: Thursday, July 3, 1947 — Basketball Is Most Popular High School Sport in State day student participation in terms | participation.” Swimming Would Rank First If Cost Were Low of inter-class games and inter- group games within the indivi- dual schools themselves and, nat- Basketball has established itself | urally, there is where they find as the most popular game in the of Pennsylvania's schools, Dr. Fran- of physical education program cis B. Haas, superintendent public instruction, states. “Both from the standpoint spectator interest, basketball the school system,” he adds. “Considering the field of organ- ized sports in its role as part of the whole physical education pro- gram and the total student parti- cipation in all schools, football holds second place while baseball comes third and track fourth. “Wrestling is gaining a tre- mendous following and probably can be classed as fifth in inter- est among the boys. Gymnastics, an excellent form of physical training, comes about sixth place in interest and participation. In some areas, hockey is popular with the girls. ‘ “Basketball has the greatest number of active player partici- pants and this is our principal interest. The general public is aware of this interest in terms of varsity teams, but physical ed- ucation teachers see the’ day-by- * * * * * of student-player participation and is far in the lead among games in the organized health program of the greatest good for the great- | est number.” Dr. Haas’ comments are made on the basis of a study by Dr. Elna H. Nelson, chief of health and physical education in the Bureau of Instruction. Dr. Nelson says: “Basketball is not only a fine sport for health but has the virtue that almost any school can | support it as a major sport. The equipment and cost of operation of a football team still are too much for a great many of our schools. We generally find that [ high schools in communities of less than 5,000 population are not apt to have football teams for the season. But they can and do have basketball teams. “It is interesting to note that soccer is becoming increasingly popular and in many areas has attained varsity status. We expect to see a great deal more soccer playing in the future. “Swimming, which is the finest individual sport for all - around health and body building, would probably go right up to first place if it were not for the cost of facilities. Swimming pools, in- door or outdoor, are a consider- * * * + * "CONSERVE *YOUR "CAR! WAIT ... and you'll WALK! Last-minute repairs often Ey SERVICE! are not enough to keep a car running. If you depend on your car, let us keep it running efficiently. Be a wise motorist. Take a friendly tip and have your car serviced today. It costs *% less to conserve your car. = HAVE YOUR CAR STATE INSPECTED TODAY PATTON AUTO CO. Chevrolet Sales & Service « 4th Ave. * Sonat Go WE'RE DEMONSTRATING THE BENDIX automatic Home Laundry ALLYOU DO I8 SET THE DIAL AND ADD SOME SOAP Patton, Pa. * * * SAVING SAVING SAVING SAVING YOU DON'T EVEN PUT “A HAND IN WATER { IT’S THRILLING WOMEN BY THE HUNDREDS Come in—see the Bendix fill itself with water—wash clothes super-clean—rinse 8 times—change its own water—damp dry clothes—clean itself—drain itself—shut itself off! Wo- men are saying they never knew you could get clothes so clean—and not even stay at home! Come in—see the most amazing washday miracles ever — with the Bendix doing ALL the work! COME IN FOR YOUR BENDIX DEMONSTRATION NOWI WOLF FURNITURE CO. Phone 278 BARNESBORO able cost factor and for that rea- son most schools are not able to afford them. This is regrettable because this sport is beyond ques- tion the most valuable all-around exercise for boys and girls and | could provide almost 100 percent Half of Auto Brakes Termed Defective Motor Magazine Says Most Cars 10 Years Old About half the passenger cars in use—or approximately 14,000,- 000 automobiles in the United States-—are reported to have de- fective brakes which make them a menace on streets and high- ways. This report is made by Motor, an automotive business magazine which conducted a nationwide survey in which inspections of automobiles were made by service station and repair shop mech- anics. The survey also showed that most cars now in use are worn ,ancient jalopies and that this is the biggest factor in their linsafeness. The publication says 50 percent of all cars in use in the U. S. are 10 years old, 40 percent are from three to nine years old, and only 10 percent are new or compara- tively new. The inspections showed badly- worn brake lining on one car out of two; leakage in the hydaulic braking system on one out of three, and scored brake drums on one out of three. Because of the ancient vintage of cars, the mag- azine adds, owners are reluctant to finance extensive repairs. Phillies Sign Curt Simmons Curt Simmons, “All-American Boy of 1945,” from Egypt, Pa., has signed a contract with the The Phils Washington, Lea- Philadelphia Phillies. will send him to Delaware, in the Interstate gue. Simmons became eligible to sign a major league contract on June 6 when he graduated from Whitehall High School. He receiv- ed offers from 9 major league clubs and decided on the Phils. “It wasn’t only the money, but the manner in which Bob Carpen- ter and Herb Pennock treated me and my family that made me de- cide on their organization,” Curt says. Pennock, Phillies’ general man- ager, says the club was sold on the 18-year-old Simmons when he struck out 11 of the major lea- guers in an exhibition game sev- eral weeks ago in an exhibition game which ended in a 4-4 tie. it's TRUE what they say about TION PRESS OVRIER State Sets Record In Planting Trees | All existing records for the num- ber of tree-seeds planted by the State Department of Forests and Waters were smashed during the recent Spring planting season as the Department's reforestation plans got under way. | Foresters prepared and planted | 35000 pounds of finest forest tree seeds obtainable. The seeds vary in size but aver- age that of a wheat kernel, were placed in the several nurseries owned and operated by the Depart- ment for the commonwealth, Young trees from the 1947 spring lot, however, will not be available | for distribution for at least two years. Greatest number of seedling-trees grown from seeds in Department nurseries and distributed in any one year was 18 million reforesta- tion plantings. That was in 1939. With recently acquired facilities developed to full capacity, the De- partment of Forests and Waters will be able to provide about 45 million seedling trees a year. Seedlings and' transplants for distribution by the Department are sdlely for reforestation and can- not be used for commercial pur- poses. It takes about 1000 seed- ling forest trees to cover one acre of ground. Bender Electric Co. Official Returns From Washer Meet B. A. Bender, Carrolltown Frig- idaire dealer, who recently return- ed from a special district meeting in Pittsburgh, announced this week that a new electric home laundry line is being introduced by Frigid- aire Division of General Motors. The complete line, which includes fully automatic clothes washer, an ironer, and an automatic electric dryer, will be shown at his store just as soon as initial display stocks arrive. Mr. Bender emphasized that the new washer features an entirely new washing principle known as “Live-Water” action. A radically new ‘“Pulsator” creates an up-and- down washing motion—330 times each minute——causing water to penetrate and wash clothes with- out harming the most delicate fab- ric. The new machine washes clothes thoroughly without previous soak- ing; rinses them twice; spins them damp-dry, and cleans itself—all automatically and in less than 30 minutes. Setting of only a single dial is necessary. The wasing and rinsing operations can be started stopped, lengthened, or shortened at any time. No bolting to the floor is required. It is finished in porce- lain, inside and out. The motor and mechanism is sealed and self-oil- ing. Simplicity of operation keynotes the new Frigidaire electric ironer. 1t is equipped with an exclusive new foot control, which affords the operator use of both hands in ironing. “Open-roll” drive allows both ends open to admit larges ar- ticles. The ironer roll, thirty inch- es long, has resilient padding to protect buttons. An automatic pressure control is included along with the special switch for high or low speed operation. Frigidaire’s new dryer is also completely automatic. A washer- load of clothing can be dried com- pletely in 20 or 30 minutes or A beverage containing the finest ingredients. A distinc- tively different and delicious Cola drink, Hastings Bottling Works Hastings, Pa. damp dried for ironing in only 15 | to 25 minutes. Electric heating un- | its, fan circulated hot air, and a | revolving clothes ‘tumbler’ affords | a fast-drying operation. | New Parothigl School | Planned at Ebensburg | A two-fold program was outlin- | ed last week at an organization | meeting of the Parents Association of Holy Name Parochial School at | Ebensburg. About 60 parents and friends of the children attended a session at the K. of C. Home. ; Immediate aim of the new unit | is to secure additional classrooms. The main goal of the program, however, is the construction of a } new school building. LAKEMO —---located on route 36 lidaysburg. Bathing, Boating, to Joe Kneppers 13-piece included. walks, large wood all FREE. FIREWORKS JULY 4° FREE TO ALL! Spend the 4th of July holiday at LAKEMONT PARK Bring the family for a picnic and a glorious holiday. Arcade, 13 of the latest rides for children and adults, dance 100 acres of natural woodland, 13-acre lake, macadam casino__._covered kitchens, tables, fire places, sanitary toilets with attendants, children’s playground—benches, parking space, fire- COME TO CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA'S BEAUTIFUL LAKEMONT PARK WE WILL WELCOME YOU Sam Taylor, Mgr.—Bell Phone 3-9370 NT PARK GIGANTIC, THRILLING DISPLAY BEGINS AFTER DARK between Altoona and Hol- Games, Roller Skating, dance band. Adm. 75¢, tax picnic DO YOU WONDER WHY WE PUBLISH THIS KIND OF A PICTURE? Let Us Explain . . . THE EXCLUSIVE LENNOX FEATURES THAT ARE SHOWN HERE! [Engitooring Service and Estimates FREE By An Organization That Specializes lin Comfortable Heat MAIL COUPON TODAY OR CALL MACK'S FURNACE CO. (OPPOSITE THE COURTHOUSE) Ebensburg Phone Ebensburg 438 COUPON COUPON Penna. COUPON Please have your representative call without obligation. Regulations for Dusting, Gas Are More Stringent With mine disasters focusing attention on safety regulations, the 1947 State Legislature passed a number of laws designed to provide better protection for men at work in the coal mines of this state. The State Bureau of Mines says the new laws will “tend to improve safety in the mines.” Regulations for dusting, map- ping, testing for explosive gas, in- spections and the use of electrical Number of New State Laws Affect Safety in Coal Mines RUG CLEANING All work is done in our plant — Approved meth- ods. 10 years’ experience. PICK-UP & DELIVERY ON FRIDAYS ALTO RUG CLEANERS S. M. LUTHER L. J. CRIST 124 East Altoona Ave. ALTOONA, PA. Phone Altoona 2-1536 or 2-9939 | AUTO GLASS PROPERLY REPLACED EXPERTS! ALL MAKES AUTOS SPANGLER AUTO EXCHANGE Phone 321 SPANGLER EXPERT . . . APPLIANCE REPAIR Don’t put up for another day with appliances that aren’t doing their job in the proper manner. Just phone us. We'll come and diagnose the trouble, and before you know it, al will be working perfectly —and you'll be doubly pleased when you see how moderate our charg- es are. WASHER & SWEEPER HOSPITAL BIGLER AVE. BARNESBORO Open 9 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. Mondays thru Saturdays Phone 594 equipment were made more strin- gent. Small mines employing two to five persons were brought un- der state jurisdiction for the first time. In bills affecting other phases of mining, the Legislature provid- ed additional protection for con- sumers by making failure to give a weighmaster’s certificate with coal sales an automatic violation of the short weight law. Bills benefitting mine operators would appropriate $98,000 to the Pennsylvania State College for re- search to discover new uses for coal and extend until Apr. 1 1949, the deadline for installation of flame-resistant trailing cables. Measures affecting the bitumin- ous coal fields included: Provisions for inspections every three instead of every four mon- ths as previously. Require mine foremen to take men out of the mines if the ven- tilating fan is stopped for 30 minutes in gaseous and 60 min- utes in non-gaseous workings and permit them to order evacuation if they think it advisable when ventilation systems are interrupt- ed for shorter periods. Require that dust be made 65 percent, instead of the previous 55 percent incombustible. Forbid the use of electric loco- motives operated by trolley wire in any mine section for two years after gas is discovered, except in case when the area in which the locomotive is operated is free of combustible gas. Prohibit use of any open type electric machine in a mine con- sidered gaseous. Operators of mines declared as gaseous in the future may have six months in which to discon- tinue use of prohibited equipment and the mines secretary may give them an additional six months’ extension. Ban mining of coal within 50 feet of an abandoned working until dangerous accumulations of water are drained and set up de- tailed specifications for determin- ing the “safe thickness” of bar- rier pillars. Veterans’ Trade, High School Sessions to Begin on July 7 Many North Cambrians Are Showing Interest Veterans, do you have a high school diploma ? The question most employers] ask these days is, “Are you a high school graduate?” If you must answer “No” to this question, now is the time to take advantage of the wonderful educational opportunities being offered by the Johnstown High School for Veterans. The new aca- demic session begins July 7. All high school subjects are taught and you may earn two credits in an eight-week period by attend- ing school five days a week and six hours a day. On July 7, 1947, the Johnstown High School for Veterans Voca- tional Training will start. Offered are the following courses: Auto body and fender repair, auto mechanics, commercial art, elec- tric wiring, drafting and design, radio repair, and sheet metal and welding. These courses vary in length and when the course is complete- ed, the veteran will be fitted to accept a ‘position in his chosen field. Classes will be held five days a week and five hours each day. Most of the shops will have both day and night classes. If oyu desire to finish high school or to learn a trade, come to Room 217, Johnstown High School Bldg., and enroll in either the adademic school or the trade school. Enroll now and take a step forward into your future. Your Health... From the Medical Societies Of Cambria County and The State of Pennsylvania Pennsylvania had 3,171 forest, fires last year. They burned over 47,930 acres of land. The financial loss was $118,149. Last year was, according to the State Department of Forests and Waters, a “good year” with fewer than the average number of fires. Forest fires do more damage than meets the eye. There is a mass destruction of wildlife. Tree-living animals, quail and most birds during nesting season are doomed by forest fires. Deer and other large game usu- ally can escape, but often they are caught in gullies where they have taken refuge. due to man’s carelessness. A camper fails to properly ex- tinguish his camp fire ,a cigaret is flipped out of an automobile win- dow and falls into dry brush, a vacationer empties the ashes of his pipe on the dry grass or leaves. No camp fire should be built near the brush—but in a wide clearing. When breaking camp, the fire should be entirely and carefully extinguished. To extinguish it, the embers should be spread out and water poured on them. As this does not always extin- guish the embers, dirt should be scroped over the ashes to keep the wind from blowing them into dry brush. Fire wardens are on the alert during the dry season to watch for forest fires and thus save much waste. The job of preventing forest fires is largely up to campers and hikers—for it is their carelessness that causes most of them. —Lots of bands, fire compan- ies, floats, drum and bugle corps Nine out of ten forest: fires are | | Cuts Hand With Scythe Michael Pallone, 35, of Spang- ler was given dispensary treat- ment at the Miners’ Hospital at 9:30 o'clock last Thursday even- ing for a deep laceration of his left hand sustained while he was cutting grass with a scythe. EXECUTOR’S NOTICE. In the Estate of James A. Dou- glass, late of the Borough of Ash- ville, in the County of Cambria and State of Pennsylvania, deceas- ed. Notice is hereby given that Let- ters Testamentary in the Estate of the above-named decedent was granted to the undersigned by the Register of Wills of said County of Cambria. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims or demands against the same will make them known with- out delay to Katharine Gorsuch, Executrix, 521 Beech Ave., Patton, Pa. Walter Elms, Executor, 517% N. 4th St., DuBois, Pa. E. S. Kirk, Executor, 810 Ross Ave., Patton, Pa. Morgan W. Evans, Attorney for Estate, Ebensburg, Pa. 7-3 ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE In the estate of Samuel Stiles, late of the Township of Barr, County of Cambria and State of Pennsylvania, deceased. Notice is hereby given that Let- ters of Administration in the Hs- tate of the above named decedent have been granted to the under- signed. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment and those having caims Commercial Insurance Agency GENERAL INSURANCE Liability Casualty 1101 Philadelphia Avenue Phone 467 Barnesboro or demands against the same will make them known without delay to OCEA MORRIS, Administratrix, Ebensburg, Pennsylvania. C. Randolph Myers and Alton A. McDonald, Attorneys for Administratrix, 2133, S. Center Street, Ebensburg, Pennsylvania. IT’S HERE? ® See the new HARDERFTeez Home locker on display in our showroom. Then decide to have one of your own—to process and keep frozen foods right in your own home! It’s simple and easy. You preserve all food val- ues — make big savings — have better food in all seasons. Several HARDERFreez mod- els offer up to 18 cu. feet cap- acity, provide various combin- ations of frozen food storage and Processing Compartments. Made by experienced manufac- turers. Amazing value! Come in or write—soon! * IN Eu :5.V:10 5 oP HOME LOCKER Built by TYLER FIXTURE CORP. NILES, MICH. BENDER Electric Co. Carroll St. Phone 2401 CARROLLTOWN, PA. 1722-24 12th Ave. Phone 9306 ALTOONA, PA. 702 Railroad St. Phone 24151 JOHNSTOWN, PA. OR YOUR LOCAL HARDERFreez Dealer —Send Coupon Today! Bender Electric Co. Carrolltown, Pa. Rush free booklet on frozen food preparation and data on HARDERFreez Home Locker ( ) Chest Model ( ) Upright Model Address BUILD With Concrete we manufacture. Phone 520 at Patton on Labor Day! CC For Dependable, Economical Construction A GOOD BLOCK ... Is the Foundation of an Enduring Structure, We use the best of materials in every block For a building that is sturdy and durable, and naturally insulated . .. Use Our Quality Concrete Blocks. They are economical because they last a lifetime. Spangler Concrete & Supply Co. CONCRETE BLOCKS AND SUPPLIES Spangler, Pa.