| W_ NX> Thursday, June 2, 1949 UNION PRESS.COURIER . PAGE THREE Carrolltown Local Men Honored On Birthday Anniversaries (Ie, fal Cede pon A birthday party was held last Saturday evening at the home of Mrs. Charles Shank Sr. in honor | of the birthday anniversaries of Charles Shank Jr, and Gerald McCombie, | week. Cards and dancing provided the | entertainment followed by lunch. The two men received many use- ful gifts. Those present were: Charles Shank, Mary McCombie, Patricia Dunnigan of | Ebensburg, Bob Gray, Cecelia | Lepkosky, Bill Gray, Mary Lou Lacey, Mary Etta and Dolores | Shank, Joe Benny of St. Bene- dict and Miss Mary Hecker of this place. * kk» Rose M. Behe Wins Reader's Digest Award Rose M. Behe, valedictorian of the graduating class at the Car- rolltown High School, has been given the Annual Award of The Reader's Digest Association for students who by their successful school work give promise of at- taining leadership in the comm- unity, it was announced last week by J. V. Maucher Jr., principal of the local high school. Miss Behe will receive an hon- orary subscription to The Read- er's Digest for one year and an engraved certificate from the Editors, “in recognition of past accomplishment and in anticipa- tion of unusual achievement to come.” The Reader's Digest Associa- tion has presented these awards yearly in senior high schools throughout the United States and Canada to the highest honor students of the graduating class. The awards are part of the edu- cational program sponsored by the Association and were a logical outgrowth of the wide use of The Reader's Digest in school work. With the collaboration of leading educators supplements to the magazine, containing guides for reading improvement and aids of effective speech and composi- tion, are made available to sch- ools and colleges. The award to Miss Behe, who is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Behe of this place, was made possible through the co- operation of Mr. Maucher and his teaching staff. see George Ball of Pittsburgh was a week end visitor in town. Mr. Ball is a former resident of this place. Mr. and Mrs. Zeno Buck of this place visited relatives in Akron, Ohio over the past week end. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Buck and family of Pittsburgh spent the Memorial holidays in town visit- ing with Mrs. Annie Buck. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Pavlock Jr. and family of Youngstown, Ohio visited over the past holi- day week end with Stanley Pav- lock Sr. Stanley Pavlock of this place recently spent several weeks vis- iting in Cleveland, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Weakland of this place visited several days this past week in Washington, | D.C Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Bearer and son, Bernard, of this place were last Sunday visitors in Chambers- | burg. Mrs. Gregory Buck spent the | past week visiting with her son- | in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. William 2Zadai in Norfolk, Virginia. Agnes Mr. Dunnigan of Ebensburg, Gerald | 20y vietted ingham of Johnstown were last Sunday visitors in Carrolltown at (the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh | Cunningham. Patty Bender, daughter of Mr, {and Mrs. Bede Bender of this ate College, visited over the past week end at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Leonard and family were visitors in Glen Campbell on Monday of this Mr. and Mrs. Mike Hanyak of this place were Monday visitors in Glen Campbell, and Mrs. Pat Dillon and last Sunday in with relatives and friends. Mr. ana mrs. D. A. Collier of Freeport, Pa, Mr. and Mrs. W. Heck and daughter of Natrona Heights, Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Freeman and daughter, Judy of Cumberland, Md., were week end visitors in town at the homes of Misses Marcella and Mary Mau- cher and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Buck. The following children were Memorial Day week end guests at the Ancetius Miller home: Ancetius Miller Jr., of Detroit, Mich.; Vernon of Plymouth, Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Beh- rendt and son, Jimmy, and dau- ghter, Janet, of Flint, Mich.; Mrs. Inez Weakland and daughter, Agnes of Flint, Mich.,, and Blan- che of Detroit, Mich. This is the first time in 12 years that the family has all been together at one time. Mrs. Lina Snyder and George Kelly of Altoona, Mr. and Mrs. John Kelly of this place and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Connell of Pitts- burgh visited over the past week end in West Virginia. ST. AUGUSTINE Former Local Lady Weds Charles Shuss, Carrolltown In the presence of immediate relatives and close friends, in St. Augustine’s Catholic Church, St. Augustine, last Saturday morning at 8 a. m,, Mrs, Anna Gonsman of Brooklyn, N, Y. and Charles Shuss of St. Benedict's parish in Carrolltown, were united in mar- riage. Rev. Father Edward J. Waters, pastor, preformed the ceremony and sang the Nuptial High Mass which followed. Mrs. Gonsman was attended by her daughter, Mrs. Gerald H. Moran of Brooklyn, N. Y. and Robert Shuss of Cleveland, Ohio served as his father’s best man, Tillie Horne, a niece of the bride, was the organist and Frank Horne, a nephew, served at the altar. Following the church service a reception was held in the home of the bride's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Horne and a wedding breakfast was served in Wissinger’s Inn, Ebens- burg. After a wedding trip to West- ern cities, Mr. and Mrs. Shuss will reside in Carrolltown where Mr. Shuss is employed by the Sherry Contractors. * % * St. Augustine Girl Gets Arts Degree at Marywood Miss Mary Therese Nagle, dau- ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Ferd Nag- le of St. Augustine, graduated last Sunday from Marywood Col- lege, Scranton. Majoring in li- brary science, Miss Nagle receiv- ed a bachelor of arts degree at Mrs. Legori Lacey was one of the hostess’ from the Cambria | County American Legion Auxili-/ ary to be present at a party in Aspinwall Veteran's Hospital on Saturday afternoon of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Herald Jepson of Pittsburgh visited over the past week end with Mrs. Elizabeth Hurley of this place. Mrs. Emma Wentz of Roberts- ville, Ohio is visiting in town at the home of her sisters: Mrs. Gertrude Grieff, Mrs. O. F. Stoltz and Mrs. Rose Sharbaugh. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Buck and daughters, Evelyn and Winnifred and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bradford Jr., and son, Dickie, of Spangler spent the past week end on a sight-seeing trip in the state of Virginia. They visited in the Shenandoah Valley, the Skyline Drive and the Woodrow Wilson General Hospital, where Mr. Buck was stationed for 11; years while serving in the army. Mrs. Barbara Hahn of this place and her son, Herman, of Cleveland, Ohio, visited last Sun- day at Penn's Cave and in State College. Mr. and Mrs. Lieb Farabaugh and family of Carrolltown visited over the past week end in Balti- more, Md., at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Kuntzman. — (Please turne to Page 9 for, “Notes of Carrolltown.”) Gallitzin Soldier Begins Air Force Pilot Training William E. Buckrop, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Buckrop of 305 Craig Street, Gallitzin, has begun training as an air force pilot at Waco Air Force Base, Waco, Tex. Cadet Buckrop is a graduate of Gallitzin High School and attend- ed State Teachers’ College, Indi- ana, prior to enlisting in the air | force. ABOARD USS WASHBURN Bennett L. Trenouth, fireman | Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Grove and apprentice, USN, son of Mrs. La- son, Billy, of Chambersburg were rue Christoff of Patton, is at pres- Sunday visitors at the home of | gent serving aboard the attack the lady’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. | cargo ship USS Washburn, parti- Gregory Buck. cipating in maneuvers off the Dale Rice of Chambersburg {coast of California. was a last Sunday visitor at the | es Gregory Buck residence. —Don’t miss the bargains that Mrs. Martha Cunningham, Mrs. can be found weekly in the Mary Sackett and Robert Cunn-! Union Press-Courier Classifieds. the commencement exercises. The St. Augustine girl attend- ed Mt. Aloysius Junior College in Cresson, before entering Mary- wood and has been a honor stu- dent at both schools. She has accepted a position as assistant librarian at Albertus Magus College, New Haven, Conn. nn Banns of matrimony were pub- lished for the first time last Sun- day in St. Augustine’s Catholic Church for Miss Ada Cretin of this place and Paul Becker of St. Boniface. Edgar McDermott of St. Mary's and Vesta McDermott of Altoona visited over the holidays at their home here. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Nagle and son, Joseph, attended the gradua- tion exercises at the Marywood College, Scranton this past Sun- day. Their daughter, Mary Ther- esa graduated with honors. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McAlier and sons, Joseph Patrick and Danny of Altoona were Sunday visitors of the lady's mother, Mrs. Hortense Adams of this place. They also attended the graduation exercises at St. Fran- cis College, Loretto, where Geo- rge E. Adams was a member of the graduating class. Mrs. Ralph Nagle has returned to her home here after being a patient in the Miners’ Hospital, Spangler. Bernard and Isadore Cretin, son of Mrs. Anna Cretin of this place, have returned to Akron, Ohioa fter spending the holiday week end here at their home. Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Little of Baltimore, Md., were Monday vis- itors in town. Mr. and Mrs. William Wetzel of Carrolltown were Monday ev- ening visitors among friends here. This coming Friday, June 3, the 4-H Club of St. Augustine will hold a meeting at 1:30 p. m. at which time the clothing pro- ject will be started. Mr. and Mrs. Clem Grieff and | daughters, Doris and Phyllis of | Carrolltown visited in town on | Friday evening of last week at the homes of Mrs. H. Adams and Anna Dunegan. Orlena Baker of Twin Rocks| visited in town on Monday of this week. Joseph Horne has returned 19 Washington, D. C., after a week's | —The upper crust always seems to be the toast of society. ns mm mai caf IT’S PHILCO REFRIGERATOR WEEK AT WOLF’S God And Country Awards Presented Medal Given Scouts At PTA Meeting Of Bakerton Troop Officers were installed and the American Legion awards present- A ed at a meeting of Prince Gallit- are gt God ang Counery Med- | 7in Parent-Teacher Association on ko oon sed. Biny Admiral | Shursday evening of last week in Peary Council were awarded Sun- te unster School, FP : day in Bakerton Methodist Chur-| AWard winners were Francis ch, to James Blose and Dixon |F2atrick, American Legion award, Fattison Jr, members of Troop |2Nd Veronica Bakale, American 72, sponsored by Bakerton citi-|L«e8ion Auxiliary award. The win- zens. Rev. Warren Swank pas- | ners are valedictorian and saluta- tor of the church, made the pres- torian, respectively, Dennis Horne entations. ? was installed as president of the In his remarks the minister association. y told of the significance of God| Alvin P. Buck, assistant super- and Country Medals. They are intendent of Cambria County made only to Boy Scouts who Schools, presented diplomas to the have satisfied rigid requirements |éighth-grade students and spoke in service to the church. The|to them. Other remarks were medals are the highest awards Made by Patrick and Miss Bak- given scouts by the National Pro- |ale, and John Chernisky, a seven- testant Committee on Scouting, [th grade student. Rev. Swank told his audience | The next meeting of the unit that scouting is one of the world's |Will be held Wednesday, Sept. 21. greatest character building insti- eee tutions. To achieve the scouting VISITS VENICE, ITALY goal, troops and the church must William Bailey, fireman appren- co-operate, he said. : tice, USN, son of William Bailey The Bakerton scouts received)of Patton R. D., recently visited their awards during the morning | in Venice, Italy, while on shore worship service. Pattison, a life [leave from the USS Bordelon, a scout, led the congregation in |destroyer operating with the 6th prayer. The assembly repeated |Task Fleet in the Mediterranean. the scout oath after young Blose, an Eagle Scout. Requirements for the award THEATRE ALTOONA —Now— were read by William Wiseman, troop committeeman. William WAYNE MORRIS JANIS PAIGE Muir, Troop 72 scoutaster, intro- duced the medal candidates. Rev. The Younger Brothers Swank was assisted in the pres- entations by E. A. Powell and Thomas F. Lehmier, field execu- tives of Admiral Peary Council. Mr. Lehmier is former scoutmas- ter of the Bakerton troop. CHEST SPRINGS H. C. McWilliams, county farm agent, was speaker at a meeting of the Chest Springs 4-H Club held in the Chest Springs Grange Hall on May 23. His subject was “Vegetable Gardening.” The meeting was conducted by Pat Dietrick, secretary-treasurer, in the absence of the president, | Flo Kelly. Projects were discus- | sed by the members. Following | the business session a social hour was held. The next regular meeting of the group will be held on Monday evening, June 27. COLOR BY TECHNICOLOR [STRAND THEATRE ALTOONA —Starts Friday— James Cagney in G-MEN PLUS Humphrey Bogart in | CASABLANCA Glasgow Notes | The Glasgow Parent-Teachers | Association was host to the pu- | pils of the Glasgow School at a dinner held in the Lutheran Hall | on Wednesday of last week, | The Reade Township Schools | have closed for the coming sum-! mer months. | George Jenkins has been seri- ously ill at his home here. | Joe Walker has recently en-| listed in the U. S. Army. Mr. and Mrs. Robe, Gorman and daughter, Sandra®of Wash- | ington, D. C. spent the past] week end in town at the Charles | Bricker home. | Mrs. J. T. Glasgow and Mrs. | Martha Haley were last Friday | | visitors in Coalport. Frank Harpster and Mrs, Mar- | |garet Burns visited in Coalport | | recently. Mrs. Buelah McCellan of Bland- | | burg visited recently in town at] [the Ardell McCellan home. | Mr. and Mrs. Foster Troxell |and daughters, Patty and Peggy, | spent the week end with rela- | tives in Washington, D. C. | Mrs. Hiram Westover of West- |over visited recently at the John Troxell home here, | Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Mulhollem | and daughters of Beaver Falls | spent the holidays visiting rela-| tives in Glasgow. Wade Reynolds and Mrs. Joe Bolinda were recent visitors in Altoona. . Mr. and Mrs. Dean Cree and daughter spent the week end vis- iting with Mrs. Mary Cree and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mulhollem. Mr. and Mrs. John Colton of Ginter spent last Saturday with Dolly Conrad of this place. Mrs. Herbert Troxell and dau- ghter, Joanne, were last Wednes- day visitors in Altoona. Mr. and Mrs. John Hommer at- tended the graduation of their daughter, Joan, from Marian Col- lege, Va. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Lovell of Allemansville were recént visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Marrow. Mary Lou Troxell who is a student in Chambersburg spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Troxell. Joe Youngkins spent the past week end visiting at the C. J. Troxell home here. James Barnett of Blairsville spent a few days recently visit- ing with his parents, Rev. and Mrs. A. L. Barnett. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pryar of Hollentown were recent visitors in Glasgow. SEE THE NEW 1949 PHILCO—EVERY INCH REFRIGERATOR—RIGHT DOWN TO FLOOR! Makes full use of normally unoccupied space ‘above the | Howard Miller. { x i floor for real refrigeration for ALL Foods! FEATURES THAT SET NEW STANDARDS IN SERVICE, CONVENIENCE & QUALITY ® Huge 10.7 cu. ft. capacity in | | | tycoon? Perhaps! of America’s future. thanks—you will June 19th, C. A. Sharb Companion to An American A: future President? Maybe! A business A good You bet! That’s if Father has anything to say about it. He generally does, since most fathers know youth is the strength hand to help you solve problems, to give advice and administer discipline. this boon companion someday—by bering him on FATHER’S DAY, Sunday, Carrolltown, Pa. American? They're always on Give and guide your rememe- augh Store vacation at his home here. Red Cross Asking Donor Enrollment In Blood Campaign “Blood saves lives. Make a date to save a life. Call your Red Cross.” This is the slogan on the offi- cial posters being used in con- junction with the recruitment of donors for the Johnstown Region- al Blood Center to be opened soon at the headquarters of the Cam- bria Co. Red Cross Chapter, 244 Walnut St., Johnstown. City and county residents are being urged to register now. It has been estimated that 26,- 000 pints of blood will be needed each year in the area served by the Johnstown Center. Of this amount the Cambria Co. Chapter of the American Red Cross will be responsible for 6,000 pints. This amount will include the do- nations received from both city and county residents. The remaining 20,000 pints will be secured from the other chap- ters cooperating in the program. The Johnstown Center will supply without charge blood needed by hospitals within an approximate radius of 70 miles of the city. The program is the joint effort of the Cambria Co. Chapter and a number of other chapters with- in the 70-mile radius. State Police Say: Don’t walk to your death. The months just ahead are the most dangerous for pedestrians who use streets and highways after dark. Four out of five are killed at night! Walk facing traffic which will enable you to see the oncoming car in advance and thereby afford you a greater op- portunity of meeting any emer- gency. At night wear something white and carry a light. PROMOTED TO CORPORAL Promotion to rank of corporal for George Supp Jr., son of Geo. and Mary Supp of Patton, has been announced. Enlisting in the Afr Force July 23, 1947, Cpl Supp was sent to the ETO in June of last year. His is now working as supply clerk at Base Supply Section of Tulln Air Force Base, Vienna, Austria. MANY OTHER MODELS FROM PHILCO 891 ILLUSTRATED an 8 ft. cabinet. ® Built-In Home Freezer ®. Fully Adjustable Shelves ® Giant Freshner Locker ® Unique new Snack Box ® Balanced Humidity with Summer-Winter control. ® Self-Closing Door Latch. ® 5-Year Waranty. ‘EASY TERMS $229.50 FREE ONLY DURING PHILCO WEEK STANDARD 19-PIECE REFRIGERATOR SET Includes large salad bowl and servers, custard cups, covered dishes and water Jug. LOWEST TERMS IN | TOWN AT WOLF’S! Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Stine and son, Timmy, were recent vis- itors in Altoona. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cree and sons, Bobby and George, and Mr, and Mrs. Charles Barnett and son, Ronny, visited on Sunday at | the home of Rev. and Mrs. A. L. | Barnett. «Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Whitmay- | spent the | er of Elizabethtown and Mrs. | week end with Mr. Mary Bowman spent the past | week end with Nina Bowman. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Bungo and | sons were recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles | Bricker, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Miller and | family of Hollentown were visit-| ors last Friday evening in Glas- | gow. | Mr. and Mrs. John Troxell and children were last Thursday vis- | |itors at the Chester Kuhn home | here. | Mrs. Mae Kuhn and Walter | {Kuhn of Johnstown, Mrs. Allen Kuhn and daughters, Rebecca and Suzen of Altoona, Mrs. Lou- ise Matthews, Mrs. Kenneth Glass {and daughter, Martha, Sam Smil- |ey and Harvey Westover were Sunday visitors at the John Trox- | ell home here. Mr. and Mrs. Junior McCellan | of Mill Creek spent the week | end with the former's parents, { Blandburg and Mr. and Mrs. Harry McCellan, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Scharman visited last Wednesday evening with Mrs. J. T. Glasgow. Mrs. Kitty Peterson spent the week end with Mrs. J. T. Glas- gow and Mrs. Martha Haley. Robert McGrail of Ohio spent a few days recently visiting with Mr. and Mrs. James McGrail, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Schmittle and family of Blandburg spent last Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. John Schmittle. Mrs. Margaret Van Scoyoc sp- ent the week end with Mrs. J. T. Glasgow. Mr. and Mrs. James McGrail visited recently with their son-in- law and daughter, Rev. and Mrs, Lloyd Mulhollem. Ben Henry, Shirley Nash Get Reade Twp. Medals Two Reade Twp. 8th Grade students were presented awards by the American Legion Post of its auxiliary at the Reade Twp. High School Com- mencement exercises at Moun- taindale. Benjamin Henry of Van Ormer won the Legion boy's medal, and Shirley Nash, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Nash of Bland- burg, received the American Le- gion Auxiliary pin. ® SHOE . MEN'S WORK SHOES ... MENE & BOYS ENDICOTT-JOHNSON SHOES MEN'S COMBAT SHOES .. MEN'S 8-INCH WORK SHOES . MEN'S 16-INCH HIGH TOP SHOES BOYS’ DRESS OXFORDS, sizes 10t0o 3 ........ $2.98 BOYS’ DRESS OXFORDS, sizes 3t0o 6 ......... $3.95 MEN'S DRESS SHOES .. Special Lot, All Sizes $3.95 MEN'S DRESS OXFORDS, Regularly $8, Special $5.95 MEN'S 16-INCH SAFETY BOOTS ..... Special $5.95 MEN'S 12-INCH MINERS’ BOOTS BOYS’ STEEL HEEL WORK SHOES .. Special $2.79 — LOWEST PRICES POSSIBLE — Your Money Back if You Don’t Like What You Buy! ’ JOE’S CUT-RATE STORE BARNESBORO SALE @ disasnsniines Special $5.95 sis Special $4.95 ... Special $7.95 .. Special at $3.95 & $2.98 Lh JJ J hh J J hb J bb J bb a a a a ... Special $4.95 TERRI TTTVPPTPITTITIT EFFECTIVE MAY 22 30 bration . . acle in refrigeration that refrigerator or geration buy! sliding vegetable crisper, early . . . our supply may AMAZING OFFER BY PHILCO TRADE-IN Allowance! FOR YOUR OLD REFRIGERATOR OR ICE BOX REGARDLESS OF MAKE OR CONDITION WOLF’S and PHILCO are having a special cele- . to better acquaint you with the mir- perod you can get AT LEAST $30.00 for your old ice box on the purchase of one of these famous Philco Refrigerators. Look them over, we know you’ll say they're your best refri- You get cold from top to base, chest, and many, many more deluxe features in a modestly priced refrigerator. But hurry . Open A Wolf Charge Account Come In During Philco Week TO JUNE 4 ONLY is Phileo. During this 25-pound frozen food . . be here not meet the demand. BARNESBORO “The Home of Quality Furniture”