ne — a BIG BUSINESS MIRACLES | ; - ——— epi ws bss, eX Sunday and Monday MATINEE SUNDAY AT 2:30 ia , a I'S SHE'S A MODERN EVE IN A DOWN- abd 1 AE CEL a 1% T0-EARTH EDEN! Washington, DD. ( ‘ ! ? L y o | i Maddy PAGE EionT UNION |_PRESSGOURIER Thursday, June 11, 1943 Lammery HEXDE RSON SW ARNING 3 : ; Bliptt Jobs Oorflaid. he's dls ft deme Spanenn Gry e's BE er ha | THEATRE PATTON —-----g8 We De oi Saturday Surrent ele of , ay Waisted vy ne his $ ¥ i : Wa i | 3 Hm it ” Year Ww FEC . 117} no ! v § ‘ tr oy y . 1641 a | ; i enormous ; sginess whereby ns the supply of SLIT: be 28 per cent less This wide disparity thasing power and Vi sumer goods Henderson the great inflationary fact: r Wits 8 ot me people's pockets thar on C which to ®pend it, a ampeiitive | B18 0 ay Ao ! A : 7 rou el, N gitustion develops that may set off | =% © . pa : d . Tima ST EAT RA ol ' i 8 cntastr ph ie price FUN aWEY 4h ions Can G0 (he BATHE fiir 8 und of them 10 Ove . |p | \, i Po . 1 ) > less drastically controlled mn hve Mu laugh ond hove we : : by. | ’ MORGAN strating this problem, Hender- Thus. one tank truck, working J il 4 ea ; ; . : sustain Ee that sbout 31 billions hours, (and all such equipment ; hilarious for withi Lie A LIM TAMIROFF- SHELDON LEONARD of the estimated 117-billion national ‘on a 24-hour basis) would relieve | oY go : VEN BE JOHN QUALEN - DONALD MEEK ibeome will be absorbed by taxes | the equivalent of 16 or 20 tank cars gt RR — hn “AN QW | " CONNIE GILCHRIST « ALLEN JENKINS and savings, leaving 88 billions in: Thepe cars, in turn. are Led £ placed | Te ee 8 i ng Fo HENRY O'NEILL spendable money. However, there On the jonger hau b will be only #9 billions of cons umer the East coast commodities . Hesult } This 17 billion ex 2%. he deg lared, ovetrlume #8 what must be yr ot in check which norma ir order to prevent it from setling in © ii fo motion an inflationary viral that ing 850 000 would smash the naticn's economic (SNIPS) NOFIMABIY Tuy 3 per ce A ol : aystem. . ee a WL the East coast requirement, but a 0 ; ot a comedy stars ...ond © Tough a8 this prooiem is ender with the withdrawal of taney soil A wi : a a Son predicted that the situation will cars are cing rushed inte the fp Hh v 2 { of ae M-G M beauty... in . [eset ou trae siemens or Chic YOUNG 12° ve romantic riot of a gol BE even worse in 1043. He estimated | brea A =A That by next year purchasing power & X “Al 3 wih Mine aTme LARSY who could sock...ond two Mill be three times greater than in WG WAG | 4 ~~» > SINGLETON+ LAKE - SIMMS guys who covid take it 1988 while the su of consumer ™h sr department Ras asked ‘ / . pply » The war department has asked 5 : 4 oa Rais «8 “ t- Ras C : Ge i ih We will ‘be only the same as in Congress nr 8 iO 8 month puy | \ : ; t year, the pit of the depredsion raise for West Point cadets, Pres $ A COURMMA PICTURE i We Pi ty Sone on Go St ied Mummy + Sil 19 ARE 8 SRA - Retest bw SOF SR The price administrator told the ent rate is $85, the department says | Stmmittee that the only way disas- it ought to be $75 becaune the pres | Sous. inflation can be averted is by ent class will be $250,000 in debt | Added ttracti when it graduates { A on the most stringent government con The marine torps is urgently in need of Japanese translators and in gv terpreters. If you have a working ; knowledge of Japanese, get in touth gi ' 3 with the corps al once, either by gia. Ho TRY & EI writing to Washington or visiting the i . A ll iF $ OF THE CORPS / | nearest recruiting station. y fn . RANT wr | gp Jheriin thrill you to 5 | Because ss Philip Murray, CIO pre- “oe | glfent, says: “We know what Wapping [to trade unions In countries conquer ‘ed by Hitler.” | To preserve free trade unionism on the face of the qurth, millions of members of organized abhor are buy. ing —and will continue to buy--War Savings Bonds regularly, every pay. GRANT TAYLOR +s STYLES OF THE HOUR FOR THE MAN OF THE HOUR om ¥ ! y wrtuadat ’ c FREDDIE BARTHOLOMEM * JIMMY LYDON "40, 000 Hor semen Screen ploy by Howerd J. Gruen * Biers » Love in the Midst of War-—And 'With Starting Results i phew eatin | rely Ow whale of war product tion. | qualified as , expert rifie shooter. | war materials’ : L : : the booklet says ean | The Came Commission's willinghwss! The order also is expected to ed ways to ctpp wate wus announced following | the mate, the miners union 1 an his war Tb antil the the Departmext of Military Aftnirs’ | anthracite operators to ue hers, eSnioINS aad Ite i sdivises him he ia more disclosure that Pennsylvania won | pa * “bootleg™ power mobilization was outlined this | Deeds : : {through may be called upon to organise \nits week in & pamphlet, Work Will Wis’ 8 oye or that | nnatt} an Great Britain's home guard | ml . | 4 draft ‘Board. } ] os “Every American han s vital part| 3 for & war industry job to MORE VITAMINS FOR total waz,” Commission Cn = ed fon But 3 Be I CATTLE WITH COAL [Off timely importance tn comet ving fuel oll for the war in Bituminoas [Coal Research's Information Bulletin | No. 5 “The Use of Bituminous Coal| Lin the Dehydration of Alfalfa and] | Other Porage Crops.” It discusse) he | [advantages lo lhe farmer of ai | history of this vit Amin-conserving a | dustity. It shows that stokers, firing biturninous coal, can be und have bien | rendily adapted to alfuifa debydra-| | toe Sormerty equipped for oil firing. | Jp 2-1 ! the booklet asks OPI. tion of employers, labor unions, and all governmental officials to a — the following objectives: | LONG DISTANCE COAL State Commerce Secretary Mark sivas if 3--Upgrude workers into super vig: fase ors and foremen to organise the gre. ater produc tion effort of the next few months. 4-—thmplay youth, women and white workers in the farm labe mers harvit. i ~INscourage pirating of labo among. war contactors hy “hinder each other's wher’ fromuction,