X mar np Se Sr AR SoS a tar a ts AR Aa I ——. ccs AN SERS. PACE Two, TE SANTA CLAUS, IND, IS ENJOYING A BOOM Sarita Claus is just about ail things Ww all penile in ong form or another Te he youngsters he jg the jolly old Sllow who brings thein everything Senlr hearts desire To mothers he is & Jot of work. but fun, to Fathers alse join the fun but the j ort To 1900 residents of a cross age in Indiana, Santa Claus for that is the name of ro Right now. Santa Ind right busy pizce. From all parts the country mail pouring into Iftie postioffice just © gel the Sania Clam pout mark Extra workers are Bired annually i take care of the business rush To #asnp collectors goes the credit for putting Santa Claus on the map Back in 1998 a Los Angelos philatest gant & letter to the own lo be post gaarked with the coveted name The town then wes Santaclaus (one word) The starip colléctor suggested the Batne of the tows be changed two wards His idea was carvied through ad as soon as the neme appeared on paatal guides, the town was flooded with mail from other philatelints who wanted he anigue post mark Now a big bulk of the postolfice's Susiness comes from firms which want to send out Chrietmas literature under the post mark of Senta Claus “ME PRIVATE LIVES OF ELIZABETH AND . ESSEX” AT THE GRAND oF Fong “The Private Lives of Elizabeth and Busex” the new Warner Bros. techni Qolor production. starring Bette Davis sad Breet Flyan will be the atirsttion at the Grand theatre, Patton, on Fri- day snd Saturday of this week. carry- ag to stil greater heights their par. ade of new show season hils which has included mach memorable films as see Old Maid” “Each Dawn 1 Die ead 5» on, Bete Davis. oF course, Is cast as (he self willed, vain and domineering Queer: Sihinabeth, torn between her fove of England and its people and her overwhelming love for the handsome andl dushing young Earl of Essex. Flynn fs Essex bas precisely has precisely he type OUR ros. ag J MIRAE Fancy, Fresh | Fruits and Vegetables JUICY FLORIDA ORANG | Florida Grapefruit . PASCAL CELERY, 2 big stalks FANCY APPLES, 5 Ibs. q = BIG SALE OF Heavy with y 4 + 15¢ § . Sparing juiced“ 15€ § { Fancy Florida Tan erines, = 10e | | Fresh Pork LOIN, Sf; § Fresh PORK SHC | Butt End Shld’r Lb, 17¢ :