Thursday, December 11, 1941 UNION PRESS.COURIER A——— pyran PATTON BRIEFS The Patton Fire Company wishes to announce that at their Regul Bingos on Wednesday nights Decen por 10 and 17) they will give choice of §5 in cash or a 15 turkey for every regular game ' week the cover-all is $150.00 within 52 numbers. Come the Patton Fire Hall An applicatign for a marnage Fie ge has been filled atl Ebensburg John Mikula and Geraldine both of Patton Mr. and Mrs. Bert McC nounce the birth of a son on Friday, November IR Miss Mae Kemp home management specialist at State College, will give a demonstration in upholstering at a meeting in the 1. O. O. F. Hall Patton Wednepday evening werk. The meting has been Arrang ed by Miss Emma Hall Eastman, ihe haine economics representative in the ane’! Come all aonneil Albert county the Banner for 1942 sonaid Btaitz, lectur X (ifficers elex ted Grange at Bradley J are: Michael Mahler, master Diteami, oversedr, Ruth er, John Eckenrode, Burley, ass’t. steward baugrh chaplain GH Drumm treas John Eckenrode, secy. . Ben Randall gatekeeper, Arlene Springer, ( Eres Mrs. Wil Lauet, Pomona; Dolores Du mm. Flores; Ellen Strittmatter, aae't steward] Englebert Farsbaug! member executive Hussell Sp ringev member of finance con n Donald Dronm| janitor irsction steward Paul Kathleen Fara x % or BOY ¥ Can Annie Solothon Tempko Sophie Petunyak. Mrs May Jennie Danio, x Jdyman, Pat ger, Mary Gatly, Alphonse Nole, Betty Havercs, Harry Humphrey, Marie Boe, Ethel MeConnell, Loret Yerger Jennie Bhue, Mike Meiko, Steve Het chko, Mrs. J Hetchko, Mary Bardos ky, Maud Wenkland Helen Yenc Mis. A. Chureila, Anna Hoka, Duin Lacey, Mra Swedburyg Peg Daratzig Mike Pesodia,| Mrs. Litzinger, Mar) Swabkosky, Annetta Cunningham Mrs. Bill Gauntner and Sam Natrigo Mrs. Mary Ann Paviick, 74. & res ident of Barnesboro since 1804, died upexpectediy at a. m. Tuesday mor- ning at heey home there Fuseral services for Jonna Jean Adams, Infant daughter of Theodore sind Yernoa Adams, 5t. Benedict, were held Weds y. The infant died on Tusaday m ng Mrs. Robert, Sinco was re-elected president of he Ladies Auxiliary of the Paiton | Company for the 14th (jeorge ovieh Yen of next’ LaVerne Officers for the ensuing year were ected at & recent meeting of Junior - of Blessed Virgin of St. Geo ree’'s Catholic Church. The new offi cers are: Ann Hudak, prefect, Louise Resko. vice prefect Erma laniello Mary Hudak, [treasurer i Hoevath, O. 8 B reception © if the Bodalily secrElary Rev. Alsxi itual adviser A nbers took place Sunday mass. After Pr Ter ning at the KX s'tiocK mings breakfast Effec board purchased al the office will cost 11K WaAR served tive immediately, 8-ply Prone { per sheet Pri hie Hatkrick yy Mr ard Mrs is stationed at assigned 10 fhe |] Tennessee He enii arines in May 1941 and Pearl Harbor in September. The word received fron ember 13 Walter Edward IHethrick o Pearl Harbor Battieshiy ated] inn the was sent Rik Was ghee ALUMNI GET TOGETHER At a mesting of the officers an board of directors Falton umni Association } CRYEyY on the form § ha the spirit o of A imities gonad old gel-toge T he OY has STIR ART Eagles Hall for Friday e 26th of December Walch week for the Drogram ¥ to spend vour December classmales ith your oid THE LADY BOWLERS By Abice captured Lhe first of tto's Spades again this week with a total pins. Hearts and Clubs ran low teitals because of absent players Hearts came In noe second wor roll f or the week includes Thelma, LaVerne, 2 ! Min, Agnes and Verda. sll bowling over 115 Prize be wiing score was taken by Alice 150: Peg coming second w) 137 it seems the hushar 4d in the progress of the league a8 visited the game Friday: Corsa to say which one acted as pin-boy for a few games Agnes, Gert, Thelma, Min and Alice are members of Big Five with & total score for three games of over 300 The Cards are pleased to hear that the Bpangler Nurses have organized a league and bowl on local alleys on Tuesday evenings it jooks as though any night is ladies’ night at the jocal alleys with several leagues in town and other following Score Sheet, Friday. SPADES Lovett (Capt) 7 5 WN Thelma 106 130 &8 Gart id githough Th & Nie sds are interest @ any may be able December 4th M Total 1178 Goodness and Mercy to remove from our ranks by death, our sister mem- ver, Mrs. Mirabell Kline Whereas, highest tribute we can pay her is that she led a pure Christ. an life and departed from this world lige a child of God, Whom she so faithfully served. Resolved, that by her death this so- ciety has Jost & good member and her | ‘family a kind and loving mother, admitted 10! Repolved, in. respect of her mem- are resolutions entered in the | ‘ory our charter be draped in mourn. a period of thirty days. es of our society snd published {in the local paper. and & copy furnish | od the family of the deceased, Mrs, | Misabell Kline. Josephine Lilly, Mrs. Marie Garrity. 130 86 119 E i 3 3 Come to your ARP for beef, pork, lamb or veal that's ten. der and juicy and just full of Raver . . . and go home with savings! Quality is tops” becsuse expert buyers select "Supor-Right” meets. Prices are 50 low because ASP buys direct as pousible, avoids needless in-between shareu saving with you. “Supor-Right” Fresh PORK LOINS ::: RbEnds g ®» ® 3-5-Lb. Loin Ends : | Lb. 19¢ Chickens =nmmime Canadian Style Bacon Smoked Picnics “==. mx Smoked Squares Kidney Beans .2. 4 Del Maiz Niblets 2 Green Giant Peas 2 = Fancy A&P Corn 2 >. Spaghetti 0 In. Peanut Butter = 2 = Crackers "i"... 2 52> 17. Squares ro 2 nue BES Pure Honey oe 2 5% 25 Apple Butter . . . 2 52 29; A&P Sauer Kraut 2.219. Apricots 2x. . . .. 20c Pineapple Juice 2. IN OUR DAIRY DEPART MENTS Sunny. firld i-Lb Cans 120s {ans 23¢ 21 27 21 27¢c 30 isOn 47-00. 8 Cans Ne 34% Can Bean Sprouts 2 om 15¢ Soy Sauce 7 .. 2% 15¢ Ming Foy Noodles 2 c=. Co 25 Soup Mix == .. . 2 ne 17¢ Choe.Bars "in. 2m 25¢ Salad Dressing § — 5 3c Tollet Tis. 2272.3 == 23¢ i Cleansing Tis. © "%' 17¢ Waldorf == ... 6 = 25¢ Scottissue cua. . 3 ~~ 23¢ Scott ~~ Towels... = 10¢ Scott ~~ Holders =~ 20c Sunbrite Cleanser 3 ~ 13; srpemes, Lb. Center Cuts. oo 20¢ 17¢ Lh. 23¢ Sliced Bacon s 35¢ 21¢ 19¢ Beef Roasts Corned Beef Enriched MARVEL Ql Pecan Coffee Rings 19 Angel Food Bers 2le “Dated” Donuts ™™ |2¢ Jase Chocolate Iced Cooked Hams Fresh Pork Sausage Anmwrfield Center Chuck Roast. . ... Fanglish Tomng try Staanling Bib = - Hamburger . .. Hoonll Sige Sunnyfeld Ih z5° a 27 a 22 1 26° Ee 20° 41.25 fone -oatw wes eee Pollock Fillets. 2 ™= 29¢ Pan Whiting ._.._ _™ S¢ Salmon Steaks __. ™» 28¢ Sen Scallops .... ™ 37¢ Ocean Smells... ™ [0c Froth Chesapeshe Bey OYSTERS “rr S06 rim he White House EVAP. MILK Made, Sold and Gusumired 6 c. '47¢ “Daily” Kennel FEED PECANS