E ¥ £7 oe were, indobted Ww» certain money len. dev; the one owsd hin fifty denarii: he other, five hundred. They wing | PAGE TWO THE SOWER By Rev Pastor A TRUE “NOB weenlly Ar now the GENTLEMAN 1 WOMAN Sl ic Suet thee simethin Ww A KEAIL BACK-TO FARM THE UNION PRESS.COURIER MOVEMENT SEEN BY STATE COLLEGE RURAL SOCIOLOGIST HEAD PATTON METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Limon say i SEYY A rors thelrd married fe i ELE PRO sits wp bait nary TABLES REVERSE b thy weds was this night waiting for him Wy FIRE PROTECTION MAY BE CUT OFF IN CAMBRIA FENN Hite rence hat ‘ob ¢ An average of now Ciatmae are paid in 2 In wt the ' were in fore less than a year. TOWNSHIP | geaih United States every day by life insurance companies to come home Whereas she used to sit of which more than 180 cach diy are {up half the nigh waiting Jor him to on the lives of persons whose policies them | go ‘home. —fafroua Bepublic, to America The Ford Motor Company's business has always been to serve the needs of the American people. In providing them with low-cost transportation for the past 38 years, we have devel oped one of the country’s larg: ¢st and most useful industrial units. During a national emer. i gency, we feel that these facili- ties should be devoted without reserve 10 our country's neds, Toward that end we started tolling months ago, with these resuls: A $11.000000 Ford airplane en gine faceary, started only 6 months Several months sgo work was started, on our own initiative, on an entirely new 1900 horsepower air. plane engine especially designed for mass production. This engine is now in the west stage and plans are being developed for producing it in large A Ford aircraft » has been estabdis 8 8 time. + 10 seminy 000 That is a report of progress to date. The experience and facilities of this company can be used to do much of the job which America now needs to get done in a hurry. Our way of working, which avoids all possible red tape, en- ables us to get results and get them fast. This ts users of our products and workers Who produce them, he ed LIN dhe TL hl Ed gL, et GOOD SUI al a. PA See What 13¢, 15¢, 25¢ Will Buy! At Your Neighborly ASCO store, where Quality Counts gc ha fn en Fancy Michigan SOUP BEANS, 3 bs. 13¢c Hurff’s Tomato or Veg. SOUP, 22s 15¢! Musselman’s Apple Sauce, 2 5x 15¢ FARMDALE Cut Asparagus, =’ 15¢ Buckeye Yellow Corn Meal, 5 15¢ 15¢ GOLD SEAL CAKE FLOUR, 4= Sc {| FRESH BREAD 2: 15¢ : ASCO PORK and BEANS, 32 25¢ ASCO ORANGE PEKOE TEA, 2 bh. 25¢ SCO EVAP, PEACHES, 2s. 25¢ ESKIMO RED SALMON, = CARROTS | Nestle’s Condensed MILK, 2 & 25¢ E-TAL-E SPAGHETTI, 3 52" 20c¢ om 2DC King Midas Spaghetti Dinners, , ie. 23c HOM-DE-LITE Salad Dressing, m2" =" [[Asto PANCAKE FLOUR, Be) CALIFORNIA SEEDLESS RAISINS, ir i Fancy BLUE ROSE RICE 3 hs. 17¢ Sanaidls Coulitd Dried Beas, 3 Ko. 3 3 Cams Ife PraushAmuiaen Macaival oni, 1515 os, can . 10e Florida Orange Juice, 48 ou. oan .. ibe N. B.C. Unceds Biscuits, 2 pkgs... 9¢ Fresh Mnckere! weno: 108 MN. B. C. 10% Bran, pig. PRINCESS GLOSS STARCH ‘ 1 1b. 13c Pkgs Bupreme & Nine Other Kinds GOLDEN KRUST large loaves PHILLIPS DICED BEER ERLICH EEE Clapp’s Chopped Jr. Foods, 3 A= - 25c § Magic What, Siverware FREE, 5 23c 15¢c: “= 15¢ | Boscul Coffee. b. 21: tancy Fresh Fruits and V. egetables! JUICY FLA. GRAPEFRUIT, & 3 for 10c | Fresh Porto Rican PINEAPPLE, each 10c Bmall Pkgs » ls ¢ El LRA Salad Bowl or Cole Slaw HOT HOUSE CU 2 for 26¢ ROME BEAUTY APPLES _ REID BUTTON RADISHES . {| bunches 10c any Western APPLES hh yo HOT HOUSE RHUBARS . woo Ib. 10 HOT HOUSE LEAF LETTUCE . _. head 10c ASCO Meats Make Your Meal a Treat! U. §. Good Beef Steaks ©." bh. 32¢ Hes U. 8S. Good Beef Chuck Roast a Bb 23€ wos Ib. 2%¢ LONG ISLAND DUCKLINGS, Ib. 19¢ CE * : ® Pork LOINS, 5b. 18¢ : Y. 3 Soon BEE Rib R Roast ib. 27 ER "8 bd Y Bene a FRESHL SR0UND . Ib. Me FANCY SPARE RIRs ET Tbs 3 ~ Ih Ile FRESH . Gortess Blue heal ¥ ANCY BIBAKX oon a ESE » r oY SMELTS setts isin |B Bs TALS, Good Eating FREER hy ’ PARODY SMoERD HERRING BEES meee 1h bh 3 bh He nm