Jhuroday, August 31, 1047 Hastings By HELEN MANCUSO Hastings Public Schools To Open Tuesday, Sept. 2 Mr. Clair J. Urich, supervising principal of the Hastings Pubic Schools, has announced that the public schools here will open for the 1947-48 term on Tuesday, Sept. 2, the day after Labor Day. * * 0» Rev. Father Othmar Waltz of Tsou = ) ) EXPERT . . . APPLIANCE REPAIR Don’t put up for another day with appliances that aren’t doing their job in the proper manner. Just phone us. We'll come and diagnose the trouble, and before you know it, all will be working perfectly —and you’ll be doubly pleased when you see how moderate our eharg- és are. WASHER & SWEEPER HOSPITAL BIGLER AVE. BARNESBORO Open 9 A.M, to 5:30 P.M. Mondays thru Saturdays St. Vincent's Archabbey, Latrobe, visited in town for several days last week. Renato and Dino Feretti visit- ed friends in Washington, D. C, the first part of last week. Joe Mancuso Jr. and John Bo- bal were visitors in Baltimore and Washington for several days. After spending a month’s va- cation in Colorado, Rev. Father Raymond Balko, OSB, pastor of St. Bernard's Church, has return- ed to Hastings. James Vitello was a visitor in Pittsburgh last week. Tony Mancuso spent the first part of the week in South Or- Phone 594 ange, N. J Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Strittmat- ter and family of Tuckahoe, N. Y., visited last week at the M.P. Strittmatter home in East End. James McNelis, son of Mr. and Mrs. James McNelis, received a bachelor of science degree in mechanical engineering last Sat- urday at Penn State College. Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Waltz spent the first part of the week in Cleveland, O. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Strittmat- ter of Altoona visited in East End on Sunday. Mrs. Bill Peters spent last week at her home in Black Lick. Phyllis Strittmatter and Nan- ette Donahue motored to Altoona | on Friday. Fred Soisson Jr. student at St. Vincent's College, and Paul Roth- rauff of Turtle Creek spent last week at the Soisson home here. Gloria Martucci, student at the Maison Felix Beauty School in Johnstown, spent the week" end at her home here. Eleanor Baker, who is employ- ed in Washington, spent several days at her home here last week. Ada Feretti was a caller in Ebensburg on Sunday. Eugene Murphy visited Indiana on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Bearer and children of New York visited fri- ends in town last week. Mrs. Carmela Mansuco and son, Jerome, were visitors in Greens- burg on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cairn and son of Akron are visiting at the Jansure home this week. Bill Lantzy is spending some time in Cleveland, O. Hilda Kline underwent a ton- silectomy at the Miners’ Hospital last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Mancuso spent the first part of the week at Conneaut Lake. Mrs. Robert Kimbell of Harris- burg spent last week at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James McNelis. Mae and Joan Strittmatter motored to Ebensburg on Friday. Patty Strittmatter was a vis- itor in Carrolltown on Saturday. Mrs. Francis McAndrew and P. A. INZANA'S JEWELRY STORE... EXPERT WATC ALL WORK GUARANTEED! H REPAIRING Maple Ave. Fine Selection of Diamond Rings, Wrist Watches, Costume Jewelry, Watch Straps, Expansion Bracelets | SMITH THEATRE BUILDING BARNESBORO daughter, Patty, are visiting in Hastings this week. Mr. and Mrs. George Krill and children of Detroit are spending several weeks at the home of the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs, James Cunningham, Mrs. Blair Yingling and child- ren of Crésson spent last week among relatives here. B. J. Waltz spent several days visiting relatives in Cleveland. Ann Semelsberger motored to Altoona last Wednesday. Eileen McIntyre of Ashley, Pa., spent several days visiting at the Otto Strittmatter home. Mr. and Mrs. James Franklin and children of Asbury Park, N. J., are spending some time at the Franklin home in Hastings. Mrs. Joseph = Mancuso and granddaughter, Grace Cacciatore, Helen Mancuso and Mrs. Jerry Mancuso visited in Ebensburg on Sunday. Robert Kennick of Pittsburgh visited friends in town recently. Mrs. A. T. Strittmatter of Cresson spent last Thursday at the M. P. Strittmatter home in East End. Mrs. Joseph Tindiglia and son, Ronnie, of Cresson are spending a few weeks at the Martucci home here. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Valeri and son, Joe, and Mrs. Joe Valeri motored to Ebensburg Sunday. Mary Ruth Dillon was a visitor in Johnstown last Wednesday. Hollentown Birthday Party Here Surprises Honor Guest Friends and neighbors of Carl Hollen surprised him on Monday evening with a birthday party. A weiner roast was enjoyed by the following: Mr. and Mrs. Geo. I. Hollen, Thais Hollen, Mr. and Mrs. George H. Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Brought and daughter, San- dra; Mr. and Mrs. John Timkin and family—Dick, Delores, Mar- ion, Beverly, Nancy and Patty; Mrs. Ida Nedimyer and sons, Wes- ley and Gary; Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hardee; John Hollen; Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hollen and Miss Ruth Lilley. xR» Mrs. Carrie Glass of Fallentim- ber spent several days last week visiting’ at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Simmers. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Noonan, Mr. Walter Fedor and Miss Georgette Chaplin, were recent callers at the home of Mrs. Louise Butler of Flinton. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Noonan of this place recently transacted business in Patton. Mr. and Mrs. Sam McCaulley and Mrs. Angeline Gardner of Punxsutawney, were Sunday visit- ors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Conley. Mrs. Gardner is Mrs. Conley’s mother. Mrs. Mary Bell Mitchell, who has been a patient in the Philips- burg hospital as the result of frac- tures of both ankles sustained in an automobile wreck, returned to her home last Sunday. Miss Caroline Simmers and John Hilbig were united in marriage at a beautiful ceremony performed Aug. 8. Out-of-town folks atten- ding the wedding and reception in- cluded Mr. and Mrs. Fitzpatrick of Patton; Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sim- mers and "others of this place, A plate lunch was served. Mrs. Flora Apple and Miss Ethel Conley spent a week at Living Wa- iIS YOUR PRE SYSTEM AN T THE WIRING SYSTEM IN MOST HOMES CAN BE MODERNIZED EASILY AND AT LITTLE EXPENSE When your home was built, it’s wir. ing was probably adequate to serve a few lamps, a flat iron and perhaps a they should. sitivity and lamps give less light than ters Camp Meeting near Union- town, Pa. Mrs. Edna Hammond has been at her home here for some time due to the illness of her mother, Mrs. Ida Nedimyer, the former Ida Marks, and two sons, and Wesley, of Ohio, were visiting relatives and friends in Hollen- town the past week. Rev. Earl Douglass and wife of Massachusetts, were guests for a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Charles Pryer. Cpl. and Mrs. Elmer Hardee have returned to Manchester, N. H.. after a twelve day furlough spent with Mrs. Hardee's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hollen. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hammond and son of Baltimore, Md., spent a few days visiting Mr. Ham- mond’s grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hollen. John Hollen was caller in Ir- vona Thursday. Miss Edythe Bricker, R. N., of Washington, D. C., is spending a week’s vacation at her home here. Paul Bricker and Jack McGough of Para, Ill, visited here recently. Beaver Valley Mr. and Mrs. Philip Kuttruff is visiting at the home of her son- in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Reed Ross of Watkins Glen, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. Elerich Lynch of Pittsburgh were recent visitors at the home of Mrs. Lynchs’ sister, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Everhart and family. Mrs. Lynch was the former Wilberta Shope. Mr. David Gates has been re- cently discharged from the Colver Hospital where he has recently un- dergone appendix operation. Mrs. Ray Glasgow and daughter, Jeanne of Van Ormer visited last Saturday evening at the home of her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Harpster. Miss Charmayne Fegan of Ir- tona was a recent visitor at the home of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Lemoine Hemskey. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Everhart and family have moved into their recently purchased home here. Mrs. Lemoine Hemsky and Miss Charolette Gates were recent call- ers in Altoona. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Glass and sons visited Thursday evening at the Lloyd Gates home. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hollan and son, Ted of Akron, O., were week end visitors here. Miss Hazel Monahan of Lewis- burgh was a week end caller at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Monahan. Mr. and Mrs. Marsden Davis and son, Richard of Chester, Pa., are spending a short vacation at the home of his mother, Mrs. Frances Davis. Mrs. Mary Mellott was a Sunday visitors at the home of her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Flem- ming. Mrs. Frances Davis has returned home after spending some time in Windber. Mrs. Hannah Briel and Mrs. Louella Flannigan of Mountaindale attended the Beaver Valley Sunday School picnic on Saturday, Mrs. Earl Hollen and children of Akron, O., were visitors in Beaver Valley over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Glynn Each and children and Mrs. Crumb of Lewis- burg were week end visitors at the home of P. A. Each. Miss Irene Gates injuréd her arm taken to the Spangler hospital for treatment. Mrs. Lida Green is visiting at the John Callen home in Pitts- burgh. Mr. George, David and L. O. Gates were callers in Johnstown on Monday. Mr. Ralph Moser of Bronx, N. Y., is spending some time at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bol- linger. Mr. and Mrs. John Callen and family of Pittsburgh visited at the home of Mrs. Lida Green and Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Yeagle. Mrs. Anna Foster of Altoona has returned to her home after spend- ing two weeks vacation with her daughter, Mrs. Rhudell Gates. Mr. and Mrs. Dewitt Gates of Just Received! . . . NEW STOCK OF PERSONAL STATIONERY EAGLE PRT 6.CO. "Heaps Up - ‘White sidewall tires, as {1lustrated, available at extra cost. Here comes Handsome! seeking. Here’s good friend, boon REATHES there a man with soul B so dead he doesn’t relish a little open admiration from the sidewalk? Can you name us a male, modest though he otherwise be, who fails to get a secret bang out of public appearances with a creation as gorgeous as this one? Well, you need only take charge of this beauty for a while to see how much, much more it does for you than flatter your mascu- and feel the spirit of adventure start welling up in your soul. Head out where you can match this Buick’s easy stride against the stretching miles. Route your- self where ruts and gravel can pit themselves in “vain against the flawless gentleness of fluid, all- coil springing. Get the sweet feel of this light and easy wheel — sample the heft and size of this ever-steady traveler. In truth, here’s the sort of play- mate a man ean spend a lifetime companion, lively, dependable, eager partner for any frolic or any traveling task. So why delay longer the time when you can call one yours? Reach a decision now on your long-range planning — and see us about getting your order in. We'll take it, with or without a car to trade, and make equal effort in either case to make your dreams come true at the earliest moment in our power. line ego. its eight big Fireb and see how your pounding. Swing back the top door windows as w Touch off the eager power in all cylinders pulses start with a touch on the handy control — run up the indscreens — Tune in HENRY J. TAYLOR, Mutual Network, Mondays and Fridays ~ THE PATTON AUTO COMPANY 1003 Fourth Ave. PATTON, PA. ONLY BUICK HAS ALL THESE STR FEATURES v% AIRFOIL FENDERS J FIREBALL POWER Yc ACCURITE CYLINDER BORING % SILENT ZONE BODY MOUNTINGS v FLITEWEIGHT PISTONS “% BUICOIL SPRINGING % FULL-LENGTH TORQUE-TUBE DRIVE v PERMI-FIRM STEERING + STEPON PARKING BRAKE v DEEPFLEX SEAT CUSHIONS v BROADRIM WHEELS % CURL-AROUND BUMPERS % TEN SMART MODELS + BODY BY FISHER WESTRICK MOTOR COMPANY Main & Scanlon Streets CARROLLTOWN, PA. Grampian attended the Beaver Val- ley Picnic on Saturday. Sgt. Kenneth Bollinger has re- turned to Baltimore, Md., after spending a 15-day leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bol- linger. Miss Linda Zehring has returned to her home in Lebanon after spending a vacation with her aunt, Mrs. Rhudell Gates and family. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Forman have returned to their home in Hershey after spending a few weeks with relatives here. St. Augustine St. Augustine’s Church Scene of Pretty Wedding A very pretty wedding was sol- emnized in St. Augustine's Catho- lic Church Wednesday morning, Aug. 6, at 9 a. m. (DST). The bride, the former Alberta Kielbowick, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Kielbowick, was given in marriage by her father to Clem Holtz, son of Mr. and Mrs. Celes- tine Holtz of Hastings. The bride was attired in a slip- per satin gown and finger tip veil and carried a prayerbook with an orchid. to make your bathroom modern to safeguard your family’s health Install An ELECTRIC WATER HEATER Mrs. Philip Kline, sister of the bride, was matron of honor and wore a blue gown and carried a bouquet of yellow talisman roses. A dinner and recepfion were held at the Kielbowick home, af- ter which the couple left on a wedding trip to Tennessee. They will make their home in Hastings. . Glasgow Notes By JANET C. KUHN Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Fox and daughters, Nancy, Judy and Bar- bara of Mill Hall visited Monday evening with Mr. Fox’s mother, Mrs. Lucy Fox. Mr. Jacob Hollen has returned home after spending a visit with friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Lemuel Troxell has returned home after spending a va- cation in Atlantic City. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Thompson are ths proud parents of a baby son, born at the Philipsburg State Hospital this week. Both mother and son are doing nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Simmers, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Kruis and daughter, Patty, and Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Kruis and son, Gene visited with Mrs. Annie Kuhn on Tuesday evening. A card party was held at the Glasgow I. O. O. F. Hall last Tues- day evening. After the card party lunch was served. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Watkins have returned from a vacation in Canada. Miss Grace Lender is visiting with relatives in Corapolis. Miss Kay Hollen of Washington, D. C. is visiting with her mother, Mrs. Pearl Hollen. Mrs. Vida McCartney has re- turned home after spending sev- eral days with her daughter, Mrs. James Moore of Portage. Jimmy Moore has returned with his grandmother after spending several weeks in Portage with his parents. the I. O. O. F. Hall Friday eve- ning. Mr. and Mrs. John Stine, Jr., visited over the week end with Mr. Stine’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Stine, Sr. A wiener roast was held last Saturday evening in honor of Mrs. Linnie Matthews’ birthday anni- versary. Barnesboro Man Crashes On Cycle Darold Reckhart, 32, of Barnes- boro R. D. 2, was taken to Indi- ana hospital on Sunday evening suffering of head injuries sustain- ed in a motorcycle accident on Route 422, two miles west of Eb- ensburg. According to state police | § I of the Ebensburg sub-station, the 8 Barnesboro man and a companion were riding their motorcycles west on the highway. Reckhart’s machine apparently went into a skid when it left. the paved portion and crashed on the berm. The victim was removed to the hospital in an ambulance. TURIN —Unmarried Korean men aren’t allowed to wear hats. AUTO GLASS PROPERLY REPLACED B EXPERTS ! ALL MAKES AUTOS SPANGLER AUTO EXCHANGE | Phone 321 SPANGLER | The motion of cars traveling over the steel and wooden bridge at Beaver Valley over the Beaver Dam Creek is not unlike that of a < child's rocking horse, due to the uneven flooring of the structure. In most homes, this condition can be corrected by simply adding a circuit to the present wiring system -- reduc- ing the load on existing circuits and providing additional outlets for small appliances and lamps. Youwill be surprised how inexpensive this modernization can be and how many benefits you will obtain from it. Mrs. Elsie Bailey and son and daughter, Miss Connie, a graduate nurse of the Altoona Hospital, all of Claysburg, visited at the home of Frank Harpster on Sunday. Mrs. Elsie Bailey and Mr. Harpster are cousins. They were very happy to see each other. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Berzonsky visited over the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Parker Scott. Mr. Parker Scott who has been a patient in the Philipsburg Hos- pital for several weeks is now at his home and is much improved. Mrs. Ashley Brink and son, Le- roy of Berwindale, visited with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Larce Landrus last Monday evening. Mrs. John Troxell and Harvey Westover and Mrs. John McCart- ney visited her daughter, Rea Mc- Cartney who is spending a vaca- tion in Blandburg. Miss Joan Kuhn spent the week end with Miss Myda Troxell. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Troxell and daughter, Mary Lou, have return- ed home after spending a vacation in Chicago, Ill. The Caroline Troxell Rebecca Lodge held it regular meeting at toaster. Since then, ‘electrical living” has come of age and you have added many new appliances. Your wiring system has been given many new chores and the chances are ‘ that it wastes electricity by not work- ing efficiently. This means appliances do not give the fine performance that was built into them, radios lack sen- Once installed, you can forget it, for the Electric Water Heater is completely automatic in operation. There is no turning off and on . . . no adjusting. There's no flame . . . no fumes . . . not even a flue connection when you heat water electrically. The Electric Water Heater is economi- cal, too. It it designed to transmit all the heat to the water. It has sufficient insuation to store heated water for longer periods without wasteful loss of heat. 52-Gallon --- 66-Gallon ~-- 80-Gallon UNIVERSAL AND WESTINGHOUSE WATER HEATERS NOW IN STOCK IMMEDIATE DELIVERY! Next Time You're in Carrolltown . . . Stop In and See Our Complete Stock of Home Needs and Appliances! Callahan’s Electric Store APPLIANCES — HOME NEEDS Phone 2001 Carrolltown EERE A bank is really a department store of financial services. It has checking accounts, savings ac- counts, and safe deposit to offer you. It loans money to businessmen, to farmers and to other individuals . . . for practically any worthwhile purpose you ean mention. Take full advantage of the scores of helpful, valuable services this bank has available for you. First National Bank at Patton, Pa. Get your copy of the Electrical Modernization Guide + « « at your nearest Penelec office. Tells in simple terms how the average home can be adequately wired for Electrical Living. - SEE YOUR ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Kee PENNSYLVANIA ELECTRIC COMPANY A, P. ISENBERG, District Manager