Union press-courier. (Patton, Pa.) 1936-current, October 21, 1948, Image 8

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| legislation altered.
| It was pointed out that the
| current movement toward larger
| school units through consolidation
| of joint boards, may affect the
Is Radio Engineer
to those countries about our people, our country and our politics.”
He was a member of the: Martin-Knudsen-Taber clique which
attempted to sabotage the ERP, an administration sponsored bi-
partisan measure, which has stopped the spread of Communism
in Western Europe.
Fred Lawrence, son-in-law of
Mr. and Mrs. Cletus Gray of East
Carroll Township, has been ap-
at a meeting last Thursday even- |
ing in Chest Springs. |
Other district offcers are P. L.
Mulligan, Dysart, vice chairman;
Joseph Sheehan, Ashville, regular
PAGE EIGHT ——— : — UNION PRESS-COURIER Thursday, October 21, 1948
: m— m= rn roe em ——— — soma re ———————— — mee ——— =
* } V i d | Mrs. Marjorie Arch at a meeting . ° ° ° ° ° ° would be for the benefit of indi-
i | of homemaking instructors. She St F C ll H hi ht fv i R d f p t G ] } F { | i E { C | T vi 1 nd that he princi al in-
e iremen 0 e | is a member of the faculty at the . rancis 0 ¢ € I ! S 0 0 in ecor 0 resen d I Zin d a | y as arro Wp. Viale 2 the a Soy ” the
Luko, Pa., public schools. 1 ¥ } . . ° ° ° a skew .
. sale of whiskey and beer.
By Co. Teachers |“. Jii'iciin’vy Gets ‘Alma Mater’ | 26th Dist. Congressman Harve Tibbott [Is Said Accident Club Appeals Ruling“: suis” diati saa. i |
~anti : . opted resolutions calling for grea- Kea ole . ) J | (part: “It appears that operation
ye IE Se risst, Puge) [ter retirement benefits and con- t St. Gyancis College § Alva Ma- In February, 1939, Congressman Tibbott successfully voted A coroner's jury has absolved]! The Cambria County Club of [of a licensed business will insure
Senior high a teach _| tinued security in their Positions. | 5 Composed Ls he 0 [aired or | against providing funds to fortify Guam. Two years later, Guam [Arthur J. Olinger of Altoona of | Ebensburg has filed an appeal |to the benefit of individual mem-
a eee tcdav, | Asserting that retirement ben-|IVan J. Washabaugh, was unvei “| was in Japanese hands. any blame in the death last/ from the action of the State bers, officers and agents or em-
hi it ake TT) av. | 8 : / 3 | | a y g 1
eard two speakers on Thursday, | _° ie |ed for the first time last Satur- In May, 1989. he vote ins reas av month of Thomas McCloskey of | ; ’ i
Dr. William L. Fink, head of the | fits of school employes are NOt! av at the football game between | n May, 1939, he voted against increasing Naval appropria- Gallitzi y Liquor Control Board's refusal to |ployes rather than the ehtire (
department of education at Kutz- | #dequate and not in conformity | G&¥ 2% M18 ot Fla and Ford. | tions. Oi : / Aan, Wis work _|grant the club a liquor license. membership of the club.” f
town State Teachers’ College , | with retirement provisions of oth- |: Tanck an In June, 1939, he voted to cut authorization for 1,288 air- y ane 88. 81° The board rejected the club’s| The board further pointed out €
ache ege, who | [1 : hel truck d by O J
spoke “ ro f the | ©r professions and occupations, the | 12M: planes, and $37,000,000.00 from the Army appropriation bill. elper on a truck driven by Olin-|,,,)i..¢; he basi a [that the history of the club’s fi- ;
spoke on An Appraisal of the |er professions and occupa ) Mr, W: baugh. a graduate 2 | ger. The e hauling shal pplication on the basis of a |that the history o e club's a
High School Curriculum.” Dr. C,|leachers passed a resolution re-| Mr. Washabaugh, a graduate n September, 1940, after the fall of France, he voted |8°I OY ory re hauling shale, io held in August. The ap- |nances indicates that it could not v4
0. Williams, director: of teacher | commending: 1—Optional retire-|©f Johnstown High School, has| against Selective Service down the line. from Bediord Co. 10 Spread OU | peal has been filed by Club Presi- [exist at its present location with- Y
placement at Penn State College, | ment for those who have com. |Aarranged music for Hal Kemp, In February, 1941, he was against lend-lease, but in another |Gallitzin Boro streets. McCloskey | FOR Pred J. McCann and Secre-icut the benefit of a license and :
used as his subject, “Vitalizing | pleted 25 years of service or who |Sammy Kay and other maestros.| month he did come around. hie ohne Gt y bac of the | tary Peter J. Culliton [that therefore it appears that the r
High School Activities.” | have attained the age of 55 with | He became director of music at] He was against the Ship-Seizure Bill. yeas . hh 16h is Jorware Jaye! The control board cited three | primary interest and activity will }
The b Bf ClarrInuninatinn’ is Po OR Cana amin. St. Francis in October, 1947. { Four months before Pearl Harbor he voted against the 18- ment caused him to lose his bal- - . : . {I ih a wiih :
Th 8
e Arts of Communication” la minimum of 25 years’ service, | : 4 . . . 3 & Ge Ered ance and fall to the street. The reasons for refusing to grant the be the sale of liquor and malt s
was the subject of an address by | 2 Retirement benefits of not less| In addition to the Alma Mater, | month extension of Selective Service. accident curred Se ot 27 b 1| license one of which was based |beverages
Miss Clara Cockerel, supervisor of | than $1 200 annually or half of |e has presented the school his | Seven weeks before Pearl Harbor he voted against the per- MoCo) ert ep v.24 ang fon the State ota Act The Cl bl Tt RE 1b contends. that the li- 3
elementary education in Altoona th . te, hors’ fi a y Iv which. | original composition for the mitting of the arming of our merchant ships. ott os hey die , fures days later O1 loc: ted ® Quis ro er 38 Eos je oi ul Son enue ra Je Aa C
schools, at the meeting of the in| 18 ‘teacners hal salary, WRICh | unraroon and White,” a spirited | Three weeks before Pearl Harbor, he voted against allowing of a fracture of the skull, ore | 15 _OCaled near ihenshurg in EasL/guor board is improperly exercis- 2
S 8, & N- | ever is greater; 3—The increased |... > 4 " * | he . h % re Tacs 4 vp 4 a The jury urged that Gallitzin | Carroll Twp., where the board ing its discretionary powers in
termediate teachers. Another to|costs of these risions to bel fight song. | our merchant ships to carry ‘supplies into the war zones. officials Use reat srecautions | said. th ta calls for onlv two. refusing license
speak was Dr. Laverne Strong, 20s 5 Fi : ieze ONS 5 © °°! Since his appointment, Washa- | During the war, he was somewhat handicapped in his voting for Hal net 8 oa on roca ions | sek = ® Joota oS Tor ony Wo | refusing the BN t t /
director of the elementary educa- |. o oc JY the 8 ae, a So Was | paugh, reorganized the 40-piece| by bi-partisan politics, but he did manage, in 1943, to form a Oy he hi OLY 3 en I ey em- lice nses. t he present time, the | Judge John H McCann has se :
tion division at Indiana State Te. |23Vocated that teachers who "® |pand, glee club and male chorus| part of a small minority favoring a bill forbidding the unions to |P!Y A bo Tit, |board said, there are three liquor Monday, Oct. 25, as the date for F
achers’ GONELe. Dt oa} Wes turned to the profession after an| approximately 60 voices, The| make campaign contributions. ete——————— (and beer licenses and two restau- la hearing on the appeal.
“An Intermediate Grade Teacher | 35cr" may i their annuity | gee “club is being readied for a | Since the war, he has FAVORED the Case and Taft-Hartley |G. B. Thomas to Head ras liquor licenses in force in| Ith marches ot the head. of
o store ; g | 5 hes ;
Asks About Reading.” rg by yeg ore sod. anY | tour later in the school year. Bills, and: oes Che t S : $ F U it t 2 wasp. ie i line Faith hare oe At t 0 Sond ok t]
“Modern Clothing Techniques” The teachers? opposed any move [ In July, 1946, he opposed a three and three-quarter billion St Oprings rarm Uni | he board also asserted that it | anything worth while and it is te
was the subject of an address by to lessen the security now pro- | loan to Britain. G. B. ,Thomas, Dysart, was el-| appeared that the club’s business |the most inspiring of leaders. 1
seers — Z| vided by the tenure laws. It was East Carroll Man In June, 1947, he opposed the bill enabling the Government [ected chairman of the Chest Spr-| d
| alleged that some groups are maf to “promote foreign relations by exchange with other countries [ings District of the Cambria Co. | C
tking attempts to have the tenure of persons, skills and knowledge, and by dispensing information Agricultural Conservation Assn. | i 1
member; Harry Wilt, Dysart, 1st
| status of some teachers. In this | painted chief engineer of Radio
| respect the teachers urged all|gtation WACB, at Kittanning, Pa.
| school boards to insure the re-| wp Lawrence received his en-
Sa urday, Oct. 23 | tention of teachers now in ser-|gineer's training in Cleveland, O.,
j vice. .__|following his release from the U.
| Also approved was a resolution
| recommending that persons ap-
« . . and there's nothing blue | | pointed to positions as high sch-
about his music
ool principals be required to have
Sunday, Oct. 24
class government license in Mar.
1948. Since that time he has been
la high school principal's certifi-
(cate .It was explained that edu-
| cational requirements for this po-
| sition are not now provided for
{by law.
Ralston, chief engineer of WVAM, |
broadcast activities he filled the |
ion requirements.
S. Army. He received his i. Political Stand
employed by Station WVAM, at managed to keep the bill bottled
Altoona, where he assisted Mr. [up in committee.
in the construction of that sta- de
tion. After the station commenced one.
An adequate program for na-
Coffey Writes of St. Benedict Church
Group Election Held
The Westminister Fellowship of
the St. Benedict Presbyterian
| Church meeting at the church on
I strongly favor the Taft-Ellen- | Wednesday evening, October 13,
r-Wagner Bill, or a similar held its annual election of offic-
ers. The following were elected
to their respective offices:
(Continued from First Page)
r—— a osition of annoucer as well as|tional defense is always present Phyllis Ahlstrom, Moderator;
LEE ANGELO -If it weren't for the bottom on. A fan 1s 2iWayy I feel | Clyde Bradford Jr., Vice-Modera-
+ « . An Encore for October! §|°.2 trunk, where would people His duties in Kittanning will [that we should seriously consider |tor; Esther Anderson, Stated
|put vacation cloths they don't consist of construction of a 500- [the requests of the services, re-| Clerk; Shirley Bradford, Treas-
juse : watt AM Standard Broadcasting jmembering always that each dif-|urer; Shirley Malloy, Pianist.
Station, and after its completion |ferent branch feels it is the most |The officers will be installed in
he will begin construction of an [vital to defense, and that until|the near future.
FM station followed by televis- human nature is changed each
officer will have a tendency to|district meeting will be held in
It was announced that the next
{its Altoona Shops as part of the
the Revloc Presbyterian Church
alternate; and Ernest Sheehan,
Patton, 2nd alternate.
Mr. Mulligan was named dele-
gate to the county meeting and
Mr. Thomas alternate.
Pennsylvania Railroad
To Hire 400 At Altoona
The Pennsylvania Railroad is
hiring 400 additional workers at
company's stepped-up freight car
repair and conversion program.
C. I. Clugh, manager of the
Altoona works, says the schedule
calls for the conversion and re-
pair of 15 cars daily. Included
are conversion of the 208 H-21-A
type cars to H-21-E and repairs
to 26 box cars and 130 gondola
Class repairs also are scheduled
...of handsome serv-
ice is featured in the
Chevalier, Cresco’s
finest horsehide
jacket. Dual-Action
Sleeves*allow greater
freedom; clever adjustable
sleeve lengths; slash pock-
ets; rayon-lined. Clean,
trim style lines!
fell that the largest possible COT: |
He is the husband of the former to be made to 76 steam locomo-
d in his own hands will give | on Monday evening, October 25.
Helen V. Gray of Patton R. D, |man y ! nday 8, 0 9: [ tives, Clugh says.
and the son of Mr. and Mrs. A |the best possible insurance of |The district at the meeting wiil | tives agh says. ]
C. Lawrence of Cleveland, O.
‘ Inational safety. jae the second anniversary
Specifically, while the European |of its organization.
We are pleased to announce that we have on our floor
several sizes, 6, 7 and 9 Cubic Foot Frigidaire Refriger-
ators; for immediate delivery. Our first shipment in
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence have
cne son, Freddie, and Mrs. Law-
rence and her son are temporarly
with her parents unitl living quar-
ters can be obtained in Kittan- |
|situation remains in its present |
|state, I think the most effective
|and economic national defense
can be secured by emphasizing: |
1. The stock-piling of vital
2 Spangler Yous Men
Join U. S. Naval Forces
Two Spangler young men are
listed with having enlisted in the
U. S. Navy during the past week
. « . is the best-looking, longest-wearing
horsehide made. Soft, supple, finished to
a deep rich brown or tan. Almost impos~
sible to wear out. Choice gift for Christmas,
and Mrs. Frank Shimko, of Span- Model sketched is the Chevalier.
Main Street
war materials so we will not be : i
cut short as we were in the last| Mrs. Susan Wills was admit-
war. ted to the Altoona Hospital on
2. The encouragement of the|Sunday for treatments.
Sales Mgr. Attends
| ° decentralization of industries, and ay, Was le on Sunday
| the active dispersion of the vital €vVenin at € home o IS. |of Spangler High School, he was
Chevrolet Institute [war industries. Florence Miter. a member of a dance band before |
! Clyde Conrad of the U. S. Mar- ' enlistin
ai 3. Last, but not least, the’. . : g. :
I th Mis Gar, (more effective utilization of the 1S was home on a week end| George Stanley Kutsick, son of
. "ni : ail. leave. Mr. d Mrs. h i
L. & H. Electric Ranges lage of Carrolltown, has returned | Millions of trained men now avail Lan rs. John Kutsick of
able, to see that we have a large | Ray Beiswenger of the U. S. Marsteller. He attended Spangler
Eig kg Sher ig Reserve, in land, sea and air, cap- | Army was home on a week end |High School.
Tati ; : ; able to immediate action. leave, :
|ers’ Institute, an intensive nine- Mrs. Margaret Beiswenger and
at the Johnstown recruiting sta-
tion. They are:
Edward W. Shimko, son of Mr.
quite some time.
Youngstown Sinks
Single and double drains, in attractive white enamel.
Add beauty to your kitchen.
gler. A graduate of the 1947 class
Come in—Let us demonstrate the advantages of owning
an L. & H. Electric Range. Fully automatic, reasonably ini i It should be obvious to every- ; : gy
priced : re Y |iest tincs or ehrehunie one fiat a dollar spent now on Sollrer, of Windber, visfed re.
: |conservation, or reclamation, may Se €
jing automobiles and trucks. Mrs. Vincent Beiswenger.
The Institute is Chevrolet's
first step in an aggressive selling
campaign to prepare for the ev-
|well be worth ten or a hundred
in a few years.
I plan to discuss other matters
{in the near future.
Grand Bottled Gas Ranges St. Benedict Couplee
Large 4-Burner and Oven and Small Apartment spiel Shin a Be pugary My sincere thanks for your United in Marriage
Size Ranges in stock. Get our prices when shop- wi lon le Bg ies |present courtesy. Miss Josephine Tonelli, daugh- ga
ping for appliances. by sales managers from approx- | ROBERT L. COFFEY ter of Mrs. Mary Tonelli and Mr.
Augustine Legros, son of Mr. and |
Mrs. Noel Legros, both of St.
Benedict, were united in marriage
at a double ring ceremony, on]
Wednesday Sept. 29, in Balti- |
more, Maryland,
The groom is employed at the |
Democratic Congressional
Candidate, 26th District
of Pennsylvania.
imately 40 other Chevrolet deal-
erships in this region. The reg- |
ional meeting is one of several |
being held currently in all parts |
of the country, whereby cove D id t T
let will train approximately 2,500 | Fest en Fliman
sales managers. |
i Springfield No. 4 mine of Peale, |
The faculty at the sales mana- T B At J h } | : : y
gers school is composed of mem- | 0 e 0 ns OWN Peacock Coal Co. in Spangler. |
Lay-Away for Christmas!
Give a Boy or Girl a Bicycle or Tricycle! All sizes in
stock at reasonable prices. See our stock of Sturdy Toys
Use our Lay-Away Plan—Start shopping today!
1 | The bride is employed by the! :
bers of the Chevrolet wholesale | (continued from First Page) Philips-Jones For To Sy ri
13} \C IHIA\ HOUSE WARES organization who have been care-| Py Chairmen Tories toliors : |
A > “ fully selected for their practical | : ! : : ay ;
APPLIANCES i nin and i, treined|STOSt the President when the/ A wedding inp included Nia-|
D {plane lands at the airport. The|gara Falls and New York.
20 present aa discuss all phases | , mittee is composed of himself,| A reception dinner was held |
of retail selling. |Judges John H. McCann, Ivan|on Sunday October 3, at the brid-
——————————— iMcKenrick and A. A. Nelson, |es home. The couple will reside |
—Don’t use a weak excuse be- | District Attorney Samuel R. Di- | in St. Benedict at the home of |
The Hardware Store Next Fo He Bank
Special offering that solves
cause it’s worn out before it’s !|Francesco, Hiram G. Andrews, | the bride’s mother. J
half told. | Congressional Candidate Robert — - cool weather blanket needs.
i | L. Coffey, Jr., Eugene Maurice of | . Now!
[the Steel Workers; John M. Cas-|% I di % :
|1ler, Central Labor president; Ber- | ¢ of s
nard Timms, Barnesboro, of the] mme late * |
U. M. W. A.; Mayor Ned Rose of |* 3 ol
Johnstown, and State Senator Ha- |} Delivery! of
luska, Patton. | " ne
| The following have been invit- ’ | .
{ed to be on the platform with the | §
| President, in addition to the re- | ® HOTPOINT
|ception committee, at the Point |
{Stadium: Councilmen P. J. Culli- ® KELVINATOR
ton and Edward Baumer of John- 4
stown; County Commissioners Pat | 3
Farrell and Thomas A. Owens; 4
Register of Wills Michael Hart-
|Powen; Sheritt Pat Mebermott; § ~~ REFRIGERATORS %|
Prott tray Joseph C. Dolan; «& : ; i |
{o] make your car { Controller M. OO RadTvant oy % Various sizes in stock to
5 !Mrs. Edward Beattie, vice chair- | 3
: ; meet your requirements!
man of the Democratic Commit- |e your: req ent
| tee; George Hoppel, Patton, state 4
jcommitteeman; Mrs. Madeline M.. 3
Buck, state committeewoman; Lo- | SEE THE
|uis Rovansek, Frank J. Pentrack, '*
Lewis Evans and Dennis Westrick | § MA y i AG
—Assembly candidates. . “
“Tt with
the gas off!”’
run better, last longer
$2.00 DOWN
$1.00 WEEKLY
to bring your automobile to our Lub-
rication Department during one of : |
these special days and have it lubri- , DEEP FREEZ %|
cated under the supervision of a \ ¥|
Quaker State Lubrication Engineer. Ww i N T E i i z E CABINETS | V
This is a service provided by Quaker Sow is the fuse 40 Have. woe car 21 Choose from 5 Famous ¥| WOOL-MIXED!
tate to assist its dealers in keeping fea up for winter, Ft he Hash out Makes — Sizes to meet 4 | ! !
their Lubrication Departments and ore gy Lot us Change (he your needs. I WARM! FLEEGY!
Save $10.00 on the three!
Personnel up to date on lubrication.
i 3 3 Comfortabl reight ith
Drop in or give us a phone call and 7053 Place Your Order F[f Contorable vei wi
gel Your car on te schedvle (at no 8 tune wp ifie’ mo- For a Maytag Washer : and 95% cotton for strength
r for quic
starting. You'll be
ready for cold
weather and
avoid the RUSH!
extra cost. and long wear. Full size,
70x80-inches. Firmly bound
with rayon satin, Bargain!
Mail Coupon Today
Delivery is being made
* according to availability
0 2,
- RE
1315-17 11th Ave., Altoona, Pa.
20000000000000000000000600 oe: 200000,
M A I N | | oa stores. Come in i Big Color Choice: Pioase Son) Mig es Tn double
| |% . ® Phids © Blue Nam
( |% x ® R ® Wi If you can’t come in— DORE
ETS S T R E E T | | : RAGLE Y : e Groen , Cedarose Bech, Toupon 1st Color i WE Color Choice
GARAGE | % BARNESBORO | Ty Julep rmacx
NICKTOWN % New [] Add to My [] Paid Up
CARROLLTOWN, Pa, i exer i carroLLTowN §§ OPEN A CHARGE ACCOUNT 3 coo wot | eo
| x & |
. 3
ofoofonfociorfocfoofocforfosfeodosfocoosfoofecforfocfofofode | rr ma——
o Halloween Parade!
Floats ... Bands ... Ghosts and Witches— Youll See Them All On O ct. 28 of the Barnegsor