PAGE FOUR. C————- Patton Courier, Established Oct. 1893 Uanlen Press. Established May, 1998 | THE UNION PRESS | The afsday by 72 Fifth Avenue, $ ob FE ve £y w “~ Thos > "Y oo, 3 yf Ala nod 1803 FP CAMMARATA. Basiness Mgr FOS A OWENS Re El a Subscriptior $5 Yeasly in Advance Acver: ¢ Kates on Applicati VE deavor " the Union Press to Sincerely and Wonestly rengosent Trade Union Workers in eliorts to obtain econmmile freedom through organizations ax wdvocated bv te CHO and AFL. std we solient the support of trade unions. Mater mi for publication must be author. ized bv the organization it repre. sents and signed: by the Presinen Sit SECTELRTY. and bear the seal Press-Courier gives I'S sdveriisers the advantage of the somisined circulation of the two wegist circulated weeklies a Cam pria County and has a reader coy. erage th at ‘blankets Futton and tbe ve ning towns ib ma— The Unwon mn The chaps whe were elected to of- fice in Cambriz county ai the No- vember election won't have lo walt long after the Tiest of the year, bo be sworn in Juswary 1. 1988, is in- sageration day for boroagh snd for county officials ciected at the Nev embir 7th Municipal slection The law els forth that all persons ehect- ed to office shall take office si noon on te first Monday of the your fm mediately following. the year in which teh election took place. The fact that New Year's Day is the first ondary of 1946 has oe bearing on insepuration dav, iH was pointed out Commissions of persons new otd ing offices expire at noon on the first Momiay of 1948 3nd vatancies would asutessatically occur in the event ha new officials did not fake the wath of office on that Say # wef LITRES a Mmaery £ : Sesritape. Such seems to be the fade of the camouflaged prewident candifiaery of Governor John W. Brick. er of Ohie, whith has dived him in 5 harrowin gembarassment with ever more Barrow ing offects upon thousand «ff usesapiored in Cleveland who are denpersiely clamoring for food In a wity hat is ——— and bueoming “Thertt isn't @ny excuse for poopie into pession because he wanils to make a retord fur economy before the Re Jullien sations] convention meets, If he sits tight now he can clean up this year with a surplas of perhaps five waiition dolisrs and offer hitnsel! as an econcmical sdmi Stair if be were to go to Washington. But hose who are starving ia Cleveland surely have po lowe for Bricker's economy. 5% . il td | i ! i a id | Comsbined with PATTON COURIER | Pats | Entered ax second class | 1934. at the post- | the Act | Editor irrigation and housing | safety, are to be placed in the winflows { ton. His magazine ads lead i lieve he | Bast { there | play space should 30 'o i IE up the i new the Senator in the original — welt third term advotate. Repupti- can leaders and depesters in the sinte are placing former Senator Dave Reed 3s 3 likely candidate, and Justice John W. Kephart. whe will relive from that bench at the end of the year alt ky being talked of However Philadelphia and easi- ern state Republicans insist the nom imess should come [rem the sastern portion of the state. Kephari would be regarded as a whrsierner because of Bis Cambria cotinty residence 4 window f the Paton staring bleakly af they have been crying for sparething to fill them And when we consider atl the liguor stores hat resemble ours wd can’t help but feq] that a nice dig pay of wet good would make the appearance at east more HPOEDS POLS Governor James. shortly he was Governor banned displays in the win dows Naw being taken to change the fu 5 PEE. ance of tate st Displays and placords stiveriising beguties and industrial advantages of Pennsylvania. and plugging highway Red Cross amd similar drives { May - asers-by| we feel after sensibly. Steps gre meres ars axiepriors a Arthur will put his pictune ane Wo Oe is responsible for prosperity, scenery and all) Riowever the Dene. fits obisined from shripping store win. dows of merchandine that the state golis inside was never 100 Apparans if bottles are ty be frowned on why good dis- waste Dress windows in he Shug § % still no rrason state stage mode will 8% esl Mmaxe fat more presentable i J Jobless workers hn the United Sa. tes in October totalled § 149000. the lowest estimate sities November 1337 The National Indwmitrial Conference Beard ammownres {nuesusl increases in mest manufactaring indostries motabiv sutemebiliyi and steel, more (han offert the sedsonal farm work decline in % . Hes ea Tg ednsus of Many things happened in the Balan 2560 popiation cenius In £300 Peonle Rave woe driven ems oertsin areas OY un stores and floods Others take he for pits inventory of sil time 8 The gusus will give a Bow, aoturate | and up to dale balance sheot of our people, our ntlustries and or rewar- ges. According to the census Duress the 1040 sum Gp WIE 0 brasd on ght is sdditeon ricaitiire. manufaciuras and Manes, designated ax 0 principal gooups, slatistics will he pihered on business | employment snd situpation, drainage. | In aves the | project will spend Ball way around | | the world Catsvamiirs «he will ath | | ar the dita, wil] vill every nook and trom Maing to Gowm, Also, Rio. the Viegin Is | | numerous small winds on the Pacil *. the scenic there. H nave | Their bontes nn senrch of | sopalations ag IB uN FINE QUALITY MEATS » \ Fresh Pork Loin Whole or any size Cc rib end cut, 1b, SLICED BACON, one-half 1b pk. 9c SMALL LEGS OF LAME, Bb. ap SLICED PORK LIVER, Th. ge HOCKLESS PICNICS 14¢ LAMB CHOPS, Ib. Fret 17¢c Pork SAUSAGE tt Thon Center Chuck Roast :: LAMB, for Stewing : : : “* 10¢ SHRIMP. CROAKERS, Fresh dressed, JUMBO Fresh Stewing, pt. 21¢ LAMB SHOULDER, ib. 15¢ ib. : 13¢ pound FILLETS, Fancy Haddock, 1b. Qe OYSTERS, LEE SICAL Florida Oranges . ¢ Grape Fruit . . . : Appalachian Apples Crisp Iceberg Lettuce New Crop Spinach . Be : Danish Cabbage . . . Te Ede : Jumbo Pascal Celery _- 2™™ 1c: : : Sweet Potatoes . Furies 120s 2" 29¢ 6" 19¢ 10™ 25¢ 5c "a bos AR | Heavy with juice Floetda 70"%-99'« Roane wlavmen xim ores © Che 19¢ Blue Label . 15 LB Bag “2 coder Conliod” With Park — Amn Page BEANS a cans, 25 Fender Jona PEAS Ann Page Prepared Spaghetti ona Tomales JUICE = 95¢ 3Ne.2 Dear 4 1434 Don cans, PJ 3% ee Dem cans 22¢ NIACIN fons Standard Park TOMATOES : Faney Del Monte PEACHES Del Mente Crushed Pineapple Nut 2 N=, OLEO 3; 2 SPRY SHORTENING, nen LUX FLARES, 2 large pucliages : SOAP, § cakes. ee. 3 cakes 176; RINGO; 2 lg. phn. 39 i 3 wana pu on, sh 4 2 CN 4 Se NOR A nM SHAS RN BSS shoulder corsage. QUICK FUDGE MIX, Junlit, PANCAKE FLOUR PILLSHURY, 20 ox. pkg = Oc SUNNYFIELD, § Ib. bag 17¢ CHILI CON CARNE La Fronters Irand 15¢ LAUNDRY SOAP P.& G 37¢c 10 cakes for p— COFFEE 45¢c Red Cirele Laxury with Economy ati ile ANN PAGE SPARKLE, Gulptis Metierts, gs CHOCOLATE MINATURES, I Bex 3 10= comories. The liridesmald wore: a jpid colored dress with brown scoessoiriss Both the bride and her attendant v After the thas 8 wedding dour’ served to mem