PAGE EronT THI UNION PRESS.COURIER ——— LAKES-TO-SEA HIGHWAY [ IS SENIC STATE ROUTE Qives Interesting Cross Section of State's Natural Beauty at this Time of Year “YOUR HEALTH * From the Beard of Trustees of the Medical Society 0. the Siate of Pennsylvania of which the Cambria County Medical So ciety Is a component . . You con do A RE A SAA # 31 pi Vis A ppet 1 ite Fron IAREeS-LO-8PR U a B® Sik 322 y surgical disessy © ¥ earl cuts diagonally 8 OER Pennsyl vania interesting gc tion pod taking vantage of partment of Commerce i. 8 lake pe Meader Frenc Hiate t thie Keyatone Bate weekly 1 Pennsvivania s Erie. meets U8. 322 at fosca ted plcturesgque and nationally known thi rid's jo fron nn largest along Ri the history Penn the which of repliles, es aotitheast Sel is olf the giv tourists steeped if industry in interest to POSED here as Hf for take-off the gorgeous new creation which is the Buick Surer for 1942. ial Serpentarium ania hildren is trie collection agnosis The bh tain ¢ontains a large including copperheads and Gila mu At Clarion rattlesnakes story re Fresh in line, clean of contour, solid difficult nsters cight, every single one a honey. Y es, go see these cars now and learn how wrong the fellow was who said there could be little new in "42, Me other cw hai ML THES POR TOU IN 63 FIREBALL STRAGEY £768T VALVE 18 HEAD Easing & COMPTROND LESTRANTION (deeded os sed sod) # OAL CIFDELHED (HHSESIFT MURS AND JeRRaS & STEEL LITE OAC TING RIOT & TTIMON PAR ® PRCUDEI NETL FULLY AD IUITARE # BOY BY PYRE & WERTHEIM ADER TER {noomininryy ‘BETTER BUY Ae JEM Ray anne AS its gateway to the Cook Forest State Park is A 400. foot gorge covered with evergreen tices Another favorite spot is Piney Dam and |} miles south of the sommunity From to-Sea high . : ‘ ¢ Way pierces the heart of Pennsylvania’ °° reser edt - ins OB) ren in eT and charming _ a Sain : eq present 8 marked tropolitan districts Theoough Urwens eld Park as a combat car but graceful as a plane, it 1s one of 23 sparkling new with acute app lis the great danger pert i# a complication at. | delay or the giving of is also present with child- there Put foot to treadle in any of them and you find out mn a hurry, how little defense conditions hamper men of real skill and alert ingenuity. region . 8 adu from which upon arsition tendant purgatives rer models that prove you can do it if mie RIX you fry 4 l.akes For the very things that made some Push this beauty, force it through the toughest going — 1t will take all you can give it with frugal case — streams people reacly to say there couldn't 1942 cars that where fillies contrast hospital, there were there be 4 anything new the « Baw k ther mn BRaeg fad STERN POS if fo Ff i £F Cngineers resolve also route sion inalderilia and be fretlessly ready for we. EWTN Brac v3 ei” Fo wire any they would be y ready for more NT. £350 ' $1884 inna be % Vas gp gi ion Lest NOW a fa EE EE ss he PATTON AUTO CO., Patton, Pa system. “The afford view gorge 1 bry wig h : wa down 1o me Narrows A which alte NEW UNDERGROUND i Lioin.nssis’s enrilh and bo Lia 3 EEN seed f Be Bom £8 ¢ WATER RESOURCES & 1 # rR ReranIG teenth ERE r Lan hameter and yield of dug sind Gril Importance of Water to Common. wealth Brought to Attention Purssa of Publications, Department of Property and Supplies, 19th and Market St. Harry, Pa. ER SPREE SSN Freinds eg north of s 14 Harrisburg ls Fort Hunter where there 8 a mansion built on the old foundations of the or ipinal fort. A Museum lodpes collec- tions of early American and Pennsyl- vania “Dutch” anligues Bpanning the Susquehanna river is Rockville Bridge, the longest stone march bridge in the world. It carvies a four-track raflrosd line, _ Pulnts of interest in Harrisburg are we tan wie ope of WHAT GAN | DO? he rinks 3 Bey WL Fam was made Tor expanding the scale of operations this year a . Approximately $200,000 has been heap As alwnys happens i ng set aside for work during the current | Dour of national thoughts of BERNOR ; | pe if are pul aside and sn earnest de- Last summer maintenance engine hp Wa he of service wells forth the : : : EH ry : $y geciged io ‘undertake sancute The most importasl thing you can patching in the broken areas of 000 | 4, toque ts to keep your morale and | the morale of those abou! you. When the ticae comes for notion, which, | God forbid It ever will, we will be WOK Was heve The Work provision Sr oved easly By Ruth % i f 4 Ywhat can 1 4 Taylor baw i 5l i ba # Sosa This latest report, the work of the State ard Federal (feologic Burveyl, is koown ss Bulletin ot and wn snl scale becuse of the availablity of lunds. However, It proved so mu ‘comuful that a much larger SER Wil | otic creat of excites and there [The Groundwster Peonsylvania,” &8 snnoy Recretary of Internal Craton. Witham | ‘8 Livengood. Jr, comes &5 & Time when the attention of the public has ‘wet aside tor this year. will be as much courage and heroism | : water RA mnt ie a TE — af Many of the concrete roads on the | displayed as thrills us bi he tales the such data given In previous repueta. crete pavement. RE | i oh! furnace. reminiscent of the char- ool fron industry. At Ephrata are the fumous Clols- ters established in 1732 by the Beven- Pay Baptists, The properly is now owned by the Commonwealth and is open to the public Much of Pennaylvania's “Dutch” pedtion lies slong 322 as iL progresses toward Downingiown and West Ches- ter and on to the gidest settioment in the State Chester, now one of the more important industrial centers in Pernavivania, with a population of about 0.008. - KTs Pardon Our Hever An angry man dashed into the edit ors office. “Look here,” he cried, “1 wiole a pou about my little son, and began the verse with the words: ‘My Bo, my plgmy counterpart.” ’ “yes?” plied the oditor. The poet pointed to the poem in the paper. “Read that" he stormed, “and see what your fool typeseiter has “My son, my pig. my counterpart.” AO TOA SA 1 REN Oh A A —Bee « our Classified Ads A Gnome Ae Mghway system have been in use for | i returning travelers tell a! England 20 yemrs or more. They were not built for present day traffic. The sections that inlly extended the use of the and postponed the heceasily of reconstruction § oration through breaks joints. This restoration bas added years to the re whol exile. deter. “E fr sive becaiine of imily gineers sade TR BAY. cosh In add thie ing #iso gukiltien if iistead ATIVE tion to extending the use of has improved the riding the highway Motorists, # petling a jolt when they aver patehing operations, riding suriace find a smooth Animals transmit many diseases to man. Man can get tuberculosis and unluiant fever from the cow and the goal, trickinogis from the hog, gland. ers from the horse, Asiatic plague from the gopher and rat. tularemis | from the rabbit, and tapeworm from ‘beef, pork and fish. Bo. alsd, he may get spotted fever from the wood tick, maiaria and yellow fever from the mosquito, typhus from the louse, and puiitacosis from the parrot. SH a seh have been patlched have mater. f the road this type of concrels patch. | * fof Face these sections, after the toward your neighbor, faction of yours observing integrity you, want from pour governs But now is the hard time the Gr cult hour of walohing snd wailing We are the middie step and as Milne said, “It tsnt od It lant down.” But as Lhe counlry resrn individual citizen can farm in Here are sopse things you dan do Hf you believe in America, prove it Teatity te your faith in ts deals by putting them into aclyel praciive This means no discrimination betnuse creed or oolor: ne unfair gs cussion In damning geseraditien of any group. allowing to others (he freedom you vlsim for Cpousrsel!l; al ways oheerving the rides of fair play and in every the namo £35 Ui I #Al a, The fpiril ment. i Don't whine sbout taxes. The del- lense program is the worl of all of us ‘for all of us. Be grateful that you fen pay taxes rather than tribute { Readjust your standard of living to meet these obligations This does not mean lowering your standards; but 8 Tdoss mean throwing the emphasis from luxury habits to the more vital things that make life happy. Stop doing the things you do because other people do them, not because you find them particularly enjoyable. You'll be surprised how much you can do with- out and how you can wichutler your Bave many more of ts things you have always wanted Train your children in self-reliance, courage and cooperation. If this holo caust keepa on, they will need them | all. Make a game of it with them | life, lowering your living costs, and out see to it that they are as well prepared for life as you can make And of course, volunieer your help. has dofinite plans. | been drawn to this important see! ef the Commonivealtlh by the prolong - mid-summer and enrly fail dry wehiher Persons stodving the noasibilitive of waler supply heturally (he sy face of the earth will find the thirty: two page Book it, Which 18 8 FETUBArY six reports rade since TES, rang ing in wpe from 215 16 410 pages, and totaling 1715 Phges, of partie ular ine an a an edd # pay rs ie ona SAA SR 11:18 Besides severs! diagrams showing where the various rock formations saderlie the surface, theve is & Mmup showing location of cornmunities having public water suppiten, and ine dicating by symbols the source of the waler, whether frovm wells, spetingon reams lakes oF oiler sources The report on Cround-Water Hae mosrces, like all other Biante Publican tions, may be purchased from the Washington, D. C. Also Stamps are 1d rr fl) Py’. (mow om sale at most retail stores. ——— * # ui $Helar * Protected Servis Suaraten ... Gavars Jud ada Gown oad lagi guarantees — a Liens Gumantes opt Saori 1a workmemip or ma! trials AND our Protected Service Guaromies het wil seve Tou ment @ deller