PAGE EIGHT. nase — PATON AES The “Loyalty to the Church” cam- Ppaign, in its initial meeting in the Methodist Church last Sunday evening, has assured itself of a large degree of success as indicated by the large at- tendance present to hear the Rev. Mr. Thorhauer preach the first sermon of the campaign. The preacher appealed to the Christian people of the town to be “obedient to the Heavenly vision,” and urged a wholehearted and loyal support in behalf of this high vision The service next Sunday evening will be in the Presbyterian Church. Out of town preachers and speakers will be brought in as often as possible, and without previous notice. The “Homilope” for August 20 says, “One of the most frequent and dis- tressing sights of the depression years was respectable appearing men and women approaching people on the street and asking for help. They were homeless, foodless, friendless. The transient churchman or church-woman is even more deplorable. His or her spiritual life is not roted in Christian fellowship and responsibility. He is an unstable soul. More membership in a local church does not constitute church | residency. The test is, Have you claim- | ed your share of the Father's house | of prayer, with its Christian fellowship, | help, comfort, and peace? And are you | as God's child doing your share to help others find these same blessings in the | church? Think and pray over this | Marching forty yards following an | intercepted pass to shove over the] game winning touchdown in the third | frame ,the Patton high school football | team took the measure of Cresson, 13 | to 7, at Patton last Saturday in a Nor- thwestern division battle of the Cam- | bria County Conference. The winners | earned a 9 to 2 margin in first downs. | The Patton Fire Company desires to express their sincere thanks to all the | Yocal citizens who contributed in any | way to the subscription campaign just completed. In case any have been miss- ed, their donation, if given to Postmas- | ter George Lehman, will be greatly appreciated by the company. | Week end guests of the Misses Em- | ma and Melvina Weakland included | Michael Ryan of Whitesville, N. Y., | Leonard and Vera Brandt, and Miss Anna Jennison, of Akron, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Harry S. Buck, of B Beech Avenue, Patton, announce the marriage of their daughter, Miss Cat- | erine Buck, to Leo Brennan. The cere- mony was performed on September 29 in St. Joseph's Catholic Church in San | Diego, California. Mrs. Brennan is a graduate nurse of the Mercy Hospital Training School in Pittsburgh, and has | teen in the West for some years. Mr. and Mrs. Brennan will make their bome in San Diego. English services will bé conducted | at the Hebron Lutheran church on Sun- day evening, October 22, at 7:30, fol- lowed by the Sacrament of Holy Bap- tism. Rev. J. J. Youngren, pastor. Mr. and Mrs. James Bonner of Pitts- | ®urgh announce the birth of a daugh- | ter in the Mercy Hospital, Pittsburgh. Mrs. Bonner is the former Miss Louise McLaughlin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William McLaughlin of this place. Jack Dinsmore left for Dallas, Texas, | on Monday after spending the week with his sister, Mrs. Clifford Derringer | of this place. { A meeting of the Garden Club was | eld on Monday evening at the home of Mrs. George Hoppel. The officers elected are as follows: President, Mrs. George Hoppel, Patton; Vice President. Mrs. Thomas Daugherty, Spangler: Sec. retary and Treasurer, Mrs. James Sny- der, Patton. The club voted to dis- continue business sessions during the winter months. The next meeting will be held the third Monday of February, a prize will be given to the club mem- ber who selects the most suitable name for the club, the club will select the name at the February meeting. Miss Hilda Swope entertained the | Art Supervisor of the Clearfield Sch- | cols, Miss Sylvia Breth and Mrs. Am- | brose Breth at a dinner at her home | on Sunday. { Mrs. Harry Piper of Altoona, West- ern Director will install officers of the American Legion Auxiliary at the+Le- gion Home on Monday, Oct. 30 at 8:00 P. M. A lunch will be served to all the members. All members are urged to attend. The regular meeting of the | Auxiliary was held on Monday when | plans were discussed for a benefit card party to be held early in November. | Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Skurky and son | Gerald and daughter Barbara Lee | spent the week-end visiting Mrs. Skur- | ky’s sister, Mrs. Dorothy Sasala at | Cleveland, O. Miss Rita Bender spent a few cose at New Jersey last week where she attended the wedding of a relative, REPORTS FEATURE CO. COUNCIL LEGION MEET Reports of committee chairmen and induction of officers of three Legion Posts in the county featured =~ Mon- day evening's meeting of the County Legion Committee in the Legion Home at Carrolltown. The installation of of- ficers of the Dunlo, Spangler and Car- rolltown posts was in charge of Frank Morley of Barnesboro, district com- mander. HALLOWEEN AFFAIR | The annual Halloween celebration in Barnesboro on Tuesday evening, Octo- ber 31, will be sponsored by the local American Legion Post. A mummers parade will be held, headed by the Barnesboro High School Band. The committee on arrangements is compo- | sed of Marlin Bougher, V. J. ot William McMullen, Alex Davidson and William Seeley. Cash prizes will be awarded for the best-appearing group, best costumes by { | { TANG Help The Drive! THE UNION PRESS-COURIER. Hi TE ® Builds Charaster and Citizenship” - CHARLES M. SCHWAT HELD NO PROPERTY IN CAMBRIA COUNTY Charles M. Schwab, who died recen- ly in New York City, did not own any taxable Cambria County property, an investigation by state representatives reveals. The investigation was made by the State Department of Revenue to ascertain if an inheritance tax might be collected ,and a diligent sear- ch was made of all records. This re- vealed that all Schwab property in Cambria county was in the name of Mrs. E. Eurena Schwab, the steel mag- nate’s wife, who died last spring. She | willed to Mr. Schwab a life interes: in the property, which passed to her other heirs upon Mr. Schwab's death. Charles M. Schwab was not regis- tered as a voter of Cambria county, claiming New York as legal residence although for many months each year until the last few years, the Schwab's had occupied their mansion, “Immer- grun,” Loretto. The state department of revenue collects inheritance tax from estates of non resident decedents but the recent investigation revealed that no such tax could be collected from Mr. Schwab's estate. Raymond Kirby, chief investigator, and and inheritance tax appraiser of Cambria county; H. S. Bender, an in- | vestigator and inheritance tax apprai- ser; Ralph Benford, special investiga- tor and attorney Robt. Bender, special deputy of the Department of Justice —— - acting for the State Department of Revenue, all Cambria countians, made the investigation of the status of Mr. Schwab’s holdings. | JOHNSTOWNER GETS | A FEDERAL POSITION | Attorney Edward Kneff of Johns- | town was notified last Friday that he | has been appointed special assistant to | Frank Murphy, U. S. Attorney Gen- | eral. He will serve in the anti-trust | division of the U. S. Department of Justice and will receive an annual sal- aryof $7,000. He will assume his du- ties November 1st. The Johnstown attorney won fame when as chief counsel for the state! public utilities commission he appeared before the U. S. Supreme Court with Judge Guy K. Bard, then State Attor- ney General, and successfully argued | the right of the commission to impose temporary rate schedules on utilities. The supreme court in upholding At- tornew Knuff and Judge Bard reversed the U. S. Eastern District Court, which had previously declared the action to! be unconstitutional. Attorney Knuff was born in Johns- town, the son of the late John F. Knuff | and Mary M. Knuff. He graduated from the Johnstown schools and Johns- | town high school. He reecived his ba- | chelor of arts degree from the Univer- sity of Michigan in 1917 and three years later was awarded the honorary degree of doctor juris from the same institution. a He served eight years as assistant | district attorney under District Attor- neys D. P. Weimer and W. Lloyd Hibbs, | During the World War Attorney Knuff Was an ensign in the U. S. Navy, see- | Ing service in foreign waters. He is al member of Johnstown Post, 204, Amer- | ican Legion and Combria County Voi- | ture 40 et 8. ‘MAN BADLY HURT WHEN HIT BY CAR | Frank Kowalchick, aged 53 years of | Bakerton, is in a serious condition at the Spangler hospital, suffering of in- juries received last Thursday evening | when he was struck by an automobile | on a highway near his home. He suf- | fered fractures of both legs and a fracture of the left arm. | Police said the car which struck the | man was operated by George Cruel of Bakerton, aged 23. Cruel stopped the | car and assisted in removing the in-| | jured man to the hospital. | GRAND THEATRE PATTON, PENNA. Special Midnite Show, Sunday Oct. 22nd; Monday, October 23 pres an adult, and the funniest costumes x worn by children. rm RAUL Ta FROM RAD/o (UB Direct From HOLLYWOOD STARS of RADIO - STAGE and SCREEN IN PERSON! ADDED ATTRACTION FRANCHOT TONE, ANN SOTHERN, in “FAST AND FURIOUS” DON'T MISS SPECIAL MIDNITE SHOW! Thursday, October 19th, 193 GRAND THEATRE PATTON Friday and Saturday paramount Presents LA ETAL A “BEAU ‘HEL « RAY MILLAND - ROBERT PRESTON Brian Donlevy - Susan Hayward - J. Carrol Naish - Donald 0’Connor James Stephenson - produced and Directed by WILLIAM A. WELLMAN i 9. smepp— Sunday---One Day Only oii Smashing Adventure! Thunderous “Hell Divers” Thrills! IH Tr BEERY.. JNDER AF A (RIT (21 TERT TYE 3 A Directed by George B. Seitz Vj Matinee Sunday at 2:30 ] 7 | Tuesday, Bargain Night STEPS THAT LEAD TO THE ‘BOYS’ REF ORMATORY * RICHARD GREENE in his first great starring role «+. giving a great perform- ance in a great picture , . . Hone 22% ed DIX scoring another dramatic conquest BRENDA JOYGE sensational discovery of “The Rains Came” ROLAND YOUNG - GLADYS GEORGE Katharine Aldridge * Russell Gleason George Zucco Edward Norris - Henry Kolker A 20th Century-Fox Picture an AD AR 1 affe and nsy! Ww hou shal one pay A in p han ner stats occ of s inte or Scop A erm ploy han ork ket exer prov In cons are dard dard and der Worl text will the ¢ Aj nim quic emp! fix men Pe ally law's Pr one staff safeg field delpl Of that labor with panie the s NEV Ha issuec last v ning purch erals . The issue ital s Inc Camp son J der o livan, The dern printii promg