PAGE FOUR UNION PRESS-COURIER Thursday, August 7, 1947 Ashville By MRS. GEORGIA LIDWELL Mr. and Mrs. J. Shedosky have returned to their home in Gar- field, N. J., after a 2-week visit with the latter's mother, Mrs. Rose Hincherick. Mrs. Nora Conrad has returned to her home here after attending the wedding of her nephew, Paul Ausman, at Pittsburgh Saturday. Mrs. Conrad was accompanied by Mrs. Paul Conrad of Chest Spr- ings. Dr. Elliott Flick of Baltimore was a week end guest at the res- idence of Mrs. Martha Bercaw. Mrs. Flick and children, Mari- lyn, Barbara and EIllitt Jr, are remaining this week for a visit, The young men's baseball nine was victorious Saturday after- noon by a score of 23-8 over the older fellows on the home dia mond. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Chirdon and children of Fall River, Mass., and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Chirdon Jr. and children of New Britain, Conn,, and M/Sgt. and Mrs. Ber- nard B. Chirdon are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Chirdon. Pete Lesniak, employed in New Britain, Conn., is visiting at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Lesniak. Mr, and Mrs. Miles Weber are the proud parents of a baby son born July 26 at the Miners’ Hos- pital, Spangler. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Nagle are the parents of a baby son born at the Altoona Mercy Hospital July 31. Mrs. Nagle is the for- mer Roberta Burgoon. Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Ross Burgoon Sr. Mr. and Mrs. J. Passanita are also parents of a baby daughter, born July 29. The mother is the former Evelyn Simanski and the maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Henry Simanski. The paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. J. Passanita of Dysart. Lt. and Mrs. Rex Beers and Mrs. Betty Trexler attended the Air Show and activation cere- monies at the Greater Pittsburgh Airport on Saturday. Lt. Beers, who is on active duty at the airport, was aide to Gen. Snavely in the presentation of colors to form a recently ac- | tivated Trop Carrier Unit (Re- serve Training). M. Lois Little of Altoona is vacationing at the home of Fran- ces Brannigan. | ris WESTOVER Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. King of Westover, announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Rosemary Alice King, to Verne D. Gardina, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gar- dina, of Cresson, no wedding date has been set. Those attending the singing meet on Sunday at Cherry Cor- ners, were Mr. and Mrs. Milt West- over, Mrs. Paul King, and Anadene ing, Ann Wanda Sybert and Charles Shaw of Pittsburgh. A surprise birthlay party, was held in honor of Larry Wilts, at few days aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Fle- daughter, Marsteller By MRS. FRED SCHROCK Little Terry Woodsides Has Finger Amputated Terry Woodsides, small son of Mr. and Mrs. William Woodsides of this place, suffered a crushed finger during the past week when his hand was caught in a car door. The lad was rushed to the Min- ers’ Hospital, Spangler, where it was found necessary to ampu- tate the finger as far as the knuckle. He is getting along nicely. * % ¥ A miscellaneous shower was held in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Mctoski in the Community Bldg. on Saturday evening. A nice crowd attended. The bride received many lovely gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Rich- ardson and family are visiting in Madera for a few days. Mr. Ashley Hill of Madera is visiting for a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Fowler. Charles Gardner attended the picnic at Nicktown Sunday. Flo Ann Fowler is spending a with her uncle and ming of Emeigh. James! Taylor and Fred Sch- rock attended a revival service in Uniontown on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Phza- cklea and family of Johnstown visited Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John MacWilliams. A number of young folks from town attended the meeting of the Westminster Patton Recreation Park Friday. Fellowship at the Sam Stover and Betty, are spending a Mr. and Mrs. Notice Of Intention to File Certificate of Assumed Name Notice ig hereby given that William Szuch of 1001 Fifth Ave. Patton, Pennsylvania, will file in the Office of the Prothonotary of Cambria County and the Secre- tary of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania on August 12, 1947, a certificate to the effect that he is the person owning or interest- ed in the business which will be carried on or conducted under the name, style or designation of Patton Home & Auto Supply at its principal place of business, 723 Fifth Ave., Patton, Pennsyl- vania. Clarence E. Davis Attorney at Law 310-311 Masonic Building Ebensburg, Pennsylvania —Arizona produces large num- bers of sheep, cattle and goats. NOTICE! bids. to furnish coal in the bins of the school buildings for the term 1947-48, All bids to specify the mine from which the coal will be fur- nished and a waybill must ac- company each load as delivered, each bidder to include an agree- ment for the removal of the ashes accumulated from the coal furnished by him. All bids must be in the hands of the secretary on or before September 1, 1947. The Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. PATTON BOROUGH SCHOOL DISTRICT, Ellen C. Dietrick, Secretary. —When you cease to take inter- esl in the world about you, you are old no matter how young you are in years. : CLASSIFIED ADS: 10¢ per line. Minimum charge, 50¢ 25¢ each additional week. AUTHORIZED DISTRIBUTOR for Delta Manufacturing Co. and Mall Tool Co. Chain saw for cutting logs, Electric Drills, El- ectric Hand Saws, All kinds of woodworking machines. J. V. Hammond Co., Spangler, Pa. tf A SPENCER SUPPORT will mean a beautiful figure for you and better health, Clothes will fit you perfectly. See Mrs. Verne Kiel- bowick, 211 E. Magee Ave., Pat. ton, Pa. Dial phone 3733. tf, IF YOUR FURNITURE OR your Upholstery needs Repaired, con- tact E. H. Anderson, R. D. 1, Box 184, Patton, Pa. tf LET US HELP YOU KEEP your Premises Clean!—Subscribe for our garbage collection; also general hauling. Phone Patton 2371, Ray Humphrey, Patton, Pa. tf EXCAVATING AND GRADING of all kinds. Phone Barnesboro 581. C. H. and E. A. Snyder Contractors. tf FOR LOCAL AND LONG Dis- The school board will receive |p Most of the 1,800 4-H Dairy Club calves being reared on more lan 1,000 Pennsylvania farms wil be apearing in show rings at five different points in the State where district roundups have been arranged. Mulch Saves Moisture Mulch keeps the ground cool, controls weeds and conserves the moisture and may be applied dur- ing the early part of August to late maturing vegetable crops in the garden. kitchens pint - loi 21 Fal © VERE Ao ANA NV, JUST RIGHT—IT’S HOM-DE-LITE Your salads take on a new flavor when Hom-de-Lite is used. Made in our own from the purest ingredients: eggs, salad oil, vinegar, sugar, salt and pure spices—Taste the Difference! HOM-DE-LITE MAYONNAISE jar 39 Bon Oil Olive Oil ASCO Pork & Beans Gold Seal Corn Flakes Rob-Ford Mixed Vegetables Rob-Ford Kidney Beans 2 No.2 cans 2-oz. bot. No. 2 can 16-0z. cans 13-o0z. pkg. 1b. 23¢c 20c 18¢c 25¢ i15¢ 39¢ tance MOVING, can w. H.|k Keyko Margarine Yeager, Hastings 2052. Reason- print Lunch-Time Pleasure week’s vacation with Mr. and the home of Roy Wagner on July Mrs. George Dehaven of Detroit, 30, those present were—Helen and CUSTOM MADE COATS, SUITS @® After lunching here, you'll return to your shopping or work refreshed. For our food is prepared the way you like it — and served promptly as well as attractively. For a real pleasure come here today. We serve break- fast, lunch and supper, as well as pick-me-up lunches at any time of the day. DAIRY-DINE Patton, Pa. e { ) ) Avoid Costly Delays! Whether your truck gets stuck in the mud or breaks down, delays are costly. We can help you prevent unnecessary breakdowns through prompt, economical repairs. Save time . . . save money . . . bring your truck in regularly for a thorough service job . . . PATTON AUTO CO. Buick --- Chevrolet Sales & Service 4th Ave. Patton, Pa. Jean Wagner, Shirlene King, Jimmie Westover, Melvin Neff, Arlene lunch was served. Ardrey Fergersons, this week. cationed at King’s this past week. | matism, this past week. | Whitmoyer, Joanne on their grandparents, Mr. Mrs. Wade Wagner. | ers in Johnstown last Tuesday. | Mrs. Robert Owens, | ing the camp meeting in Burnside | this week. Those attending the Clearfield | | Fair last week were: Mr. and Mrs. | Milt Westover and children, Do- | | reen Horten, Shirley Barto, Mr. [and Mrs. Merle Westover and | daughter, Marlene; Mr. and Mrs. | Vernon Westover and son, Billy; | Mrs. Ella Sybert and daughters, { Wanda, Jean, June; Mr. and Mrs. | Larry Wagner and son, Larry Jr.; | Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Wagner and | daughter, Donna; Mr, and Mrs. Valley Sybert and Shirley; Mr. and | Mrs. Richard Westover, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Ross, Mr. and Mrs. Mil- ton Frye, Mr. Hugh Woods, Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Kitchen. Pansy Barnes’ sister is visiting her for some time, Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Conley of Altoona, called on the Ernest Wag- Iners on Sunday evening. | Mr. and Mrs. Carl Olsons, vis- | ited relatives in Clearfield, over | the week end. | Mrs. Grace Krona and son, Jim- mie, of Baden, visited the Jake Bakers last Thursday evening. Many folks of Westover attend- ed the Westover reunion held at Harmony on Saturday. The Baptist Church, is holding their home coming, on Sunday, August 10, every one is invited to attend, an interesting program is planned. The Syberts reunion is to be held at the Westover Park on Satur- day, August 9. Wanda and June Syberts, Ana- dene ing and George Horten, were Patton callers last Sunday. Miss Wanda King of Spangler was a week end visited at her par- ents’ home. KEEP COOL AKEMONT PARK @® 138 Latest Rides—Popular Prices ® Boating on the 13-acre Lake ®Free Kitchens, Firewood ® Children’s Playgrounds ® Plenty of Shade & Tables ® Roller Skating ® Ample Free Parking ® Sanitary Restrooms ® Large Casino DANCE Every Sat. Nite Joe Knepper's Orchestra 13 pc. Broadcasting Orchestra 9-12 Adm. 75¢ Special Reduced Rates To Picnic Groups For Information Call Sam Taylor, Mgr., Ph. 3-9370 LAKEMONT PARK Swim at Lakemont's Midway Between Altoona and Beautiful Hollidaysburg — Route 36 Every Day (aie »=; SHIMMING “2: @ Scientifically Purified Water @ Red Cross Lifeguards in Attendance Open To Star Next Week CRAIG WILLIAMS Craig Williams, juvenile actor at the Hi-Way Theatre, Ebens- burg, wil be starred in the next production of the “Green Tree Players.” Mr. Williams will portray the role of Lachlen, the young Scot- chman, in “The Hasty Heart.” This play will run through the week of Aug. 11-16, with a mat- inee given Wednesday, Aug. 13, at 2:30 p. m. (DST). Mr. Williams has been with “The Green Tree Players” thru all this season and excelled in such roles as the Hessian in “The Pursuit of Happiness” and Mich- ael Barnes in ‘The Male Ani- mal.” To Fix Road Near Patton Announcement has been made by the State Highway Dept. that it will accept bids up to Aug. 22 for the proposed resurfacing of .26 of a mile of Legislative Route 11054 on the outskirts of Patton Borough along the road to St. Lawrence. FRACTURES RIGHT HAND Edwin Watt of Ashville R. D. Wednesday of last week was ad- mitted to an Altoona hospital for treatment of a fracture of his right hand. Cecil Wraye and Roland. Games were played, and a delicious Ernie Wagner's truck was ac- cidentally burned in the garage of Charles Shaw of Pittsburgh, va- the home of Paul Mrs. Mary Owens has been con- finde to her bed with sciatic rheu- Glenn Fronk and sons, Mrs. Roy and Beverly | Fronk, all of Williamsport, called and | Mrs. John Syfort and Mr. and | Cen! Mrs. Paul King were business call- [1 is attend- | 2; |sylvania State College. Mich. Mrs. Elizabeth Woodsides of Garmantown spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. William Wood- sides and family. Mrs. Frank Tonkin, Mrs. Ross Taylor and Mrs. Carl Lindolph attended the Firemen’s Conven- tion as auxiliary delegates last Wednesday. St. Augustine Centennial Celebration Here On Aug. 24, 25 Plans are underway for the tennial Celebration to be held onjunction with the St. Aug- nual Picnic Aug. 24 and | ustine An {os 5 The good home-cooked meals will be served as usual and a | cordial invitation is extended to | the public. | * % * | Warren P. O'Leary, assistant |state highway superintendent, | visited here on Friday. | Mr. and Mrs. Donald Adams |have returned to Altoona after | a visit here with Mr. Adams’ par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Adams. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Krise and family have returned from Dal- las, Pa., where they visited their daughter, Sister Mary Coleman. Thomas Sheehan is construc- ting a new steel building on his property here. Work is progressing nicely on the new home being constructed here by Mr. and Mrs. Gust Wilt. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Link and Mr. and Mrs. George McDermott and family of Cresson spent Sun- day evening here with friends {and relatives. | Roy Conrad of Cresson was a | business caller here on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stoltz and son of Altoona spent the week end here with relatives. Miss Ruth Horne, a student at Indiana State Teachers’ College, spent the week end at his home here. Terry Moore of Brooklyn, N. Y., is spending a month's vaca- tion here with relatives. Raymond Ryan, a student at Penn State, was a week end vis- itor at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Leo McDermott of Altoona were guests of rela- tives here on Sunday. Colver By Verna Bokoch & Anne Sabo Miss Elizabeth Staruch is spen- ding a one-week vacation with her sister, Mary, in New York City. Miss Mary Yendzik of Connec- ticut , who is visiting with her | parents, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Yen- | dzik, is leaving for Kansas City, where she will visit her sister, { Mrs. Ralph Engle. Mr. James Leri of Pittsburgh spent a few days visiting at the home of his parents, Mr. and | Mrs. Dante Leri. ) Miss Margaret Dropp of Heil- | wood spent a few days visiting | at the home of Mr. and Mrs. | Michael Semko. Mr. and Mrs. Orian Speicher | of Johnstown were visiting at | the home of Mrs. Nancy Ber- | kosky on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Ball and Pat Ball were recent callers at home of Mr. and Mrs. Gib Lewis of Amsbry. Mrs. Mary Mangold . Passes Away Friday Mrs. Mary Mangold, 78, of Car- rolltown passed away at 2:20 p. m. last Friday at her home. She was born in Kersey, Pa., on Nov. 2, 1869, a daughter of Adam and Catherine Miller, and had lived in Carrolltown for the past 30 years. She was the widow of Albert Mangold, who died about 12 years ago. Surviving are children: Kathryn, Carrolltown; Joseph, Ebensburg; Edward and Gertrude, both of Carrolltown; Albert, Abescon, N. J.; Francis, Carrolltown, and one brother, An- thony Miller, Confer, N. X. She was a member of St. Bene- dict’'s Catholic Church, where fu- neral services were held with a Requiem High Mass at 9 a. m. on Monday. Burial was in the church cemetery. the following ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT | Mr. Fay Lewis announces the | engagement of his daughter, Miss | Roberta (Bertie) Lewis of West- lover, to Mr. Donald J. Weak- land of Patton. | Grapes Need Spray Powdery mildew and brown rot on grapes can be controlled by using bordeaux sprays, ac- cording to A. H. Bauer, exten- {sion plant pathologist at Penn- and dresses, also materials; al- terations on men’s, women’s and children’s clothing, with or without fittings; clothing made over. Fur coat alterations a spe- cialty. Mrs. R. H. Sharbaugh, Carrolltown. Dial 4261. USE THE BEST CONCRETE Blocks, those that will last a lifetime. Ours are constructed with the best materials in our up-to-date plant. Many uses, including foundations and walls for buildings. They're economi- cal, too! Phone Barnesboro 520 or call at the Spangler Concrete & Supply Co., Spangler. tf FOR SALE—2 hot water tanks and pipes, 35 gal. each; oil stove and bucket-a-day stove, cheap. Mrs. Amelia Agypt Patton. Phone 2811. 8-7 1937 PLYMOUTH SPORT COUPE FOR SALE—Recently over- hauled; also fresh Guernsey cow. J. S. Ansley, R. D. 1, Box 76, Patton, Pa. (former Her- man Dishart farm). BABY CARRIAGE FOR SALE— Black leather, collapsible, like new. Inquire at 111 Mellon Ave. in Patton. LAWNMOWERS SHARPENED and repaired. Reasonable prices. We guarantee satisfaction. Heng range for sale. Black ahd white | ry Hofer, 602 Magee Ave., Pat- ton. Phone 3383. tf HEATING STOVE FOR SALE— In good condition, reasonably priced. Inquire of Mrs. G. Mc- Kinney, Box 47, Ashville. 8-14 BICYCLE REPAIR WORK —If your bicycle needs repaired, painted or generall tuned up, contact Eddie Donahue, Jr., 512 Palmer Ave. Patton. Phone Patton 3291. tf SWEEPER REPAIRING—Brush- es and parts for all makes. We call for and deliver. New and rebuilt sweepers for sale at rea- sonable prices, guaranteed for 1 year. Glen Sybert, 405 Beech Ave., Dial 2733, Patton. tf 100-LB. ICE REFRIGERATOR for Sale! White glass lined, in first-class condition; will sell tf | tf | day desired. able rates. We carry insurance and have P.U.C. License. tf | ACETYLENE WELDING Outfit | for Sale. Complete. Practically new, used but very little. In- quire of Chester Strayer, Flin- ton, Pa. Phone 23-R-11 Glas- | gow. tf | LOT FOR SALE On Main Street in Carrolltown. Also barn for | sale; contains enough rough { lumber to build a large house. | Inquire of Oliver F. Stolz, Car- | rollitown. Phone 4542. 7-31 MORE VALUE — Every garment cut by hand, assuring perfect fit. | Great Western Tailoring Co., | | Chicago 7, Ill. Represented by T J. K. Killion, Irvona, Pa. IT COUNTS UP FAST WHEN YOU SAVE ON EVERY LOAF EE large sliced loaf —— Fresh Longer ASCO Vienna Bread 12¢ ASCO Sandwich Bread us 13c Large Loaf HOT AIR FURNACES—Coal, oil, or gas. Estimates given. Imme- | diate installation. No down pay- ment is required. Terms easily | arranged. For information write | or inquire, F. C. Bardelang, 2nd | floor, 405 Magee Avenue, Pat- | ton, Pa., or phone evenings, at | Patton 2521. 8-7 | | HOME BAKED PIES—I will bake | | pies as ordered every week or | Mrs. Nettie Mer- | 8-7 | riman, Phone Patton 3865. | DUTCH OVEN GLOW MAID Coal | enamel; in excellent condition, | very good baker. Mrs. John Sin- | gel, R. D. 1, Box'242, Patton, Pa. 8-7 LARGE HOUSE, GARAGE and 6 Lots for Sale—Located in Hastings. For further informa- tion call Joe Mancuso, Hast- ings 5201. -7 WOOD FOR SALE —In stove lengths. $8.00 per load. Phone Barnesboro 472-R for prompt delivery. 8-14 WANTED — Two room, kitchen and bedroom and bath by an elderly couple, if possible as soon as we can get it. Mr. and Mrs. | Lawrence Kline, 815 Palmer Avenue, Patton, Pa. DODGE 1940 U-PLATE DUMP truck for sale. New inspection, | for $16. Inquire at 501 Fifth Ave., Patton. 8-14 | NEW WESTINGHOUSE Electric | Sewing Machine for Sale. Cab- | inet model. Phone Ebensburg | 888-R-11. -21 | | 1935 PONTIAC 4-DOOR SEDAN | for Sale; New tires and motor recently overhauled. Inquire at| 225 Magee Ave., Patton. Phone | Patton 3742. 8-21 LOST—BLACK PATENT Leather | Bag containing cash and val- uahle papers and keys. Finder | will be well rewarded by re-| turning to the Union Press- Courier, Patton, Pa. 8-21 | inet, heater and defroster. Phone | Patton 3572. 8-21 | 1937 FORD 15,-TON PICK-UP | truck, latest inspection sticker, | for sale or trade on a 1937 | Chervolet car. For Sale: Table | and four chairs, $7; baby car-| riage, $8; large kitchen cab- | $12; large oil stove, $25; breakfast nook and cupboard | plus many other household | items. Inquire at: Mrs. A. Ho- | fer, 415 Palmer Ave. Patton, Pa. -7 HAMP ROCK PULLETS for Sale 5 and one-half pounds, ready to | lay. $2.50 each. M. A. McNulty, | Dysart R. D,, Pa. 8-21 | LOT FOR SALE On Main Street in Carrolltown. Also barn for | sale; contains enough rough | lumber to build a large house. | Inquire of Oliver F. Stolz, Car- rolltown. Phone 4542. 11 8-71 these days. But you'll find it h The price is right, too! Main Street A good collection of genuine Cinderella Frocks is hard to find Cinderella’s “Magic Touch” in the deep hems, fine detail work, famous fabrics that “take” a lot of laundering and love it. Sizes 3 to 14 $495 to $395 FANNIE C. BRICK DWELLING, PATTON, | for Sale! Fronting 65 feet on | Fifth Ave. Hot water heat, | bath, double garage. Inquire of | C. L. Kelly, 231 Ramsey Ave. Chambersburg, Pa. 8-21 ere all right, if you hurry! See WETZEL Carrolltown SPARKLING FRESH PRODUCE Tree-Ripened Elberta Freestone Buy a Bushel Peaches 4 1 28¢c rx $9.89 Canning Maryland Jumbo New Crop Sweet Cantaloupes* 2° I15¢ | Potatoes 2 Solid Ripe SLICING TOMATOES 2... 19¢ Crisp Iceberg Lettuce &. 2 ,... 25¢ U. §. No. 1 NEW POTATOES peck §OC LA IIE EE 1 OO Ivory Flakes CAMAY For All Fine Washables TOILET SOAP 14° 5533 | oe 90 [of] IVORY SOAP | IVORY SOAP 99 44/100 Pure For a Safer Complexion med. vr 10° 2 = 31° ARMOUR’S TREET Made from Selected Pork Shoulder Meat ARMOUR’S CHILI CON CARNE Deviled Ham °% 18¢c | Sausage V"™* “2 {6¢ can CRISCO DREFT Marvelous Suds Discovery 8%1-03. Vegetable Shortening pkg. 31° 42¢ ..s1n BLACK FLAG FILET LAL Inseet Spray t. Pe 23¢ INSECT POWDER | EO Ibs. 19¢ ® California Bartlett Pears 2... 29¢ med. large pkg. pkg. large bars 12-02. 1b. can qt. vot. 45€ ke. 10€ Headquarters for Canning Needs MASON JARS | Jar Rings "09 2 79¢ | 2 un 15¢ doz. doz. ASCO Cider Vinegar 5% 63c SAVE ON ACME MEATS Fresh Rib 49¢c Pork Loins =: Fresh- Full- Killed Dressed LOIN END ~ 1b. 55¢ Frying Chickens w. 59¢ Cooked Ready-to-Eat Smoked Boneless PICNICS HAMS ANKE: 4% | Nowwe ™ 09* Short Rib * Beef ,, 36¢ | Chipped Ham } ,, 3c Shoulder Roast "' 49¢ | Bulk Pure Lard ,, 23¢ Shoulder Roast “*};° 48¢ Pork Liver w. 29 mes= | ONG ISLAND DUCKLINGS =, .. 35¢ "CLOBING AUGUST 9, 1947.