Union press-courier. (Patton, Pa.) 1936-current, October 23, 1947, Image 6

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Carrolitown -
Phone Carrolltown 2682 or 4491
Sally Bearer Observes
8th Birthday by Party
Miss Sally Bearer, ecaughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Bearer of
this place, was honored by a party
held at her home on Saturday
afternoon, the occasion being her
eighth birthday anniversary.
The young miss received many
beautiful gifts. A lunch was ser-
ved to the guests after an after-
noon spent in playing games. In-
cluded among those attending the
affair were:
Connie Klaswich, Edith Mulli-
gan, Carol Holtz, Lois McNulty,
Ethel Kirsch, Nancy Sharbaugh,
Patty Sharbaugh, Jane Kelly, Vir-
ginia Hayes, Margie Feigh, Delma
Born, Carol Born, Barbara Boden-
ski, Joanne DeSalvo, Jeanne Blas-
ko, Eleanor Beakle, Linda Good-
erham, Alice Farabaugh, Sylvia
Luther, Joyce Mae Miller, Frankie |
Bearer, Donna Farabaugh and
Ann Bearer.
Carole Ann Farabaugh
Is Feted on Anniversary
Carole Ann Farabaugh, daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mts. Fred Fara-
baugh, was honored on her birth-
BRIDE . ..
. .. Lovely is the bride
who lets our bridal
consultant plan her
wedding gown to the
last detail. Come in
early . .. today if you
can . and choose
your dream of a gown,
wthe ensembles for all
of your attendants and
your entire trousseau.
We promise you that
you will be a lovely
Stocks are at their pea
Magee Ave.
No, It Isn’t! Smart Shoppers Are
Choosing Gifts Now for Christmas
are best. Why not choose the gifts you want
from our most complete assortment for men
women and children?
Our Lay-Away Plan makes it Easy for You to do
your Christmas Shopping Early. Stop in today!
day anniversary when a group of
friends gathered at her home in
the evening. It was her 12th an-
niversary. Games were played
and refreshments were served.
Among those attending were
Jerry Hipps, Eddie Hipps, Gerald
Behe, Teddy Bearer, Harry Fees,
Donald Lehmier, Jim Ertter, Pat
Farabaugh, Eddie Gooderham,
Ann Bearer, Norma Bender, Polly
Weakland, Sally Gooderham, Bar-
bara Kelly, Bernice Bender, Shir-
ley McNulty, Betty Lou Shar-
baugh, Donna Farabaugh and
Dorothy Farabaugh.
%* ka
Banns of matrimony were pub-
lished in St. Benedict's Catholic
Church here on Sunday between
the following:
Cyril Shuss and Virginia Jones,
both of town; Eugene Boslet of
town and Jane L. Dillon of Has-
tings; Alfred Demma of Washing-
ton and Dolores Dumm of Carroll-
town, and Daniel M. Nepa of
Cresson and Dolores Vermeulin of
this place.
Mrs. R. H. Sharbaugh and Miss
Fannie Wetzel were dinner guests
of Mrs. Emily McClain on Sun-
day at the New Highland Hotel
in Ebensburg. Mrs. McClain, well-
known here, has been in Ebens-
burg for several weeks and will
go to Glen Campbell to visit Mrs.
Wilmot before returning to Phil-
Give news you know to us for
Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Farabaugh,
| Mr. and Mrs. Ray Fornwalt and
| Mr. and Mrs. Kennet Farabaugh
| and son, Kenny, all of Altoona,
| visited Mr. and Mrs. U. A. Stolz
| on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Eckenrode
| moved into the Bender Apart-
| ments above the Clover Farm
Store this past week.
Mrs. Tom Owens Sr. and Miss
Fannie Wetzel spent this Wednes-
day in Pittsburgh.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Buck have
moved into their new home about
nidway between here and St.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nist and
daughter, Mary Ann, of Pitts-
burgh visited Mrs. Nist’s mother,
Mrs. Margaret Ager. They also
were sponsors at the christening
of the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
John Lauer, which took place on
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Buck and
Bill Zadai motored to Albain, last
week. Bill Buck and Pat Dillon
journeyed to that town Saturday
night, returning with the Gregory
Bucks on Sunday.
Mrs. U. A. Stolz has been con-
fined t6 her home because of ill-
ness. *
Miss Janice Sharbaugh attended
the home coming at State College
from Friday to Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Emil Schroth and
daughter, Nancy, of Deal Island,
N. J., visited Mrs. Minnie Shar-
baugh and Mr. and Mrs. B.
Dillon over the week end. They
also were entertained at a buffet
supper by Mr. and Mrs. W. Earl
Sharbaugh on Sunday evening.
Attending were Mrs. Minnie
Sharbaugh, Mr. and Mrs. B. J.
Dillon, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Mur-
phy and son, Joe, Mrs. Blair Mc-
Nulty and Mrs. Bart Kilraine.
Mr. H. G. Kirkpatrick of Has-
tings spent several days this past
week with his son and daughter-
in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Kirk-
patrick. :
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Kirkpatrick
and daughters, Edna and Marie,
and Dick Hoover motored to
Pittsburgh Sunday where they
visited relatives and friends. They
also visited at St. Benedict's Con-
vent in Perrysville,
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gwizdak
of Stamford, Conn. were called
home for several days last week
due to the illness of Mr. Frank
Gwizdak, who is a patient at the
Miners’ Hospital, Spangler.
Mr. and Mrs. Bede Bender and
children, Lois and Sonny, spent
the week end with their daugh-
ter and sister, Patty, in Williams-
k right now! Selections
# | present—Glenda
Patton, Pa.
Go Hunting in
Comfort . ..
Go Hunting in Clothing Built for the Sport!
At our store you'll find everything that a good
hunter needs .
are easy-on-the-purse,
.. from cap to boots. Prices that
Make Our Store Your Store for Hunting Clothes
JOE'S Cut-
Phila. Ave.
Rate Store
Mrs. Gene McNulty and daugh-
ter, Dotty, and Mr. and Mrs, Gil-
bert Bulcer visited Mr, and Mrs.
C. A. Burley of Altoona on Mon-
Mr. Julian Burley was visiting
at the home of his son, Paul Bur-
ley of Washington, D. C., last
Mr. and Mrs. Lieb Farabaugh
and family and Mrs, Barbara
Hahn visited with Mrs. Guyer at
Huntingdon recently.
Mrs. Donna Thomas and son,
of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Rom-
nosky were their son, George,
and Mr. Ed La Fleur of Wash-
ington, D. C.,, and Miss Dorothy |
Allendorr, of Johnstown.
Mrs. Basil Bearer and son,
Buddy, of Pittsburgh, spend a
few days here with the lady's
mother, Mrs. Sue Regan.
Mr. John Polites, Sr., has re-
turned from a visit of a few
days among relatives in Scranton.
Messers Howard Wightman and
Bill Dowey have returned to their |
"Mechanical Brain’
her grandchild to spend a few
weeks with her daughters, Kath-
leen, and Bernice who is residing
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lovette
and Miss Doris Lovette of Phil-
adelphia, spent Sunday at their
Mrs. Thomas Liddle was hostess
to a group of neighbors and
friends at a Stanley party last
Mrs. Harry Whited was hostess
to a party this Tuesday.
———— Thursday, October 23, 1947
J. | white satin colonial gown trim-
Jerry, Mrs. Don McNelis, and
Miss Johanna Turensek left on
Friday for Clifton, N. J., where
they spent the week end with Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Donahue. Mrs.
Rosetta Donahue returned with
them after having spent an ex-
tended visit there with her son
and daughter-in-law.
Mr. and Mrs. George Smith an-
nounce the birth of a daughter
at the Miners’ Hospital on Tues-
day of last week, Oct. 14.
Mrs. M. J. Miller, Mrs. Blair
Yingling, Mrs. Ross McAlcko, and
Mrs. Julian Burley were among
those attending the Women’s Aide
of the Pennsylvania Railroad Cen-
tral Region in Pittsburgh last
Visitors in DuBois at the homes
of Mr. and Mrs. Len Barber and
family and Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy
Burley recently were Mrs. Ger-
trude Burley and Mr. and Mrs.
Julian Burley.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Cunningham
and sons, Tommy and Jim, of
this place, Mrs. Cunningham of
Johnstown, and Miss Merriman of
Patton spent Sunday with Jack
Cunningham, a student at Ship-
pensburg State Teachers’ College.
| Mr. Hanford Barnicle spent
Sunday at St. Vincent's College,
Latrobe, visiting his son, Jack,
who is a student there.
Sacred Heart Church
Scene of Pretty Wedding
On Saturday Morning
The Sacred Heart Catholic
Church here was the scene of a
lovely wedding on Saturday of
last week, Oct. 18, when Miss
Peggy T. Puskar, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Puskar,
and Albert J. Matteotti, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Matteotti,
all of Bakerton, were united in
marriage preceding a Nuptial
High Mass by the Rev. Father
Joseph D. Tomko, pastor. Miss
Clara Glasser of Carrolltown pre-
sided at the console with the
Children’s Choir singing the Mass.
Miss Dolores Nedimyer served
as maid of honor and Earl Flora
was the best man. The bride was
given in marriage by her father.
The bride was attired in a
med with lace at the neckline and
sleeves and a ruffle of lace
around the bottom and train. She
wore a finger-tip sweetheart veil
with a crown of pearls and lace
and a large heart in the center.
The bride also carried a colonial
bouquet of gardenias and white
The maid of honor wore a blue
nylon net gown with a colonial
blue hat and carried a bouquet
of pink roses.
The groom wore a tuxedo with
white jacket and black trousers
and the best man also was attir-
ed in a tuxedo.
A wedding dinner and recep-
tion were held in the new Sacred
Heart Church social rooms. The
newlyweds then left on a trip
to New York and south to Vir-
ginia Beach.
The bride was employed in
Washington, D. C., during the
war and now is employed in the
office of the Phillips-Jones Corp.
in Barnesboro. The groom is a
veteran of World War II and
is employed by the Sterling Coal
Co. at Bakerton.
Nedimyer and Donald Schilling of |
Pittsburgh, spent the week end
mott of Niagara Falls,
have returned to their work after |
a visit at the home of Mr. and |
Mrs. Thomas McDermott.
- -
Leonard J. Fisher and Patricia
Thomas N. Bianconi,
and Faye A. Riner, Patton.
William Norbert Thomas and
Margaret Louise Drass, both of
Hastings R. D.
Joseph Lanoy and Josephine M.
Laurito, both of Patton.
work in Akron, O., after a visit |
the home of their parents.
Miss Betty Shortencarrier has
returned to Ridgewood,
after a visit at the home of her
mother, Mrs. Annie Shortencar-
Betty Nedimyer, Dean
their respective homes.
and Mrs. Walter McDer-
N. V,
Greene, both of Patton.
Dugan and Dolores
11, both of Colver.
—No hat was ever big enough |
fit a swelled head.
Don’t put up for another
day with appliances that
aren’t doing their job in
the proper manner. Just
phone us. We'll come and
diagnose the trouble, and
before you know it, all
will be working perfectly
— and you’ll be doubly
pleased when you see
how moderate our charg-
es are.
Open 9 A.M. to 5:30 P.M.
Mondays thru Saturdays
Barnesboro 594
Hastings 3709
The newlyweds will make their
home in Bakerton.
* ¥ *
Former Local Man
Married at Bridgeport
Miss Marietta Donofrio, daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Domenic
Donofrio, and Samuel Recupero,
son of Mr. Guy Recupero, former
residents of Bakerton, were unit-
$d in marriage on Sept. 27 in St.
{Margaret's C ridg 4
| Marg: hapel, Bridgeport,
| Miss Josephine Recupero, sister
| of the groom, served as the maid
{of honor, while Peter Donofrio,
[brother of the bride, was best
man. They are making their
{home in Bridgeport.
‘Halloween Birthday Party
Honors Glenda Fowler
A Halloween birthday party
was held at the Home of Mr.
and Mrs. Glenn Fowler, on Fri-
day, Oct. 17, in honor of their
daughter, Glenda, who was eight
years old on that day. The chil-
dren played games and enjoyed
a delicious lunch. Those who were
: Fowler, Francis
| Ludwig, Tommie Fitch, Jimmy.
[Patty and Judy McCoy, Patty
| Joan, Bill and Joe Golgosky, San.
dra Lee Harris, Ronald Yeaglin,
Diane and Norma Jean Patterson
Dalba and Wayne Cymbor, Fran-
ces Anne Sullivan.
Mr. and Mrs.
and daughter,
X James Gemas
oanne, of New
York City, were recent guests
at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Domenick Rocco.
Mrs. H. L. Strong and grand-
son, Jack Thorburn, spent the
past week end in Harrisburg, vis-
iting at the home of the former's
daughters, Mrs. Joseph Bender
and Mrs. J. B. Stydahar.
Messrs. Peter, George and Mi-
chael . Naberezny of Detroit,
Mich., spent the week end here
visiting their mother, Mrs. Sophia
Mrs. Stanley Kucholick and
son, Stanley, of Kokomo, Indiana,
have returned to their home after
spending the past week here at
the home of Mrs. John Kucholick.
Miss Pauline Venesky, spent the
week end visiting among friends
in Pittsburgh.
Mrs. Jack Dowey and daughters
of Akron, O. spent a few days
here visiting at the Dowey and
Lehmier homes.
Joseph Farbaugh and Norman
Berzonsky of Detroit, Mich., spent ’
the past week end at their homes |
| here. They were accompanied by |
| a friend, “Bud” Thomas, also of |
| Detroit. |
Mrs. Mary Locarato and Miss |
Frances Girolami of Trenton, N. |
J.. spent the past week end here
at the homes of their parents. |
Week end guests at the home l
Fri, Sat., Oct. 24-25
William Elliott
Vera Ralston,
Sun., Mon., Oct. 26-27
Continuous Show Sunday
at 2:30
Rita Hayworth, Larry Parks
Tuesday, Oct. 28
—In Person—
Jane Withers
Continous Show from 4:15
Jimmy Lydon
3:45 to 5:30—Children, 18c;
Adults, 50c; 5:30 to Close
—Children, 25c; Adults,
60c (prices include tax).
Wed., Thurs., Oct. 29-30
Randolph Scott
Binnie Barnes, in
Dana Andrews, Lynn Bari, in
Show Begins at 6:00
Both Nights!
IN LONDON, Dr. H. V. Wilkes, di-
| rector of the Cambridge Univer-
| sity mathematical laboratory, is
| shown examining the mercury
| “control” tubes of the “edsac,” an
| electronic delay storage automatic
calculator, or “mechanical brain”.
Dr, Wilkes said that the “brain”,
which he and six assistants con=-
| structed, will carry out mathemati-
| cal research and may make sensa=
| tional discoveries. (International)
Phone Barnesboro 281M
| Sunday visitors at the home|
of John Castonis were Mr. and |
Mrs. Glenn Prindle, Mr. and Mrs.
H. W. Tompkins and family, and
Mrs. Dwayne Coughenour of
Mr. and Mrs.
George Pollock
and son, ‘“Dode”, spent Sunday
at the home of Mr. Pollock's |
parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Pol-
lock of Indiana.
Mrs. Walter Fryer of Emeigh
was a caller at the John Castonis’
Thursday evening.
Week end guests at the home of
Mrs. Esther Krug, recently were
Miss Olga Rivera of Puerto Rica,
and Miss Yolanda Bulnes of Cuba.
They are classmates of Marjorie
Krug and are attending Mt. Alo-
ysious in Cresson.
Marvel Westover, R. OF
Clearfield Hospital, spent a few
days at her father’s home re-
Mrs. D. R. Lovette has return-
ed home after spending several
weeks at the home of her daugh-
ter and son-in-law, Mr, and Mrs.
R. L. Williams of Millville, N. J.
A number of ladies of the local
fire auxiliary attended the county
meeting held at Lorain Borough
last Wednesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Williams of
Millville, N. J.,, are the proud
parents of a baby girl, born on
Sept. 19. Mrs. Williams was the
former Mary Eleanor Lovette.
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Greene
and son, Bobby, of Altoona spent
the week end visiting relatives
Mrs. Edna Miller who has been
a patient in the Clearfield Hos-
pital has returned to her home.
Mrs. Anna Baker entertained
her cinch club last Tuesday eve-
ning. A delicious lunch was served
and prizes were awarded to Mrs.
Mary Greene, Mrs. Hilda Demi
and Mrs. Louise Constant.
Mr .and Mrs. Willard Demi, Mr.
Fred Demi and Charles Demi,
were callers in Altoona on Satur-
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Westover
and Mrs. Mary Greene spent
Saturday in Johnstown.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Salbega and
family were visiting relatives in
Cresson on Sunday. |
Charles Demi, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Phillip Demi has completed
| his 10-week “boot” training at
| the Great Lakes Naval Training
| Station and after spending a 22-
| day leave at his parent's home |
[he will report back to the Naval |
| Station for further assignment.
| Mr. George Pollock spent Satur-
| day at Kittanning.
| Miss Margaret Kelly, R.
| the Veterans Hospital at Butler, |
| visited at the home of her mother,
Mrs. Grace Kelly recently. |
| Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Shope and
daughter, Mary Jane, and Mr. an
Mrs. Charles Meagher of C
field, and Mr .and Mrs. George
{Tawrence., and Mr. and Mrs. |
Charles Lawrence and children, |
Betty Jean and Patty, of Win- |
burne, were Sunday visitors at)
| the home of Mrs. Annie
N., of}
Demi. |
Mrs. Sidney Williams of Philips- |
| burg, Mrs. Lem Kreenawalt of
| Osceola Mills, and Mr. and Mrs. |
| Arnold Plorman and daughter of |
| Cleveland, O., were recent visitors |
| at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bill
| Bradley.
| Mr. and Mrs. John Alexander
of Indiana and Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Mattern of Punxsutawney were
Sunday visitors at the Les Mc-
Gaughey’s home.
Mr. and Mrs. Chick Falls have |
moved to Breekville, where Mr.
Falls is now employed.
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Fennello
were callers in Altoona last week.
Dominic Lydic, a Spangler foot-
ball players, has returned home
from the Miners’ Hospital, where
he has been a patient since he
was injured in a football game
last week.
Mrs. Kathryn Rizzo has been
ill at her home for the past
10 days.
Jean Elliot, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. John Elliot has return-
home from the Miners’ Hospital,
where she was a patient for a
few days, due to a throat con-
Mr. Amandus Miller and two
daughters, Mrs. Viola Lantzy and
Miss Helen Miller of Detroit, for-
merly of Spangler visited among
friends and relatives here over the
week end.
Miss Lucille Elliot who is at-
tending business college in Tren-
ton, N. J. visited her parents
over the week end.
Mrs. James Elliot has returned |
home from the Miners’ Hospital |
after being a patient there for
| the past week.
Mrs. Amandas Miller of Detroit,
Mich., formerly of Spangler trav-
eled by plane to California with
Says Parole Head
| tistics for the nation. |
{year 1947.
Harry Whited, Jr, is visiting
relatives in Harrisburg,
Mrs. Elizabeth Johnson, spent a
day last week with the Whited's.
Mrs. Gust Anderson was hostess
at her home to the Presbyterign | Ss
Guild last Wednesday night.
Olive Westover who has been |
confined to her bed for several
days with the flu is able to be|
up again. She is a teacher in|
the Barnesboro schools. |
Mrs. Frank Yeager and son, |
Harry Lee is staying with rela-|
tives in Harrisburg. |
Mr. and Mrs. William Falger
and family of Punxsutawney vis-
ited with relatives here Sunday. |
Joe, Marie and Frankie, child-|
ren of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Falger,
visited in Patton on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Feast Jr.
of Cleveland announce the birth
of a son, Saturday, Oct. 18. Mrs.
Feast is ‘the former Mary Louise
Kirsch of Spangler.
Mr. and Mrs. Otis Plouse and |
daughter, Irene, of Patton visited/
relatives here last Thursday. !
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Nicholson, |
Mrs. Mary Nolan and Miss Anna
Fritz spent Sunday in Altoona.
Miss Lena Fritz is a delegate
at the nurses’ convention being |
held in Philadelphia this week.
ARCHBISHOP OF BOSTON, Richard C. Cushing is shown greeting some
of the more than 100,000 marchers in the Holy Name Society parade
from the reviewing stand in downtown Boston. The procession, wit=
nessed by a crowd of 3,000,000, closed the fourth annual convention of
_the Holy Name Society, a 700-year-old organization. (International)
Crime Rate Low
In Pennsylvania,
The crime rate in Pennsylvania
is surprisingly low, according to
Maj. Henry C. Hill, chairman of
the State Board of Parole.
In fact, he says, the State oc-
cupies a relatively pround posi- |
tion in a tabulation of crime sta- |
The tabulation is all the more |
surprising, he pointed out, con-|
sidering the number of congest-
ed, metropolitan areas in the
Middle Atlantic States—Pennsyl-
vania, New York and New Jer-
His analysis was based on ‘“‘un-
iform crime reports” issued by
the FBI for the first half of the
With the exception of commer-
cialized vice, the Middle Atlantic
states ranked lowest in sex offen-
ses. This area also was at the
bottom of the list in crimes of
forgery, counterfeiting, drunken
driving and drunkeness.
It was next to low in prosecu-
tions for murder and voluntary
manslaughter and for liquor law
violations, and third from the bot-
tom in robbery, auto thefts, gam-
bling and motor violations.
she Middle Atlantic group stood
at the middle of the iist in bur-
glary prosecutions.
In all other offenses, grouped
together, they were lowest.
“A law abiding citizenry, the
very efficient Pennsylvania State
Police and other organized law
enforcement agencies can look
with pride on this report,” Maj.
Hill asserts.
County Commissioners have ac-
cepted a bid-of $2,580 for the pur-
chase of a typewriting-bookkeep-
ing machine for the controller's
office. The bid was made by the
National Cash register Company.
The editor of the Union Press-Courier solicits
the support of all the readers and friends of
this newspaper to continue him in the Com-
missioners’ Office at the General Election on
Tuesday, November 4th
Classified Brings
A quick, sure way to tell many that you have an article for sale,
or service you perform—and quick answers.
Study your article and decide: —