PAGE TWO Largest General Weekly New. Published every Thursday class mail matter May 7, 1636, under the Act of March 3, 1879. FRANK P. CAMMARATA.... THOS. A. OWENS oreo THOS. A. OWENS, JR. Furnished or THE UNION PRESS-COURIE Patton Courier, Estab, 1893. by Thos, A. Owens, Building, 452 Magee Avenue, FPatto Subscription, $2 Yearly in Advance. The endeavor of the Union Press-Courier is to sincerely repre- spaper Circulation in the Area, Union Press, Estab, 1935. Press-Courier n, Pa.,, and entered as second at the postofrice at Patton, Pa., Business Manager org Editor Associate Editor Advertising Rates n Application. | BRIEFLY COMMENTING | Thoughts That May or May Not Interest You Discussed from Week to Week | | | The cost of living is said to be | the biggest preoccupation in Wash. | ington these days, and no one is | sure of what is going to happen. | They tell us that the politicos are | guessing that there will be a rise sent Organized Labor in their efforts to obtain economic freedom. We solicit the support of all Unions. Material for publication must be authorized by the organization it represents, bear signatures of fhe resident and Secretary of the Local, together with the Local eal. The Union Press-Courier gives its advertisers the advantage of the combined circulations of two largely circulated weeklies and has a reader coverage that blankets Patton and the major mining towns in Northern Cambiia County. |in prices on most all commodities | of from 15 to 25 percent within the next year. If that happens, | labor surely will become dissatis- | fied, and not without reason. se oe ke sie ok The power of the dollar is no | greater than what the dollar EDITORIAL VIEWS AND COMMENT This week we observe another Independence Day, the first peace- time anniversary of the birth of our nation for the past several years—and naturally it will be a more joyous observance than any | we have had for some time. How- | ever, on the eve of the greatest] national holiday the honor roll of dead of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania was released to the newspapers and Cambria County's total is just a little less than 700 —696 to be exact. oe oe eke oe These 696 men gave their lives in order that the Nation, as set up by the Founding Fathers back in 1776, might continue to endure. While there still may be those amongst ns who really be- lieve that it might not have been necessary for this country to en- gage in the latest conflict, they are few. We couldn’t have set up an attitude of appeasement and have continued as a free nation. Cambria County suffered its war casualties in about the same proportion as did all other coun- ties in all other states in the Union. | | | | | | | | | ie see fe ok We have been celebrating our in- dependence as a holiday on July 4 | for a long time now. But at the | present is seems a rather far cry| from the courageous defense of | principle and the heroic decision | for the right of our forefathers to | our present domestic and inter-| DISCOUNT OF $2.50 TO VETERANS! | FOR 30 DAYS ONLY Mailed Postpaid to any part of the United States ONE $12.50 REYNOLDS “400” PEN $10 VETERANS ONLY CLIP COUPON AND MAIL Name treet City State Army Navy BEN 0. SHORT | & SONS Post Office Box 356 PATTON, PENNA. podoolodioloiod Washer AND Sweeper Repairs GUARANTEED WORKMANSHIP AT RIGHT PRICES GENUINE FACTORY REPAIR PARTS A COMPLETE LINE OF ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES USED WASHERS, SWEEPERS 5.x: Washer & Sweeper HOSPITAL Across from Bostrom'’s Service Station 404 Bigler Ave, (national policy of procrastination and appeasement, A year ago we were sitting on top of the world, having been the main force in achieving a successful war. Today we seem pretty weak and have elements inside and outside to the effect that we, as a nation, are indecisive, fearful and sometimes we appear almost hopeless. a§¢ ok sje ook There isn’t much encourge- ment at the present time at Washington in the halls of Con- gress. Party lines seem to have dissolved themselves into mists and colations of both parties unite to sabotage programs for the betterment of the Nation by the Administration. Naturally, the Republicans join with the elements of Congress in the Democratic camp to ruin con- structive programs, with the hope that the present admins- tration will be blamed by the people and that in the coming elections they will again assume control. But there may be a more complete understanding by the people than they think. We hope so. sj ok Reh ook Individually the members of the lower house of Congress are look- ing for every vote-saving method they know of. Sometimes they do not know what position to take. Indications are that, instead of being the courageous statesmen our forefathers of 1776 were, they are more desirous of protecting | and | meanwhile prices are constantly | growing, the military strength of | should not have and enjoy a bicy- the Nation is dwindling, and this | cle. The menace is that there are their own political hides, country that only a year ago could | swing a big stick with other na- | tions today has to talk in an ap- | peasing manner, because there is | no stick to swing. 8 she ee oe Maybe it would be a good thing for us this Independence Day to take stock of ourselves in the light of our former glory and prestige, Surely we were definite enough about our ideals during the war and exemplified enough courage to bring them to fulfillment. Surely we should be no less strong and resolute now. By wielding the decisive force on the side of right, there’s no reason why we should be less resolute now, and we should allow no other nation to usurp our position. geokeksfek Despite the fact that we were supposed to have fought and won World War II and were the balance of power that brought the Axis aggressors to their knees, every open-minded diplomat among our former allies well knows that we | do not seek to dominate the rest | of mankind or even to have the | final word on our own side of the | world—in the Americas and their | numerous small countries. Our ef- fcrts to obtain justice for smaller nations should be construed hon- estly and we should insist upon our ideals. Despite all the fine slogans of wartime, we still find the old- time selfishness among European nations that always has been evi- denced—probably always will be. The Declaration of Indepen- dence was the most important political document ever to be conceived and executed for the preservation of man and his freedom to live as his Creator certainly must have intended. There have been several times that this Nation has had to go on the field of battle to preserve the tenets of the great document of 1776. In none of the wars has the cost in human life and sacri- fice been as great as in the war recently brought to an end. The nearly 700 young men of Cam- bria County alone attest that fact. Somehow or other the ideals we have held so precious in the past and during the four years of war seem t6 be slipping. At no time in all history have the rank and file of the common people placed such an implicit and direct eye upon their senators and congressmen as | they do now. There are so many | things happening, and the people all hope they will be for the best. [But into all of it there is also a | spirit of individual selfishness among certain people, among cer- | tain interests, that may spell chaos | for most of the people. So many of our elected representatives at Washington seem to be influenced by pressure on the part of the classes instead of the well-being of the masses. This week we again observe another anniversary of our In- dependence Day — our greatest holiday. Despite the clouds that now seem to prevail on all sides, perhaps, like all storms, the sun- shine comes afterward. The up- holding of government comes first. But it must be a govern- ment of the people and when we slip from that thought, this Nation of ours still will find itself sufficiently strong to re- turn the government to the peo- ple at the polls. The United States of America will live on. Based on the principles of the Declaration of Independence, it can do no other, buys. If the take-home pay of the worker is not sufficient to bring himself and family a de- cent livlihood, he'll kick—and so would you, * A new strike wave is freely pre- dicted by labor economists if the cost of living shoots up quickly. How soon it comes, they say, will depend upon the rate of the price increases. Other labor organiza- tions will likely follow the policy of the United Mine Workers of “no contracts no work.” There likely won't be any continuance of the current union practice of remain- ing on the job while the new con- tracts are negotiated if unions find themselves in a position of dash- ing to keep up with runaway prices. Retroactive wages would not satisfy them in such a situa- tion. ee ok ole ok We are of the belief that the common man and woman will shortly regret that the OPA was not continued in the same shape and form that existed through- out the war years—at least for another year. It will not take long to determine that, either. There’s more behind the scarcity of a lot of commodities right now than appears on the surface. Some of the scarcities, at least, are created by big business in order that fixed prices no longer can be placed upon them, It isn’t going to take one long to know the truth of that when you see where some to the prices are going to skyrocket to. The bicycle-riding boy and girl again is with us, as is the case every summer. Of course, there is no reason why any boy or girl some of them that are careless riders—careless in the sense that they endanger themselves by their riding habits. They also. create one of the greatest hazards for the motor vehicle driver. Patton is not without its careless bicycle riders. Motorcycles, bicycles with a motor attached, and just plain bicycles all are subject to high- way safety laws and the opera- tor of such a vehicle who fails to obey highway safety laws is subject to arrest, state police warn. “Too frequently operators of motorcycles and bicycles seem to forget that they are subject to these regulations,” the state police commissioner asserts. “A practice of using a ‘cut-out’ on a motorcycle is a violation of the Motor Vehicle Code. All cyclists should ride carefully.” Once again we read of children drowning in the rivers and streams of the state. This happens an- | nually. In most cases these deaths could have been eliminated had there been some supervision of the children. No creek or river is a | safe place for a child to bathe if | there isn’t some qualified swimmer | along. After all, the regularly con- | structed and properly supervised | swimming pool is by far the better | place for a child’s enjoyment, and Patton offers that opportunity at | its Recreation Park. 3k < Patton will have no formal celebration of Independence Day but there will be many things one can do. For instance, there is a celebration at Bakerton with a parade in the morning. If the weather is nice the Patton Re- creation Park affords you ex- cellent picnic facilities. The Chest Springs Picnic also will be a gathering place for many from far and near—with both a dinner and supper to be served. —Read Comics in the *‘Courier.” — UNION PRESS-COURIER DESCENT FROM MT. OLYMPUS DIVORCE RATE HITS ALL-TIME HIGH HERE Divorce rates in Cambria County are setting an all-time record - with only half of this year gone. Thus far this year a total of 264 divorces have been granted, com- pared to 138 for all of last year. Fifty eight cases still are pending. According to the ratio compiled at the Courthouse, this figures out to one divorce suit for every four marriage license applications. In 1939 the ratio was one to 21. That bugaboo of dental patients, the drill, may one day be replaced by a new device that cuts tooth enamel and dentin swiftly and without pain or noise, says the |Lot - Prop. No. 44-0304, in Patton Journal of the American Dental | Boro, 1st Ward, and was sold to Assn. The new device operates like a sand-blast, a fine stream of air | containing an abrasive acts as the | cipal claims, penalties, interest and cutting tool, BEFORE YOU DIAL! Here’s what happens if you dial before you hear the steady hum-m-m-m of the dial tone: (1) You waste your time. (2) You get the wrong number or no number at all. (3) You tie up central office equipment. (4) You slow up service for others. The volume of telephone calls is so heavy that some- times you may have to wait a few seconds before you hear that hum-m-m-m. So wait! We'll be able to pro- vide telephone service sooner and for more people, if you do. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA RANCHER AND DOGS KILL 820 R ATS expertly at our office. oon Juice Recipe Checks NOTICE! THE COMMISSIONERS of Cam- bria County have agreed to sell at Private Sale the hereinafter de- | scribed personal property for the sum of $655.00, to Cyril Duclos & Jennie Duclos, his wife, under the Act of Assembly of the Common- wealth, approved the 29th day of July, 1941, P. L. 600. The Court of Common Pleas of Cambria County, Penna., has fixed July 5, 1946, at TEN o'clock A. M. in the Court House, Ebensburg, Pennsylvania, for a hearing on the Petition for confirmation of said Sale. The property to be sold was assessed in the name of Michael Pryzado Est, as 1 House & 1-3 | the County on April 28, 1944. The total amount of taxes, muni- | costs due is $126.52. BY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, H. F. DORR, Clerk —Union label job printing done Rheumatic Pain Quickly If you tis or inexpensive are using. Compound, arthri- simple thousands Ru-Ex Mix rheumatic, pain, try this home recipe that Get a package of a 2 weeks’ supply today. it with a quart of water, a the juice of 4 lemons. It's easy, pleasant and no trouble at all. You need only 3 tablespoonfuls two times a day. Often within 48 hours sometimes over- night — splendid are obtained. If the pains do quickly leave and if you do not feel better, Ru-Ex will cost you nothing to try as it is sold by your druggist under an abso- lute money-back guarantee, Ru-Ex Compound is for sale and recommended by Patton Drug Co., Patton, Pa. suffer from neuritis results not Telephone 33832 DR. R. M. QUIGLEY Altoona Veterinary Clinic Formerly Located at Tyrone, Pa. In General Practice foy 28 Years 406 J'IRST ST., ALTCONA REMINGON TRIPPLE-HEAD Electric Shavers (Guaranteed 1 year by Factory) After expiration of Factory Guarantee you can receive repair service through us at Factory List Price. EAGLEPRINTING CO REMINGTON TYPEWRITERS Sales and Service Qffice Supplies Barneshoro,Pa. NOTICE In the Court of Common Pleas of Cambria County, Pennsylvania, No. 36, June Term, 1946, C, P, IN RE: Application of Mary Samec Paskevich for decree and certificate authorizing her to act as a feme sole trader, Notice is hereby given that on June 24, 1946, the petition of Mary Samec Paskevich, wife of Constan- tin Paskevich, was presented to the above-named court, praying the Court to make a decree that she shall have all the rights and priv- ileges of a feme sole trader, and to grant her a certificate that she be authorized to act, have the power and transact business as provided by the Acts of Assembly in such case made and provided. Where- upon the Court fixed the 22nd day of July, 1946, at 10:00 o'clock A. M. for the hearing of said applica- tion, when and where all persons interested may show cause, if any they have, why the prayer of the said petitioner should not be grant- ed. GEO. S. DULANSEY, Attorney for the Petitioner Johnstown, Pa. 7-11 APPLIES FOR PUC PERMIT No opposition was expressed re- cently at a hearing on the applica- tion of Victor Venesky of Carroll- town for the hauling of coal and building materials by truck from Carrolltown to Hastings and other points within a radis of 25 miles from Carrolltown, ® Get your car in shape now for Spring and Summer driving. If you need money. to have repairs made, see us about an auto repair loan. We advance cash promptly for this or for any other need or emergency. Come in or phone today, BARNESBORO BUDGET PLAN, INC, Barneshoro, Pa. It's TRUE what they say about A beverage containing the finest ingredients. A distinc- tively different and delicious Cola drink, Hastings Bottling Works Hastings, Pa. rm { AUTO GLASS PROPERLY REPLACED BY XPERTS FRANK SUNSE Phone Barnesboro 321 When you want broken glass replaced, come to the place that specializes in this work. If you are really pressed for time, we can put it in while you wait. SPANGLER AUTO EXCHANGE Q| RI, Proprietor SPANGLER, PA. I Il Im Hn oy Hi MEN'S WASHABLE Slack TROUSERS $2.98 JOFE’S CUT RATE STORE BARNESBORO, PA. on J LIT I I l Il nm Thursday, July 4, 1946 —Five comets are scheduled to Gregg-Skjellerup, Faye, Encke and return within sight of the earth | Taylor, named in honor of their during 1947. They are the Finley, | discoverers. | LEK \ 3 WB PICNIC Make your July 4th celebration a success by purchasing foods for the occasion from your nearby ASCO Store. Beverage Favorites... x ASCO ORANGE PEKOE “n\-4 TEA B Prices Effective Until Closing, July 3, 1946. ALLS for 29° pkg. of 15 IDEAL FLORIDA No Cc ORANGE JUICE 18 vimmins momiveests 99 x) Sunsweet INK Zerens H @ERUED Prune Juice 2: 29¢ Choice Quality Red Kidney BEANS iifc Hurlock Large Tender Sweet PEAS “2 13c Canning Needs BEETS No.2} can Snyder’s POTATO CHIPS 25¢ 15¢ MASON JARS Pts., 5G¢ Qts., Y2-gal., doz. 69¢ _doz. doz. 9G¢ 1-Piece Zine JARCAPS .., 2ic Princess Quality vi. 8¢ | MUSTARD Mother's Joy N. B. C. RITZ CRACKERS ASCO CIDER VINEGAR Carmelized Pretzel Stix 6-oz. pkg. Wilson's Deviled HAM Swift's Prem LUNCH MEAT “2% 3-0z. can 33¢c pint 13 23¢ i8¢c 49¢ jars bic Ali-Sweet- Margarine . w. 23C When Available, Buy DREFT For silks, woolens, and all laundry, fine for dishes, too. 8%:-0z, 23¢ pkg. When Available, Buy LAVA Hand Soap Gentle, Yet ar be Effective For Dirty Hands. When Available, Buy Granulated Soap Granulated Soap wE10S BERR [1005 23 4th of July Favorite — LONS ea. B85¢ Juicy Sweet Cantaloupes California Sweet 1b. 19¢ 4thok July Meat Favorites COOKED, SMOKED, SKINLESS BOILED HAM : Chipped < ¢ Ham Boneless, No Waste 1b. ctn. qt. bot. 1%-1b. can 2 asco Pure Peanut Butter When vailable PETER DOELGER oC ality CHOCOLATE oi 25¢ SYRUP When Available, Buy CAMAY Toilet Soap cake 7° When Available, Buy DUZ The soap of beau- tiful women. Good 'n' Ripe Juicy Freestone Peaches ‘WE PAY HIGHEST PRICES «4 Westrick Motor Co. Phone 2101. CARROLLTOWN, PA. AIDED BY HIS DOGS and a club, rancher Adolph Bufe counted 820 dead rats after a day and night battle that began when he sighted the drove headed for the chicken house on his farm near Sacramento, Calif. Hastily emptying feed hoppers and substituting a quick acting rat poison, the rancher saw the rats dive into the poisoned food. (International) BARNESBORO Phone 594 BF a EE Ne oo FT a PO TT TE SEDO JoofooorfofeofoofoofortecfoiZecfectonortecfocfoofooforteafocfocfoofocfocoroctocfocfe decouoofocfosfoofococfocfocfectocrcfocfocfoctorfofocfostoctectocfoctootortoctocteotontocte sfeoforocfoctsfoofortocfocfecfocfocfecfocfeofecteciecfectesfocfocfocfortecects i