Union press-courier. (Patton, Pa.) 1936-current, April 22, 1948, Image 2

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    PAGE TWO ale aE n J UNION PRESS.COURIER ll a : ‘Thursday, April 22, 1948 M
Westrick and Louis Rovansek.| He succeeded the writer in the Ind, a former resident of Dysart, | family were visitors at the howe Athletic Ag, Tilrsiay evening
i ion i The two others, not receiving | State House, last year, and in RT and his son-in-law James Smith, [of Mr. and Mrs. Clair Kirsch in [was very successful. 7
Largest Sonera) Weekly Newspaper Sirvulsrion 18 the Area committee endorsement are Al-| his first session commanded the also of Richmond, spent a few [Clearfield on Sunday. Mr. Edward Kline and daugh- (
bert L. O'Connor and Sheldon C.| attention and respect of mem- A days with the former's brother, Merle Kirsch Jr.of Carrolltown |ter, Anna Mae, and Mrs. George
THE UNION PRESS -COURIER Schettig. It must likewise be re-| bers of both parties, because of Mr. and Mrs. Miles Weber and | Mr. Frank Gregg. spent the week end with relatives | Checkon spent the week end am- F
Patton Courier, Estab, 1893 Union Press, Estab, 1935 membered that all the candidates | his ability, his sincerity, and [son of Ashville spent Sunday at T/5 Lewis Balzano, stationed |pere. ong relatives in Ohio. adn
se for the other offices, though on-| his likeability. If Lewis Evans |the home of Mr. and Mrs. James | at Fort Dix, N. J., is spending a Mrs. Vernon Baker and family tn Min
Po oR RL RR WR Tg Bi entered as see. ||1y one name appears, have been | should be fortunate 30 become Hertzog. few days at his home here. of Erie spent the week end at| —Home is a place where some Apr
ond class mail matter May 7, 1936, at the postoffice at Patton, Pa. under ||endorsed by the county commit-| a member of the majority par- Mrs. Sam Mocere and daughter | S/Sgt. Lewis J. Naylor, spent|ipe home of the lady's parents, | men go to rave because some- ME
the Act of March 3, 1879, tee, and without any shadow of a | ty in the House (that is, if the | Gloria of Baltimore, Md., are |the week end at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Al Kline. Mr. Bak- : L
FRANK P. CAMMARATA Business Manager doubt, other candidates failed to| House were to become Demo- |gpending a few weeks at the |Sgt. Naylor was the military es- er spent Sunday at the Kline's. thing went wrong at work. eph
THOS. A OWENS Editor materialize because of this fact. cratic) it is a foregone conclu home of Mrs. Mocere’s mother, |cort accompanying the body of Miss Sophie Gormish has re- rT ——— — Luc
"A OWENS JR. ‘Managing Edito * kk sion his abilty would bring to | Mrs. Munson, who is ill. hero Sgt. Orlando Mann of Al- 8 phie ! Car
THOS. A. 0 SJR uioubtseses ses --anagmg ? him, as a second-term member t 1 h full military | turned to Philadelphia, where Mrs
Subscript $2:00 Yearl pe Y As holed in this Solumn inst | lum, as 8 chaizmanship of the Mrs. Rose Gionfriddo, who has | oof foF WIGH & Friday ay she is training to be a nurse. She ton
Subscription: $2: early, week, party organization among : i » been a hospital patient for some era. had spent several weeks with her
($2.50 outside Cambria Co.) NATIO AL EDITORIAL the Democrats has brought to | Labor Committee, or of the |... 5 Hy rR and expects to | burial in the Alto Rest Cemetery. ha Me ore Mrs I Gor- bor
in Advance. SSOCIATION the party both unity and bet- | Mines and Mining Committee. | .i\in to her nome in the very| S/S8t. John Critko of Pitts. PREPARES, Mr. " lene
Advertising Rates Furnished : ter, still, victory at elections. | Mr. Evans has that ability. He | oo "so. burgh, who is stationed at Schu- Mi ie Kii tent Tho
J 0 > tic person- has commanded that prestige a : : 1kill Arsenal in Philadelphia iss Connie ine, a studen Smy
Upon Application, iilaining The present Democratic person: y r
1 of offi in th courthouse on Visitors at the Paul Gionfriddo spent Saturday and Sunday at |hurse at the Johnstown Mercy Fito
The endeavor of the Union Press-Courier is to sincerely represent Org- hel of oilices in art10use . home over the week end were |g "0 ¢ Mr. and Mrs. IH. L.| Hospital, visited her father, Mr. Kar
anized Labor in all efforts to obtain economic freedom. Material for pub- is ample proof of this state- The House of Representatives |pr.o Paul Demark of Philadel [{¢ ome 0 r. 5 HL nny or gat, | 1
lication must be signed by the writer as an evidence of good faith. ment. There certainly is nothing |at Harrisburg is a cross section hi oe : S Naylor. Sgt. Critko was the mili- y y. ove
e Union Press-Courier gives its advergers the advantage of combined to stop other Democrats from | of men and ability. Only & com. | L08 and Carmen Gionfriddo of tary escort for the body of hero| Mr. Max Lieb visited in Wash- Kop
circulations of two largely-circulated weeklies and has a reader coverage 0 Stop moe! ol me y. y Altoona. Sat. Avth Hunter of Juniata |ington, D. C., with his brother ine
that blankets Patton and the major mining towns in Northern Cambria running for office if they so de- |paratively few of them are out- Word has been. received here SB ur of 8 » D.C, A
County sire, but after man f i the state ; zs ‘| Gap, whose funeral was held at|Henry, over the week end. SUR
: y years of |standing. Reports from the state) i,.¢ A] Gionfriiddo of Brooklyn |S2P: : : .
party wrangling in this county | capitol are to the effect that the Dodgers has been sent to Mont- the Mardon Methodist Church in Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ragley and oF
the leaders of all former fac- |Colver man is a “natural” for | ...1" canada. Juniata Gap on Sunday. family, Mr. Herman Ragley and Hele
EDITORIAL VIEWS AND COMMENT tions have buried the hatchet, |legislative ability. To the many Mrs. James Cuomo and Miss Mr. and Mrs. Merle Bishop and Mrs. Evelyn Ager of this place Ten
and have come to realize that | miners who konw him well. he Kathryn Diehl were callers in i i A Sioston Sent Visited in Loretto on Sunday. got
a sects BO r | i : victory comes only through har- | needs no build-up. To the balance Patton on Friday. ; . . rs. Paul Pavlock of Califor- ...Be Sure... a P
In some sections of the Sounty, | publican Sounty committee Test: mony, both at the primaries |of the Democratic voters of the| g ni ht y il teach Naylor home. nia is visiting at the home of her Bs Safe tad 5 tha
at least, there appears to be bulling to select a chairman a bit d general election Second Cambria District, he war- orthy-eight pupils and teachers “yp.” ang Mrs. Robert Naylor | mother, Mrs Cecelia Rietche of Correct Vision by Re- -—
little interest manifest in the pri-|later on, and it is likely that| "C8 how rants support because of a job |on Dysart and Dean were trans- ,.q son Randy were recent visi- td 3 ig placing Damaged or De- ~~
mary election to be held mext|the present system of co-chairmen ¥ %.u . Ha p 4 because of his vi. |Rorted by bus to Patton on|i.g at the home of Mrs. Rose|, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bitter and fective Glass
Tuesday. In other areas, the in-|will be abandoned. The form of policy adopted is|well done, an Se or oF the Friday where they had X-Rays Naylor family of Dover, Del, were Vis- eciive .
terest is more pronounced. But * ® % also commendable. Under the or-|tal interest in the needs of the|tsyen” of their chests. The project | NAT Or elena Reese and Mrs. itors here among relatives over
the fact remains that there in a | On the Democratic ballot, a |8anization endorsements, geogra- district pe represents ad iy In was sponsored by the Tuberculo- George Mansfield Jr., were callers the week end. SIZES IN SOO
primary election in the offing and| great mumber of the offices to |Phical location is a factor con- Jerent 2 lity to ge gs Soaps. sis Society of Cambria Co. in Patton on Friday. The Ladies Aid of St. Nicholas’ rox ALL Ns
that wihle most of the candidates| pe voted for have only a single sidered and it is carefully plan- ewis Yas NS Tue Et ho Miss Flora Gregg of Indiana Mrs. William Naylor and Mrs Church sponsored a card party CAR!
on both party ballots are without | candidate. But in the second |ned that all sections of Cambria |true to his par Y) Di ® Pp ys State Teachers College spent the; 0 ~ = spent Monday in [Sunday evening in the church
opposition, nevertheless, the Re- | legislative district of Cambria County be recognized when it Sandiiates a yer. 5 on ond week end at the home of her Coalport at the home of Mr. and all. It was a great success. SPANGLER
publicans will have Somewhat of | county, which comprises all the | “omcs 0 making i DO oie Tas ye LA ah ’[parents, Mr. and, Mrs. Frank Mrs. Joseph Voshinsky. The first meeting for the org- A
a scrap in their choice of a State. area outside the city of Johns- | Particularly, this year, in the |leg is a . Gregg. Miss Peggy Haviland of Van |anization of a girls 4-H Club
senatorial candidate, three men| gown, there are five candidates |matter of endorsements for the wie % io Visitors at the Gregg home |. on spent Sunday with friends |Will be held here Friday evening. Auto Exchan e of
seeking the nomination, and it is| seeking the three nominations,5 general assembly, it can be noted Assemblyman Lewis Evans is over the week end were Miss| Dysart. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Dumm of
said there will be some stiff com-| This district is predominantly |that the men come from various! an organization man. Just as |Doris Gardiner of Easton, Pa. | Bradley Junction were visitors at Phone 321 SPANGLER
petition in spots for committee-| Pemocratic and nomination is |sections of the county, and that| he believes and works fororgan- |and Miss Elizabeth Lewis of | - the Walter Kirsch home Sunday.
men and committeewomen. There | fairly well an assurance of elec- |representation would not be giv-| ization and betterment among | Philadelphia, who are attending | Nicktown The dance sponsored by the
will likely be some fun at the Re-| tion. No Republican has been [en all in one section. Likewise, | the Mine Workers, he, too, be- |Indiana State Teachers College. | mt mse n
-_— | able to reach Harrisburg from |qualifications, capability, and a| lieves and works for organiza- Mr. Eldon Gregg of Richmond, | By ROSE MARIE HUBER w
| the district since the early |good party working record must| tion within his party. He can tae re v
—Shop at— | 1930's. |be factors. be found on the firing-line in (POLITICAL ADV.) INicktown to Sponsor / ds
BINDERS in HASTINGS | * ok *o% ok all elections, and he has a fol- T . B ’ L ay a g
for your Spring Requirements || Of the five candidates whose | Lewis Evans, present Assem- lowing of Voters who bafieye In N . t eam In Dboys League °
. . names appear on the Democratic | blyman, a resident of Colver, HS Do iHical CocIsions, x y | A league for competitive sports . .
House Cleaning Supplies | ballot his General Assembly, the| a member of the District Board | as they affect himself, but as ominate for boys up to 15 years of age - . . Enjoy the national
Bulk Seed Garden Tools County Committee has given en-| of the United Mine Workers of they affect other candidates in and Re-Elect | has been formed embracing teams sport with our equipment.
: & V ishes | dorsement to three of the men. | America, likely needs no intro- other elections. He is one of the lin Cambria and Indiana Cos. Ac- Everything you need to
¥atuts EE | They are Lewis Evans, Dennis L.| duction to most of our readers. | top-notch Democratic leaders in to the [tivities will begin with a base- join the team—balls—bats
old car radiators, cook
cast iron furnaces, and
A. Sabella,
10¢ per line. Minimum charge 50¢ | Also
25¢ each additional week | stoves,
RE ———re junk of all kinds.
SLEEPING ROOM FOR RENT 2041 Chestnut Ave., Barnesboro,
on Beech Ave. in Patton. In-|ps Phone 530-M. tf
quire at the Union Press-Courier —
office, Patton. 4-22 |2 USED WESTINGHOUSE Elec-
| tric Ranges for Sale. Also new
1941 CHEVROLET 1!,;-TON Panel | 42 - section radiator, water or
Truck for Sale. Good condition. steam; 2 used Philco floor model
Phone 4741, Patton. 4-22 | cabinet radios. Callahan's Electric
eps rr m—— | Store, Carrolltown. Phone 2001. tf
BICYCLES FOR SALE—Boysand |———————————— rere
girls, equal to new ones, $25 up, | COMPRESSION OUTFIT com-
some used very little. Sidewalk | plete with %-H. P. motor for
bikes, air tires, $15 up. Scooters, Sale. Suitable for service station
air tires, $10; small velocipedes, |or small garage. Price, $50. Call
$8 up. Used and new bike parts. | Patton 4741. 4-22
McKenrick's Cycle Shop, rear 603
N. Center St. Ebensburg. 5-6 | 1941 FORD TRUCK FOR SALE.
Long wheelbase, flat bed. In-
quire of K. C. Rhody, 1009 North
A TO ORDER_-FOT | ith Ave. Patton. Phone Patton
2361. Will call at your conven- =
ience, evenings. Exclusive lines J. ANTIQUES WANTED—Price no
this county. He has come to
that stature oecause of his be-
lief from childhood that the
coomon people must have rep-
resentation in government. He
merits the sapport of all Demo-
crats in the Second District. He
can be given that support only
if all the Democrats turn out
next Tuesday and vote.
| Dennis L. Westrick, another of
{the endorsed candidates of the
| Democratic County Committee, is
|also well known as a champion
| of the rights of the common peo-
PICK-UP & DELIVERY Service | ple. Mr. Westrick served several
Local Moving, General Hauling; | terms
ice, wood, coal, hay and top soil | and
Office 2 | Controller of Cambria County. He
for sale. PUC license.
doors below Ratowsky's Dept.
Store on Fifth Ave. Phone Patton
4152. Glenn Humphrey. if
truck for sale, nice condition;
1940 Plymouth special deluxe, 4-
door sedan, clean car, A-1 condi-
tion all around; 1941 super deluxe
Ford 4-door sedan, new paint job;
1946 Ford super deluxe, 2-door se-
dan, radio and heater. All cars
state inspected, guaranteed and
priced below N. A A. book
value. George H. Lesak, Inc., 722
Cresson Road, Ebensburg, Pa.
Phone 600. 4-22
angle blade, specializing in cell-
ar excavating and landscaping. No
job too small. Weakland Bros.,
Phone either Barnesboro 841-R-3
in the State Legislature,
then retired to become the
has been particularly active in
party work and has been a firm
believer in party organization. He
has a record in the legislature to
be proud of, both from a labor
and agriculture standpoint. As a
diligent party worker and advo-
cate of party policy at Harris-
burg, he has been always to the
* kk
Up here in the north of the
County Dennis L. Westrick is
in need of no introduction. Most
everyone knows him. In his
many years of public life, he
hag absorbed the problems that
keep coming forward in this
cotinty. He has been tried, time
and again, and not found want-
ing. He has demonstrated an
abilty in the State House that
ball league beginning May 14. {
Mr. Gordon Harvey is the rep- |
| resentative for Nicktown on the |
|league council. The local team |
{will be sponsored by the St.|
| Nicholas parish, in conjunction |
{with the Athletic Assn. Details |
f the baseball
i league schedule |
{will be found on Page 12.
* x *
ocd C. D. of A. Ladies |
Hold Card Party Here |
The women of Nicktown who
belong to the C. D. of A. held a|
card party at the Biller Hotel on |
{Monday evening.
| Those present were Mrs. Louis
Ragley, Mrs. William Kirsch, Mrs. |
Reed Brown, Mrs. Genevieve Hu- |
ber, Mrs. Gilbert Krumenacker, |
Miss Helen Kirsch, Miss Dolores |
Kline, Mrs. Richard Lovette, Mrs. |
Darrell Krug, Mrs. Amandus Kir- |
: jseh and Mrs. Norbert Biller.
® rw
General Assembly
(2nd District, Cambria Co.)
| Miss Winnifred Lieb, a student |
nurse at the Altoona Mercy Hos-'
pital, was a visitor at the home|
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Lieb, on Saturday. |
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lambour |
and family of Pottstown were]
visitors at the home of Mr. Fred |
Lambour over the week end.
DEMOCRAT Miss Margaret Bridge of La-|
. trobe was a week end guest at|
Qualified . . . Experienced [ene home of Miss Helen Kirsch. !
Mr. and Mrs. Merle Kirsch and |
Now Serving in My First Term family of Carrolltown visited am- |
ong relatives here Wednesday.
Your Vote and Support
Mr. and Mrs. Everett Brown |
pads—gloves, etc. Built
to give plenty of service
with hard wear . . .
The weather’s just right!
‘em at Western Auto. En;
Automatic Reels
Minnow Buckets
10th Street
Teams—See our prices first.
Level Wind Reels. ........$2.95
Bods.......... As Low As eeu i98¢
Reels.......... As Low As ‘p+ 380
JACK GALINIS, Proprietor
Get the tackle that gets
joy a successful season!
co. .$4.95-$5.95
..$1.00 to $2.98
L. Taylor and Pioneer Tailoring. ; ; h : : r E
Sottile Dry Cleaners, Carrolltown, | object. Cash for all kinds of | 105, HLip azz{ gave mm lesleship on the Will Be Appreciated and family of Irwin were callers
5 t# | antique furniture, cut glass, china. Dr side of the aisle, among relatives here Thursday.
a. Wri: Zipperich, | 616 Highland TO N MORE—LE. More! | both when his pity was in mi- Mr. and Mrs. Bill Kirsch and
. ve., Johnstown, Pa. - EAR. . E—LEARN : i ny s
TWO GUERNSEY COWS for International Correspondence Borily Bul In Majo Ye nde Is
Sale; one fresh, other due Apr. WANTED! GIRL for housework
17; also 2-row potato planter, us-! in good home. Inquire Marcus
ed about one day; side hay rake | Jewelry Store, Altoona. Phone
and Green Crop heavy uty Bay 22315 or 24945. 4-29
loader, used for 20 loads. My farm
is also for sale. Leo P. Dietrick, | BACK Ba yyy MIRROR for
. » tton, Pa. 4-22 . - r-
RD. 1, Box 550, Patton, Pa ror, 3x7 ft. Phone or call at Loyal
40-ACRE FARM FOR SALE—28 | Order of Moose, No. 488, Patton,
acres under cultivation, 9-room | Fa. t
house, lights, heat and water.
re HE a a en Poy. |ONE DOUBLE HOUSE for Sale.
ced for quick sale. Inquire Free-| Located in Allport, along main
man Wile LaJose. Pa 4-29 road. One side vacant. Inquire of
Ys y oa. Joseph Yanello, 609 Phila. Ave.,
HELP WANTED—Male and Fe- Barnesboro. Phone 446-J. 4-29
male. Wanted at once! Man or (TABLE - TOP OIL RANGE for
woman to service customers for| gale! Four top burners and an
famous Watkins Products in Pat-| oven, Porcelain over all. Inquire
ton. Established business brings|g70 Donnelly Ave., Patton, or
$45 weekly average. Starting im- phone 210%. ’ "4-29
mediately. No investment. Write
J. R. Watkins Co., Dept. C, New-
ark, New Jersey. 4-22
turing the famous McCall Dress
— | Patterns. Stop in today and in-
HOT AIR FURNACES—Coal, oil, | spect them. Zanella’s Store, 10th
or gas. Estimates given. Im- | Street, Barneshoro. 5-20
mediate installation. No down pay-
ment is required. For information | HOUSE FOR SALE in Barnes-
write or inquire, F. C. Bardelang, boro. 8 rooms and bath, hot
2nd Floor, 405 Magee Ave. Pat-| water heat, 2-story double garage,
ton, Pa., or phone Patton 2521 in|2 lots—50x150 ft. each. Located
the evenings. tf jon Elder Ave. Immediate posses-
sion. Inquire of Ferris Elias, 1301
WANTED — OLD OR USED car |Elder Ave, Barnesboro, Pa. or
batteries, cast ‘iron furnaces, |phone Barneshoro 570.
stoves, radiators, mattresses, rags,
and junk of all kinds. Any am-| GET THE “NEW LOOK” by hav-|
ount accepted; highest prices will | * ing hems let out. Alterations
be paid. Tommy Elias, 1311 made on men's, women’s, child-
Chestnut Ave., Barnesboro. Phone | ren’s clothes, with or without fit-
Barnesboro 472-R. tf | tings. Custom-made coats, suits
and dresses; also materials. Zip-
TYLER BEER COOLER for Sale. |pers for men's trousers. Mrs. R.
Has bar top; size 74"x38”, 17- |H. Sharbaugh, phone 4261, Car-
case capacity, 5-months old and |rolltown. tf
still has 7-month guarantee. Rea- | — -
son for selling, too large for our | RYE, WHEAT & OATS STRAW |
needs. Inquire Sample’s Restau-| for Sale. Baled. Phone Has- |
rant, Bakerton, Pa, or phone tings 3701. 4-22
Bariiesboro 449-R. 4-16; NEW HOUSES FOR SALE in
| for hunting and field trials. Fee
Schools have a course to fit al-
most every need. We have helped
others. We can help you! Call or
write F. R. Vinton, R. D. 2, In-
diana, Pa. 5-20
Speaker. From the finest blood-
lines. AKC registered. Unexcelled
$15. Stineman Kennels, Lambs
Bridge, South Fork, Pa. Phone
4265 or 4839. 4-22
Has hot water heat, bath, 13
acres of ground. School bus stop
at house. Located along Nicktown-
Colver Road. Inquire Joseph Cym-
bor at above house. Phone Nick-
town 4-R-13. 4-22
price paid. We will call for
promptly. Bonanno’s North End
Market, Barnesboro. Phone Bar-
nesboro 582 or 232. 4-22
income by selling our fine nylon
stockings. Men or women make
from $75.00 to $200.00 per week.
For details come or write to Bud-
get Hosiery Co., Johnstown, Penn-
sylvania. 4-22
rooms. Inquire at Box 242, R.
D. 1, Patton, Pa. (on road to
Sunset Park). 4-22
One large, one medium size.
Westrick Motor Co., Phone 2101,
Carrolltown, Pa. 4-29
that unwanted, but usable, item
stantly place him again in the
category he earned as a former
member. Surely he deserves the
support of his party voters at
the primary next Tuesday.
¥ kk
The third man to be endorse-
ed by the Democratic County
Committee for the General As-
sembly is Louis Rovansek of
Conemaugh. To many people in
this section Mr. Rovansek may
not be so well known, but he has
been one of the most ardent par-
ty workers in the county. Voters
may remember that only a few
years ago. Conemaugh Borough
was a stronghold of Repubilcan-
ism, but today the pendulum has
swung in the opposite direction,
and it now is rated as a Demo-
cratic fortress. Louis Rovansek
and his friends were directly re-
sponsible for this. Two years ago
when Mr. Rovansek’s friends ur-
ged his candidacy for the Assem-
bly, he withdrew his name in the
interests of organization and har-
mony, and with the election of
Mike Chervenak as Controller
last year, Mr. Rovansek was se-
lected by the County Committee,
to succeed Mr. Chervenak.
* kk
Louis Rovansek is an ardent
member of the United Mine
Workers of America, and is a
recognized leader in labor cir-
cles in the South of the County.
He is scurrently serving his
home communty as President of
the Conemaugh Borough Coun-
cil. As a Democratic party wor-
ker, the editor of this paper
(Tom Owens), has always found
a friend and booster in Louis
lies in this Classified column. 1t|
Bigler Ave., Spangler, offers 24-
hour service to the district. A new |
STENOGRAPHER WANTED—To | Ebensburg. Nearing completion
work in Carrolltown, experience |and ready for occupancy. Ran-
preferred. Write Box B, c/o Union |d0lph Myers Jr, Ebensburg, Pa. |
Press-Courier, Patton, Pa. tg{Fhone 3 or203. = 4-18
MOVING SERVICE—Either local HORSES —15 riding horses and
or long-distance. Call W. H.| Ponies, 2 walking horses, 8 fan-
Yeager, Hastings 2052. Reason-|CY spotted horses and ponies. Lot
able rates. We carry insurance | OF DEW Small Dine mules, 43 and
" i i 1s - ine bro
and have PUC. License tf mules, John P. Bloom, Ebensburg,
LOGS WANTED—Wanted to buy, | Pa. Phone 890-R-21. 4-22
hard and soft wood logs. Also |;
sawed timber. J. V. Hammond Co., | GREY HORSE FOR SALE —11
Spangler, Pa. Phone Barnesboro| Years old, weight 1,400 lbs. A
f|8ood worker, single or double.
{Inquire of Gilbert Farabaugh, R.
1936 CHRYSLER 4-DOOR Sedan |D. No. 1, Box 68, Carrolltown,
for Sale! Motor in good condi- | Pa. 4-22
tion, recently overhauled. Tires
like new. Price, $300. Inquire at SHOVEL FOR HIRE — Rubber
412 McIntyre Ave., Patton. Phone | mounted, with back hoe attach-
Patton 4194. 4-22 ment. Excavating and loading by
the hour or contract. Weakland
1945 GMC DUMP TRUCK for | Bros. Phone Barnesboro 841-R-3
Sale. 6x6, in A-1 condition. In-|or 803-R-11. 4-22
uire at Mohler's Implement and | =x ie
Peed Store, Carrolltown. Ask for HOUSE IN CARROLLTOWN for
James Weakland. Phone Carroll-|_ Sale! 11 Rooms. Located on
town 4591. 4-22 | Main St. Hot water heat, bath
x | and partial hardwood floors; large
1946 DODGE U-PLATE DUMP | garden, garage and chicken coop.
truck for sale! Newly painted) Phone Carrolltown 5202. 4-22
i rdiff Road,
$1,200. Inquire 1400 Ce 429 | TYPEWRITER FOR SALE—Un-
: derwood standard. A-1 condi-
COAL, WOOD & RUBBISH haul- | tion. 90-day guarantee. Reason-
ed. Also general hauling. Ray |ably priced. F. A. Beichner, 215
Humphrey, Patton, Pa. Phone|Portage St, Lilly, Pa. Phone
Patton 2371. tf 2-0753. ol
portable welding unit has been
| purchased and is now ready to
meet the needs of those desiring
this work. Phone Patton 4041 for
24-hour service. 4-22
Store, gas station, 4 acres land,
4-room apartment. Electricity,
heat, water. Store well stocked—
stock included. Terms: cash. Lo-
cated on road” between Glasgow
and Flinton. All bids to be in on
May 28, 1948. Right reserved to
reject any or all bids. J. L. Mec-
Grail, Utahville, Pa. 4-22
SONOTONE — Your hearing de-
serves the best. Personal hear-
ing care assures the best hearing,
plus the brillian new miniature
Sonotone “900.” Investigate! 612
U. S. Bank Bldg., Johnstown. Ross
K. Snyder, Mgr. 4-22
10-row, 300-gal. A-1 condition.
Good for several years’ service.
Will more than pay for itself in
one season. Should be seen and
demonstrated to be appreciated.
F. A. Beichner, Lilly High School,
Lilly, Pa. Phone 2-0753. 4-29
CASH IN 5 MINUTES for good
used cars. Any year from 1936
to 1948. Buying for 23 years and
still at it! N. O. Smith, 611 Hor-
ner St., Johnstown. 4-29
Rovansek, and he has always
been favored with the support
of Rovansek and his friends in
| that area—from the time of his
first candidacy to the legisla-
ture, to his election as county
commissioner last fall. Just as
the writer entered Conemaugh
and Franklin.as a stranger in
past years, and was given wel-
come, so do we also solict our
North County frieds, personal
and casual, to help us pay back
a debt we owe Mr. Rovansek.
Mr. Rovansek has always been
of the thought that the politi-
cal offices should be passed out
with some thought of geograph-
ical location. In all fairness,
therefore, one of the three As-
sembly nominees should come
from the South of the County.
Louis Rovansek merits the sup-
port of Democrats at the -pri-
nmiary election next Tuesday.
Lucile Jean Montanaro, both of
Joseph A. Porowski, Conemau-
gh, and Helen Zieminski, Barnes-
Robert J. Rieg, Chest Springs,
and Rose Koons, Gallitzin R. D.
Robert Charles Carl, Hastings,
and Anna Marie Clawson, Mar-
Medio D. Orsini, Colver, and
James Edward Baldacchino and!
Mary Berdomas, Nanty-Glo.
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