Union press-courier. (Patton, Pa.) 1936-current, April 01, 1948, Image 9

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    _1948 Thursday, April 1, 1948 UNION PRESS.COURIER PAGE NINE
Easter vacati ith hi ife and
teorge WESTOVER |Sasien.vessson ish bigvitc and) THE OLD HOME TOWN _tomssimne By STANLEY
d Mrs, | Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Horten| FK fe | | 7 ZH OC, NOBODY S GOING YY) 7 4 a
h, Mr. 3: io, were sek ’ >
Wash- Mr, Frank Born and children, |r, 9% Akron, Ohio, were wee TO STEAL TH OILOUT ©
1 Mrs. Dorothy, Eddie, Louise and Ann, | Mr. and Mrs Donalit Hite and THAT LANTERN AGAIN
ngton, and Katherine Walter of Hastings | a TONIGHT =EVEN IF T
called on their aunt, Mrs. Ken-|daughter, Donna Lee of Fair Oaks |
ent at neth King, on Easter, [ore Jisiiing relative 8 fy friends |
ollege, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Roberts | an hr aon a Ws shin
at her and children, Sally and Kenny, | S8t. Harl Wagner of Washing- |
(ton, D. C,, and Mr, Clair Wagner |
|of Beaver Falls, motored home to|
| spend the Easter vacation at the
Jr.,, visited friends and relatives
in Coalport on Easter Sunday.
naster Mr. Robert Shields of Pitts-|pome of Mr. and Mrs. Murray)
> pur- burgh was a week end visitor at|yg ner rs idl i
of 77 the Spurge Weaver home. hgner.
. from S ye +. Mrs. Margaret Born of Has- |
wr and Mr. and Mrs. Kenny Roberts | tio was a recent visitor with
were callers at the home of Mr. Mrs
—— and Mrs, Joe Harris in Patton on :
Thursday evening.
Kenneth King.
[ Mr, and Mrs, Thomas Collins of |
. . | Cearfield were dinner guests at|
Mrs. Grace Hunter of Clearfield, | the ores ve Mr. and hick Reo)
has be on Y Siting he Te ee Mrs. | Thomas cn Thursday. The lady is |
race Lee, the past ween, | the former Christine Neff, |
Mr. Ernest Kock of Lewistown | Miss Wanda Sybert of Erie has |
was an Egster visitor with his |y oe visiting her mother, Mrs. El- |
wife and son here. g ‘be rer Raste
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lucken- | ® SyPert Over Faster, rants] &
baugh spent their Easter vacation! Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Yingling |
at York, Pa. with the lady's pa- and children of Cleveland, Ohio, |
| rents. were visiting the lady’s mother, | 3
The Singing Meet held in the | Mrs. Cora Roland, and the Earl NN MARSHAL OTEY WALKER LOST A LOT ‘
E. U. B. Church was well attend- | Salley family over Easter. Lrg N OF SLEEP OVER THE Oil. SHORTAGE : - - -
ed and the singing was enjoyed by | Alevia Roland and girl friend of | . Gomi. sos Hi Peau EN WONORATE at. welll dui WIDVED 3.
all. Mr. Milt Westover, and Rev. | Cleveland, Ohio, were week en) > a 1an rigin
Tim Pierce of Burnside, were the | visitors at the home of the for-| ih teas : ;
singing leaders. The next meet |mer's mother, Mrs. Cora Roland. |they visited Mr. and Mrs. Edwin |many friends wish her a speedy
will be held at the Stifflertown Miss Wanda King of Spangler | Thomas. recovery. ;
Church on the fourth Sunday in | Hospital, was a week end visitor| Miss Violet McCandless and Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd C. O'Hara
April. at her home here. Orvis Leamer were Emporium !observed their fourth wedding an-
Mr. Dick Wagner, who is at- A Stanley DELY as held at | visitors on Sunday. Nvereer. on Monday, Saar =
tending aeronautical engineering [the home of Mrs. Mary Weaver| wp and Mrs. Charles McCul- rs. O'Hara also celebrate er . . . . .
school in Pittsburh, spent the on Wednesday afternoon. Games| ley of miemming vimites over the | birthday anniversary on the same Our brethren across the sea are carrying a heavy burden in their struggle against
were played, prizes awarded and|weck end at the Clarence Troxell | date.
RE ——— ici 3 / ; ; . . : . . . o .
; a Id. sale — | Mr. Ben Jenking, son of Mr. and the evil forces of communism; with poverty staring in their faces, and darkness immed-
Clifford and Mi Be B | The next Missionary Meeting | Mrs. Ben F. Jenkins, who ® at
Son, Clifford and Miss Madge Bar- ri I- | tending the University of Buffalo, . . : . oye
8 HOME Yowman and hoy friend, Youngs.|30d Tea Will be held st the Mel fERORg TF oe a. vara: iately ahead, there is danger that the hand of Moscow may hurl them into a condition of
5 REPAIR town, Ohio, were Easter callers| TOUR Class of the BE. TU. | visiting here. : : : . : . :
3 A: heme of Mis. Octs Mo fi whieh, Mr. Blair Younkin of Akron. O., servitude to the whims and caprices of Russia which aims to overwhelm the Italian
B & Crlley. Miss Jean Barnes and friend of | was a recent visitor among rela-
« Mrs. Cl Troxell was a| Bn hy tends here tabs i
4 business caller in Clearfield Mon. | Altoona were week end visitors | tives and friends here. people and to enslave them under atheistic communism.
b day. at the Harry Barnes home. Mr. and Mrs. George M. Toohey
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Westover | Don Horten of Washington, D.|of Buffalo, N. Y., spent the Eas- 3 : .
: announce the birth of a child on |C. was a week end visitor at his| ter holiday visiting at the home We, who are in America and sense the common bond of blood, cannot stand idly
9 Sunday. Both are doing fine. home here. o a 3 3 Re 8 a oe >
The Westover School had a five Mrs. Ma Weaver, Mr. and r. an [rs. Carl A. Campbe . . . .
day Vacation for Baster. ME en Mr Jr. were Friday callers in. Alto- by; we cannot evade nor ignore our own natural duty; we cannot fail to uphold our
r. an rs. Rober aines | nes callers in Indiana on Thurs- . .
*Get money from us to fix up || [and son Bobbie, of Juliann, Pa.|day. Mrs. James E. Mackey of Elm . ideals of freedom and democracy at home and abroad.
2 your home this Spring. We were callers on Sunday with the| ar. .04 Mes. McConnell of Pat- | Grove, W. Va., was a recent vis-
: i lady’s mother, Mrs, Margaret M. 4 reaver | itor at the home of his father,
ke I for papering. paint. ton were callers at the Weaver e . . Ss» . .
3 ing, wiring. plumbing, 1eeooimg || Tonk © Mrs Jou Abel of Eris |HOME OF Wednesday evening. Mr. William Mackey, To do this, all Americans of Italian origin in the United States must make im-
: : : Pr. and irs. Joe Abel of Erie iss FF Teaver of Pitts-| Mr. and Mrs. Ray Beers and
and other repairs and improve- called on the lady’s mother. Mrs, | Miss Florence Weaver of Pitts-| ; i : . : 3 : .
} a ddan TR I gli Rg Bi Jurgh, Was 5 Week end vistior at fhe Buster or, Tie, Sen mediate tangible sacrifices for them, our brethren in Italy. Help must be sent to them;
mediate service. See or phonte _ Mrs. Katherine Gillman is tak- a the home of Mrs. Beers’ parents, . .. .
us today. jig Bvavn lies Poce a deny Mp 50d Yrs fe Moors Jd Wr ani Mims oun © Kris, packages of food, clothing and medicinals must continue to flow from us to them, so that
< : | for Ivan Smith. Evelyn is taking [chi ere we y 2 ; y
NSU AP Wy nlat the D. A. Woods home. Miss Merlyn Troxell and Mr. . . . .
Ai, care of Se hen Ye hat been a Raymond Chappa, of New Canaan they may have the physical strength to oppose communism. Communism thrives on the
BARNESBORO Mr. and Mrs. Ned Westover, Conn, ig the hig io 3 visit . . . .
BT rei Mis Soman Westover an) sons, FALLEN TIMBER $52 9s home ot Wn ani Me confusion and chaos caused by the dire need of the people. Our material assistance to
? : orris an orten, motored re- ; J
F Vv Vv Vs V VN ; : i Mrs. Florence G. Baker of Al- . . . .
a BR Ty ISI ir Tir Sores Was & bus. 100NE E fie Wetk wad Vie the Italian people will give them moral support and renewed hope in their fight to
] o N- INAS - < iness caller in Altoona Monday. ing at the homes of Mr. ahd yes ’
$ Mr. and Mrs. Donald Shomo|Howard F. Glass and Mr. an survive.
§ | and son of Van Ormer visited on Mrs. Earl F. Kopp.
) | Monday at the home of Mr, Sho- anh Lid Of oR Omer ipie
| ' EER i na EC Ll Do you want Italy to become communistic?
§ ANNOUNCES flere : Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Kough on
Misses Cora and Mary Glass. | gq. ¢ gay .
+ sys Mrs. Howard F. Glass, Mrs. Earl | “Np O00 apo yores of Connel- Do you want God dethroned from the altars and the hearts of the Italian people?
4 The Acquisition of F. Kopp, Mrs. Joyce M. Campbell, ly of Portage spent the week end
p Mrs, Gladys Glass and Miss Carol visiting at the home of Mrs. Con- :
Q| Van Scoyac attended a Tegular nelly’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Del- Do you want Italy to die?
F ’ t neeting of the Ellen Wilson Re- phus Glass.
] ¢ ara bau h S Jewelr S ore ) | bekah Lodge on Monday evening. | Miss Nellie Gathagan of Beccar-
) After the business session a deli-| . oe €
g y d | cious lunch was served by the | 9. as 2 Tocont guest at ‘the We know that you do not.
; ) Located i » EAGLES’ BLDG : y iohtful social | Mackey home.
(Located in the EAGLES’ BLDG.) 1 committee and a delightful 1| "Mr. "and Mrs. Glenn L. Glass
; . . hour was enjoyed by all present. |. 4 sons, Eugene and Dwight, o . . .
S. Fifth Ave., Patton. Pa Mrs. Earl F. Kopp and son, Visited TW I LIL Our thoughts must reach our brethren in Italy; what we think, what we believe,
¢ .9 ’ . ) | Paul, were Tuesday callers in Al-| home of Lloyd Gates of Beaver . . pe .
¢ $ | toona. | Valley. and what we feel we must impart to them in writing now and frequently. Our letters will
! * ¢ Recent visitors at the home of | Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Beers ; : . . s
¢ a a LE aT form the links that will keep the chain of understanding unbroken. Russia will have to
4 Mr. and Mrs. Gu sbaugh, | Free , Pa., vis 3
Janesville; Mr. and Mrs. Glenn|of Mr. Beers’ parents, Mr. and o . .
A SELECTION OF FINE WATCHES, YN cen and Benily of Utah- | Mrs. Charles W. Beers, over the break that chain first, before she can engulf the Italian republic.
\ ville; Mr. and Mrs. Edward War- | week end.
] JEWELRY AND GIFT ITEMS field of Patton and Mrs. Ruth| Miss Ruth Lilly of Altoona re- . . .
Youngkin. | cently visited at the home of Mr. We beseech all of you, therefore, to write to your friends and relatives to keep
2 ishes to|and Mrs. Merle Tonkin and Mr ?
) Miss Mary Glass wishes 08 oe, : . : : :
GUARANTEED WATCH, CLOCK, thank all those who participated | and Mrs. John F, Tonkin. io the faith to believe in the future of Italy.
AND JEWELRY REPAIRS )|in the surprise birthday card | Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Wallace ’
shower in her honor. Miss Glass |and daughter, Sandra Kay, of
tdi ed a fifty | Coalport; Mr. and Mrs. Roy M. . .
Tocsivey Ons fngmg wo fits” | Beers of Bellwood, visited at the We have faith in Italy.
> : : i solv mits. Sholh f Mr. and Mrs. Charles W.
| Expert Workmanship . . . at the Right Prices! and» number of lovely Gitte ShoilOms OF My Bi re Onarles oe
Tove OS Tr ON ro] Mr snd Mrs. Can 2 Campbell America has faith in Italy.
Ohio, West Virginia, Virginia,
° Indiana, Michigan, and many of [Zr and duugman, ioe Lowe.
V Av ia ¢@ n Y unity | an Tr, au a. rere Vis- .
We Will A ats Your P She Pennsylvaia 2nd commmiy |itors in Altoona on Monday af- The death of Italy as a nation would darken the whole world and we of her blood
§ -— WE 1 ppreciate our atronage ——— Mrs. Katherine Keith fell on |lernoon.
4 adr & ate Ror a | Mr. and Mrs. John M. Mackey o . : $a . . .
{ | Tuesday and broke her arm, ad, "yim Mackey visited at would betray our American way of life which opposes totalitarianism in all its forms if we
OANININININI NIIP oN ONIN {13 under ine ee | the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles : o 5 .
J i 5 " §| W. Beers on Thursday afternoon. did not raise our voice in her defense.
| Mrs. Janet Shumosky and dau-
| ghter, Nancy Ruth, and Miss Ad-
| & oo . . . . . - . .
|leen Mackey and William Mackey Tell our people in Italy to believe in America, to believe in the sincerity of her
: Pe ay 1lhol
| r. an rs. Robert L. Mulhol- . . . . .
[lf or after. Ome wee Tot human sentiments and in her unselfish friendship. Tell them to fight communism, to
| guests at the home of Mr. and
oe H. C. Mulhollen. save and preserve the immortal Italian traditions of Christianity and civilization for our
‘Accidents in U. S. posterity.
Take 100,000 Toll This we ask of you in the name of the Order of Sons of Italy in America, in be-
During Past Year half of our common heritage, in the interest of our people.
| The naton’s toll from accidents
in 1947, says the National Safety
| Council was: 100,000 killed, 10,-
| 500,000 injured and $6,700,000,-
[000 economic loss.
| There was a general increase in
| accidental deaths of all kinds— ons O a Y O ge 0.
| except traffic mishaps—as com- J J
ap | pared to 1946. Home accidents
$ | led, displacing traffic, traditional
No. 1 leader. The council said
{one out of every 14 persons in P ®
| the country suffered a disabling nN © nN nN S va nN id
OR DOES IT NEED . .. [injury last’ year. atto ’
| Last year's death toll was two
| per cent more than in 1946, but
oS O h 1? @ T U 2? | the council said the most encour-
A A aging spot in the accident picture
n ver au v une- P- gl was a four percent decrease in
traffic fatalities. o & &
s The council said the overall in-
& Body Work? & A Paint Job? crease was due principally to a
sharp raise in public accidents
other than motor vehicles—main-
® A Minor Repair? ® Seat Covers? Home. atcidents. caused 33,0 WE URGE OUR MEMBERS and other Italian-Americans, along with
over J045 3) commie fo 20- ex-servicemen who served in Italy, to write to their friends and rela-
c 000 motor vehicle fatalities. Oth-
No matter what your car needs . . . Our Shop is equipped and staffed : accidental deaths included 17,- 7 3 s i
toh BRIER Mi yi i Ca Yo tives in Italy! — Urge them to defeat the cloud of communism that
to do the job BETTER. Motor Repairs . . . Ignition Service .. . Brakes . . . 000 public (civilian, not motor ve- '
: ’, : 4 §
Front End . . . and ALL VITAL PARTS of your car get expert attention in hicle), and 1,600 military person- hangs above them!
our shop. Maintaining the SAFE, SMOOTH operation of your car is OUR Falls, always among the top| 5 a 5
JOB. Visit Main Street Garage for trouble-free driving. a eal, Fi of “burns, YOUR LET TERS MAY BE MAILED to Joseph Cammarata, Secretary
” De ts 30m | of Sons of Italy Lodge No. 310, Patton, Pa., with names and addresses
cluded three airplane crashes and| Plainly Printed for fordwarding by Air Mail to their Destination.
nd cluded three airplane crashes and
PHONES caused 50 or more deaths Sach,
Eg : re e They included the Texas City ex " Tas
Te 5 RA | cm ne Be oe THAN SATURDAY, APRIL 10th!
mm ARROLLTOWN coli EE Of the ten million, five hundred
i thousand persons injured, 1,1000,-
000 were hurt in traffic acci-