PAGE FOUR UNION PRESS COURIER nA SL NEI 8 Patton Courier, Estab, Oct. 1883 Union Press, Estab May 19305 UNION PRESS-COURIER | Publis ery Th Ry A { Yrens 1 } -} fthh Avintue ton 5 ard en el ms second clings at the pos! the A { Business Mgr Editor F.P Cammarata Thos. A rivens Subseription, $2 a Year in Advances Adver : Application The endeavor of the Union Press. ceroly and howestly represent Trade Union Workers in efforts {to obtain eConoMmt freedom through organizations as advocated by the CIO and AFL. and we solicit the support of trade unions Mater ial for publication must be author ized Dy the organizstion it repre- sents and signed by the President and Secretary and bear the seal Courier is bi Bin The Union Press Courier gives its advertisers the advantage of the cumibined circulation of the two largest circulated weeklies in Cam- ria County and has & reader cov- “rage that blankets Patton and the major mn ifnitn LE towns ey -— Sg = sb A A A bei AR plantation program for i'txas and New Mexico. But its a ng-haul remedy some plants ready others in four AS and fuel Bie next year be Curtaizad guile Censorship i coining Navy nb a1 Wire sent shroad itr g Fir igen PPOs o0 Re ORE ress FROM it's coming. ( the “I'raging-wits giving full CENTRED «1 this Cfficinls say pews will he less Haig i8 Machinery will be Price control bills tightened up. hurried. Won ime to preves i dangerous Le a MO AMERICA'S war with the Axis Powers may compiotely siter the po- Hticel picture in 1842 in Pennsyiva nig when 8 Goverror is 19 be sected It may deter five prominently men tioned candidates Democrats and two Hepublicans nominations They are UV. BRB Benator Davis, and Major General Martin, Republicans, U7. 8 Senator Joseph FF. Guffey, Anthony J. Drexel Biddle Jr. American Am baasador to etled governments, who iz stationed In London, and William CC. Bullitt, President Roosevell's per sonal represesfiative in the Near East all Democrats three frostn James 3 James J sae e All: FIVE have front as prospective in Ww of the present is believed they will pref in their respeciive posis gre now vitally needed be War. An inventory of what fl at the present time for Govern witild seem Lo be Hepublicans Bam. wel BB Lewis Lisutenasnt Governor, and William 8 Livengosd, of Internal Affairs, as well as former Slats Beoretary of Commerce, Rich sed Brown. Oiber oulstanding Dems ocrats mentioned are F. Clair Hows, been in (he Tore candidates, but emergency it fo retain where they siamese od The Ligier in _- 2 | will attend promptly = ioe Dain hat comes before it. ¥ for a stop tu part bickering wit Hkely be recognised a the leaders of both political partids due 0 the nation's unanis nly in the war jasue, $Res Hp ~ THE WAR wil jikenly be a long one; all plansare being made on that Dosis. The first your may alesost Sntirely be a defensive war, due Ww iste start on Army, Two ocean vy and offensive weapons Conoen- as of the guesses is from theese to five years. The gent official wor- ry st the present is Russia's attitude VEry ¥ hgh at secking | Secretary flrs NAGEMENT may decide to solve isbor reistions problems through reg Une or two region al sgresments made last week T Labor Bill, passed in the House, will lie on the Senate shell WAT cxf is physical exploited LABOR MA cer this week onal agprvsinents Were will the bret Labor gens support i pad ia to he i i v Bist omiust not be EERE SMALL Bl still unscived BINESS Bmall machine sho rs piredl 1s % Fe £¥F greater Siweedd RI 3 ind Eas i Pras ay Iw w fide No Exution yet for those who ain't ¢ to war wink workers growing by leaps and by iirsls Yoith army and navy aliy abeirting ne #1 RY Be mh ge fioxibily rye Shortage Fold ihe WOrKers. many ant the wrvdilere Prods Ge fenase CHEER THE farndusliyv all of NAT is thie Bre bmginning realize 11. The infamous silack of he Axip-inapired Japanese fotitlry, in one single bow, brought spontaneous unanimty to the United Btale citizens. Perhaps we have sufl- Uw BFE OEE fered a major defeal in the Pacific, Cat what we have lost there, Hitler romp detecting airplanes in fHght will be given al Pennsylvania State College tie second semesisr to prepare sty. Gents to apply for conumissions in Signal Corps of the 17, B. Army Navy, it was announced recently basic course will enable the students to take further work in ul tre short waves, Prof. Chas. 1. Kin stow, head of the Department of Elec trical Engineering, pointed out. Am. eran officers now in England are {he anda + Tel Feiting froni Hine instruction in the | operation of radio beam detectors which Britain and the United Sistas are developing in quantity, he said. Open only to seniors who have ma- jored in electrical engineering or phy~ | for is £2 Lik Fics ahd who have had certain pre- | {scribed work in electronics and com- California, | Hp 'COLVER NOTES Mrs eth Blarnesboy gro Miss Hosp tal Hens ¥ iany Eduicy Mra Fadwards Mr and very recovering Raturday =. § Fong 3 forms He is giient in the ef Hospital SWAMP WATER DUE SUNDAY AND MONDAY Revamp Water 0 the foreheding sinipiand that shapes the lives VER BY Ai Cane and 8 hates of mbit Ae reed Bunday and Monday sfennan as Tom Huston as Thursday Fegan Baxter as Julie and Dans And wi as Ben have the leading Swamp Water” is the pen andl is one of the most serials ever published by turday Evening Post. 11 is 8 story if Lhe pepe who Ive in the cantiry near the Hep Swamp of Georgia, a sory of the Busted. ard a film: yw the Precip to the Grand Theatre n Patton on Ww Kiter i Kes fer. Walter A Ninhe pres froay 4 vereen Bell the strange awescarnie Oeeslena i don't want to Yih GE Barnesboro Newlyweds Hurt In Accident Baturday N A newly malourday o married ooubie was i spon when the Cur ; ! were riding fed another on Route 210 between and Ebensbinry Th Mr. and Mrs. Albert W yaockie aver returning to Barneshoro ful” Hie tley vB where thay BEroiilown cafe roan Were Rafurday 8 ierration ah | grata ined dee SCRIP and brash FIER Knew i PAassengrrs in he elle eeralied By CO Walters Hernes ul fered minor lacerations and bru the fecw aad head abot State wil Keep Highways Thar — General Pershing Offers Services in the Crisis John J. Pershing. American World War 1. advised Pres Roosevelt last Wednesday night Serve Nis country ¢ XXX of my reaay tn fe last our ndiminished by § a i ¥ to his commander-in Pershin £ expressed supreme Troe in the satenme of Mr Hooseveil's 10 leadership A ie fr ol DRAFT CALL ORDERS Fee Beadauarters say of War Depart. ! pata and induction calls dered cont nformation and hence direction War Department ad Par t extends sin ced unless announ explain that withholding | gtiowm on draft ealls and Suntas February 24. rntended to prevent disclosure of and manner of Army in- This ruling doea not of the names of men rete CTE RRASS prevent oad publication frafted Cambria County Physicians Will Berve in Emergencies mihria Un By Fer eT £€ their professional skill ANE to astve in of Cambria County Math raerrd In rum thly rebut SEtY went on al their Fuge § iw 3 4 i # wh RECENT DEATHS IN NORTH OF COUNTY JAMES i. CONNELL, 73 a retired tiramd ticket agent died Saturday Cresson. Fupersl ser vere held at § o'clock Tuesday #t. Francis Xavier Cath Cresson, with burisl in t) ehure » cemetery. Burviving are his widow, Mra Marthe Connell, and idren: Martha Connell, Mrs aang and Mra. B.A. Baird. all torney James 3M. Con respon, Joseph A. Connell virn: Milton MM. Connell, Phils ia, Glenn Connell, Pittsburgh and Fred Connell, Greensburg. He waa | a brother of Julia and Agnes Connell | Mrs. Margaret! Deoriet. all of Eb burg Mary Connell, West Chaatey Foath Connell, Philadephia; M. Don. 1d Connell, Carralltown. ant Wilbert yell, Lam Angeles, Cal FR POET IN these chi Cressey: Atl CHARLES F. BAUMAN, Carrolltown died mexpeciediy af hig Altoona on Sunday after. | He was born in Carrvolitown on a som of George and Mary Bauman His father precede hime in death. Surviving sre hin mo. ther, now residing in Carrolitown: Ria widow. Mrs. Kathleen ( Delozier) Ban: Mun. a sister. Mrs Florence Lilly Patton: two brothers. Leo and Panl ME int rs Bauman, both of Carroditown, sad the following children: Rosemary, John Ceernrd, Hlizabeth, Claude, Thomas Jomn snd Richard Bauman. Mr Bau. man wis a member of St Mary's Cathodic snd the Holy Name Ro ietly Charel this WiLL AM W. GLASS, 58, Ebensbury, a tipataf! in the Cambria County Following = discussion of the Court for the last four years, died on 9 ¥ Preparsdness Sompanittee the are Gecided that their seyvices offered to the Penaavivania tate Council of Defense through the vparedness cornmiliee for wny ew ariving in ihe county WW sid $ he EYE PReY STATE COMMUNITIES DON XMAS TRIMMINGS Ciguem 1 FF Xa vaur Pensavivania of niles mre Gevorated with scents are pally colored suragieg shoppers asd 8 avy Lhe ease. The State Department of Commer has received reports freon nupeer- Wr Bem pied This HEBIs en vinitors Open During Winter Months cus towns and cities of special pro- | Winter visitors to Penmsylranin and A course in ultra-high frequency r techniques, particularly valuable in « oH mend COVES Nghways Serv thi Reh te engaged in defen work or adjacent Wo military CRINES oF teser- vations. Bone of the increase, town will be an highways leading to the WIRLEr SPrls arenes Nearly £1.000000 wil iar snow removal work and the De partment also says that sdditicsa) funds will be made available for the remnoval of ow if he winter 8 mare than normally severs, be allocated Merchants, Professional (Sram and Bib Sor decorating. in |; FRING Hgts An gros i) Other cities decorated are Pitts | burgh, Philadelphia. Brie Seraston Wilkes-Barre, Aloo re — many oer Smaller communities also have war.’ ved Christmas decorations. The Pat. eY ton Chamber of Commerce ia offer. ed by smormots Pressure in the mus | tle Umar. This foe exists at ordinary | between Christmas and New 'foipiratures of more than 100.000 | Ing prizes for the beat horse decors. Lore Years. Patton's streets are also Hight. ed with many-colored lights, snd the Uhristmas tree on the Palmer House Corner in again trimmed. AED. IR SS i 2 8 ka ee "ee and Business ANNUALLY the issie of the Pres. Courier . will publish next nt fast 1 fs stay Sut wil selection of greeting cuts, as well as § Tuesday morning, and Feige a a aN Monday Altona al year morning in Merey Honpital, Jollowing an liness of sever Mr. Glass was a Hifelony resident of Cambris County. Barviv. ing are Nis mother, Mra Laurs J Giass of Ebsnabury Catherine | Quarts) following ohildeen’ Mrs Burgons {remmed Mrs Hharbsugh. Baton Rouge. J. Glass Jr., Ebevabury. Corp. Robe - CG, U. 8B Army. Louteville, Ky. penald, Jemew and Jack Class all i nome He aise saves 8 brother, focmard GG Class fobhmatown. and threes gravdehiddren GREETINGS £ hr Lanes greetings Bave bean | Glass. and the fa: Wm on it lighter than a food HR con woning ‘white and yoke only, da lH no MAN CE The oman body contains jee caus. | Ponty # unre neh. a RSA Use this to hetp you newspaper with your Xmas shopping | Ris widow Mm ® fant before the Christmas greeting advertisements of merchants. We we'd like to have your appesr. We haw s fine Catherine Flavenew ! a a