WEEKLY C ' ACROSS 1.Quote (archaic) 20 5. Garment 5.Pullby * 22 9. Artist's force 23 stand & 6.Talkirra. 24 10, Storms tionally 12, Heaped 7. Grow old 25 13. Occurrence 8. Dreamily 26 14. Man's name thoughtful 28 115. Employ 9. Heroic 30 16. Therefore 11. Shops 31 17. Ease 15. Vase with ~~ 32. 20. Pinaceous a pedestal tree 21. Flowed 22. Flutter 23. Dominant feature 26. Subsides 27. Leave out 28. Medieval boat 29. Twilled fabric 30. Confused 34. Mulberry 35. Excavated 36. Wine receptacle” 87. Scorches 39. Cavalry © sword 41, Swagger 42. Worship 43. Droops in the middle 44. Cautious : DOWN 1. Capital (Egypt) 2. Religion of the Moslems 8. Elevation (golf) substance (ceramics) NOTICE. To: Linda Berkey, late of Oak- land, California. Whereas Harold K. Berkey, your husband, has filed a libel in the Court of Common Pleas of Cambria County of March Term, 1945, No. 300, praying for a divorce from you; now you are hereby notified and required to ap- pear in said Court on or before Monday, the second day of July, next, to answer the complaint of the said Harold K. Berkey, and in default of such appearance, you will be liable to have a divorce granted in your absence. 3t PAT FARRELL, Sheriff. WHEN IN CARROLLTOWN STOP AT CALLAHAN'S RESTAURANT Phone 4371 COMMERCIAL INSURANGE AGENCY GENERAL INSURANCE Liability Casualty 1101 Philadelphia Avenue Phone 467, BARNESBORO, PA. ROSSWORD 4.0ld times 19, Simpleton , Winnow . Gust . Bog Egg dishes . Apex . Damp . Scold . Corrodes . Work . Abrasive material 6-26 Last Week’s Answer 38. Constella- 18. Semifused 33. Venture tion 35. Narcotic 39. Cutting tool substance 40. Girl's name 72 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. In the Estate of Joseph Homyek, Sr., late of the Borough of Patton, Cambria County, Pennsylvania, de- ceased. Letters of Administration C. T. A. on said Estate having been granted to the undersigned, all per- sons indebted thereto, are reques- ted to make immediate payment and those having claims or de- mands against the same will pre- sent them without delay for set- tlement to the undersigned. FRANCIS X. YOUNG, Administrator, Patton, Pa. Charles Hasson, Attorney for Administrator, Law Building, Ebensburg, Pa. 7-26 ADMINISTRATRIX’S NOTICE. In the Estate of Sam Sunseri, otherwise Samuel Sunseri, Sr., late of Patton Borough, Cambria Coun- ty, Pennsylvania, deceased. Notice is hereby given that Let- ters of Administration C. T. A. in the Estate of the above decedent have been granted to the under- signed. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims or demands against the same will make them known without delay to MARY PETTORINI, Administratrix, Patton, Pa. Arnold D. Smorto, Attorney for Administratrix, Ebensburg, Pa. W. you want to borrow for any sound business or other pur- pose at low co st and on favor- able terms, remember—this bank is the best place for you to visit. FINANCING Dresiness 1s Peres BusiNEss First National Bank Carrolltown, Pa. NO CHANGES IN THE OFFIGIAL VOTE TALLY Official tabulation of the vote cast in the primary of last week in Cambria county was completed on Monday atl Ebensburg, and fail- ed to change the results of the un- official tablutation listed in this paper last week. Results of the official count: DEMOCRAT Judge of the Superior Court. A Marshall Thompson . 11,003 John Morgan Davis . 9,090 Judge of the Orphans’ Court, A, A. Nelson .. ati 13,241 Sheriff. Patrick McDermott . Patrick Daughterty Eddie McCloskey .........u Jury Commissioner Joseph PF. Pencek ........ Jospeh P. Roberts . Edna F. Lantzy Michael Kasterko . — Julia (Ohala) Govekar ..... REPUBLICAN Judge of the Superior Court John C. Arnold ................ 11,127 W. Heber Dithrich .......... 8204 Judge of the Orphans’ Court A. A. NEISON ........ooniviiinininnins 6,641 Morgan V. Jones, Jr. ........ 7,059 Sheriff Albert Scott Beam ......... 3,848 George B. Simler ............... 5,711 R. Milton Good ................. 2,647 Jchn W. Kimball ... wine 34811 Andrew Stropko .............. 1,346 Jury Commissioner James E. McQuillan... Sarah E. Kennedy ......... 6,065 Jchn L. Havers ..... - 1,812 V. 4,719 CARROLLTOWN GIRL BRIDE OF CRESSONITE The marriage of Miss Catherine Lois Kelly, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John G. Kelly of Carrolltown, to Francis X.' Connell, discharged veteran of World War II, son of Mrs. Charlotte Connell, Cresson, was solemnized on Monday morn- ing in St. Aloysius’ Church, Sum- mit. Rev. Father Innocent Strittmat- ter, pastor, officiated, and sang the nuptial high mass. Miss Mary McLaughlin of Curwensville and Donald Cole of Cresson were the attendants. A wedding breakfast for the immediate families was served at the Cresson Country Ciub. A graduate of the Cresson high school, Mr. Connell was employed in the Warner laboratories, Cres- son, prior to his entering the Na- vy. He served overseas for eight- een months before he was honora- bly discharged. The former Miss Kelly is a grad- uate of Carrolltown high school and Indiana State Teachers’ Col- lege, and has been employed as a teacher in the Colver schools. NEW WHISKEY RATION PERIOD ON MONDAY Another four-week whiskey ra- tioning period, starting’ July 2 and continuing through July 28, was announced on Monday by the State Liquor Control Board. Customers of State Stores will continue to receive a fifth of a gallon of whisken upon presenta- tion of Ration Book 3. Allotments to licensees will re- main at 70 per cent of former nor- mal purchases during the next period, the board added. Colver Mine Returned, Colver mine of the Ebensburg Coal Co. was returned to private cwnership Monday, it was announ- cea by the Solid Fuels Adminis- tration. The Cambria county pit, closed by a work stoppage when 86 other government-seized West- ern Pennsylvania coal mines were restored to their owners June 13. Mcre than 800 miners at the Col- ver operation last week returned to their jobs after a one week shut-down in a dispute involving joy loader operators. ATHLETES FOOT ITCH KILL IT FOR 35c. IN ONE HOUR, if not pleased, ycur 35c¢ back. Kill the germ, you kill the itch. Ask any druggist for this powerful fungicide, TE-OL. Made with 90% alcohol, you feet it PENETRATE. REACHES MORE GERMS. APPLY FULL STREN- GTH for itchy, sweaty or smelly feet. Today at Patton Drug Co. BOYS" SPORT SHIRTS at $1.89 to 18, af ... MEN'S SHORT UNION PRESS-COURIER _ Thursday, June 28th, 1945, : Union Press-Courier Comics THE FLOP FAMILY. By Swan S%0ME_POKER GAME EH ED? G'N\GHT BOH, OH, BOY~ | WON H2522 / e VM MENDING THAT HOLE WN Hour TROUSER POCKET, ah AR SC 3 ; Copr. 1945, King Features Syndicate, Inc.,: 2 VAUDEVILLE LAST NIGHT YCAN WIN A LOTTA DOUGH, IF YOURE LUCKY! CORUSSELL | Registered U. S. Patent Office. | WAS ON THE AMATEUR TRYOUTS DOWN AT THE _{ FIRST PRIZE ~ TEN~ SECOND FIVE~TUIRD' BIG DOUGH ~ TIENTY SoULATS, ) Gosh! 2] “THE ONE WHO GETS THE MOST APPLAUSE WINS~BUT LISTEN To THIS IMITATION © OF A CHICKADEE CALLING WAIT A MINUTE 1) iLL BE Ils 5) WOTS(THE GONG AN THE HOOW! THAT P S TUE GUY JUST HAS NO SENSE OF ORAMATICS/ » READY | CHICKADEE: | (=v y \ C.O.RUSSELL Doc WINNER- Registered U S Patent Office OH, BOY. A HORSESHOE!!! THATS GOOD LOCK! HEY, SPECK !! LOOKIT THE SWELL GQOOD-LVUCK HORSE" SHOE I'VE GOT! { 2% FOUND A HORSE: 4 SHOE $22 FOUND 2 § A HORSE- SHOO-O ® IT WOZ RUS-TEEEE- AN'FULLA NAILS 1,7, 3 THATS MOT GOOD WELL!!--I'M SURPRISED AT SPECK] CRIM-A-MENTLIES. JACKETS $2.98 JOE'S CUT RATE STORE BARNESBORO, PENNA. LUCK, YOU GOTTA [ THATS JUS’ ; SUPER- NAIL IT WITH THE | SRERRS UP OR YOUR) I MERE SUPER: LUCKLL RUN QUT! A ST 7 SUE BELIEVING ALNYTHING AS SILLY iS Eh a sa | (Brees Titans Shok HANGS | hi ; LIKE THAT ! THE TELEPHONE SERVICE YOU WANT-— AFTER THE WAR For more than half a century, the telephone has served the farmer well . . . in business . . . in emergencies + « . in more pleasant living. In years to come, it will serve him even better. V-E Day helped, but the green light on full produc- tion, on the necessary manpower, and on essential construction won't be flashed until after V-J Day. Then we'll resume the program of rural expansion interrupted by war. LIS’EN, YA BIG BULLY, YE TAKEN ALL TM GONNA TAKE FROM YOU, SEE 2! CREAM At home — Any flavor — Delicious — Smooth — No ice crystals—No cooking —No re- whipping —No scorched flavor —Easy — Inexpensive —20 recipes in each 15¢ pkg. Please send this ad for free full-size sam- ple offer, or buy from your grocer. LONDONLRRY Brand Homemade Ice Cream STABILIZER t LONDONDERRY - 835 HOWARD, SAN FRANCISCO 3, CALIF. / ICE THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA