PAGE EIGHT —— UNION PRESS-COURIER ; _Tuesday, December 2, 1047 St. Benedict The home of Mary Margaret Caldwell was beautifully decorat- ed for the annual Christmas par- ty of the Presbyterian Ladies’ Aid Society. The regular monthly meeting was conducted by the President, Mrs. Matilda Lang. Gifts were exchanged and a deli- cious lunch was served. Thirty- two ladies attended. The St. Benedict Ladies’ Club held a formal Christmas party on Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. Jake Bilko. A chicken din- ner, with all the trimmings, was served by candle light at 7 P, M. The balance of the evening was spent in playing cards. Each member received a corsage and favor from the hostess. Mrs. Em- erick won first prize, and Mrs. Jake Bilko received second award. The following attended: ‘Mrs. John Emerick, Jr., Mrs. Clyde Bradford, Mrs. Jim Hunter, Mrs, John Ludington, Jr., Mrs. Bennie It would be difficult, indeed, to forget our friends, particularly at Christmas, We want you to know how close we feel to all of you, and how sincerely we wish for each of you the choicest blessings of Yuletide. McCrory’s 5 & 10c Store MAGEE AVE. Patton, Pa. | WE aeze you Bilko, Mrs. Charles Stickler, Jr., Mrs. Leo Berringer, Mrs. Bernard Swanson, Mrs. William White, and the hostess, Mrs. Jake Bilko. George Ream, having completed his first term in engineering at the Drexel Institute of Technalo- gy, at Philadelphia, is spending cation at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Ream. Mr. Clair Caldwell and son, “Bucky,” spent Friday evening in Cherry Tree. Parents of children in grade school, have bought their child- ren's pictures. Esther Anderson entertained her Sunday School class at her home on Friday evening. The ev- ening included exchanging of gifts, drawing of names for Se- cret Sisters and election of offi- cers. Out-of-town guests were Mr, and Mrs. Karen Anderson of Spangler, and Janet Hunter, Has- tings. From town the guests in- cluded Jane Hunter, Sunday sch- ool teacher, Carol Jean Hunter, Larue Saylor, Barbara Wiser, ULETID : AT CHRISTMAS And trust to offer you Cheer every day of the year. RYAN'S Blue Sunoco Sta. his Christmas and New Year's va-|q EE TE TL 0 0 00 0 I 0 I 3 I I Georgianna Stickler and Adele Ahlstrom. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Ahlstrom and daughter, Phyllis, were shop- ping in Ebensburg Monday. Mr, and Mrs, Harry Moore and Mrs. Charles Stickler, Jr. were shopping in Altoona on Thurs- ay. The ‘“‘Cinch” Club of town had ‘Star at Bethlehem,” at the [solos by Mrs. Joseph Jones. Spangler Presbyterian Church on Sunday evening. Features of the | their Christmas party at the Clarence Hunter residence. Prizes were taken by Mrs. Max McDev- itt and Miss Dorothy Tatters of Barnesboro, and Miss Ann Sy- mons, Other guests were Helen Lowman, Agnes Lowman and Bet- ty Tatters of Barnesboro; Jane Hunter, Mrs. Vern Ahlstrom, Mrs. Clair Caldwell, Rose McDevitt, of town; also Mrs. Gust Anderson, of Spangler. They exchanged gifts and a delicious lunch was served by the hostess, Mrs. Clar- ence Hunter. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Wiser and daughters were shoppers in Indiana. The St. Benedict Westminister Fellowship presented a cantata, Gros] FRIE NDS this Christmas bring happiness as true, as that we have known in our relations with you! 7 CODER’S DRY CLEANING AND PRESSING PATTON, PA. if $ ‘ Patton, Pa. ¥ TO GREET YOU AT , If we could— we would say ‘“Merry Christmas” to each of you personally. Since we can’t, the next best thing is to put our greetings in print. Huber’s Hardware Magee Ave. Patton Fe ; 3 : # # ; 3 ® ” n n ; # A ” ; | # } ; } CER RE RRR RRR RRR RR TNR CHRISTMAS In Colonial times Christ- mastide was the gayest and happiest season of the year ...and so it is today. It is our sincere wish that during this Christmas of 1947 the warm, sweet joys of this blessed sea- son may fill your hearts to overflowing. Patton Motor Sales Co. Park Ave. Patton, Pa. % No matter what the language the spirit of Christmas is the same everywhere . .. in France, in Holland, in Sweden ... in the good old U. S. A. As you celebrate this joyous season in and spiritual companionship with people of good will all over the world, it is our hope that this Christmas of 1947 will be the merriest you have ever enjoyed. Morgan & Dietrick RESTAURANT PATTON, PA. This Merry Christmas is to you. There is no wish — than this jolly old fellow is now bringing to you. 9 Lacue & Jones Service Station Patton, Pa. HL RRR RRR RRR RR RRR RR at CHRISTMAS w And when the day 1s gone Our wishes for our friends Continue on and on and on! TR ST eT ER Eagle Prtg. Co. Barnesboro EN LR DU TR IR TA TR I a With all the joys of the season to you! GOOD HEALTH, GOOD CHEER, and a MERRY CHRISTMAS SOLOMON'S RESTAURANT Patton, Pa. Mrs. Harry C. Ream, and Chloe, motored to Morgan- Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Symons | town, W. Va. on Saturday. | were shoppers in Altoona. The Methodist Christmas pro- gram is being held Monday eve- ning at 7:30. evening will be recitations and |fellow who isn’t going to kill him- songs, selections by the choir and |gelf working. ~—It’s the individual willing to | {work his way up who passes the | George Mr. | ents, Mr, Hollentown John Simmers, been employed at Harrisburg, is |at home this week with his par- and Mrs. W. Visitors at the Simmers home on Sunday last Mrs. Johnnie Wil- who has Mr. and Simmers. | don, Pa., Mr. and sko, of Madera, Anna Mae Sim- mers of Nettleton, and Mr. and Mrs. Geraldine Kibler and family of Owens Mill, and daughter, Helen, of Hunting- were Hollentown. ebrated their 42nd wedding anni- versary on Tuesday of this week, Their son, John, also was 28 years of age on the same day, Mrs. A. C. Hollen, mother of Mrs. Ethel Conley, ill. Mrs. A. C. Britton has been | helping care for her mother, who has been ill. — Mrs. Leroy Simmers is seriously recent visitors in Mrs. W. Simmers cel- THE FLOP FAMILY Y , / #§ Cation < = yr Y HM-BAILANDER'S WORKING LATE AT THE OFFICE TONIGHT= BUT HE 4H0ULD HAVE BEEN HOME 84 Now) By Swan [MOM- WILL YoU HELP ME wv My | HOMEWORK WHILE WATING FOR oP TO COME HOME. 7 OF COURSE, WILLIE WELL, Fle WHAT & "HAPPINESS" 7 HAPPINESS 14 THE PURSUIT OF S0METHING - NOT THE. CaTCA\NG OF \T CHASED THE. J CO\Oy CD.RUSSELL HYA, BEANSY, OLD BOY? AINT SEEN YA SINCE WE WERE. SMALL S~MITT ME, ELLAF IT AINT OLD PETE, IN THE Y EVER SEE ANY OF) NJ \ TUE OLD GANG WW ANY \ FROM GOOD RN \ OLD RS.52° - \ GOSH! REMEMBER THE TROUBLE THE TEACHER DYOUL MW MERN 1 CHADSEY! pT] YEA! HES THE ONE~UE WAS ALWAYS PLAYIN HOOKY FINALLY THEY WARNED HIM IF THEY CAUGHT HIM IN A POOLROOM ONCE MORE HED BE EXPELLED~ BECAME OF HIM, ANYWAY BY THE WAY, BEANSY~ usr EVER WELL, HE KEPT RIGHT ON HANGING AROUND POOLRPOOMS, AND WOUND UP WINNING “THE AND TODAY HE OWNS AND OPERATES THE BIGGEST POOL PARLOR IN THE WHOLE >= v STATE HUH 2 -- BY GEORGE, LOOK AT THAT! ~-- DUMPING A LOAD O' WOOD OL CUR LAWAY! —-—— wo =~ 'N' JUST WHEN | WANTED TO GO DOWN TO THE CREEK ‘A’ TRY OUT MY NEW SKATES! ‘i, ry” BACK WATER PIPE A’ MAKE MY GETAWAY RIM-A-NELTLIES! WHAT TAYA! KNOW ABOUT THIS?--| BETTER SLIP DOWM INTO THE FURMACE ROOM ‘AJ DRY MY CLOTHES BEFORE | FREEZE T'DEATH . easallieo,,, Wha va Na WELL, MJOBODY’LL FIUD ME HE CARRYING IN THE WOOD or RE -- AND | GOT OUT OFZ 'M AFRAID YOU'VE ADE A MISTAKE WITH THIS WOOD Syndicate, inc, World ris desired = Wo i ——— (ye 12-28