TT ALL WORK GUARANTEED INZANA’S JEWELRY STORE 10th St. Barnesboro, Pa. f | abproved June 9, 1931, P. L. 386 s 25 and amendments thereto, and the provisions of the Flood Con- trol Act of March 10, 1937, P. L. 43, as amended: All that certain part of Lot No. 19, Block 37, of the Borough of Patton, which said part is bounded and described as tollows: The place of beginning is found by proceeding from a point on the Northerly side of Magee Ave- nue and a corner of Lot No. 19, Block 37, North 4 degrees 1 min- ute East 9 feet to a point; thence from said point, the place of be- ginning, North 31 degrees 36 min- utes East 85.7 feet to a point lo- cated in said Lot No. 1Y, Block 37; thence North 40 degrees 46 minutes East 17 feet to a point |4 on the Eastern boundary line of | said Lot No. 19, Block 37; thence by the Eastern boundary line of said Lot No. 19, Block 37, to a 3 point on a twenty-foot alley and a corner of Lots Nos. 19 and 20; thence along said twenty-foot al- ley in a Westerly direction 50 feet to the corner of Lot No. 19 and a thence a dis- tance of 131 feet along the West- ern boundary line of Lot No. 19, being South 4 degrees 01 minutes West to a point, the place of beginning. Having there- { FAMOUS MAKES , and Authorized Service MAYTAG Washers Ironers Electric Clothes Dryers Dutch-Oven Gas Ranges Deep Freeze Cabinets HOTPOINT PHILCO | REFRIGERATORS RANGES ETC. RAGLEY MAYTAG CO. Ph. 569, BARNESBORO Ph. 8.R NICKTOWN PVP III IIL) PIPPI PIPPI on erected certain improvements. Section 2. A plan of the land proposed to be appropriated by condemnation is on file in the Borough office, Patton, Cambria County, Pennsylvania, together with working plans showing the type and extent of improvements to be made on said described land by the Water and Power Resour- ces Board of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. } Section 3. Any Ordinance or part of Ordinance conflicting with insofar as the same affects this Ordinance. Section 4. If any sentence, cl- ause, or section or part of this Ordinance is for any reason found invalid, such wunconstitutionality, illegality or invalidity shall not affect or impair any of the re- maining provisions, sentences, cl- auses, or sections or parts of this Ordinance. It is hereby declared as the intent of Borough Council that this Ordinance would have been adopted had such unconsti- tutional, illegal, or invalid sen- tence, clause, section, or part thereof not been included herein. Section 5. This Ordinance shall go into effect July 8, 1949. Ordained and enacted into an Ordinance the 8th day of July, PROPERLY REPLACED Auto Gloss SIBERT S GARAGE BEAVER ST. PH. 4371 HASTINGS L CALL AND DELIVER QUICK SHOE SERVICE TALERICO’S 702 S. 3rd Ave. Patton, Pa. REASONABLE PRICES Mens, Womens, Childrens Shoes Phone 4364 A. D. 1949 BOROUGH OF PATTON | o THEODORE M. OTT President of Council ATTEST: Albert L. Haluska Borough Secretary Now, July 8 A. D. 1949, the ’ WE PRINT WEIGHMASTER’S CERTIFICATES for Use by Mining Firms By Maurice A. Springer, Clerk Classified Display a a ara ars ® USED CARS and undercoating green, radio, heater, spotlight radio, heater, spotlight, grille 941 CHEVROLET 1 -Ton Truck, 1946 CHEVROLET %-~Ton Pickup, 1947 CHEVROLET %-Ton Pickup, — Rent by the Ho NO JOB TOO LARG McCORMICK - PHONE 18 S055 05000000505650550665605000560005800600565001 1941 CHEVROLET Special DeLuxe 2 1942 OLDSMOBILE 66 Club Coupe, hydomatie, heater, radio, 1947 CHEVROLET Fleetmaster 5- Passenger Coupe, two-tone green, heater, radio, seat covers, trunk guard 1947 CHEVROLET Fleetmaster 5-Passenger Coupe, in dark 1948 CHEVROLET Fleetline 4-Door Sedan, two-tone green, MAIN STREET GARAGE Carrolltown FOGG GGG 5505550555 5555 66666665 6566556555555656555¢ EXCAVATING AND GRADING SHOVELS, DRAGLINES, BULLDOZERS & GRADERS Call Us for Estimates On Your Job foregoing Ordinance approved. Choi { Thrice Forms Burgess F ORSYTHE eo or Quadruplicate a ee UNION PRESS-COURIER TURN THOSE USEABLE Items Patton, Pa. into cash by means of a low- cost Courier Classified. Classified Display MAYTAG DOUPPPIIODIIDPPDPPIIPIPS WASHERS and TRUCKS @ . -Door, heater $ 775.00 Kelvinator Refrigerators 745.00 and Stoves ° 1,375.00 Philco and grille guard . 1,350.00 Radios guard .... 1,595.00 U plate, platform ‘stake . 275.00 SOISSON heater and foglamps .... 795.00 heater ws00|| ELECTRIC CO. Dial Patton 2733 Cresson 3812 G. E. SYBERT, Salesman ur or Contract E OR TOO SMALL — SNYDER (CO. BARNESBORO, PA. 1941 Chevrolet Special LOW FINANCE RATES PHONE 4611 Radio and Heater WESTRICK MOTOR COMPANY Deluxe 5-Pass. Coupe TERMS TO SUIT CARROLLTOWN ) | ¢ CONVENIENT TERMS "Compare Used Car Price & Quality § THEN BUY THE BEST! 1948 Chevrolet Stylemaster 2-Door Radio and Heater 1947 Chevrolet Stylemaster 4-Door Radio and Heater 1941 Chevrolet Special Deluxe 5-Pass. Coupe Radio and Heater WELL DRILLING MYERS WATER SUPPLY SYSTEMS WATER CONDITIONERS HAND & ELECTRIC PUMPS ALTOONA ¢ WELL & PUMP COMPANY Phone 2-2103 512 6th Ave, Altoona WAAAAAAANI NINN IIIS AAAAAAIAAAAIAATAIAIAIAIS AISI IIIA VAAN ATHLETES FOOT GERM KILL IT IN ONE HOUR. YOUR 35¢ BACK, If not pleased. The germ grows DEEP - LY To kill it, you must REACH {t. Sat TE OL at the Patton Drug Co. A TRONG Fngiols, made with 90% Sa it PENETRATES. Reaches More Germs. Er at the Patton Drug Co., Patton 6-23 USED CAR BARGAINS! '47 BUICK ......... $1595.00 Sedanette, all equipment '46 FORD $1095.00 6- -cylinder Tudor 42 FORD . $795.00 5- passenger “coupe '40 PLYMOUTH ...... $650.00 4 F-14 Farm Tractor | In good condition USED HAY LOADER 1 year old; at a bargain Weaklands Implement Store Phone 4281 CARROLLTOWN § 2-Door, new paint job, nice shape '86 CHEVROLET ... $225.00 2-Door, as is ’85 FORD . 4- Door, as is STOLTZ MOTOR CO. FORD SALES-SERVICE PATTON . $150.00 1 | REPAIRED REASONABLE PRICES GUARANTEED WORKMANSHIP Have Spouting, ROOFING & FURNACES Repaired Now! DON'T WAIT! Earl G. Nagle BRING YOUR WATCH IN FOR AN ESTIMATE KARP’S CREDIT JEWELERS 10th 8t. BARNESBORO Box 42 Phone Patton 3839 Chest Springs, Pa. EEE YOUR MAYTAG DEALER IS I. J. BEARER Dependable Service and Sales for 29 Years ¢ Headquarters for: { Kelvinator Refrigerators 4 Philco Radio, Television Maytag Washers Appliances of All Types PHONE 4891 3 CARROLLTOWN § EEE E6666 E6EEE6GE66E £5¢. Pr & USED CAR - TRUCK BARGAINS 1948 Packard Sedan 1948 Chrysler Town and Country Windsor Sedan | 1947 Buick Super 4-Door | 1947 Pontiac “6” Sedan | § 1946 Packard “8” Sedan Coupe 1946 Packard “6” 4-Door 1940 Chevrolet Convertible 1939 Chevrolet 2-Door PS Used Car § Bargains! 1948 Plymouh Sedan 1941 Chrysler Royal Sedan } 1938 Chevrolet Coupe 4 1937 Dodge Sedan 1941 Plymouth Sedan 1937 Ford Sedan 1935 Oldsmobile Coupe 1940 Buick Sedan 1941 Ford 2-Door Sedan 1940 Chrysler Sedan 1940 Hudson Sedan 1940 Chevrolet Dump Truck 1937 Chrysler Sedan 1937 Dodge Sedan 1935 Plymouth Sedan 2 GOOD TRADES Convenient Terms $ SAFE PLACE TO BUY Edwards Motor Co. : Phone 36 Ebensburg NOL AN MOTOR PHONE 585 SALES NORTH SPANGLER ATS 10-20 ainda with Lifetime, PrP Ventilated (fg * PORCH ROOFS es Ee * CANOPIES DOORWAY COVERINGS Remember — the First Cost is the Only Cost f= Ask for FREE booklet. smn Koolvent Awning Co. OF JOHNSTOWN 534 Vine St. Phone 4-4324 * AWNINGS Ji Ie Ride the thrifty way on a «.. HARLEY-DAVIDSON 125 LIGHTWEIGHT o SINGLE CYLINDER Here's just what you've been waiting for | . a quick, handy way to get around | without using your car! Beats bus and | trolley riding all hollow! Costs much | less . . . pennies for gas give you miles of transportation. You get to Tor. | office or store faster, more dependably, | avoid traffic tie-ups and parking | lems . . . and your car isn’t out baking | in the sun all day! So easy to ride, so | quiet, comfortableand dependable. Come | in today and go for a FREE RIDE! | HARLEY-DAVIDSON | SALES CO. | Everything for the motorcyclist 711 7th Street Phone 2-2386 | © ALTOONA, PA. A DEPENDABLE PLACE TO BUY OR SELL YOUR USED CAR 1937 Chrysler ........ 1939 Nash Sedan .... 1940 Chevrolet 2-Door . - 1941 Plymouth Club Coupe .. 1941 Packard Sedan .... 1941 Chevrolet 2-Door . 1942 Ford Sedan .... 1939 International Panel 1941 Chevrolet Panel .. 1940 Dodge Panel 1942 Chevrolet Panel SEE MR. PLACK, MR. GORMAN OR MR. WAGNER H. E. WAGNER MOTOR SALES COMPANY 850 Horner St. DODGE—PLYMOUTH Sales and Service JOHNSTOWN Dreaming? About building a new home and at the same time making an immediate sale of your old location? If so, until your house is completed, why not Store your Household Goods Drenning’s 31121 ALTOONA Hoover Service Station Pennzoil Products GAS OIL ¥ BATTERIES LUBRICATION TIRES TUBES ACCESSORIES PHONE BARNESBORO 66 Bigler Ave., Spangler ISSA SNS SSP AAAI A SA ~ ATTENTION VETERAN PLAN TO LEARN T ® Be Your Own Boss Learn from Experienced, UNDER PL 346 AND PL 16 ON VETERANS TRAINING YOU MUST ENROLL ON OR BEFORE JULY 25, 1951 4 ® Make Money Anywhere Write for FREE Catalog ® HAMMOND SCHOOL OF BARBERING e 240 Franklin St.—443 Vine St., S! DONT DELAY! HE BARBER TRADE ® Depression-Proof Trained-to-Teach Experts! Johnstown. Phone 5-7221 ¢