El Merry Christmas UNION Union VoL 48. NO. 10. MILL WORKERS DEMAND PAYMENT OF SCHWAB'S DEBTS BY STEEL HEADS James B. Cent, Regional Director of B. W. 0. 0, Declares Huge Profits Make It Possible JAMES B. GENT Following nation-wide interest in the “debts of honor” of Charles M. Schwab, expressed in jellers, news stories and editorigls, James B. Gent, director of (he Bteel Workers Organ. jming Committee of the CIO of this district. han joined the demand that heads of the stell industry pay debts. These debian of Schwab's were made hr. Daagident. of 8%. Francis of p $25,000, borrowed once district, 12.800 the | Press, Established May, 1830 a MULLIGAN NAMED FIRE WARDEN AIDE A. Moran of Johnstown warden, Bunday ced appointment of Harvey Mulligan, Patton, as asiistant fire warden Moran said he felt confident that Mulligan, who served as president of the Cambria County Firemen's Asso. ciation in 1830, would render valuable service in the extensive program be- ng mapped {o strengthen Cambria County's fire Jefenses. The chief irdlicated that initial ef- forts would be extended to obtain an accurate inventory of fire-fighting (eguipment sow on hand in the var. fous wolunteer fire companies throu- | ghout the district. "We want to know wha twe have to work with,” said | Moran PATTON [DEFENSE LEADERS NAMED Both Males and Female Citizens Requested) to Register NOW at the Borough Office Chief Jobin five defense annotn- Committees to function during any emergency were appointed at a meet. ing last Friday evening in the Patton Community Hall The public meeting of the Defense Couindil was attended by over 400 persons. Burgess John Haluaka outlined the complete functions of gach committees in the event of alr raids or othe! disasters All citizens of Patton Borough and the community, both male and female, ‘from 16 years of age up, are urgently requested to Fegister immediately for Patton & deiense work at the Patton Borough | { Office. De duty! Register at’ our uy a |hter of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Bishop | Altoona Diccess. ust Quevy: sirraid warden, nn and Ww. M. Bosserman; iv. 1 Milton | Haluska jand bridges, George C. Hoppel, chair | ian, and Janes McGQonegal, un-Am- ierican activities, J. J. Sheehan, Chas. ‘Swab and H. H. Nehrig. alr defense | council, J. J, Sheehan, Wm. Biatt Barton Winslow, Elmer Crowell, Mil: | ton Stoltz ard John Bender; records and finance, Harry Stoltz, Frank X. Young. Andrihw Senita, John Thomas, roared children | build the | Raiph Litzinger, Charles Snyder and Frank Cammarata; general council, Dr. B. P. Cooper, Lows Haluska, Geo, IHoppel, Wm, J .Blatt and Frank Schwab, All the locul Council Defense Chair- ‘men are to nieet at the Legion Home {Friday evening, December 28, at 8:00 at which time Walter Btinson, rg, Chairman of County De- | fense Unit, will be present to explain | the work of various committees in’ | detail, AH BESTA SOR TBS Erie Gears son, Louis Luxenberg, H. C. Kinney, | | Birt, !rolitown : nade Patton Courier, Established Qot., 1808. | CAMBRIA COUNTIANS LOSE WEIGHT PERMITS William 8 Livengood Je. nounced concellation of weighmastier licenses held by Bteve Reiter of By. Reuben FP. The | Bhort-Weight Coal Act, : Mr. Livengood also announced that | the new solid fuel weight com! slips | | must be used after New Year's Duy: | Th esixaeonth extension for use of slips printed before the new Bhort- | Weight Cosl Act went into effect lat | Christmas h ells 1 heard the bells on Christmas Day Their old, familiar carols play, And wild and sweet The words repeat Of peace on earth, good will to men. ~ H.W. Longfellow NIGKTOWN GIRL KILLED, SIXTY NEW BOY SCOUT SIX INJURED AT REVLOC TROOPS ARE PROPOSED A 15-year-old Nicktown girl was killed and six others injured, three seriously, in a truck-automobile accl- dent at 4:30 Saturday afternoon on Route 422, st the intersection of (he fevioe Road, two miles east of Eb snaburg. The vietim was Helen Bishop, dau- | tes in this territory, the the head uf the | Fianna for the organization of Boy of the Altoona Diocese have been dis closed by Most Rev. Bishop Richard | T Guilfoyle a, fracture {and & ‘old daughter, Btoits, Joseph | skull and (ai. ‘Condition of | Hospital. Tay rrr 45, riding in the Roles’ machine, sustain. Peary Council. ‘ed 5 fracture of the left leg and the | right sm. DeRubis suffered lacerations of the chin, face forehead and fractured vibe. He is also in the Johnstown hospital. Stephen, his 13-year-old son, sustained bruises of the back, lacera- tion of the lower lip and a sprained wrist. State Motor Police at Ebensburg ssid the Roles machine crashed into the truck when it started to turn across the highway. An inquest will be held next week by Coroner Pat. rick MeDermott, A ANA IN RL STRUBLE NAMED NORTH KIWANIS HEAD strated on a number of occasions his "interest in the Hoy Beouls, has aps pointed a committee to further the work among Catholics. PATTON MINER DIES oF INJURIES RECEIVED IN MINES Las? THURSDAY TS PIII I. Choby, 28, of Patton at 1:30 p. wm. | st Friday in Colver Hospital Choby suffered a fracture of the | skull when struck on the head by a sar while at work in the Colver mine of the Ebensburg Coal Company on | Chursday Choby was born in Pstton on Sep- | semen tember 26, 1913, a son of the late Mr. | Robert L. Struble, Barnesboro, was ¥ glected president of the North Cam- bria Kiwanis Club for the ensuing year at 8 meeting held last week in the Brandon Hotel, Spangler. Mr. Struble succeeds RB. H. Greenwood of Other officers elected are Dr. Fred E. Arble, Patton, vice president; J. Edward Stevens, Carrolitown; George C. He . HH. H. Nehrig and Dr. F. BE. Arble, all of Patton; J. R. Nichol- eae mother, Mrs. Anna Choby, and these brothers and sisters—John, Edward, {9 &. m. Monday in St George's Cath- | Alexia Horvath, 0. 8B. B, with inter- Clark, W. R. Crago, J. Henry | Cink and R. H. Greenwood, all of | Batntsboro, members of the board of | {| In one of the most ambitions pro- | | grams outlined for Boy Beout activi. | Bishop Guiltioyle, who has demon: | Mining claimed the life of Bernard olic Church at Patton by Rev. Father ty summer, expires on January 1, he sald. RAR RRA SO ntl FR Ror ah JOHN A. LIPPLE KILLED IN COUNTRY’S SERVICE 24 Year-Old Ashville Mun Abourd) U. B. Arisona When Bunk by Enemy on Dec. 7 Cambria € ‘ounty’ # first rasusity of World War II was made known Sal- ‘urday night in 4 Navy Department dispatch lo the parents of an Ashville the states | secretary of internal affairs, has an- | Hush of Fallen Tim- ‘ber, and Edward Kontorchik of Care cancellations wire | for various violations of (he! 1 SI a CEO SUBSRIPTION $2.00 PER YOR ATE i "RICHARD 1. i RS BUCK HONOR ANNAPOLIS GRADUATE FRIDAY Ensign ’s Graduation Held Liat to Present Eatty Duties to Start Soon BE ’ ‘ 1942, | | | | | INISIGN RICHARD MH. BUCK young man who made the supreme sacrifice for his country. John A. Mr. and Mra. Anthony Lipple, lost his Hie on the UU, 8. 8. Arizona when she was sunk December 7 by Japanese alreraft. Official word reached the sage from the chief of the Bures:. of Navigation, Navy Dept, Waablaglon: Your son, John A. Lippls, jetly cfficcr, first clas, was ovr He graduted from Patton High Beh aol in the cluss of 1955 and enlisted ihe following year. a sddition to hia parents and two brothers in the Navy, Lippie is par vived by three sisters. Mary Cather ine and Margaret Lipple, at home, land Sister M. Evangelista, 1. WH. M, Solemn requiem mass for the Navy man was celebrated Tuesday mors | . Woodlawn, Md Lipple, 24-year-old son of | | Naval Academy st Annapolis. Mary (land, tanks in the upper fifth of his cing of 170 midshipmen. The Patton young man, & | Scout Troops in ever Catholic church |, o.oiie parents in the following mes. | Mr. snd Mrs. Raymond homie on furlough, after which he is (to je with the | Uniled States (i prt Sac fon (Jenusity 8 n ine uch - it emergency. He holds sn WINANS 'S HEAD SHORN 4 comely 53-year-old Cambria won was decapitaled early onday in (ne of the most gruescine highway acqidents in the ansusls of Cotinty. Yar head severed al the ; Mabee ing at 8 o'clock in St. Thomas’ Cath. {olic Church, Ashville, of which Lipple | Wis member, a kas aacnad JURY ABSOLVES SPANGLER pot cae I ————————— A coroner's jury Saturday afin) noon absolved William Reed, 3, off [North Spangler, of eximinsl {ce in the death of John M. Jury agreed that Nycek cam his eh as result of injuries mat: {fered when he was struck by an site. Palin Highway emiburg. An | driver of the