Thursday, November 23, 1939. THE UNION PRESS-COURIER. PAGE THREE. - —_——— - — - re ———————— GALLITZIN PAYS SENATOR OWLETT ly he would make no move to advance | delegation will go 100 percent for ordered the company to furnish the| Send us that job printing order, no HIGH TRIBUTE G GOV a himself as a presidential candidate but James. commission with additional informa- | matter how large or small, and we'll . + BOOMING GOV . JAMES tes a “I look for James to become one of tic ; a TO DRUM CORPS ems Nas taken the position no one ever the Dresidentic] Sibllilics sor} lon, guarantee a satisfactory job. * : FOR PRESIDENT ’ inati € presicential possibilities seriously qhe commission found that while - » 4h turned down the nomination. ~onsidered he ni oY A RWBE 5 ——— considered in the national convention.” 44 present rates do not produce an itzi i T - 3 lett Representative Ro- osep Gr ; het s Pann. § ates d L 8 Gallitzin residents last Thursday ¥ Wa Both Owlett and Rey : Jose} h R irundy head of the Penn- | oy ocsive return, they are not attrac- might payed tribute to members of the Harrisburg — Senator G. Mason ya. Woodside, majority floor leader | sylvania Manufacturers Association, tive to prospective consumers The = : v ' : wlett, ennsylvania’s national Re-! | ives | S@id the results o » recent elect . T1 National Championship American Le- Owle t, Pe yy : of the State House of Representatives, BaTRu lS f the recent election commission directed the company to NEY Iw sion Drum Corps at a banquet served publican committeeman last week p showed the Governor is “presidential read each consumer's meter quarterly AN de ) U LOTPS at & al LS > . radio . weer y - 3 oe . ea rac 1S1 rs mele juart y, gi » came out for Governor James as the predict a Republican sweep in Penn-| jr pe and he'll have my support of | Nii i t SLL Nehr ig & = in the American Legion Home. | to Hdute £ President in 1940 ‘ he runs” S PI keep accurate records of each, and sub- UT Ww re A 1 arty s Ce 1aate ior resident 1 wlvani y 3 X ¢ & ection, en 3. . | \ if d Legion officials, clergymen and |P3TLYs canciaaie Ir 2resK sylvania in the next nauonhu. election : mit statements of the consumption of