Union press-courier. (Patton, Pa.) 1936-current, June 09, 1949, Image 6

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    ~ COLVER
Eleanor Kushner wo
Lovely June Bride |Colver Couple Wed
flower girl was attired in a pink
gown and carried pink carnations.
A reception followed the cere-
mony and was held in the church
hall for close relatives and fri-
| ends.
Carrolltown last Sunday evening.
Mr, and Mrs. John Dvorchak
and family visited in Patton last
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Easly and
family of this place visited in
Patton this past Sunday.
The Hastings High School gra-
duating Class of 1949, spent sev-
eral days this past week visiting
By Dr. James W. Barton
During the first World War, 1]
was president of a medical hoard |
examining the various units just |
Stigma of Mental Disease
Should Be Banished Entirely
Thursday, June 9, 1940
object to be lifted, push upward
with the leg muscles,” the Coun-
cil advises. “The strain should be
on the lifter’s legs, not his back.
Do not try to lift too much
It adds that the bride should be
held “in such a way that your
vision of the path ahead is not
“The bridegroom will find the
Whatever You Do
a RO 10
Miss Eleanor Kushner, dau- | . in Washington, D. C. before they went overseas. The |
ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Martin | Saturday Morning Dino Feretti of Pittsburgh was |medical Bary of each unit | mf) n't Dr H | same technique handy later when {
Fouighinel of Comet Locame the a Past Syoek end visitor in town | presented the cases to the poss 0 op er: he has to lift furniture or barrels 1 Re
ride of James Graham, son of Liss argare 3 ba at his home. along wi i odics istor in the arrangements and main-
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Graham OF | qo iiss or Magali Parse wie Paul Strittmatter, a student at |oong wih their medical history The Greater New York Safety |tenance of the new home,” the
Ebensburg, at a wedding cere- | p,tsakulish of this place, was Penn State College spent the past | | ,.opet to state that thes [Council has issued instructions on | Council advised. i TI
mony held recently in the Holy | united in marriage ast Saturday week end visiting at his home Hedicer Biers od ak the | ow to lift a bride over the rete enre i Sch
Family Catholic Church, Colver.|june 4, to Charles Semko, also here. members of the hood ors oy areghold. =~¥ou gan Swap snydung Yu Soci
Rev. Father J. J. Gura, pastor,|of Colver, in the Colver Greek Tracy McCormick of Chester, cerned almost tirelv about the | “Bend the knees, keep the body | can do without for something you OCI
performed the double-ring -cere- | Orthodox Church. Rev. Father Pa., spent the past several days condition mo hr paul his | upright, take a firm grip on the need by using our classified ads. last
mony and sang the nuptial mass. |[evkanich officiated at the dou- visiting at the O. F. Strittmatter |, "4own his chest size and! ews ~ AAA ~ ~ > He
Helen Kushner, sister of the |ble-ring ceremony. home here. |shape, the heart and its reaction|€ bid Ca
bride, was the maid of honor, and| Mrs. Anna Bushinsky of Pitts- Bill Zellar a student at Penny "5 Joico weight and height, | i
Lou Vyhnales served as the best | burgh, a sister of the bride, was State College visited in town one |, ooo" 0h ioogse veins and flat } : Tl
man. Ann Dobrowski was brides- | the matron of honor and Michael day this past week. . |feet. Where they failed was not |) play
maid and Carol Ann Kushner was | Kostelnik, brother-in-law of the Alice and : Patricia Strittmat- |’ sizing up each recruit from | by
the flower girl. Richard McCoy, | groom, was the best man. ter visited in Carrolitown last the standpoint of his mental and | ) last
Martin Kushner and William | The bridesmaids were Irene Saturday. : emotional balance. Many of the |Q 5-3.
Semelsberger served as ushers. |Putsakulish, sister of the bride; 4| Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Strittmatter |... it accepted as fit were un- [@ ) Tt
The bride was attired in a Peggy Vay, Margaret Emery and and family visited friends in| .0 "0 “Cithstand the ordinary (§ sche
white satin gown with a finger- | Gladys Ferrighetto. The ushers Summerhill last Sunday. discipline and change of scene | all |
tip veil and carried a bouquet of |were John Staruch, Benny Czara, Stephen, Anne and Mary Kay. 3"work of a training camp be- | 4 the
white roses. The maid of honor | Michael Melnyk and Ray Mastr- Easly visited in Pittsburgh on|g they even went overseas, | Ju
wore a blue gown with a head | ine. . LINES OF COAL CARS stand in a western Berlin rail yard after the U.S. | Wednesday and Thursday of last "0. “0° "0 4 from World| . Ju
piece to match and carried a bou-| The bride was attired in a| and Britain suspended Anglo-American train service into western Week Strittmatter i isiti War I was of great value to med- | oy 18S Ju
quet of red roses. The bridesmaid white satin gown with a long | Berlin. The move stemmed from Russia's re-imposition of the blockade this Sima tn Tamatter 5 ve ing ical officers and medical boards | 1 ? Ju
wore a pink gown and carried a |train and a finger-tip veil. She| to the capital saying rail traffic would be halted until striking railroad 1}: Wee res of World War II. Every recruit|$ Ju
'y Ju
bouquet of pink roses and the
carried a bouquet of calla lillies
with streamers. The matron of
honor wore a pale green gown
with a head band to match and
carried a bouquet of white car-
nations with streamers. The
four bridesmaids wore yellow and
orchid gowns respectively and
they all carried bouquets of yel-
low carnations.
Following a reception in the
Colver Italian Hall the newlyweds
left on a wedding trip to Atlan-
tic City, N. J. and New York.
They will reside in Colver.
* ok %
Mary Catherine Melnyk
Honored On Birthday
A birthday party was held on
Thursday of last week at home
of Mr. and Mrs. John Melnyk in
honor of the seventh birthday an-
niversary of their daughter, Mary
workers end their walkout. The Reds attempted to hook engines to coal
trains, but strikers jammed the switches,
(International Radiophoto)
Sunday visitors at the
Kozickie home here.
Bruno Dominecelli and Angeline
Vergerio, both of Colver, and be-
tween Ralph Dietrick of Patton
and Betty Vay of this place.
Sympathy is expressed to fam-
ilies of Mrs. Forest Conley and
Mrs. John Sichko Jr. in recent
death of their father, George W.
Shannon, former local resident.
Mrs. Mary Zomak was hostess |
Sunday evening, June 5. Present |
were Connie Cento, Lillian Her-|
hei, Inez Vokin, Mrs. Rose Mes- |
| Mich.,, are visiting
is very seriously ill.
Mr. and Mrs.
Edwin Holtz home.
Holy Family Church between town at the home of their par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Sichko. [commander of the Lynn Wether-
Mr. Sichko is a patient in the [son American Legion Post 569 at
Johnstown Memorial Hospital and [a meeting on Monday evening of
Leonard Nolan
and . family of St. Mary's, Pa. |’ 5 :
at a party held at her home on [209° in By last Sy at the Hugo Vivadelli, chaplain; George
Mitchell A. Fye
of Ernest and Mr. and Mrs. John [and family, moved this week to
Semetosky of Smith Mills were | their new farm home near here. To Head Spangler
Evelyn Grimbi and son,
: : ° °
Banns of matrimony have been [Bay and ee Amer ican Legion
announced for the first time at|Detroit,
Mitchell A. Fye was elected
this week in the Spangler post
Other officers are Charles Het-
rick, senior vice commander; Geo-
rge Pollack, junior vice comm-
ender; Martin Kirsch, adjuant;
Paul M. Lantzy, financial officer;
Glenn Lay-
Fisanich, historian;
, and Paul
ten, sergeant-at-arms,
Mrs. H. J. Easly and son, Fred, Jones and Raymond V. Lantzy,
was thoroughly tested—in most |
cases by trained psychiatrists— |
as to his mental and emotional
balance, so that hundreds were
rejected and returned to their
occupations instead of becoming a
liability to the country and a Hh
eyes of others. |
The New York City Committee |
on Mental Hygiene recently in-|
terviewed 314 men rejected and |
309 men discharged for mental]
and emotional disabilities in the
World War II. They found that |
the great majority of these cases |
were made up of those who had |
a neurosis (thinking an ailment is |
present where no ailment exists) |
and those who had an odd per- |
An important point discovered |
{was that many of the men who |
| were shown that they needed help |
{from the mental and emotional!
ure in their own eyes and in the |g
Is So Cool,
So Delicious!
Yes, that’s what
you'll say each time
you drink a glass
of NEW LIFE light,
foamy, amber-toned
beer. After work,
after sports, with
{standpoint refused treatment be-
[cause of fear and scorn popu-|{
{larly associated with these disor- |
Catherine. The young lady receiv- | phyla, Mary Evanchick, Mary Ber- | Bernice Ertter of Carrolltown, county delegates
ed many gifts and a lunch was |kogkie, Ann McKavish, Stella Fe-|Mrs. Clyde Kirsch, Mr. and Mrs. The zollowi : ion
served. The following attended: |dorka, Anh Gherardi, Gercinta|John Easly of Barnesboro and e following members were
Dr. J. J. Sakon of Spangler vis- |Chosen delegates to next mon-
dinner . . . anytime
| |Paul Ciotti, Patricia Ramsey, ited in Pittsburgh last Sunday |ths state ‘convention in Pitts-| © cages by ascuring them'S if 1
‘| Barbara Ball, Betty Ball, Henri- Mr. and Mrs. Ted Stoy and o- they attended the gradua- |PUrgh: James Paone, Mitchell | p some y g I$ it’s the tops!
: : family visited with relatives in|” . Fye, and Paul Jones. Alternates |that they were not crazy. Even,
etta Benoni, Elloise Veranco,| johnstown on Sunday. tion exercises of the Duquesne are Glenn Layton, Walter Kirsch, |after everything was explained to |
Shirley Hartack, Barbara Kokel,
Andy Kormanec, Audrey Porban,
Donna Lapina, Shirley Stefan-
ick, Anetta Selip, Thomas Lap-
czynski, David Magyar, Barbara
Degretto, Rodney Hughes, Timmy
Goboda, Judy Gaboda, Mrs. Naz-
urak and family of Johnstown,
and Mary Catherine Melnyk. *
* X® Xk
The pinochle club met at the
home of Mrs. Leonard Timms on
Wednesday evening of last week.
The following ladies attended:
Mrs. Ann Gherardi, Mrs. Rose
Meshula, Mrs. Frank Cento, Mrs.
Gene Hill, Margaret Reymond,
Mrs. John Herhei and Mrs. John
Hill. This group will meet this
coming summer at different
homes. The card party next
week will be held at the home of
Mrs. Rose Meshula.
Among those attending the tes-
timonial banquet at Galiltzin on
Sunday in honor of District At-
torney DiFrancesco were Mr. and
| Mrs. John Shook, Mr. and Mrs.
| Andy Sokira, Mr. and Mrs. John
| Asashon, Martin Kokus, George
| Kormanis, John Chervenic, Geo.
17 jewels. 14K nat-
ural or white gold
case, $7150
OLGA...17 jewels.
14K natural or
white gold-filled.
$6050 5
RR Hae
wn 3 | Hudak, all of this place.
@ ) Mrs. Joe Degretto had her ton-
xs MILTON’ ' sils removed at the Colver Hos-
| pital this past week.
\ | Mr. and Mrs. John Kuhn are
hy JEWELRY STORE | proud parents of a baby boy born
e Magee Ave. PATTON | last week at the Colver Hospital.
<4 {| Mr. and Mrs. Frank Semetosky
A Cup —32 to 36
B Cup — 32 to 38
White only
A Cup — 32 to 36
B Cup — 32 to 38
White and Black
C Cup—382 to 40
White only
| Richard Lapina, Steve Melnyk, | Giovacchini, and Louise Fouder.
Mike and John Zawiskie were
visitors in Detroit, Mich., recent-
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Harvilla
and family, Mrs. Mary Samm and
Miss Betty Samm of Central City
were Sunday visitors at the Far-
kas home.
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Zupich and
family spent Sunday visiting in
Smoke Run.
Geno Tozzini, Bruno Zamperi
and Richard Ferrighetto are on a
vacation trip to Washington, D.
C.,, and North Carolina.
Mr. and Mrs. John Metzger of
Altoona and Mrs. Beres of Lilly
were last Wednesday visitors at
the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis
Belin and Mr. and Mrs. John
Kozicki of this place.
Miss Ethel Gmereck is visiting
with her grandmother, Mrs. Mary
Surkovick of Atlantic, Pa.
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Waluro
are the proud parents of a baby
: daughter were callers in Johns-
[Smoke Run at the home of his
girl born recently at the Colver|
Hospital. |
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Smith have
moved into their new home at
Mylo Park, Ebensburg.
Mrs. Mildred Bisko has return-
ed to her home here after enjoy-
ing a month’s vacation in Flodira.
Mrs. Mary Surkovic and son,
Vincent, were visitors at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. John Gm-
erek this past week.
Mr. and Mrs. John Donahue
and son of Altoona were week
end visitors at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Pete McKotch.
Miss Lucy Lagana, a student
nurse at the Windber Hospital, is
spending a three-week vacation
here with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Sam Lagana.
Mr. and Mrs. John Honayik and
sons of Tide spent the past week
end at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Mike Pastir.
Miss Angeline Pellegrina and
Jack Verilla of Altoona were Sun-
day visitors at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Lewis Belin.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Zupich and
family spent the week end visit-
ing in Glen Hope and Smoke Run.
Miss Ann Marie Surbach of
Homestead was a recent visitor
at the Durkota home here.
Mrs. Frank Legdon and family
are visiting the lady's mother in
Mrs. Anna Belin and daughter
left on Sunday for a week's visit
with the former’s parents in Al-
Mrs. Anna Bearer of Johns-
town was a visitor at the home
of Mrs. John Gmerek recently.
Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Hill and
town on Saturday.
Mrs. John Cheminie and daugh-
ter of Connecticut visited the for-
mer’s father, Mr. Zampinie, and
sister, Mrs. Baldo Viccini, this
past week.
Andrew Mihalik and John Was-
hick were Ebensburg callers on
Miss Mary Petsakulish and Mr.
and Mrs. Andy Buchinsky and son
of Pittsburgh spent a few days
at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Putsakulish.
A’ wedding shower was held on
Thursday evening of last week
at the Holy Family Church Hall
for Ann Smylnycky and Reno
Chincarini, both of this place. A
very large crowd attended with
many gifts being received and a
lunch being served. The couple
will be married this coming Sat-
urday, June 11,
A very large attendance wit-
nessed the first mass of Father
Joseph Sullivan, TOR, at the
Holy Family Catholic Church in
Colver. A reception was held in
the afternoon at the Wissinger
Inn, Ebensburg.
Mrs. Dorothy Feighner, Mrs.
Frank Erhard and Mrs. T. B. Hill
all of this place attended the Dr.
IQ Show at the Jaffa Mosque in
Altoona on Tuesday evening of
last week.
Mrs. Martha Falcome and son,
Harold and Charles Messina, all
of Clarksville, Pa., were recent
visitors in town at the Frank
Legdon and Russell Moore homes.
Donald Pastir, left recently to
spend a few months vacation in
grandmother, Mrs. Mary Vancas.
Mrs. George Bobbey of Johns-
town was a recent visitor in Col-
Mr. and Mrs.
Paul Evanchick
University in the Syria Mosque.
Mrs. H. J. Easly’s son, Stephen,
was a member of the graduating
Mrs. Josephine Siberts, Mrs.
Joseph Frontino and Mrs. Anna
Bills, all of this place visited in
Personal . . .
We believe that
the personal ||
element is the |
most important
factor in
retail business.
Two persons
doing business
face to face
year after year
learn to know
and trust
each other.
At Lieb's
we have always
tried to know
your hardware
needs and to
provide them on
a fair business
crisis and doubts
come and go,
but this policy
of personal fair
dealing persists
You're Always
Welcome At
Charles Hetrick, Hugo Vivadelli
and Max Gordon.
Anthony Morella and John
Chunko, schoolboys, were selected
to attend Boys State Camp at
Indiantown Gap. Joseph Smarsh
was chosen as alternate.
Mr. and Mrs. Blanford Patter-
son and family visited in Clymer
on Sunday at the Joe Patterson
Merle Wiggins has been admit- |
ted to the Philadelphia Hospital
this past Sunday.
Mrs. Michael Harvilla of All-
port visited on Monday with Mr. |
|and Mrs. Eugene Hauazie.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Binder vis-
ited on Sunday at the Wm. Kay
Mr. and Mrs. James Laird of|
this place announce the forthcom- |
ing marriage of their daughter, |
to Michael Timchalk, son of Mrs. |
Fannie Timchalk of Spangler. The |
wedding will take place on June |
Mr. and Mrs. James Taylor an- |
nounce the marriage of their dau- |
ghter, Marie, to Joseph Garrick |
of this place. The wedding will|
take place on Sunday, June 26. |
Mrs. Edith Good and son, Jack,
were visitors in Carrolltown last
Mr. and Mrs. George Dehaven
of Detroit, Mich., visited in town
last Wednesday at the Sam Stov-
er home.
The Ladies Aid Society held a
social on Thursday evening of
last week in the dining room of
the local Presbyterian Church.
Mrs. Jack Davidson, has re-
turned home after being a patient
in the Miners’ Hospital, Spangler
for a few days this past week.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Fowler of
this place visited relatives ‘in
Madera last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Taylor and |
daughter, Louise, Mrs. Kenneth
Taylor and children and Mrs. |
James Taylor and children, all of
this place recently visited in
Johnstown at the Allen Pounds
{ home.
| Mrs. Ted Anderson and Mrs. |
| John Anderson and Eddie Staffey
visited in Franklin recently.
| . James Laird Sr. returned to|
his home here last Saturday af-
| ter being a patient in the Johns-
town Memorial Hospital for the
| past several weeks, and is re-
| cuperating very nicely. He wishes
to thank his many friends for
the many cards he received.
| Ashley Hill of Madera is sp-|
ending a few days visiting in|
town at the Lewis Fowler home. |
Sunday visitors at the James
Laird home were Mr. and Mrs.
Alex Laird and family of Gallit- |
zin; Dorothy Penn of Allport
| Mrs. Mayme Fox of Loretto,
| Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fox and sons
| of Altoona; Mr. and Mrs. James
White and Mr. and Mrs. George
Laing and son of Bradford and
[Mr. and Mrs. Jack Evans and
{son of Glen Richey.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tonkin
and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gard- |
ner and daughter of this place
and Mr. and Mrs. Lester Sackett
and Billy Tonkin of Dearborn at-
tended the 50th wedding anniver-
sary of Mr. and Mrs. Merle Ton-
kin of Fallentimber.
* *
Dolores Vivadelli of this place
is spending a few weeks visiting
with her sister, Mrs. Harold Whit,
in New Jersey.
Mary Mahlick of town is vis-
iting for the next few weeks in
New Jersey at the home of her
sister, Mrs. Robert Richlicki.
Mrs. Mike Galla and daughter,
Mary Louise, were visitors in
Philadelphia at the home of the
former's son, George Galla.
Mr. and Mrs. David Hazellett
and daughter, Bonnie, of Apollo,
Pa., visited in town recently at
the Harold Peel home.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lindahl
{and son, . Raymond Jr. of Heil-
| wood visited in town last Satur-
| day at the Carl Lindahl home.
| —(More Marsteller News will
be found on Page 14 of this
{ders. Psychiatrists were able to|
them and that, if necessary, care |
and treatment would be free, only |
26 percent accepted treatment,
We still have some distance to |
go before the mention of psychia-'
try—mental treatment—does not|
suggest to most persons the|
frightening implications of insan-
ity and lunatic asylums.
Safety Unit to Meet .
The Central Pennsylvania Saf- |
ety Association will meet at 8 p.
m., Tuesday, June 21, in the Eb-
ensburg Courthouse, according to
Dennis J. Keenan, president. He |
said the organization will make
final plans for the mine first-aid
meet in Portage on July 16.
—Try a Courier Classified Ad.
Since 1870 JOHNSTOWN, PA.
William F. Goenner, President Charles Symons, Secretary
John L. Borbonus, Treas. John J. Haluska, Sales & Adv. Mgr.
services to help
drive in,
word and we will
BEFORE the trip.
reasonable . . .
—You can’t be good citizens
and hate other citizens.
It's Good Old
We can suggest several
traveling more enjoyable
and free from the annoy-
ances of car trouble! Sure
you can expect quality
gas and oil here, but, in
addition, everytime you
just say the
the car a ‘‘travel-wear’’
test. Check the battery
and the tires on your car
Check these
for better
grease job,
tire recapping,
new lubrication
It's always our policy to sell only quality, proven products
and give our customers the best service. Our prices are
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