Union press-courier. (Patton, Pa.) 1936-current, May 19, 1949, Image 8

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    Cambria Co. Jail
Escapee Claims
lllegal Sentence
Leo G. Keith of Barnesboro is 1 bstantial I
— A re well in be : |ing a substantial number of car |
seeking his release from the Students to Attend | purchasers to buy used automo-|
Western Penitentiary on the {biles rather than current models,
grounds that he was illegally according to a survey announced |
Er — RA
{for passing forged checks in this
| was named as one of four prison-
ers who made an unsuccessful at-
mot to beac out of ne cam: | jgCloses Facts On
bria County Jail.
59 Elected to Pick Used Car Market
Lower original cost is persuad- |
county. A few “weeks ier «it Chevrolet Survey | Indecent Exposure Very Dependent
On Circumstances, Rules Co. Judge
The mere fact of being without |a young soldier who was arrest-
clothes doesn’t necessarily con-|ed for being out of uniform
stitute a crime of indecent ex- meaning completely. The other
posure. It depends on the cir-|case was based on magazine
cumstances. | photos of woman likewise unat-
At least that was the opinion | tired. :
of the Cambria Co. Court on Mon- The soldier was arrested on the
day of this week when three complaint of a young girl. He had
judges agreed to suspend sent- been seen cavorting in his birth-
Clearfield Creek near Fallentim-|Myers of Altoona, to pay the |
costs of prosecution. |
The young man explained that| In a short while the judges |
after a swim he had been wash- (were going through a magazine |
ing sand from his bathing trunks |submitted as exhibit No. 1 in the
when a playful companion grab- | case against James B. McCardell
bed the trunks and threw them [of Cresson. McCardell was charg- |
into a'tree. He was unclad only |ed with the sale and distribu- |
as long as it took him to climb [tion of obscene and lewd litera- |
the tree and recover the trunks ture.
he said. The book contained unclad wo-
Judges John H. McCann, .Ivan men in various poses and was
McKenrick and George W. Griff- |advertised as a health magazine. |
ith were on the bench. They ac-|Judge McCann commented that
cepted the explanation and di- | the pictures were ‘objectionable
Thursday, May 19, 1949
seen “worse things” sculptored on
the capitol in Harrisburg.
“I am absolutely and bitterly
opposed to lascivious literature,”
McCann said, “but this is not
what is considered under the law
to be lascivious or licentious.”
“Some of our nationally-circu-
lated magazines have the same
thing in them,” he said. Sentence
was suspended and McCardell was
directed to pay costs.
—Michigan is the only state
that is split completely in two
” Annee. y y (Vs . ~ ’ ( | ic ye
Senene 2d by the Cambie C oun { In diantown amp | ge Thulin the survey were re- |
Serving as his own counsel, | : . J ported in this area jointly by C.
Keith has prepared a seven-page Appointments were announced 5 Fisher of Patton Jo ro and
petition in which he requests that'on Monday of this week for the w, G. Thomas of Main Street
the court issue a writ of habeas committee which will select 59 garage, Carrolltown, who state
corpus for his release. He claims, in C , ys attend | the study was carried out by the
that he was denied due process of Garmle Conky Toke inl Mend] pittsburgh Zone Chevrolet Deal-
law when he pleaded guilty be-|N€ Sta S/SpOnsore 5 I CAMP ers in cities, towns and rural
fore Judge John H. McCann to at Indiantown Gap in July. areas throughout Western Penn-
two charges—forging checks and! The selection committee per-|Sylvania and parts of Ohio, West
prison breach. The judge sentenc- sonnel was announced by Dr. |Virginia and Maryland.
ed him to serve from one to two Arthur M. Stull, county superin- In the survey, individual inter-
years in the penitentiary on the tendent of schools, who will serve | views were conducted among men
latter charge. as one of its members. Among and women car owners, as well
Keith asserts, among other the other six committeemen are as non car owners. Owners of
things, that he “was- not repre- two district school superinten- both used and new models were
sented by counsel, no counsel was dents and representatives of the interviewed While a preference
offered and was unable to hire Catholic, Protestant, Jewish and | was expressed in favor of buying
counsel.” His petition apparently Negro groups. They are: i models, BI two gut of
is based on a recent Supreme| Dr. Roy W. Wiley, superinten- | 3 € PEE cars if the re 0 os
Court decision through which a dent of Johnstown Public Sch- | Hlete faith on the a2 a a
Pittsburgh man was released ools; Thomas W. Davis, superin- | 1 0 cars. Other influencing factors
from jail because he was not re- tendent of Nanty Glo Public (in order of importance) sri
presented by counsel when he Schools; Rev. Hurtaugh J. Nolan, [the condition of the motor and
pleaded guilty. The Supreme pastor of St. Joseph's Church in body; appearance of the car:
Court concluded that “the op- Portage; Rev. O. E. Washburn, knowledge of the original owner.
portunity to have counsel . . pastor of the Barnesboro Presby- and price. > ’
was a necessary element of a terian Church; . Rabbi H. Goren | It was also indicated that peo-
fair hearing. Perelmuter, spiritual leader of ple are becoming increasingly aw-
David C. Wolfe, first assistant Beth Zion Temple, and Percy E. 10 that comparatively low “price
district attorney, said Keith's |Johnson, an alderman in the 4th of yged cars has resulted in a
petition will be opposed. He said Ward in Johnstown. | spread between new and used car
Keith was at no time deprived of The state's summer camp for prices which makes today's used
the right to hire an attorney. boys was established in recent ac-|car the best auto bargain since
State police and county detec- tion of the General Assembly. It pre-war days. The survey also |
tives arrested Keith last Septem- | will be located at Indiantown Gap showed there will be more used
ber in Cincinnati. He was wanted and will be known as Camp Penn. cars of recent models available
Students in the 14-tol7-year |Since 73 percent of the car own-
AN NAINA ; 4 , ers stated they plan to buy at
age group are eligible and may |. Y ey po 3 a
3 | ike application through officials | "SL one new car every two
DAN of their respective schools. Sch- | Pe
1 ool leaders will forward names of | -
This Thursday Evening § oreiconts to tne sonty cov Cresson Girl Gets
nine boys is Cambria County’s
. a | .
3 Community Restaurant § gota of he Total of 2.500) bre Scholorshi p Hon or
{ Hastings, Pa. The camp. is. bel : od |
| p is being sponsored | i -
After the Parade, Come and by the state for the benefit ofl. Misy Thorsse hg i of Cresson,
¢ Enjoy an Evening’s Dancing! ¢ boys who would not SIhevWiSe | class of 8 Francis a
! er > . ge, he
Good Orchestra hate I i ro Yoon awarded a fellowship in the
¢ WALTER (BART) SCHALL qualified leadership. Several state | Spartmen; 5, biological sciences
p Manager departments will cooperate in the [2 t1€ University of Delaware.
¢ ( directing of the camp. Miss Ryan is a daughter of Mr.
: » — |and Mrs. Charles W. Ryan of 107
| Keystone Ave., Cresson. She will
| be the fifth girl to graduate from
| the local college since co-educa-
| tion was instituted during the
(war years.
| As a transfer student from Se-
ton Hill College, she majored in
— Great
St. Francis in biology and minor-
Iss" —~2 dor 1
Miss - - or | ed in German. The Cresson young
Thi ! B / woman has been active in the
Is! uy:
dramatics, press and German club
| and has held a part-time job as
secretary in the athletic depart-
> ment and worked as a laboratory
Alice Bennett, daught f Mr,
FULL PINT and Mrs. James Be ot Sa
teller was crowned May Queen of
| Grant, Dorothy Lake, Louise
| Klimek and Ethel Salley. Attend-
{ing Miss Hrubochak were Ruth
assistant in the biology depart-
PURE Barnesboro High School last Sun-
PLUS CHINESE BRUSH day night at the Barnesboro
ment. She has been notified that
she has been elected a member of
Delta Epsilon Sigma Fraternity,
BRISTLE stadium. She is a junior student,
BOTH secretary of her class and a mem-
for ONLY 98¢ ber of the band.
national Catholic honorary organ-
Miss Bennett was crowned by
the senior queen, Helen Hrubo-
Crowns May Queen
| Anderson and Sally McCormick.
| Music on the program was pre-
| sented by members of the school
| band under the direction of Ro-
{ bert @obrecht, music supervisor.
| Janet Trefero sang a solo, “For
| You.” The school physical educa-
- | tion class put on an exhibition of
| posture exercises, mock football,
“tumbling and wrestling.
SThe Hardware Store Next fo Fhe Bank
'¢ afoot for summer—in a host of strap-happy
styles that play up the pretty lines of your foot.
Suede sandal wedgie
Criss-cross vamp.
High-heel wedgie.
Wrap-around strap.
Wedgie ankle strap.
Doeskin suede.
Brown and white
leather speetator. SADDLE
High or low heel
ankle-strap pump.
to Howard's
Shoe Quiz on
Tuesday and
Thursday, 9:30
to 9:45, Station WVAM, 1430 on your dial.
ence in two cases. One involved day suit along the banks of the' rected the defendant, James E,
L Nt ”
ili of women come to our
Pim day to save money on
their family food badgers. i
But we are just as prou ot | p
equ 2 wo fps wh without
or ty ne is the com*
\f low prices and hig
builds A&P’s great
% quality me
if linal:on ©
ne lity that
1.at is why we have been able for
ee e our customers
y to gv
man years 8) eo
Tr aaranteet M i i a
anything you purc i
ey return it and your mo y
will be cheerfully refunde ,
Your advice and A
: intai r hig
ib us maintain ow ; y
RAL EE Jou will be doing ve
: Tavor if you will let us know So 4
the quality of the food yoo
ASD ever fail to satisiy you. a
And let us know, wot you ve
ig stions to hov
any suggestions as joa
eT your A&P store a better p
make you re
to shop. Please writes ;
Customer Relations Department,
A&P Food Stores,
420 Lexington Avenue,
Po air brands plus popular prices make the Grocery
D:-oartment of your A&P a perfect place to buy every=
thing from soup to soap. Stop in and stock up today!
3 vies 33
Lipion’s Noodle Soup Mix ...
Ann Page Tomato Soup .......... "9
Herb-Ox Bouillon Cubes ......... " 9¢
Crisp Colonial Toasts ........™ = 300
Nabisco Graham Crackers ...'"™ > 29¢
Strawberry Preserves ANY PAGE 1b. Jar 35g
Ann Page Peanut Butter ..... ™ 3T¢
Ann Page Salad Dressing ......% * 45¢
Ann Page Tomato Ketchup .2 *°= ™= 3Te
lona Tomato Juice ........ “°* <=" [90
Orange-Grapefruit Juice .... “°* ©" 29¢
Clapp’s Strained Baby. Foods... . 6 ** §T¢
Our Own Tea Bags ....... P& ° © 4lo
Sherbet Mix . . . 2 =e 29¢
Peas & Carrots . . . 2.21%
Fancy Reliable Peas ..... 2 ™° 2 cans 35¢
A&P Golden Corn ..........No 2m {Tg
Ann Page Beans with Pork 2 60% cans 2g
Sona Peacligs Tolves or Suces No. 2y can ogg
A&P Whole Peeled Apricots . No- 2% can 3{g
AP Fruit Cocktail ........ Nc 120 93s
Kellogg’s Rice Krispies ...... 2 rk 29¢
Sunnyfield Corn Flakes .. 2 '-°% rkes. 209g
White House Evap. Milk ..... 5 t=! ns §T¢
Mexene Chili Powder ............ " I3¢
Diamond Book Matches ........ °°" [lo
20 Mule Team Borax ....... 2 P= 27g
A&P Coffee is kept in the
whole bean until you buy
. + then custom ground
Just right’ for your coffee=
maker. Result The fresher,
richer flavor that makes this
coffee America’s No. 1 favor=
ite, Enjoy, it often!
EIGHT O'CLOCK .......... 3 M5 15
Mild and Mellow 1-1b. bag 40c
RED CIRCLE ............ 3D Mes {0}
Rich and full-bodied 1-1b. bag 44e
BRKAR ,...... v.00 83022208
Zs 17e Large Package JC
Fresh Roasted
S-0z, Bag 10¢
Ready-to-Eat Hams Viole oni". ... > §T¢
Ready-to-Eat Picnics ............ ™ 3T¢
Sunnyfield Sliced Bacon ......... "™ 49¢
Lean Slab Baggn Scie Cs ,... 7 430
Fancy Smoked Jowl Squares ..... ™ 25¢
Tender Pork Chops .. Fib End Cuts Ib. 49g
Meaty Pork Butt Steaks ........ ™ 49%
Boneless Stewing Veal ........... » 5%¢
~ Fresh Frying Chickens Fully Dressed Ib. Bg
Sat Up Fryers ... T= 83g Wines In. 37g
All the luscious cakes and cogkies, all the delicious
breads and rolls in the Jane Parker Bakery Department
of your A&P are fresh from A&P's own ovens and
marked with A&P’'s modest prices.
A&P Family Bread ............ I5¢
Jane Parker Frankfurter Rolls .. ** 150
Chocolate Cookies .......... P< 29¢
Crunch Angel Food Bar..............35¢
Jane Parker Donuts .......... “* 19¢
Combination Vanilla-Fudge
Layer Cake
A delightful combination of Devils Food and
Gold Cake—frosted with Vanilla Creme on C
top and chocolate creme on the sides.
lin a sense,” but added that he'd! parts.
and Vegetables 4,,
Harvested F B E SH ! /
. Delivered F RESH !
’ .
Aap? 8S Fruigs
Ie he Best Quality of the Year
ceberg Lettuee
Size 48
Green, Solid Heads 2 Hs. 23¢
Juicy Pineapples
Pascal Celery
Calif, Potatoes Lone wit
Fancy Waxed Cucumbers
Crisp Golden Carrots ‘vs
Red Ripe Strawberries
“Super-Right” cut is a money-saver with marvelous -—
flavor. For every one is specially selected for tender, juicy
goodness . , . marked with the lowest price consistent with its
fine quality . .. and close-trimmed of excess waste for greater
soe FRESH!
Spring fruits
! and veg,
28 can be at A&P, Pa 4)
their peak | hey
e fresh
Te picked
Speed + + rushed hep
What's" more and sold in A.p ra
Bs well dice, TF Dampers purses,
23%. 290
tied in uli LH 30's stalk 25¢
«oe 10 Ms 750
ce. 2 for 19¢
‘veo. 2 bchs, 19¢
reeves ®t AB0
Tender . . . Meaty Beef
Chuek Roas
- 4c
English Beef Roast.............™" 5T¢
Standing Rib Roast ........ "inch I Egg
Plate and Brisket Beef Boil ...... ™ 27¢
Short Ribs of Beef .............. " 43¢
Blade Cut
You don't have to go to the wide open spaces to get a
taste of the country, Just visit the Dairy Department of
your A&P and take your pick of country-fresh foods at
thrifty prices!
Fresh Silverbrook Butter ........ ™ 65¢
Fresh Longhorn Cheese .......... " 45¢
Domestic Swiss Cheese .......... ™ T5¢
Sharp Cheddar Cheese .......... ™ 69¢
Mel-o0-Bit Brick Cheese ..... 2 laf g5¢
American or Pimento Cheese Food
2 Lb. Loaf ddc
SNOW Ar vie way dom the
Large Package 20¢ Large Package 20¢
8 cakes 200
Grand for woolens and
rayons—makes glassware
Large Package 27¢