169 &9 G72 69 &?2 &7 G7 &7F &F 6&7 OF 079 Lhe ver oem ome oe en ee ome oe of Thursday, April 20, 1948 Phone Mrs, Callahan Around Patton “fii . Little, Anita Lacava, Eva Migli- Patton High Honor [st Sem, Shea L tl A | Stoltz. ; ist Is Announced | sonore pune moar, son Forty-nine students were suc-|William Fisher, Virginia Lawson, cessful in making the fifth period [Emma Sunseri, Veronica Tirpak Honor Roll at Patton High, The |and Leora Weakland. Seniors were away out in front | Sophomores -— Marian Cooper, with 21 on the coveted “A” list.| Alan Christoff, Mildred Hollen, The Freshmen were second with | Stephany Lacey, Wanda Smith- 12 and the Juniors and Sopho- | payer, Helen Wharton, Virginia mores tied for third with eight | Welshire and Yvonne Yerger. each. | Freshmen Gretchen Binder, Following is the list of those [Sally Bloom, Bobbie J. Cogley, who received “A” reports: | Alan Dietrick, Gladys Haluska, Seniors—Thomas Albright, Mil- |[Mary Margaret Ivory, Elizabeth dred Baranik, Rose Bakale, Pat-| Leiden, Silva Luzier, Barbara ricia Carroll, Geraldine Conrad, | Rhody, Nell Sheehan, Jeanne Win- Sallie Lee Dietrick, Betty Dub-|sko and Leo Zajicek. Sk, ay era Dietrick, Gerald | = unegan, Evelyn Eckenrode, Rob- 8 3 ert Fogel, Rita Hoover, Margaret Pation Legion Post Kirkpatrick, Gloria Luzier, Nancy Sponsoring Scholarship Walter McCoy Post 614, Am- erican Legion, is sponsoring a $500 scholarship for the outstand- ing student in the 1948 class of Patton High School. The group, at a meeting Tues- day evening, voted donations tot- aling $700. Of this, a $400 con- tribution was made to the Patton Public Schools, $200 to St. Mary's Parochial School and $100 to the American Cancer Society. Plans also were advanced for WE PRINT WEIGHMASTER’S CERTIFICATES for Use by Mining Firms Choice of two forms, each in triplicate, 3 colors UNION PRESS-COURIER Patton, Pa. Why experiment? If you want to borrow at reason- able rates, with prompt service and from a dependable source of future credit — get a Bank Loan here. First National Bank Carrotliown, Penna. 5 the annual Memorial Day service | former Leocadia Albrighe of this to be held at Patton. place. The next meeting of the local| A meeting of Branch 90, Kni- Legion body will be held May 11|ghts of St. George, will be held in the post home. after the ten o'clock Mass on "en Sunday, May 2. Shower Held Thursday Mrs. John Morgan and daugh- . ter, Christina, returned to their For Mrs. Wilfred Kuhn home at Jamestown, N. Y,, after Mrs. Jot Jone eo spending a week with Mrs. Mor- Mrs. John Jones was hostess | og mother, Mrs, Harry Wentz. at a shower held at her home on : Thursday evening of last week | Mr. and Mrs, Charles Yeckley in honor of her daughter, Mrs, | and daughters, Virginia and Bar- Wilfred Kuhn. land family spent Sunday among | lat 5:30 p. m. (DST) | bara, returned to niet home in The svaning’s | Johnstown after spending a tw The evenings | weeks’ vacation with their par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Stritt- | matter and Mr. and Mrs. L .A | Yeckley. | Mrs. Omer Wharton spent the week end with her daughter, Dor- | othy, in Washington, D. C. | Mr. and Mrs. Regis Burkey and family, motored to Jamestown, 5 where they spent a few days last week. They were ac- | companied back by Mrs. Burkey's | parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dietrick. Mr. Dietrick had been employed | there for several months. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Healy of | Philipsburg and Miss Betty Healy of Patton, motored to Pittsburgh | on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. How- ard Healy spent Sunday at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Healy. Mrs. Marcellus Weakland visit- ed a few days recently with her featured cards and bingo. Prizes in cards were awarded to Mrs. Ben Short and Mrs. Jack Simp- son. Mrs. Kuhn receiver many beau- tiful gifts. At the conclusion of the evening, a delicious lunch was served. * % * Mrs. Ray Karlheim, who has been a patient at the Miners’ Hospital, Spangler, for several days, is in a slightly condition. Mr. and rick, Mrs. Charles son, Billy, of St. Mr. and Mrs. and children, Nancy, Joann, of Patton, spent Sunday afternoon at Duncansville with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Becker. Mr. and Mrs, improved Becker and Boniface, and relatives in Punxsutawney. Misses Geraldine Helen Bearer and Elaine Capko, | student’ nurses at Mercy Hospital, Pittsburgh, spent the week end at * % Dance May 7 to Benefit PHS Band Color Guard A dance sponsored by the Pat- ton High School Band for the benefit of the color guard of that organization will be held in the Patton Moose: Home on Friday evening, May 7. { Music for the dancing from 9 to 12 o'clock (DST) will be furn- ished by the High School Dance Band. Admission tickets are now on sale at 50¢. The public is in- vited to attend. Boy Scout Spaghett] Supper This Thursday Thursday evening of this week | supper | will feature a spaghetti sponsored by Boy Scout Troop No. 264 of Patton in the dining room of the local Presbyterian Church. The public is invited to attend. Supper will be served beginning * ¥* * Mr. and Mrs. Harry Noonan of | Youngsville, Pa., visited the for- nier’'s mother, Mrs. Charles Ad- ams, also Mrs. Noonan's broth- er and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stauffer, over the week end. T-Sgt. Robert P. Campbell ot | Washington, D. C., Miss Martha Dell Campbell, R. N., of Mercy Hospital, Pittsburgh, and Miss El- eanor Campbell, also of Pitts- burgh, spent the week end with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Winslow. Mr. and Mrs. William Overber- ger, of State College, announce the birth of a son, Saturday, Ap- ril 24. Mrs. Overberger is the ) ng) J) J x Toast your toast; cook, roast, or stew Vl beat, Ill clean; make ice for you. I'll help in factories, stores and schools For farmers I've got lots of tricks Like milking cows or hatching chicks. And, Boss, | bet you're glad to know 1 work long hours for wages low So call me early; keep me late And help the youngsters learn the rules REDDY, AT YOUR FINGERTIPS I'll work for you the whole day through Wash your clothes; and press them, too. In my REDDYBOX home Vl always wait. - 0 saant mask # wo us mon YOUR ELECTRIC SERVANT PENNSYLVANIA ELECTRIC COMPANY A. P. ISENBERG, District Manager entertainment | Mrs. Raymond Diet- | Charles Callahan | Clair and | Bert Douglass Cammarata, | | sister-in-law, Mrs. Margaret We- | akland, in Altoona. | Mr. Charles Cordell, Mr. M. M. Scott, Dr. E. P. Cooper and Mr Dan Sheehan spent last Thursday | fishing at Spring Creek. | Freddie Yeckley of Cleveland, | Ohio, is spending some time at {the home of his parents, Mr. and | Mrs. B. J. Yeckley, of Carrolltown IR. D. | Women of the Moose, Chapter 657, will hold a hake sale May 15 in the showroom of the Portage { Cleaners on Magee avenue. Sale | will start at 9 a. m. Mr. Richard Shannon, of Le- | moyne, Pa., visited with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Shan- non, over the week end. | | Patton Presbyterian Church Plummer Harvey, S. T. M,, min- | ister. {| Sunday, May 2—10 a. m,, Sun- | day School, John I. Barnard, Su- | perintendent. 11 a. m., Worship Service, “The Purpose of Life.” 6:30 p. m., Westminster Fellow- | ship. | Monday, April 26—7:30 p. m, | District meeting Westminster Fel- | lowship at Cresson Presbyterian | Church. Thursday, April 29—5:30 p. m., Spaghetti Supper by Boy Scout Troop 264 in Basement of the Church. The public invited. 7 p. m., Junior Choir Rehearsal. * % * Trinity Episcopal Church ¥ Wm. 1. Cool Jr.,, Rector. day: Holy Communion and Ser- mon at 9:15 a. m. (DST). Wednesday. May 5 -— Rogation Wednesday: Holy Communion at 10 a. m, Church School, 11:15 a. m. Choir Rehearsal on Thursday evenings, 7:30 p. m. Fakerton By M. A. PANCZAK Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Murphy of Washington, D. C., announce the birth of a daughter. Mrs. Murphy is the former Mary Lou- ise Romnosky, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Michael Romnosky o | town. | Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Murphy and daughters, Norma, Marlene and Virginia, and Miss Magda- lene Sponsky spent Sunday visit- ing relatives and friends in Pitts- burgh. Miss Imelda Schilling of Har- risburg is spending a few days here at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Schilling. Miss Jean Callahan and Bob Callahan spent the week end vis- iting relatives at Butler, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Paul McCoy and sons, Paul and Larry, Mrs. Ada McCoy and Mrs. Hoover, all of Johnstown, were Sunday callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ar- thur McCoy. Mrs. C. A. McCulley and dau- ghter, Betty, of Trafford visited friends and relatives here over the past week end. Misses Sandie and ‘‘Jo” Domin- ick of Harrisburg are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. Dominick. Mrs. Clara Jarvis of Warren, Pa., was a week end visitor at the home of her sister, Mrs. | Peter Paratto. { Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jewett | and family of Lilly spent Sunday | here at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Jewett. John Gallagher of the TU. S. Army, stationed at Ft. Sam Hous- ton, Tex. is spending the week here at the home of his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Galla- gher. Mrs. Walter White of Yonkers, N. Y. is visiting her mother, Mrs. Anna Tucker. Colver By Verna Bokoch & Anne Sabo Mr. and Mrs. John Bokosky are the proud parents of a baby boy, born at the Colver Hospital. Miss Margaret Walwra, George Maleback and the latter’s sister spent a week visiting in New York City. Miss Mary Bermandza of Nan- ty-Glo and Medio Orsini of Colver were married Apr. 24 in the Holy Family Catholic Church, Rev. Father John J. Gura officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Walter North and son of Beulah were Sunday visit- ors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Berndt of this place. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Kozickie and son of Spangler were Sunday vis- itors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Zawiskie. Mr. James Leri of Pittsburgh spent the week end at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dante Leri. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Costelli of Johnstown were visitors at the Angelo Conagi home over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. John Scapaka and son of Spangler visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Kostelnik on Sunday. Miss Alma Maniccia of Youngs- town is spending some time at the home of her parents. KINSHIP The southern part of the prov- ince of Ontario lies in the same latitude as Boston, while its southernmost tip extends as far south as the northern boundary of California. Sunday, May 2—Rogation Sun- | UNION PRESS-COURIER Giving Door Prizes ROBERT STRUBLE, manager of the Wolf Furniture Store, Bar- nesboro, which is now featuring a Spring Shower of Savings in a gigantic 9-day Sale. Mr. Struble invites all area residents to visit the Wolf Store between now and Saturday of next week and to register for a chance on one of the five fine door prizes to be given away. You need not make a purchase in order to register. ASHVILLE By MRS. GEORGIA LIDWELL Our deepest sympathy is ex- tended the relatives and friends of Mrs. Emma Feigh, who was buried Tuesday morning. Mrs. J. W. Lidwell and Miss Marjorie O’Brien were called to Pittsburgh Sunday to the bed- side of their father, who was in a serious condidtion as the re- sult of an attack of pneumonia. Joan Gibbons is a patient at the Altoona Hospital, where he underwent an emergency oper- ation for appendicitis. Joe Lidwell of the U. S. Army visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Lidwell, for a few days re- cently. Pvt. Lidwell will report to Hamilton Field, Calif. He expects to serve a year in Japan. Miss Ida Miller became the bride of Elmer Ross at a cere- mony performed Apr. 17 by the bride’s uncle, Dewey H. Beers. A wedding reception was held on Sunday afternoon at the home of the bride's parents. Recent Deaths irs. Emma Feigh Mrs. Emma Feigh, aged seven- |ty-seven years, of Ashville, died |on Saturday near Ebensburg. She {had resided with Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Hanlon ior many years. She was born on Dec. 7, 1870, a | daughter of Leonard and Ellen { Nagle Hollis, and is survived by |a sister and brother, Mrs. Matil- da Cronauer, and James Hollis. | bothi of Ashville. Funeral services weré held on Tuesday morning in St. Thomas’ Catholic Church at | Ashville and interment was made ‘in St. Monica's cemetery at Chest | Springs. | * | John Muir St. Benedict—John Muir, 62, of this place expired at his home at 7:40 p. m. Monday. He was a member of Scottish Masonic Lodge, St. Benedict Lo- cal 2008, UMWA, and was an elder of the Presbyterian Church of St. Benedict. Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Margaret (Hopes) Muir; these children: Miss Agnes Muir, White Plains, N. Y.; Mrs. Grace Brown, St. Benedict; and one grandchild. He was a brother of Mrs. Cath- erine Brown, Mrs. Nellie Camp- bell, James, David and Archie Muir, all of Scotland. Funeral services will be held by Rev. Plummer Harvey at the St. Benedict Presbyterian Church at 2 p. m. this Thursday. Burial will be in the North Barnesboro Cemetery. Mrs. Mae E. Bishop Mrs. Mae E. (Eckenrode) Bish- of Cresson, died at 11:30 p. m. daughter of Charles (Litzinger) Eckenrode. Junction, a and Anna Surviving, in Viola Kane, Harrisburg; Oscar and Thomas, Detroit; Mrs. ther Mae, Washington, D. C.; Ir- vin, Gallitzin; Mrs. Eleanor Smith, San Francisco, and Merle E. Bis- hop, Cresson. Twin sons, Paul and Raymond, are dead. She was a sister of Harry C. and Walter F. Eckenrode, Cresson; Mrs. Myrtle Wieland, Loretto, and Raymond M. Eckenrode, a twin brother. Funeral services were held at 10 a. m. Tuesday in St. Francis Burial was in St. Michael's Cem- etery at Loretto. ° Fred Rumery i Fred Rumery, 59, of Buckhorn |died at 11:45 p. m. last Wednes- |day at his home in that com- | munity. He was born in Clearfield | Co. Aug. 11, 1888, a son of John and Catherine Rumery. Mrs. Catherine Gratton, Cresson, and these children: Leslie, Wayne and Mrs. Alice Eckenrode, ail of Crestline, O.; Mrs. Evelyn Ever- hart, Mrs. Wana Eva Riley, Lilly, and Robert, Cleveland, O. He was a brother of Maurice Johnstown; Mrs. Mary Koptolas, Chicago; Mrs. Nettie Adams, De- troit, and L. C. Rumery, Bacyrus, Ohio. Services were held at 10 a. m. Church, Coupon, the church cemetery. {and Lillian Karp, Barnesboro. George J. Rubis, Hastings, and | Theresa Babyak, Carrolltown. | Edward Moore, Johnstown, and | Annabelle Campbell, Barneshoro. | Damian M. Holtz, and Genevieve M. Trexler, ton. Pat- op, 67, wife of Edward C. Bishop | last Friday at her home. She was | born on May 6, 1881, in Bradley | addition to her | husband, are these children: Mrs. | Irma | Rieg, Uniontown; Walter and Es- | Xavier's Catholic Church, Cresson. | Surviving are his mother, now | { Rumery, | | Cleveland; Mrs. Marie Suhrman, | Saturday in St. Joseph's Catholic | with burial in| ‘MarriagelLicenses Milton Yeager, New Kensington, | Hastings, | Bell Patrons to Get New Phone Books Distribution of new telephone directories in the North Cambria area will begin Saturday of this week and should be completed by May, according to H. F. Keck, local manager of the Bell Tele- phone Co. of Pennsylvania. Approximately 4,100 copies of the new books will be mailed to subscribers in this territory. This is an increase of 1,200 copies over last year's distribution. The new directories contain ap- proximately 8,500 alphabetical lis- tings, an increase of 2,100. There also are 1,575 classified business | and professional listings. { The directories list numbers in | the following exchanges: Barnes- | boro, Carrolltown, Colver, Cresson, | Ebensburg, Gallitzin, Glen Camp- | bell, Hastings, Mahaffey, Nanty- | Glo, Nicktown, Patton and Por- tage. Announce Engagement Of Miss Lillian Karp Mrs. Ray Karp of Barnesboro announces the forthcoming mar- riage of her daughter, Lillian, to Milton Yeager, of New Kensing- ton. The couple will be married at 6 p. m. on May 9 in The Sky- liner, New Kensington. Rabbi Samuel H. Shoop, spiritual leader of Rodef Sholom Synagog, of | Johnstown, will officiate at the | double ring ceremony. | The bride-elect ig a graduate of | Pennsylvania State College of Op- tometry. Her fiance is employed by the Veterans Administration in Johnstown. The couple plans to visit New York City and then travel thro- ugh the New England States. Mine Inspector Cortis Given Farewell Party Samuel Cortis has been given a fitting farewell by coal industry associates he served with the past six years. He was feted at a par- ty in Wissinger Inn, Ebensburg, by 60 mining company friends. Cortis has served as state in- spector for the Tenth Bituminous district since 1942. He will as- sume a similar post in the west- ern part of the state effective on T. L. Aiken, general superin- tendent of the Ebensburg Coal Co. acted as toastmaster. Numerous impromptu talks, all lauding Cor- tis, were given during the dinner meeting. Cortis proudest boast 1s that his district did not suffer a single fatality in 1946. GOOD CIRCULATION By JAMES KURTZ Spread a lot of sunshine Wherever you may go Leave a little in every spot Leave it there to glow. Spread a lot of friendship For we need it much today Make it strong and faithful As you go your way. Spread a lot of happiness Sow it far and near Make someone more cheerful Scare away their fear Spread a lot of kindness For it never is too late To help a stumbling brother And time does not wait Spread a lot of these deeds For as long as you live And you will never be sorry For the joy that you give. | | |‘Driver of the Month’ | H. M. Ruff, 57, of Altoona, has “dri- been named Pennsylvania's ver of the month” by the Penn- | sylvania Motor Truck Assn. Ruff | | has driven 384,000 miles without | | accident over a 16-year period. | Drivers with outstanding records | are selected monthly as part of | |the safety campaign being con- | ducted by the trucking group. | i ee - | | HOSPITAL AUXILIARY MEETS | The April business meeting of | {the ladies’ auxiliary of the Min- | |ers’ Hospital was held Tuesday | | evening in Demento’s Tea Room, | | Hastings. About 45 members en | | joyed bridge playing and a lunch | which followed the business ses | | | | [ | Fri., Sat., Apr. 30, May 1 Burt Lancaster, Lizabeth Scott, in I Walk Alone Also—Cartoon, Comedy & March of Time L o LC of o # of o + # of # 5 + BR “ Be oe oo eB oe ole o To oTe o 00 o%0 To oo o%0 Fo Te oo s To ee o To oe Toul ; a # o 4 # o # o # o 4 LC # # > Sun., Mon., May 2-3 ’ Jeanette MacDonald Jose Iturbi, Jane Powell, Edward Arnold, in THREE DARING DAUGHTERS IN TECHNICOLOR Tuesday, May 4 ean Porter, Jimmy Lloyd, in TWO BLONDES AND A REDHEAD —~ADDED- Special Sport Reels! Harvest of the Sea Base Brawl Harness Racing In My Gondola Fishing Off Florid Keys Fisherman’s Nightmare # A Grand Line-Up of Shorts fo for Sport Lovers and . EE a EE a To SE RR RRR RR PNR | | { Everyone! wofesfeoderferfesfoodeodorlesfoodonfontorfes foo doodooforde Wed., Thurs., May 5-6 » Franchot Tone, Janet Blair # I Love Trouble | & Also News & Cartoon | Seejaegeegoct Bodo} | WE OPERATE ON | DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME ! Spangler VFW Auxiliary Accepts 6 New Members Six new members were install- ed in the Ladies’ Auxiliary to McDonald Post 7503, Veterans of Foreign Wars of Spangler, at a meeting last Thursday night in the Brandon Hotzl, Spangler. Auxiliary members set Satur- day, May 1, as the date for the annual distribution of poppies in the town. The next meeting will be held at 8 p. m.,, May 5, in the Brandon hotel. PAGE THREE 'Ebensburg Girl to Be ‘Bride Wednesday, May 5 | Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Mayers of | Ebensburg have announced the coming marriage of their daugh- ter, Barbara (Billie), to Robert Rose, son of Mr. and Mrs. John E. Rose of Revloc. Rev. Charles Gallagher will per- form the nuptial ceremony at 9 a m., Wednesday, May 5, in Holy Name Church, &Ebenshurg. The couple plans to reside in Ebens- burg, while Mr. Rose completes » his studies at St. Francis Coll- COLVER MAN ENLISTS ege, Loretto. Walter F. Reiger Jr. 18-year- - old son of Walter Reiger Sr. of One nice thing about spring | Colver, has been accepted for en- greeting us each year is that it listment in the U. S. Navy. always says it with flowers. For A Grand Time . . . Roller Skate at * STARLAND ~» ADULT BEGINNERS’ NIGHT THURSDAY, APRIL 29 8:00 to 10:00 P. M. (DST) Admission, 25¢ COME ON YOU OLD TIMERS! . .. _ WE'VE RESERVED THIS NIGHT FOR YOU! WE ARE NOW ACCEPTING ROLL FILM FOR DEVELOPMENT (72-Hour Service) ® JAMES STUDIO FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDG. Phone 4651 Patton, Pa. Che Happiest MOTHERS receive (Jifts FROM LUXENBERG’S MOTHER'S DA SUNDAY, MAY 9th 4 / OTHER is a girl at heart whether e WU she’s ayoung Mom or a Grand. mother. See how her eyes beam with excitement at a pleasant surprise, and nothing is more likely to make Mother feel like a girl — your girl — than a Gift from this sentimental, friendly Jewelry Store. WAIN A diamond ring? Why not? There's nothing finer $35 than the finest for Mother. Our selection up makes choosing a diamond ring for her very easy. : ots in plastics earrings - Plenty of deosnee & ingles hree ed. From tht J iri complete in 2 gift box 5% A sparkling a rhineston! mls nes fo the kind she'll and wear 3 3 5 2 and wear. re. Brow Earrings celets, wear pins, Bra $1.25 up ) Chokers « ° ) 4 4 { q ) ) y you R lated hes for Mother - * Select 2 hen of FCT ete Ya find just the 7 ection seblewacs oo ous Namesi ur love from og Watches oo : 6,8o0r12 of America® : ’ vice for 6 $g 430 up $27 50 up SMALL DEPOSIT WILL HOL! LUXENBERG’S ‘“The Store for Safe Diamond Buying’ Philadelphia Ave. ANY ITEM 'TILL WANTED Barneshoro, Pa.