Thursday, December 7, 1939. Out of the Fog By GREGORY JONAS (Axsociated Newspoesre— WNT Service STUART, bach high-powered ARRY driving his gter over U pace quite ity for s in the might beasties the magi huge, disgo bank of w! inte the upon hus “Like Barry yeu ow Ug CR of white and Barn 8 horme—and he wished vaguely : there were a yellow light beckon ing hizn. With these vague wishes was mized the shadowy dream girl's face, her blue eyes and Bright hair az soft and intangible gs the feathers of fog about hum ey had been unable 0 forget? this particular girl for ene moment after meeting her; and now he was sunning away from her. she threat ened to crystallize his vague dresins into reality; she imperiled his celibacy, and he wasn't ready aot yet. His memories of her min gied so enticingly with the night that he was startled, as his car rose to the hilltop, to see 8 slight figure hurrying along ahead of him “Won't you ride?” ssked Barry, senging thut there must be some knew there reason for & girl's treading this lone some road so long after teatime Her voice sounded sharp and there was recklessness in her scceplance of his invitation “Yeu, I'li ride.” and slumped down deside hin “On your way he asked "as weil ss anywhere,’ she re plied, and Barry was silent. . His dreams were lost in the fog as he puzzled about the girl beside hi They drove along quietly. dinping into the valleys and rising fo the hilltops with a swift, clean motion that was worthy of his car. When they had gone another fen miles the girl spoke suddenly “Tm leaving ry husband!™ “indeed!” ejaculated Barry, and added: “How old are you?" “Twentydour and I'm ghe snawered, inte the seal Moorestown ge Baviog noth » "1 Joe, coftmented Barry goth or =r” she seman | ge EE tired of | drudgery snd tending babies and | “Good Lord, 1 PY Ie in a s bac Helor " “Pren you don't know a thing about it. They're so soft and ador- able and-—-and cute! Twin girls But his mother is always there making She'll take cure of them trouble agreadt Barry nonths ery rt Dest hry Enow EEE Ine Phi “Men do ny er In “1 know. and some day IN dependent and fire tili 1 see that it wan't ruin happiness,” he lod her Ske touched his arm when at las! two rectangles of light gleamed through the lifting fog “Atmosphere has cleared,” re marked Barry, drawing up fo the house and sounding his horn. The door opened and s [renzied young man stood outlined --behind him a woman twisting her apron “I've brought back your wife,’ he anna unced, handling her out the car. "Wives ate hard to get, he observed, "and reer fo I'm told ta mane Nn her! WEP R Beep, When | firdl one I'm going my Dluiness 4 Batry . Bio pres her d ration where hve git with the vive gyas end sovely han aust de sitln sumewhere behind obilongs of yellow bghi—waiting’ Yhender Btopr Walebes SASKATOON, BASE, ~~ Herb | Buckie, local jeweldy, remarked re. “1 wish Quire were more | night and three a. 9.7" HAT -l Tt owed gH the wi brought me fap rep have | stopped between the hours pf Squirrel Is Killed By Golfer's ‘Shot VANCOUVER. WASH. "That's a sguirrelly shot if there over was one!” cried Golfer Gedrge Wells ax his tee shit smacked nto a free Nei th er Wells nor his golf ng purtnérs. realized just gar ripll the shot was approached the ree foursd his b and a lurge #1 wey dead red sguirre Couple Completes Long Dream Trip Visit Most of the World on 5 Year Cruise. BERKELEY, CALIF —Terminat. ing 8 fve-year cruise in their 37. ketch Igdrasil, in which they sailed five of the seven seas, Roger Strout. 3 years old, and his wife Edith have made their last mooring nn the Berkeley yacht harbor and reintegrate themselves Inlo a bher's life font graduates, the their vagsbond $34 merely to realize that aimost everyone st life has of sailing away ¢ place in lure rivers:ly fecided on ing in I fream which mie time in to some far distant ty fashion Strout, a! Portland of Bowdoin college. He won § mas ter's degree in physics at the Uni versity of Chicago and was aussi. ant professor of physics at Georgie Tech when he finally decided lo quit his job and carry out his idea. He modeled his boat after the fa # Spray of Si Clocum and Mrs. Strout started frit ihree-year jaunt which took New Zepland, the Indian ocean. Cape of Good Hope, and %o chorage in New York in MRT. After that they sailed on and on. the Arctic snd Ant the east coast through the Panama and Srnally Alaska they came down to Seattle they spent the winter, and to say good-by whose former wan Maine, DOETUR ws i hey went WO arctic circles, from ¥ Ww . E A to Berkeley they explain, of life in Norse Strou t who was a student 5t gt uiversity of Denver, lwcame the wile of the aniversity professor un 1929. She is especially proud of the fact that she stood het night sratehas at the wheel throughout the cruises the same as an able ses nate feat that even ses Saptainy is a graduste | ON AR a 1 i mvt] tn i Union | Sess Courier next, weelt on tie orca- A) na ¥ ” & OUR STORE WILL BE OPEN EVERY NIGHT UNTIL CHRISTMAS The set! inchodes all wod instructions weeded materials $2 ball bearn $2 A 3B och streamlined, beso tifully finished bicycle Bg- wippel with headlight. bucket 15 plrees of beautiful, mins- ture hineware. red $1 KIDS! Come in und we Sania now For His or Her ayest Christm’s x Ea Vigst insuring holiday and future pleasure wit} h our supwri- or quality, long lasting Made bv skilled ernftymen, these out: standing toys are sure to pease. Come in today ev en if its just to say hello to Santa. Ieee Bay - Nrisddlias # Buon ge LEE tovs. ELECTRIC TRAINS The Century . . a 14-umnit passenger train-—hay mote control transform- mer, moves for- 7 wards, bac’ wands has stream” Dixie Flyer lined cars ind engine — 20€ in. of track 5 and transformer Toy Train Accessories, A beagtiful side action, take down, solid breech model 74 in blue steel barrel, cham. bered for segular or high speed bullets Stepped ad juntabile rear $22.50 sight Boxing Gloves Shap Hioed and Ro aa "$1 i