Thursday: May 13th, 1943, WEEK FARM CALENDAR From the Pennsylvania State | College Agriculturalists Pennsylvania's increased swine pop- | ulation will require a large amount | of additional feed this vear. Live- stock specialists of the Pensylvania | State College recommend the use of pasture where possible to provide a high protein feed and save grain. Al- falfa and clover pastures are prefer- able, but Dwarf Essex rape may be used where legume pastures are not available. Select Cocicerels. Poultry growers who plan to main- | tain breeding flocks to supply hatch- | ing eggs next fall, winter, and spring | should select and save their best | cockerels at the time they market | broilers, remind poultry specialists of | Pennsylvania State College. About | three times as many should be saved as will be needed. | Roses Are Available. Flower growers have many out- | standing varieties of roses available this year either as additions or as re- placements, say ornamental horticul- turists of the Pennsylvania State College. There are white, pink, red, salmon, orange, apricot, yellow and blends. Ask your county agent for rose culture information. Repair Girdled Trees. Apple trees girdled by mice dur- ing the past winter face death unless repairs are made promptly, say Penn State fruit specialists. A prompt and effective job of bridge grafting usu- ally will insure quick and complete recovery. Use Slatted Floors. Many turkey growers prefer siut- ted wooden floors instead of wire for turkey sun porches. Penn State poul- try specialists have records of slats lasting seven years withont repairs. Save Aati-Freezo. Drain and save antifreeze solution in cars, trucks, and tractors for use | next winter, urge Penn State agri- | cultural engineers. { Soybeans Are Needed. | Oil is needed for the war effort and high protein concentrates are in de- | mand for livestock feeding. Soybeans produced by Pennsylvania farmers this year will help to relieve short-| ages of both. Agronomists of the Pennsylvania State College say that | oil can be extracted from the beans and the meal used for feed. Plant Certified Potatoes. Certified seed is the only stock | from which it is safe to save seed | for next year’s planting, remind the | plant pathologists of the Pennsylva- | nia State College. Plant the certified | Seed in a field separate from other potatoes to avoid any possibility of disease infection which might occur in the same field. Grow Some Fiowers. A touch of color will be added to the garden by growing some flow- ers in the border and the blooms can be used for inside decoration. Flori- culturists of the Pennsylvania State College suggest snapdragons calendu- las, China asters, cosmos, petunias. scabiosa, marigolds, and zinnias. Gardening Is Popular. | Vegetable gardening is engaging the attention of 4-H Club members all over Pennsylvania. Club leaders | at the Pennsylvania State College | report that the members are making | sure their families have plenty of | vegetables this year. Better Breeding Pays [ Dairy cows are limited by inher- | itance in their production of milk! and butterfat. Only sires that im- | prove the production of their daugh- | ters over that of the dams should be | used, Penn State dairy extension specialists emphasize. Save Good Cockerc-s. | Flock owners who plan to produce hatching eggs should make the first selection of breeding cockerels at the time they market broilers, say Penn State poultry specialists. | NOVENA FOR THE MONTH OF MAY ANNOUNCED FOR | CARMELITE MONASTERY | The Carmelite nuns of Loretto an- | nounce the monthly novena for May | in honor of St. Therese, the special | favorite of Mary. Each day of the novena, from May 22 to May 30, in- | clusive, there will be novena services, | also benediction of the Blessed Bae rament and prayers in honor of the] Blessed Mother, continued through- | out the month. During this May, as always, Wwe | honor the Blessed Virgin as the pa-| troness of the Church in our coun- try. It is the earnest wish of the Holy Father, Pope Pius XII, that | special intercession be made through | the Immaculate Heart of Mary, the | Queen of Peace. for the needs of humanity and for the attainment of | a just peace. She wil obtain the gra- ces all need to bear the sacrifices, hardships and separations which war thrusts upon us. A special intention | will be made for the many sons and | daughters of the Church who have | flocked to the defense of the coun- try, many of whom are already en- shrined on the honor roll of the dead. All names sent to the Monastery, as well as all intentions, will be placed on the altar and remembered in the many prayers of the Carmelite nuns during this month.” Novena services | and Benediction of the Blessed Sac- rament each day at 4 p. m. Address to the Carmelite Monastery, Loretto, Pa. | | | | | | | | ey —Buy bonds for the government, and save money for yourself, Surely no better two way advantage invest- ment ever was offered. 9 Re i N° WIUSTHIOY » +5: aavi NvivV « IVT YOINOY¥IA + $SD) » qUIDY Ig = uoysuyor atuuyor x Aqsci) Ang x ubwWIBAQ auuky x axpig HII I34|PM * 4YdDa4] INYY » WDYUN(Q BULBYIDY * XaNi] §saui3 x Asjog ShcA CEL TA ARR o BT LITE ELIYA TVTTT. TT. 1o 0 GUY Sle 01 JT IPT pbuoQ » sapoyy Ayag «x SCO RETELT FLIER fellle} O * |{pysioy 81d * 2[lIWaq 'd 1199) [CTL TY TS i} StL Rell I BE TCT LLY PITT CH CTS RI TT eT 361039 Aq papaug » Aydiny Sei bo . 19440 93Jy} pup * UNION PRESS.COURIER. ; 4 : 2° nes pe oo i uot Po NIDVYE 11003 ~ NOLLNH Allg ~ THHMOd DIA ~ NILIVIW AMV ~ VNIIOZ VY3A ~ Qdvaao9 i1iainvd « Woh (Ca $i) aot w i ANVTIIW AVY + INOL 10HONVYd ~ JY00W JOLIA + AVRINWAPW a3yd ~ dJNOWYV1 AHLOYOQ ~ 3dOH 809 ~ A9SO¥) 9NIG ~ Bunnys PAGE SEVEN ° Uojje] ‘axjeayy] pueiq ¢ @ “ung i \ L191 fey “uo SUMMER COURSE The usual summer session at St. | Francis College, Loretto, will begin | June 8th and last 12 weeks, ending August Tth, and will be co-education- al. Registration will be held in Sci- ence hall on the campus, Monday, June 7th, under direction of the Rev. Severinus J. Carroll, T. O. R., reg- istrar and acting dean of studies Branches of the following courses may be decided upon: Biology, chem- istry, English, history, language, phy- sics, mathematics, education and philosophy. Special courses may be arranged upon application to the re- gistrar. Unassigned students of St. Francis, enlisted in the reserve corps, of the Army, will be eligible for active du- ty not later than two weeks subse- quent to termination of the current academic period ending May 17. Col- lege officials received the notice | from Headquarters, Third Service | Command, U. S. A., Baltimore. Reservists now at St. Francis are E. Barcellana, J. rome Klenner, Dysart; L. Kloster- { man, Cumberland, Md.; Stephen Ku- past several days has held up kucka, Revloc; Albert Mills, Barnes- boro; R. Turano, Cumberland, doah. Jersey City, N. Md.; | ers in MULLS AND SKEETER |s. Welsheck, Portage; J. Yobaggey, | Ebensburg; and John Kull, Shenan- customary spring work of the farm- ( Administrator’s Notice | Estate of Kathryn G. Johnson, late | claims or demands against same, will mediate payment, and those having | of the Borough of Patton, Pennsy- | present them without delay for sete the | this section. Regitered 1 Patent Office Exceptionally wet weather for the | [Vania deceased. | Letters testamentary on the said |tlement to all persons | estate having been granted to the | undersigned, | thereto are requested to make im- | indebted trator, 521 L. G. GORSUCH, Administrator, 521 Beech Ave., Patton, Pa, 6tA18 Bv_ WALLY BISHOP WHERE ARE YA OVER TH GOIN' WITH ALL FELD! PEE wes (ok THAT STUFFZ J WORD WITH SiSTE, ARE GOIN' T'GET SOME PRACTICE THIS AFTERNOON! BOY! THIS EQUIP. MENT WEIGHS A TON THAT'S THE WORST OF BEIN' BUT WHERE'S YOUR CORNET 2, A CATCHER" 1 WISH SISTER WOULD GET THESE MESSAGES STRAIGHT