PAGE EIGHT. walt UNION PRESS-COURIER DEATH NOTICES WILLIAM EDWARD MORGAN afternoon at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew G. Morgan. of Hastings, former Patton residents. He was born in Cambria county on Mar. 8, 1905. Mr. Morgan worked in Ohio | for several years and returned to this tounty about two years ago. Besides his parents, he leaves a son, Andrew Morgan of Hastings. His wife, Mrs. Margaret (Younkera) Morgan, died four years ago. Mr. Morgan was a brother of Thomas J. Morgan of St. Marys, Ohio; John G. and Andrew G. Morgan, both of Girard, Ohio; Amilda wife of Allen Reitley, Girard, Ohio; Daniel W. Morgan, Wilson, Pa.; Wil- bur E. Morgan, Hastings; Albert L. Morgan, Girard, Ohio; Alberta L., Lor- raine M., Margaret and Kenneth Mor- &€an, all of Hastings. Funeral services will be held on Wednesday of this | week and interment will be made in Fairview cemetery, Patton. GEORGE WEIR. George Weir, the sixteen year old son of Adam and Lulu (Ray) Weir, of Marstellar, died last week at the | Death terminated an | parental home. extended illness of a complication of ailments. The lad was born on Septem- ber 6, 1923. Besides his parents, he leaves these brothers and sisters: Mrs. | Carl Lindhal, Martellar; Mrs. Charles Guthrie, Spangler; Ray, James, Rich- ard, June and Norma Weir, all at home. Funeral services were conducted at two o'clock on Sunday afternoon in the Fruit Hill Church, Clearfield county, by the Rev. John E. Jackson, pastor of the Barnesboro Presbyterian church, and interment was in the | church cemetery, MISS SUE BANNAN. Funeral services for Miss Sue Ban- fan of Cresson whose death occurred on Saturday morning on her 61st bir- thday anniversary were conducted on *Tuesday morning in ‘St. Francis’ Xav- er’s Catholic church, and interment was made in St. Michael's cemetery at Loretto. Miss Bannan’s health had been impaired for the past three years. She was born on December 16, 4878, a daughter of John and Mary El- len (Bradley) Bannan. Miss Bannan resided in Loretto for many years and moved to Cresson five years ago. She leaves a sister, Miss Gertrude Bannan af Cresson. A brother William Bannan died in 1933, and a sister ,Mary, in 1925. JOHN ZIDOW. Funeral services for John Zidow, 60, a retired miner, of Hastings, whose death occurred on Monday morning at his home will be conducted at 9 o'clock on Thursday morning in St. Bernard’s Catholic church, Hastings, and interment will be made in the church cemetery. The deceased had been ill for a long time. He was born in Europe in 1880 ,and had lived in Hastings for the past 35 years. Sur- Thursday, December 21st, 1939, viving are his widow, Mrs. Mary Zi- CRC CCPC EC 7 0 A311 YE EE dow and two children: Mary, wife of Samuel Rogers, Ebensburg, and Anna wife of Christopher McCarthy, Cass- andra. The deceased was a member | of the Hastings Local Union of the William Edward Morgan, aged 34 years, died at one o'clock on Monday | United Mine Workers of America. MRS. EMMA EARLY. Mrs. Emma (Flemming) Early, 85, widow of Samuel Early of Reynolds- ville, Jefferson county, died on Satur- | day night in the Spangler hospital | where she had been a patient since | last Friday. Mrs. Early was born in | Clintonville in 1854. She was well known in Northern Cambria County. C. D. Early of St. Benedict is a son of the deceased. NORTHERN CAMBRIA BEER DISTRIBUTORS NAME 1940 OFFICERS Officers of the Northern Cambria Beer Distributors Association were elected at a recent meeting at Eb- ensburg, as follows: | Fred Soisson, Hastings, president; | Earl Sharbaugh, Carrolltown, vice~ president; Blair Pawlowski, Barnes- boro, secretary, and Carl Falchini, of Ebensburg, treasurer. Announcement was made that all truck drivers employed by association | members were enrolled in local No. 7587, United Mine Workers of Amer- ica, a union local established for the drivers. The following are affiliated with the Northern Cambria Beer Distribu- tors’ Association: Blair Pawlowski, John Wengzen, Barnesboro; Fred Soi- sson, representing Hastings Bottling Works; Edward Gunther, represent- ing Gunther Beverage Company, of Hastings; Earl Sharbaugh, Carroll- | town; Joseph Fork, Colver; E. T. En- | Behart, Carl Falchini, Ebensburg; S. | T. Runzo and Co., Inc. Cresson; Frank Bertenzetti, Luke Maxwell, of | Gallitzin; Nanty-Glo Distributing Co.; Henry Brunett, Norman Sebring, Dan- iel Sigado, Earl McVicker, Portage, and Anthony Nastase Jr., Beaverdale. Purpose of the association, it was announced, is to establish prices in the area and to cooperate in all de- tails with the State Liquor Control Board. MARSTELLAR A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Joe Marchock on Saturday, Dec. 16th at the home of Mrs. Robert McClell- and, mother of Mrs. Marchock. Banns of marriage were announced for the first time on Sunday between Miss Caroline Malik and John Fudro, both of Marstellar. Billy Cole, young son of Mr. and Mrs. William Cole, is a patient at the Spangler hospital. Misses Gretta Dules and Douy Shrock are practicing for a Christmas play to be given in the Presbyterian church on Christmas Eve. Teddie’s Ice Cream Parlor is | open for dancing. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. McFarland and now ERASERS | Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Shaffner were Sun- OUR ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE! BEGINS DEC. 26th Watch our windows for Real Bargains! Buy your winter needs now! See our ad in next week’s Union Press-Courier for Special prices. Free parking in the back of store. Joe's Cut-Rate Store BARNESBORO, PA. day visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs. Joe Norton. Mrs. Oscar Link gave a Christmas party for the Ladies’ Bingo Club on Wednesday evening. Mrs. Joseph Norton visited at the home of Miss Erma McKillop of Bar- nesboro, on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Santora and daughter, Jeanne ,of Emeigh Run, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mrs. Santora’s father, Adam Spicher. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Butterworth and family were Saturday shoppers in Indiana. Mr. and Mrs. Andy Racavan and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Batista were Satur- day shoppers in Johnstown. | Mr. and Mrs. Ken Taylor of Rossi- | ter, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Taylor. Mrs. Walter Weakland of Marstel- lar entertained guests at her home on Saturday evening. Those presen. were: Mrs. Joe Dukes, Mrs. George Elder, Mrs. Oscar Land, Mrs. Paul Clauson, Mrs. Louis Verchick, Mrs. | Donald Bearer and Mrs. Joe Norton. AA ANA NANA) A I BA A i? Our hope is that each and TL TT: Johnstown as deeply sincere our season’s compimenlts— A Very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year. BN NE SE NEN SPB PN AE SANE | » | e every one of you will accept NEE BANG | LS # ° Ne ’ i » Vo Lr Indiana NE [xy 5 0 005 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 Pe 2 2 0 TK DH A A RR ARR RAR ARRER RES RT Ps Es PR 0s 0 0 0 0 8 i i TB 38 28 2 HOLIDAY ATTRACTIONS AT THE AAND-PATTON G Friday and Saturday PENNY SINGLETON as BLONDIE ARTHUR LAKE as DAGWOOD LARRY SIMMS as BABY DUMPLING 2 A COLUMBIA PICTURE icreen play by Gladys Lehman and Richard Fiournoy « Directed by FRANK R. STRAYER Added Attraction FEARLESS IN A FIGHT TENDER IN ROMANCE Riding orsinging-ina battle or a love scene —you'll find a new thrill in this Sweet- heart of the Plains. Presented by CORONADO PICTURES DAVID O'BRIEN VINCE BARNETT A Don Lieberinon Production Directed by Samuel Diege HEAR MISS PAGE SING THE NEW Distributed by oh GRAND NATIONAL HIT PRAIRIE PICTURES, Inc. BOY Sanday, Only THEY LIVED THEIR LIVES OVER AGAIN...AND LAUGHED! Mrs. Chips, the @ 3 Yank at Oxford, and Young Du. Kildare... in one wildly hilarious ro- mantic triangle! .*Her second appeaz- ance can’t be too soon!” —N.¥. Post BER: REGINALD BURKE « OWEN ceorce BARBIER Original Story and Screen Play | byCoreyFord, Norman Z. McLeod Directed by Norman Z. McLeod ! Produced by Milton Bren i» Matinee Sunday at 2:30 SO TO RT TA RA RE RE Ra ue PR RT 0 0 TUS TR Tt UR TR TR TR I SN SR RS SS i SE A A ms ge ST SS To TO S00 S03 0 So 0 I 0 SA 0 5B HERES WISHING YOU ALL THE HAPPIEST HOLIDAY SEASON GRAND THEATRE Management and Employes FIR BNE TE TE TTT PT RET FE TT TU TE TOE TE TE TET Th TE OE TTT Monday, Christmas Only Ann Sothern, Lewis Stone “JOE AND ETHEL TURP CALLoNTHE PRESIDENT” Saturday Evening Post Story, with Riotous Results! RB Christmas Matinee vi at 2:30. Santa wil’ be here with a Giti 9°¢ for all Kiddies! ~ Tuesday, Bargain Night Nr JOHN PAYNE IANE WYMAN WALTER CATLETT-ED BROPHY + Directed by GEORGE AMY+ A WARNER BROS. Picture Sarees Moy by Charles Beiden snd Beysead Schrod « from o Story bry Loe Kets Wednesday and Thursday She’s gay! She’s glamorous! She’s glorious! Leave it to Lubitsch to make her Paris love affair the slickest, slyest romance you've ever howled at! Jey 2a it... SEE IT!) MELVYN “ith INA DOUGLAS - CLAIRE An Ernst LUBITSCH Production Directed by Ernst Lubitsch a Meuq Goldwyn. Y (Don’t pronounce PICTURE Also Selected Short Subjects -= Every Night. TR SA TAT TUTE TUT Tt SU 0 TUR eh Moh -~ " Rohan a