Union press-courier. (Patton, Pa.) 1936-current, July 24, 1947, Image 5

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Ne Wed Aug. 2
Thursday, July 24, 1947
Clearfield Furs
. . . First Showing, Monday and Tuesday, July 28th and 29th
PAGE 2 and PAGE 5
Around Patto
Patton Girl Weds [Fiver sss shies. Somme
Cleveland Man
| town,
Her fiance was graduated from
St. George's Church was the |
scene of a beautiful wedding on |
| Patton High School. He was dis-
| charged from the Army last Feb-
Saturday morning, July 32 at 9
o'clock when Miss Marie Petrun-
yak, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Escaped Death
Joseph Petrunyak of 221 High-| Leroy Luther of Patton nar-
land Ave, Patton, became the rowly escaped death last. Thurs-
bride of Ernest Paul Fejes, son day afternoon when the ground
of Michael Fejes of Cleveland, O.| on" which he was standing near
Rev. Father Basil Balko, OSB,'the Patton Clay Manufacturing
pastor, officiated and sang the | Company gave away. Mr. Luther,
Nuptial High Mass which follow- |who is employed by the Clay
ed. Company, was fixing a water
The bride, given in marriage by | pipe that takes care of the wa-
her father, wore a gown of white ter that gushes up from a mine,
satin ‘trimmed with lace and a when he felt the earth give.
veil with a long train and carried When he began to sink he
a bouquet of white roses and|grabbed a 24-inch water pipe and
lilies. clung to it.
Miss Dorothy Petrunyak, sister | He then climbed to safety. The
of the bride, was maid of honor. |cave-in was approximately 100
She wore an aqua marquisette | feet deep and 8 feet wide.
gown and carried a bouquet of | Max Gill and Gust Warner
red roses. Albert Petrunyak, bro- stood near by but were unable
ther of the bride, was best man. [to help Mr. Luther. The cave-in
A wedding breakfast and din-|gave very little warning.
ner were served at the home of | oF %
the bride's parents. The following | 3 3 .
out-of-town people attended tne | Camping Trip Held
dinner: Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence| A camping trip held at the
Landberg and son, Robert Fejes Presbyterian Camp Farm near
and friend, Mrs. Sue Chureila, |Jénnerstown was attended by
John Churella and Dorothy Pet-number of people from this dis-
runyak, all of Cleveland, Mr. and | trict over the weekend. Those at-
Mrs. Joseph Petrunyak and Joey | tending were James Symons, the
Petrunyak, Lock Haven, and Fred | moderator for St. Benedict, Lor-
Petrunyak, student at Penn State | Taine Loe Shirley Braglon, vi
College. {ial Rl
After a short wedding trip, the| Shirley Malloy, Edward White,
couple will reside in Cleveland,| = =
where the groom is employed. SALLY'S SALLIES
Patton” Girl ~~ aC
Phone Mrs, Callahan
Dial 2652
Union Press-Courier
Dial 8161
Local Man Narrowly
Miss Helen Delrose Gooderham, |
Patton’: R. D., will become the|
bride of James Patrick Illig, 102
Hillcrest .pve., Southmont, at a|
single-ring | ceremony at 9 a. m.|
Saturday, August 2, in St. Bene-|
dict’'s Catholic Church, Carroll-|
The bride-to-be is a daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Good- |
erham of Patton R. D. Mr.
Gooderham is a veteran employe
of the bureau of’, foods and chem-
istry of the state Department of
Agriculture. Mr. Illig is a son|
of Mr. and Mrs. Herman A. Illig, |
Southmont. |
A dinner will be served in the]
home of the bride. After a|
7, 3 ¥
honeymoon to the East Coast, the]
couple will reside in Johnstown. |
1947, King Features Syndicate, fae, World Aghts seserved.
“Fight him, Terry! He can't give
you any more black eyes!”
Mueh Lower
Last Year
Miss Gooderham is a graduate
of Patton High School and at-
tended <Cambria-Rowe Business
Finest Chekiang
You'll love the dramatic versions
of our August feature, America’s
new fur favorite. Clearfield has
imported a rare collection of se-
lect Chekiangs (silkier than most
Chinese Lambs) and worked them
into brilliant 1947-48 fashion-
ideas. They are destined for suc-
cess because you want real dis-
tinction at low cost. That’s where
Clearfield’s factory-direct~to-you
policy works wonders for your
budget. Only Clearfield can offer
such fine quality Chekiang Lambs
at this low price.
Other Fine Furs . . . 19800 to 495000¢
Convenient Terms
Use Our
Lagaway Plan
Monday and Tuesday,
July 28-29
In Patton, CLEARFIELD FURS are Exclusive
Bud Bradford, Melvin Anderson Mrs. Ted Letak and children of
and Bob Hunter, all of St. Bene- | Detroit, Mich., are spending sev-
dict; Thelma Rose Caldwell, Car-|eral weeks with Mrs. Letak's pa-
ole Ann Protzeller, Mary Wesner | rents. Mr. and Mrs. John McClos-
and Marmie Cramer, all of key
Spangler; Mary Lou Leadbetter! Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dumm and fa-
and Mary Jo Clark of Barnes-| mily of Swissvale, spent the week
boro, Thomas Francis, who is dis-| end at the home of the former's
| two-week vacation with his
| brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and
| Mrs. Carl Durbin.
By Verna Bokoch & Anne Sabo
———————— 1
Mr. and Mrs. Allie Ball visited |
relatives in Amsbry recently.
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Timko_and |
family, Mrs. Anna Kosdrosky and |
a were: July 7,
trict moderator and Louise Cray
of Colver and Ralph Wilkison,
moderator of Patton, George
Swisher, Terry Wilkison and
John Irvin Barnard of Patton.
Advisors and cooks for the trip
were Rev. Emerson Washburn of
Spangler, Telford Saylor of St.
Benedict and Mrs. Martha Wil-
kinson and Mrs. Norman Swisher
of Patton.
Dr. and Mrs. E. P. Cooper are
vacationing this week in Philadel-
phia and Atlantic City. Dr. Coop-
er attended a dental conventiin in
Philadelphia on Monday, Tuesday
and Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs.
North Arlington, N. J., visited re-
cently with Mr. and Mrs. Anth-
ony Brinzo of Terra Cotta Ave.
Francis Nedock, seaman
has returned to Norfolk, Va.
after spending a seven-day leave
with his mother, Mrs. G. Nedock.
Steve Brinzo is spending the
summer months with his brother-
in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs.
Gus Baatz of North Arlington,
New Jersey.
Miss Louise Berdosky has re-
| with home after a week's visit
with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and
Mrs. William Kress of Pittsburgh.
The winners in the new rug
club started by the P. O. of A.
7, Mrs. Gordon Kirk-
patrick; July 14, Mae Gregory;
July 21, Esther Coder.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert McConnell
of this place spent Sunday in
Henry Morgan, who has been
a patient in the Spangler Hos-
Mrs. Jennie Shunkwiler: who
has been a patient in the Spang-
ler Hospital for 11 weeks is re-
ported as just about the same.
Word has been received by
Mrs. Norman Swisherd of the
death of her uncle, Mr. Peter
Maffitt of Clariton, Pa.
Mrs. Charles Adams and grand-
daughter, Phyllis Ann Noonan,
left last Friday for Massalion, O.,
and Detroit, Mich. They will
spend two weeks with Mrs. Ad-
ams’ daughter, Mrs. Doris Steve,
in Detroit and her son and
daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. H.
C. Barnett in Massalion.
and Mothers who chaperoned
the Patton High School Band to
Philipsburg Monday were: Mrs.
Omer Wharton, Mrs. Leroy Lu-
ther, Mrs. Fred McCann,
Kenneth Rhody, Mrs. Russel
Little and Mrs.
Mrs. Fred Waugh and Mrs.
Josephine Hite of Carrolltown,
left last Friday for Baltimore,
Mr., where they attended the fu-
neral of their niece, Mrs. Thelma
(Thies) Solo, Saturday morning,
Mrs. Solo was formerly from this
Miss Betty Weakland, daughter
of Mrs. Mary Weakland, arrived
home last week after serving two
years at the Embassy
Panama Canal Zone. She sailed
from Panama on the S. S. Chris-
tabal and arrived in New York
month vacation at her home she
will leave for a two-year assign-
ment at the Embassy at Rome.
“Billy” Weakland, student at
University of Pennsylvania, Phil-
adelphia, spent the weekend at
the home of her mother, Mrs.
Mary Weakland.
parade at Philipsburg this Thurs-
day evening at 6:30. The band
will also participate in a parade
7 o'clock.
The Holy Name Society of St.
Mary’s Church and their families
| will hold a basket picnic at the
i Patton Recreation Park this Sun-
| day, July 27.
A special meeting of the Ladies
Auxiliary of the V. F. W. will be
held Thursday, July 31, at 7:30
members are urged to attend.
Mrs. P. J. Yeckley and son
Wilbur and daughter Lorraine of
Patton R. D., and Robert Holtz
of Cleveland, O., returned home
after a week visit with Mrs.
Yeckley’s son-in-law and daugh-
ter, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kenny
at Phildelphia. :
Mr. and Mrs. Clair J. Anstead
and children, Paul and Johanna
of Youngstown, O., spent
past week visiting the former's
mother, Mrs. N. Anstead.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bender
and son, Donald, of Dearborn
Mich, are spending this 4
with the former's mother,
Josephine Bender.
Mrs. Leo O’Brien and Mrs.
Long returned home Sunday
night after attending the 23rd
Encampment of the Veterans of
Foreign Wars in Harrisburg. Mrs.
Long’s daughter, Aliene, who is
employed in Philadelphia, spent
the week enl with her mother
in Harrisburg.
The winners of the American
Legion Auxiliary bedspread club
for the weeks of July 28 and
August 11 are Mrs. Eddie Ga-
brielson and Mrs. Fred McCann.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Preloh
of Washington, D. C., are spend-
Ing this week with the former's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
Preloh of Patton, R. D.
Miss Helen Brown underwent a
tonsil operation last Friday at the
Spangler Hospital.
Guests this week at the home of
Mrs. Josephine Bender are Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Steele and son, Bobby,
of Detroit, Mich.
1/c, |
pital for some time, is improving |
in the |
The Patton High School Band | 3
will participate in the Firemen’s|%®
in Johnstown Friday evening at |
P. m. in the. V. F. W. home. All!
the |
week |
| father, Mr Joseph Dunegan. They
| were accompanied home by Mr.
son, Joe and Mr. and Mrs. Ed-
ward Herman left for San Fran-
| Mrs. John Syford and Mrs.
[Paul King were business callers
| Dunegan, who will spend a few |cisco, Calif, on Saturday where |in Clearfield on Monday.
| weeks in Swissvale.
| Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hoover,
| Mr. and Mrs. Paul Thomas, Mr.
{and Mrs. Regis Holtz left Wednes-
| day of this week for Chester, Pa.
The men will attend a Rawleigh |
meeting there Thureday.
| Miss Rita Hoover returned home
| after spending a week's vacation
| at Cleveland, Ohio. |
Francis (Sonny) Hoover had his
{ tonsils and adenoids
| the Spangler Hospital last Friday.
| Carol Mae Brown, 9-year old dau-
g | ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Brown, |
Gus Baatz of |& and adencid |
| operation the same day at the hos- |
| pital. |
| underwent a tonsil
Mrs. Thomas Quirk and Mrs. Cal-
| lander of Pittsburgh are vacation-
ing for two weéeks at Pleasant Hill
| Farm.
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Strittmatter
| were Sunday guests at the home of
[-Maneend. Mrs. P. C. Strittmatter.
| Misses Betty and Ruth Scott of
| New. York City are spending a
| week's va ion with their brother
ana sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Melvin M. Scott.
! Band Mothers who wil! accom-
| pany the Patton High School bing Chest Springs
| to Philipsburg this Thursday ev-
| ening are: Mrs. Bert Dietrick, Mrs.
{ Charles Swab, Mrs. Charles Wel-
ty, Mrs. Ted Farrell, Mrs. Harvey
Mulligan and Mrs. Albert Wel-
Fatton was well represented at
Philipsburg’s 150th Anniversary
ceiebration on Monday, Legion
Miss Jean Rowland, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rowland
of Clearfield, has returned to her
home after spending the past six
weeks at the home of her grand-
| parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Rowland of Fourth Avenue.
| Patton Presbyterian Church.
| Sunday, July 27—10:00 A. M.
{ Sunday School, Johy, I. Barnard,
| Superintendent. :
| 11:00 A. M., Worship Service—
| Sermon by the pastor.
! Thursday, 2:00 P.M, Annual
| Church and Sunday School Picnic,
| umting with other churches at
| Patton Recreational Park. A pro-
| gram of games, etc. is being ar-
| ranged by the committee.
| Friday, July 25—1 P. M,, Open-
ing of camp for Juniors, Westmin-
| ster Fellowship, Jennerstown.
Daniel Thomas. |
| St. Augustine
Tom Baker of Pittsburgh is
| spending a two-week vacation
| here with his grandparents, Mr.
jand Mrs. Edward Nagle.
| Mr. and Mrs. Edward Phol and
children spent Sunday in Al-
| Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hollen of
Earl Cooper of
and Mrs.
were callers here
July 16. After spending a two-| Ashville were guests of friends | ©
{ . on ; |
here recently. | tine visited a few days with her|
| The Sodality Girls of the St.|
i Augustine Church held a basket
{ picnic at Lakemont Park on Sun-
day. It was well attended.
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Seymore |
land family of Buckhorn were |
guests of relatives here on Sun- |
£ |
Walter Kough of Fallentimber |
was a business visitor here on |
Monday. |
St. Augustine was well repre- |
sented at the picnic held for the |
benefit of St. Mary Magdalin’s |
Church in Frugality last Sunday. |
Mrs. Hortense Adams spent |
Tuesday in Altoona with her |
daughter and son-in-law Mr. and |
Mrs. Joseph McAleer. |
Charles Bauers of Flinton was |
a caller here on Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jones and |
sons of Hazleton, and Misses Bess |
and Myrtle Seeley of DuBois were |
visitors on Monday of last week |
at the home of William Seeley.
Mr. Frank Tonkin and Charles
| Gardner were fishing in Kittan-
ning over the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. William Wood-
side and family visited recently
with Mr. and Mrs. H. Good of
Barnesboro R. D. 1,
Mr. and Mrs. Jess Evison
daughter Jessie and friend Mi- |
[chiel Krupa attended the wed- |
| ding of Edith -Ervison and Wil- |
liam Rodgers at New Jersey last |
| week. |
{ Mr. and Mrs. Walter McClel- |
land "and son Walter Jr. of Johns- |
| town is spending their vacation |
at Mrs. McClelland parents, Mr. |
{and Mrs. Fred Schrock. - They
| also visited relatives in Rafey on
Lewis Zenone of California is
| visiting John Zenone of this
and |
A large Court of Honor will be
{held in Bakerton on Thursday,
| July 31 by the North Cambria
| District, Admiral Robert E. Peary
Council, B. S. A. plans for a
board of review for all ranks
| from Second Class Scout through |
| Eagle. The review will be con- |
{ducted in the Bakerton Public
| School. i
Rogimered @
removed at |
they plan to reside.
Miss Anna Smylinicki of De-
troit, Mich., is visiting at the
home of her parents, Mr. and
| Mrs. Peter Smylnicki.
Miss Donna Jean Ball spent a
| few days vacation in Amsbry.
| Miss Irene Putsakulish is va-
cationing at the home of her
sister in Pittsburgh.
were recent visitors in Detroit,
| Mich.
| Miss Sue Sturak of Niagara
Falls is vacationing at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Visokaj.
Mr. George Staruch of Balti-
more, Md., is visiting at the home
of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nick
| Staruch.
| Datsko and Pete and Steve Dats-
{ko were visiting in New Jersey.
1-c George Lapinsky spent| Mrs. Emery Westover this week. |¢
the weekend at the home of Mr.
‘and Mrs. Frank Lapinsky.
[ burgh is visiting in Colver.
| Mr. Peter Pernuzzi spent a few
| days visiting in Canton, O.
| —
A round d square dance will
{be held Saturday evening, July
| 26, at Pleasant Hill Grange Hall
{ Music will be furnished by Al-
{lisons Twin Quartette of Ebens-
jburg. Caller will be Mrs. Vern
| Alliso Public invited.
| Mr John Weakland and her
mother, Mrs. Ambrose Maloney,
spent a few days this week with
relatives in Altoona.
Miss Thelma Swanhart, daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Gorden
Swenhart of Chest Springs and
Cyril Little, son of Mr. and Mrs.
| Kaylor Little of Baltimore, Md,
were published for the last time
Sunday in St. Monica's Catholic
Church. Their marriage will take
place Saturday morning in St.
Monica’s Church.
Mr. Martin Kibler is
to his home on account
Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Kibler and
family of Altoona spent Sunday
at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Martin Kibler.
Mr. and Mrs.
Milford, Conn.
home after spending
| vacation with friends
| tives here.
{ The 4-H girls club held
| basket picnic last Wednesday at
| Patton Recreation Park.
| Mrs. Ira Weakland of Carroll-
[town spent Sunday at the home
{of Mr. and Mrs. John Weakland.
| Mr. and Mrs. George Miller of
| Loretto spent Sunday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Clair
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fogle of
| Ashville spent Sunday at the
{home of Mrs. Mary McCoy.
| Mrs. Mabel Mellon is spending
of ill-
Samuel Kelly of
returned to their
two weeks
and rela-
{some time with relatives in Lig-,
Mrs. Ferd Nagle of St. Augu-
sister, Mrs. Olive Little.
Miss Evelyn Conrad of Wash-|Mr. and Mrs. William Beatty and den, the people wear no shoes in
ington, D. C., spent her vacation
lat her home here.
Robert Durbin of Cleveland, O., | Mrs. Mary Hoover of Carrolltown, |
returned home after spending a
Ellis Kitchen was a busi-
caller in Clearfield this
i Mr.
| ness
| week.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wagner and
daughters, Patty Ginger, Bobbie
| Jean, of Baden, are visiting rela-
tives and friends on their vaca-
Mr. and Mrs. Merle Conley are
|on their vacation in Lewistown,
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Kunduff | visiting their daughter and son- |
in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest
| Koch.
Vacationing in Wellsboro, this
past week were Mr. and Mrs.
| Ernest Wagner and daughter
Donna, also Mr. and Mrs. Allen
| Westover, and son, Jerry.
| Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wagner and
| Jean, Helen, also Millie Galagher
Misses Sophie, Rose and Kay and Dick McCann were Altoona |
| callers on Wednesday.
Miss Helen Keirn, is visiting
{ Mr. and Mrs. Gaylon King, and
| family of Conneaut Lake
{Wagner this week.
{ Mrs. Sara Kitchen of Akron,
O., is visiting her daughter Mrs.
Don Meckling.
Mrs. Florence Fronk of Akron,
O., visited friends in town this
| weekend.
{ Miss Rosemary King of Cres-
| son is visiting her parents on her
| vacation this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert
were Barnesboro callers on Sat-
Mrs. Paul King was a Barnes-|
caller on Tuesday |
boro business
of this week.
Visitors at the Paul King home
on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs.
John Syford and sons of Cherry
Tree, Ted Wojcik
Vern Gardena of Cresson.
Mr. John and Stanley Podliski
of Osceola Mills were business
callers at the home of Mr. Paul
King on Thursday of this week. |
‘Pat” McCloskey of Beaver
Falls has returned to work after
a short visit with his sister and
family, Mrs. Valley Sybert.
A surprise party was held for
Vernon Westover by his friends
last Saturday night, on his 44th
birthday. Those prsent were: Mr.
and Mrs. Larry Wagner and son,
Mr. and Mrs. John Stevens and
daughters, of Hastings; Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Seggetti, Mr. and
Mrs. Lawrence Wagner and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Darrell
Barto, Mr. and Mrs. James Bell
and daughter of LaJose, Mrs.
| Jane Syberts, Mr. and Mrs. Blair
Markle, Mr. and Mrs. Carl War-
ner and sons, Mrs. William Sy-
berts and daughters, Mr. George
Horten and Rodger Young. Many
nice gifts were received and a
| delicious lunch was served.
| A trip over the super highway
(was taken on Sunday by Mrs.
{William Syberts and daughters
| Wanda Jean and June, also Rod-
|ger Young and George Horten.
| Clair Wagner has returned to
Beaver Falls to work.
Mr. and Mrs. Oswald Wiedwald
and family of Cleveland, O., and
family of Ashland, Ky., spent last
| week with the ladies’ mother,
A Good Cook Doesnt Follow
Every Recipe to
THERE is one thing that the
bride learns gradually, and with
great joy, and that is, that she
doesn’t have to follow a recipe slav-
ishly. In minor matters such as
flavoring, she can substitute some
other for the one the recipe calls for,
if she thinks it will taste better.
This goes © very simple, ordi-
nary recipes quite complicated
ones. In milk pudding, for instance,
which I made recently, I used va-
nilla, but you could have used lemon
flavoring or grated lemon rind and
fresh lemon juice, or almond, even
peppermint, or chocolate or coffee.
That is what I mean by a simple
As you grow more experienced
you will also grow more venture-
some and be able to produce indi-
vidual dishes. So, you see, cooking
is an art and an adventure, not just
drudgery. Let me tell you some of
the variations you can make in a
simple baked custard.
Today’s Menu
Broiled Lamb Chops
Boiled Potatoes Browned on Broiler
Buttered Carrots
Lettuce, Radish and Green Onion
Baked Coser, or Rice Pudding
Boiled Potatoes Broiled
Cook potatoes until they are al-
most tender. New potatoes are best.
When the lamb chops are nearly
done, put the potatoes on the broiler
with the chops and brown, turning
to brown both sides if necessary.
Serve with pan gravy from the
“ Baked Custard
14 c. sugar 3 e. scalded milk
3% tsp. salt 3 or 6 eggs
1 tsp. nutmeg
Beat eggs slightly,
& Pause Offes
add sugar, salt
the Letter
and nutmeg. Scald milk and poui
slowly on the ezg mixture. Strain
into buttered custard cups, set in a
pan of hot water, and bake in a mod-
erate oven (350 F.) until firpa. Test
as usual with a silver knife inserted
into the custard. If it comes out
clean, the custards are done. Or you
can sprinkle nutmeg on top of cus-
tards when you pour them into the
cups instead of mixing with eggs
and sugar.
For Chocolate Custard, scald 1%
squares chocolate with the milk. For
cocoanut custard add % c. shredded
cocoanut to mixture. Or scald 2
tbsp. ground coffee with milk, strain
and proceed as in first recipe.
Ginger custard is nice, too, and more
unusual. Flavor custard mixture
with vanilla, and when ready to
serve top with thin strips of Canton
For a Rice Custard, save the egg
whites for meringue, add 1 ¢. cooked
rice and grated 4 lemor to the cus-
tard; bake, then top with the whites
of the eggs beaten stiff and slightly
sweetened with powdered sugar and
bake until brown. Berries or crushed
fruit are nice for a topping to a
plain custard or rice custard. Serves
6. f
Rice Pudding 1
15 e. uncooked 2 ¢. milk .
rice 34 tsp. salt
2 eggs, 34 ec. raising
separated Flavoring
Cook rice over hot water in dou-
ble boiler until grains are tender.
Beat egg yolks, add sugar and salt
to them and pour a small portion of
the rice and milk over them; blend,
then the rest of the rice and milk,
return to double boiler and cook for
5 min. Add raisins and flavoring and
fold in stifly-whipped whites. Pour
into pudding dish and serve hot or
cold with cream.
\ A ! ih
Wy, in
i 1 AS Yj iu
uladi A Wig 1 I
HU iv)
L { 8 mil
ng Teaurm Syndicate, inc. hts reserved
were |
Mr. John Evanchick of Pitts- visiting her mother Mrs. Minnie,
McKee |
of Altoona, Mr
Modern designs of traditional
beauty made by master craftsmen
«.. precious diamonds of enduring
[ worth. Won’t you come in and see
our assortment?
Set A $29.50 Set B $250 ¢
) Dainty and trim soli-
taire in 14K gold.
Fine solitaire flank-
ed by 2 diamonds.
UP TO $1,500
Every Art-Carved Rings.
guaranteed by J. R. Wood
and Sons, Inc., oldest and
largest ring maker and dia-
mond importer in America.
The Store for Safe
Diamond Buying
Exclusive style mount.
ing, five diamonds.
| Don’t Wear Shoes
| In the country parts of
Dust Causes Color
The blue color of a cloudless
sky is due to reflection of light
by particles of dust.
| the summer months.
In the patterned and
plain ‘‘loafer’’ coat,
smart with all your
you have a garment
Regular $14.50 to
$22.50 Values
$16.95 Wl
We're closting out our
entire remaining stock of
Domestic and Imported
Summer Straws and Pa-
this great re-
namas at
50% OFF
Phone 684 Barnesboro
Tune In the North Cambria Program on Thursdays at 12:30
(DST) Over WISW (650). Sponsors include Luxenberg’s.