Union press-courier. (Patton, Pa.) 1936-current, September 30, 1943, Image 4

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    “go-to thepotls—timm
PAGE FOUR UNION PRESS-COURIER Thursday, September 30, 1043 2
eh a - mm e——
| throw the book away. Let's hope that -
Patton Courier, Estab, Oct. 1893. || such will prove the case.
f Union Press, Estab. May 1935 SRe%y
UNION PRESS-COURIER new approach to the world food
problem appear to have temporarily L
haa | replaced combat strategy as the num- X
Published every Thursday by hos ber one concern in Washington. These b
A. Owens, 723 Fifth Avenue, Pat. include appointments to four key dip-
Pa., and entered as second Pl € b
on a BR May 7. 1936. at || lomatic assignments, all bearing on
the postoffice at Patton, Pa., under || Anglo-American-Russian integests as Washington, D. C. ' A
the Act of March 3, 1879. well as a program by the War Mo- INDIA AND U. § h
- bilization board for stimulating food Despite the Ch hill . it d the . d
; oe : vx. 1 oy tion abroad so that the U. 8 ite the Churchill visit and:
F. P. Cammarata .... Business Mgr. | production 2 oad So t ” te *, impending campaign in Burma. con. § N
Thos. A. Owens won. Editor || Will not have to feed the world. The diti inside Toei il A
Sa er : {diplomatic appointments involve an| 4itions inside India still remain one ' T
Thos. Owens, Jr., Associate Editor | undersecretary of state to succeed| SOT€ spot where Anglo-American re- " { hy
(In Overseas Military Service) || qndersecrelary of state to| lations, frank and friendly as they I i H orc
Syminer Welles; Jn S1haSsRdOr i are, could stand some cleaning up. is avar in Yai Lud d
Subscription, $2 a Year in Advance Russia; an ¢ nvoy or pre iminary dis- All of tiie President ial ad F
dvertising Rates on Application || cussions of foreign ministers of the| of the President's special ad- M
Advertising Re hres big rowers at Moscow, and a| Visers have brought home more or that co t B
The endeavor of the Union Press- || 2 E I i. Sas ) less the same re orts The in- un S =
i i incerel nt {| U. S. Representative on the Inter- Al- § ports. y
Courier is to RS meerey represent lied Mediterranean Committee clude: Laughlin Currie, member of h:
Union Workers in elr effor # Li goof v the White House staff; ex-Under- . . N
blain economic freedom, partiow- (| To HENS 1% THE | Soe oe San, SEUoger Because freshness is so important to
any 8 advocsied 2 Be i last war and they ought to be call.| SPecial Ambassador Billy Phillips, flavor, change to really fresh A&P Te
ine Workers o . =: ii , : : cpt . &
licit the support of All Unions. ||ed by the same name this time. You Latest ¥idense opin Sore Coffee. Remember it’s sold in the
hi , ard S is a re o Leg
Material for publication must be || can’t blame all the barbarism com- > gp, rE0A ’ ll 4 v ne
authorized by the organization it | mitted by the Germans in Europe on pew Boonomie Valiare Syminions. bean — Custom Ground when you 41c 47 Sic >
represents, signed by the Presi- || only one man or a group of men. It bel TE Scher how press i buy, ++ you get finer, fresher flavor! { | | [
dent and Secretary, and bear the | takes thousands upon thousands of oe ’ 2 - | pe =.
seal of the Local. (men—creul, uncivilized and brutal— 8 ape government of nian the a
The Union Press-Courier gives its [to do the things the Germans have riush army, and many Indian busi- (0
advertisers the a She [deme. Warsaw, Lidice, Rotterdam, acs ig 0 view the Wang o 2h A &P Baked Goods w ed
combined circulation o € WO [| Greece, the Ukraine—and now Na- conomic Warfare) office Yor. rionevisax ; a ’ :
A . y is . y-saving values and downright good-
largest circulated weeklies in Cam- [ples. These and many other names | here with frank and deep-rooted sus- ness, serve Marvel Enriched Bread and Rolls. ... WHITE HOUSE Tall be
bria County and has a reader cov- [stand for barbarism beyond the| Picion. This suspicion is not direct- Jane Parker Cakes, Donuts and Sweet Goods. be:
Y i i : i i | Sta Per+Can Cans
erage that blankets Patton and the : rity ed at us alone; it falls on all Ameri- Your family will “go for” them! mp Bu
& ok t comprehension of civilized and decent tati in Indi
major mining towns. <= people. There has been too much in-' 0 apes 2 SS shia. Dated! Enriched! + 0
clination to differentiate between the 1 € American Mission was es- 1%-Lb hi
German people and their rulers—too ablished Fere in i in ihe face o Marvel Bread Loaf 1 Oc EVERY DAY EVAP. MILK (I)...10 tall 89c ®t
i n “ £ LV i . La. cos
DT, Yenaens¥ Jo Dicture Qevmans| Somsilergble reluctanics on (Pri Dated! Enriched! Marvel ANN PAGE ELBOW MACARONT..3 Ibs. 28¢ I
as the misled victims of bad rulers, gover 9 . 2 - ANN PAGE LONG SPAGHETTI... .3 Ibs. 28¢ 0
Who might reform and be good if they | S5S1V the United States hed not been Dinner Rolls . . =. 8c ANN PAGE SALAD OIL (4)......... Pint 27c .
only had new ones. We tried that af. [elmitie a late ib New Diol Frect SULTANA JusTARD Bhi i6-0z. Ilo Th
ter the last war. The German people Ee tiate ae resentatives illic . es Plai Ss d ANN PAGE BAKING POWDER... i2.ox. Re a
must take the responsibility for what p : ain ugare INNYFIE : 3 1h fai;
; us that they have been received on Doz. C Doz C SUNNYFIELD CAKE FLOUR....2% Ibs. 20c
has happened and the United Nations Hers with en misgivings—and in SUNNYFIELD ROLLED OATS .5 Ihe. 260 by
will be foolish if they are lulled into nae Shen n 2 gs-==and Delicious White Sunnyfield CEREAL ASSORTMENT, Pkg. 20¢ tou
a belief in German reformation mere-| “°¢ Tage o Be Sp apencies, L Cc k oni 39 SUNNYFIELD CORN FLAKES... 1802. 110 low
yh sometimes wi ostiiity. Before our y ANN PAGE MELLO WHEAT...... 28-o0z. 140
3Y Docauss We top men have been) _ i glen Y government of India ayer Lake . . ¢ CRISP COLONIAL TOASTS......... 1-Ib. 22¢ >
geo. Hk aise a number of Juestions re- Harvest Moon Non PEAY UBACRERS:...2 1 26 te
arding our mission with the Ameri- rs IFS BEANS JOA ree :
THE ITALIAN PEOPLE, ASIDE| Sonpiooll Coffee Cake. ov 20; Reb MIDNEY BEANS 33.) Cn. 180 cou
SINCE THE PRIMARIES OF THE| from the blow-gas Mussolini and “We have reason to believe that 7 LAUNDRY GEMS ~.......0. M0 LkE le wa
middle of September, politics have hig gangsters, are entirely different. | our movements have been under Send a Jane Parker id SAIL LIQUID BLUE........ Jor, Se =
been pretty quiet in the county, and | Italy, though suffering from shell- close observation, both here and in OCTAGON SOAP FLAKES......... Lge. 25¢ >
candidates of both parties are busy shock, privaiion and lack of military England, and that surveillance is FRUIT EAN os oar.. ‘CLEANER. |. Saket See
seeking to heal the scars that are|equipment, is now getting up its| likely to continue, WHITE SAIL AMMONIA oy 9c and
left after most every primary. HOw- | nerve and fighting back against the Reasons for Coolness. CAKE Pirro ene Hat ma;
ever the general election comes on'the | alien wreckers. Sardinia is recaptur- “Ther to be t inp XX Cat
second day of November—just aed and in more and more areas the SONS ore as nan, %e To Your Serviceman A
month from now—and it is very like- Italians, strengthened by British and orted to Crowle ? : e Spo!
iy that there'll be some political ac-| American support, are rallying their D “1. The fear ys American rep- Lb. dexo Tu
tion very shortly, because the nom- | forces. It is a huge operation to take resentatives may send to Washing- Size Cc Tue
inees won't be able to wait any long- (hold of a nation that has gone tol ton through channels not subject to o'cl
er, in building up their fences.. The | pieces, and put it together again. But British censorship, information con- Packed in hoary VEGETABLE Lb. 4 Points =o
Republicans have a paper advantage maybe it can be done in this case erning the internal situation in In- or a onder SHORTENING Size Cc Per Lb. liste
on registration in the county. But this | There is no question as to the loyalty ia. This, the government of India LY! : List
paper advantage hasn't always work- | and patriotism of a great majority of | seems to believe, might stimulate : = y
ed outs Desa. the Fogle dation fis: the Then people. Hitler now is turn-| American sympathy for the Nation- UNRA TIONED FRESH Mi
ures ot the past Democrats and Re-|ing all his Satanic cruel power ag-| alist movement and criticism of the Id
publicans usually split about 50-50 in |ainst them. He seems even to be turn- | government's ineffective adminis. Churn g0 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Me
filling the offices in the court house. |ing aside from the mounting Russian | trative techniques. RINE f is
Srdie threat against Germany to reek his “2. Fear of American post-war QUALITY MARSA $i U. S. No. | Penna.
AT THE PRIMARY OF SEPTEM-| Vengeance on Italy. But Hitler and commercial competilion. This con- Fh tn a BLUE LABEL { a
ber 14th, the Republicans had a |S 8ang are now spreading themsel-| cern seems to be ghared alike by min oints i
far greater percentage of their voters | VS rather thinly, and the United Na-|' the British and many large Indian [i PO ! A i 0 E S Wa _
‘ Lions are steadily -gaining--stremgtis | bask drs ie pe f
as the figures disclosed. Perhaps, to
some. extent this can be attributed to
the fact that for nearly all Republi-
tan offices there was opposition, i y v :
reas, aul in thre of tne Demo’ | HAVE ¥OU DONE voUR crumtsr- | concerned with tradel promotion. HEAT CEREAL
static naminations, did opposition de- o ams ig ve. Thus $6 Ysar pe: government of India; the American b Cocoa Sweet Pp otatoes 3 Lbs. 25c
velop. However, the Democrats will {OP 1 EB $ home Zront really do | & clon has received us with a help- 11/p-Lb- C Coated
have to create sufficient interest to |e€arly. The mails for overseas close on fulness and kindliness which has ex. Pkg. Iceberg Lettuce ore 2 ite 25
The latter must help and hold Italy,
at whatever cost, as the door to Eu-
ropean invasion and victory.
October 15th for the army and Nov.
nounced that the missjon thought it
expedient, shortly befefe our arriv-
al, to assure the government that
OEW activity in India is in no way
“5 55¢
S ;
Coco-Wheat Pascal Celery ,, 2s. 39c
“get the vote out” in November, or otal
things can be “just too bad.” Howev- 1st for the Navy. If the wrist watch, a pocuiny all a are —— Y 1] 0 o 20
ar, at this time, there is no indication | Cigaret lighter, hunting knife or the can manage fairly well.” Ln e ow nions .s 3 Lbs. c
that the voters won't display a lot |‘ountain pen hasn't yet been bought, . sta . Feast Red, Ripe W
more interest November 2nd than | Wrapped and addressed, it should be TO RELAX RATIONING OF ice Tomatoes Home Grown 3 Lbs. 20 tl
Whey did September 14th. looked after within the next few days. FARM MACHINERY HEN ART = st
Teas: Thich. cont nang sake SIYhing | pgrivultural OMertlS Rose been yc Cranberries svc» © 29 c
BURING THE NEXT FOUR WEEKS | ich coul anger any person orf i. 4 for several days working on 4l/,-01
anything in the mail, so la ff i i ¥
in all liklihood, we can look forward |, 0 HEhterthaid, acl cen ir an announcement which will be good Package ce
%o a great deal of political activity ing. > on cr-iiuld, / co | news to farmers. They are plan- y :
great deal of politic y thing of that sort. Hunting knives ning to relax the rationing of farm © Seafood Suggestions re
Cambria county, but that activity
will not come up to the standard of |
grevious county elections, because the
mank and file of the voters simply re-
fuse to get excited about candidates.
They're watching the campaign ag-
ainst Hitler and Tojo with greater
should be short—eight inches or sli-
ghtly more. Food will likely spoil, un-
less its fruit cake in a tin box. Let
other goods await the homecoming.
The love is greater than the gift. Let
him know that, and let him know by
Relaxation will take two forms.
One will be to permit farm ma-
chinery companies more latitude in
distributing their products to differ-
ent parts of the country. The other
FILLETS .. - 43c
many, many letters. i i i
et Fr il fe tn fake” certain machines MACKEREL FILLETS... ™ 306 | FRESH -
: THESE AN AN ; Although plans are not quite com- BLUE PIXE Fresh, =. Ib 34s HADDOCK
THERE IS ONE THING ABOUT (and fathers too) are brave souls. | plete, it is probable that most farm CARP ,Freh . Lb. 95¢ FILLETS —
~ the War Ration Books to be issued |, average mother, wife and sweet-| machinery will be unrationed from - Dres Bech Stree Lb
in October, for use beginning okie Dobatebo du, loved one overseas,| NOW on except tractors, combines, on MACKEREL Diced »» r+... 12 20 | Wa,
vember which seems rather ominous, for the most part in her individual| hay bailers, beet lifters and similar \ Oc ag CRGAKERS gh resh : Lb. 476 | Lb. C
Those books are designed to cover thousht . mechanized equipment. In general, Dressed vseswe l
5 ghts, stands far and away from 3 ; ET SOAP :
the needs of at least two years. It the others, who have soldiers still in| tractor implements will be taken off TOIL 0CTGBE ' . !
naturally raises, in the minds of most ’ the list, though tractors will stay on. R 2nd! Deadline for Red Stamps X-V-Z;
citizens, the question whether war-
rationing requirements and methods
are going to last that long. Maybe so
and maybe not. Nobody can tell at
this time. It doesn’t cost much more
to print a ration book that's good for
two years, than it does one good for
a much shorter period. It likely will
prove a thrifty venture in the long
ran. If rationing is not required for
the next two years, one can easily
the camps or who have no one in the
service. But they don’t show it. How-
ever, one can pick them out easily by
all the efforts they make to help their
boys who are so far away across the
oceans. We pick them out daily when
they come into our office, and sub-
cribe for the home paper, which their
boy wants so badly and which even-
tually gets to him, sometimes months
late. It doesn’t matter to them whe-
ther Johnny ever gets to be more
than a private. They still are just-
ly proud of them—in fact, after its
It will still be necessary for farm-
ers to go to their ration boards to
get permission to buy certain farm
machinery, but this will be only for
the purpose of making sure that
they are legitimate farmers and
really need the equipment. The old
system of strict rationing on most
farm machinery will go by the
Hitherto, farm implement compa-
nies have been required to distribute
their products equally throughout
the United States, so that some coun-
3 Cakes 14c
gctag SOAP
Package 9
a —
Brown Stamps
g, Long, Jumbo
MM Lb.
/] «=A
over, they'll have the same deep sat- ties where little wheat is raised have REFINED
isfaction as their boys, in that they| received as many binders as coun- ULTRA- 4 ASST MEAT LOAVES Lb 35 94
9 “went the whole way” in this war, | ties in the middle of the wheat belt. X . : C
because the fates so decreed, and it! Or in some cases, too much corn Cloro
will be a satisfaction earned through | machinery has been sent to coun- health De 1 H AMBURGER Super- Lb. 27 ;
weeks and months, and maybe years | ties where little corn is raised, while Provide added im ...use Right g4 4 C | i
constant uncertainty, heartaches and: corn belt counties have been fense In SOU lisinfects, deo- ee eees—— }
CUT-RATE STORE worry. This war must be won and the | slighted. Clorox! 3 aches and re} FRESH, FULLY DRESSED and DRAWN
peace must be one that never again The new order will permit farm dorian, rine. HEAD and FEET OFF F
ill -lovi i wi i t companies to use mor
Barnesboro i ie istion teu en in order to avoid neff. Quart 19¢c CHI “Part
Will Be —_—oe_________ | cient distribution. Bottle S FOWL :
I i 1 HERI
C I away, the house-cleaners have been . Cc Lb. 47¢c days.
OSED busy. All the paintings gu Sieh i
seers’ Row have been cleaned, stat- MAKE THIS PLEDGE FOR UNCLE SAM .
: ” 3 brief
mre bem A ig hat you wl pay no Tose than top BACK THE ATTACK A a
1d. egal prices. ... h ¢ t ‘ i
Thursday & et a rerio Sie Fv cations esse vinon "sisi. up. snton X BUY isk
Frid —— | cet of paint puluts. The. CONSUMER HOME FRONT id A BOND TODAY! | Ki :
Looki t the hef irth of Jy S$ in full swing now! gn up! servic
riday CS rama |
i } gon ho tips the beam above 225 pounds, 1
‘Open on Saturday || [Louk WANT aps | you would never guess that he eas A & P SU ty E R MA R K ETS
3 PACK A WALLOP {ony one meal a day. .
Press-Courier ads pay the best.
Ae A Onn