Union press-courier. (Patton, Pa.) 1936-current, September 28, 1939, Image 1
AN ATTAINMENT OF THE LARGEST GENERAL WEEKLY A GENERAL NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS no NEWSPAPER CIRCULATION IN CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA. OF ORGANIZED LABOR IN CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA. Our Shop Is Equipped ™ = Recognized and Endors- ed by More Than Fifty > / to Do Job Printing of Local Uniens and Cen- « i All Kinds. Nothing Too tral Bodies Over Cam- mm Large or Too Small bria County and Ad- ! § We Cater Especially to jacent Mining Areas. a 2 f 260) Local Union Printing. & i p:: Sane 4 Union Press, Established May, 1935. wo VOL. 45. NO. 51. E29 CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA AREA. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1939 Spb A SUBSCRIPTION $2.00 PER YEAR EER TABOR'S RIGHTS PRESIDENT ACAIN Edward J. Sweeney, of Lilly, STATEOFFICIALS MINERS REFER INWARTIMEARE ASKS FOR PEACE Appointed Secretary Treas. WONDER IF BIG PEACE PLEA TO AREDBY SMITH IN LABOR RANKS District No. 2, U. M. W. of A. TAX AVAILABLE EXECUTIVE UNIT Shadow Cast By War Is Long Administration Said to Be Plan- | _ . % Legal Residence of Charles M. Pittsburgh District Favors Ur. Vice President of Body Under Date of September 19th, Formally Schwab May Be Factor in the ging of Truce Between CIO One and Labor Must Be On| ning New Campaign for CIO | : Constant Alert. and AFL Troubles. | Notified By International President John L. Lewis, To Take Up| Taxation Receipts. and the A. F.of L. - | Duties of the Late Richard Gilbert. : - : Pittsburgh — Representatives of Atlantic City, N. J. — Labor must washington — The Administration | Harrisburg — The Commonwealth of | Pennsylvania, which could use a little fight to uphold the Wagner Labor Act appeared last week to be planning a | so protect the rights which may | new campaign for peace between the | Under date of September 19th, 1939, President John L. Lewis of the United | ready cash for its relief load, is pon- last Thursday referred to the Executive be jeapordized in event the United | American Federation of Labor and the | Mine Workers of America, formally appointed Edward J. Sweeney, of Lilly, to | dering whether any—and how much— Exe States is drawn into the European War, | Congress of Industrial Orgaization on | the Secretaryship of District No. 2 of the U. M. W. of A, succeeding the late | might be forthcoming in the way of | Board of the C. I 0. a resolution ur- Edwin S. Smith, a member of the Na-| the grounds that war in Europe makes | Richard Gilbert, who so ably served in that capacity for forty years, by election | taxes on the estate of the late Charles ging a truce between the Congress of tional Labor Relations Board, declared | labor unity an essential part of na- | and appointment, and whose recent death was mourned generally by the rank 1. Schwab, pioneer Pennsylvania Industrial Organizations and the Am- last week. | tional unity. and file as well as officialdom in the organization. steelmaster. erican Federation of Labor. «It is not possible at the present| President Roosevelt will lead the | In the appointment of Edward J. Sweeney to fill the vacancy, we believe Schwab died in New York. The resolution, submitted by a U. time to avoid thing of losses which | drive for peace. He said at his press | that President Lewis could have made no better choice for perhaps this most| The founder of the Bethlehem Steel M. W. of A. local at Indianola, Pa., labor has sustained in one country and | conference Tuesday he would send a | vital position in the District, which Mr. Gilbert served so faithfully, so long. | Corporation lived for many years at contended that division in labor’s another at time of war,” Smith said, in ranks was * detrimental to our best personal message 10 the A. F. of L. |and so well. Mr. Sweeney, who is forty-five years of age, has) spent his life- | J oretto in the heart of the Western: addressing the biennial convention of convention at Cincinatti on October | time in and / about the mines, holds membership in Local Union No. 1294, at | Pennsylvania coal and iron section. interests” and urged somo honorable the Transport Workers Union (C. 1.0.) | 2. To a direct question he replied that Lilly, has always been earnest and active in the furthering of the organization Upon the death of his wife, he gave peace program be worked out whereby «The shadow cast by war is a long! it would be a good guess that his mes- | of the United Mine Workers as well as all organized labor, and has served his | yp the Loretto place and spent his| ranks can be united again. one. Whether or not this country ul- | sage would mention peace. The C. I O. | Local Union in a number of leading capacities, and his district as an Organizer, | time traveling or in New York, the| The 200 delegates adopted a com- mittee report which concurred “in the and District Board Member. Three years ago he became Vice President of Dis- | latter g nerally considered his legal Lies : " spirit” of a resolution urging a third | some 36,000 miners in District 5 of the United Mine Workers in convention timately becomes a part of the conflict | convention opens October 10 in San which is raging in Europe, all phases | Francisco and it, too, probably will | trict No. 2. Perhaps no other man in the District; with the exception of Pres- | residence. En of our economic and social life will receive a message from Mr. Roosevelt. | ident James Mark, is more conversant with the workings of the district office, The State Department of Revenue term for President Roosevest and re- pe affected by its continuance and by Secretary of Labor Frances Perkins than is Mr. Sweeney, and under his administration the Mine Workers can rest | o,iq last week, it was awaiting the fi- ferred the mosion lo the ntemational told reporters last week that the war assured of level-headed, cool, firm and honest endeavor. ling of the formal inventory of the es- convention of the U. M. W. of A. HE Another resolution praised C. L O. jts results.” : ; y say wha smergency makes it “more necessary The new District Secrctary who will assume office on October 1st, is a na- 3 3 ing STV. Doc Smith said he could not say what emerg y Ys , 1S tate before adopting any procedure. 3 : : 5 he sis ” : Head John L. Lewis for his leadership and more wise” that labor get together. | tive of Lilly, and is a son of William and Clara (George) Sweeney, the former 1 tap hag i months 1 > The esttae has three months 10 €/4¢ 3 campaign for a federal tax on fuels effect the European War might have x ) 3 he Wagner Act. He emphasized: Citing problems arising from the | now deceased. He is united in marriage with the former Miss Regina McClos- | this repo : : on the g . head : : ¢ ; : this report. competing with coal and for a tax to «But labor, undoubtably, will pe | division of the ranks of labor, she said | key, and four children have been born to the union. Until that time, none of the state OMPEYIng wa a yt 3 most concerned to make sure that the | that a good example was the desire of | In the confiict of the World War Edward J. Sweeney served his country ov- hii i ime Lr. trey phir support workers displaced by machin- S awn : : t¢3 - 4 eis . officials was II s1 1, D said, ! ‘ery rights which it has won through years both factions for representation on the | erseas, with the 58th Infantry, Fourth Regular Army Division, and saw active officials Ys >» De . $ I ery. 18. > 3 ART : 3 bah : C + > to determine to what extent the es- The convention tabled a resolution of effort are as fully protected in a new War Resources Board, set up to service in the St. Mihael, Argonne and other fronts. In the Argonne he was | __. "ht come under Penns Ivania SN ae, S ’ | prepare the mobilization of American wounded in action, and holds the “Purple Heart” decoration. | mie might go un asy opposing President Roosevelt's Te. taxation laws. quest for revision of the Neutrality war atmosphere as in one of peace. Much that is lost in war is never re- industry and labor in the event that | Secretary-Treasurer Edward J. Sweeney has our congratulations on his ap- : ; - ! > covered. il becomes necessary. pointment to this important and responsible office. Likewise, he has the good They expressed interest in determin. Law and received several other reso- “Respect for all elements in our na- Peace talks between the A. F. of L.| wishes and enthusiastic support of hundreds of his friends among the United | ‘8 Schwab's legal residence. If it is THORS dealing with neutrality and tional life demands that as this time |and the C. L O. have been in recess | Mine Workers of ‘America who know him best, and to those who perhaps do established as solely outside the state,| W ith the Buropean war. the preservation of such rights as the | since April 5 when they were postpon- | not know him personally, but have heard about him, could have learned ody | it would have a great bearing on the| Bae opposed the United States entry National Labor Relations Act has es- | ed at the request of C. I. O. President | that he is a capable, four-square, honest promoter of the best interests of organ- situation. 5 : in “foreign wars’ except to halt in- tablished for labor must be vigorously | John L. Lewis. ized labor as is particularly exemplified in the United Mine Workers of Amer- The estate of the late Charles Dor-| vasion of this country and another ica of District No. 2. rance, soup manufacturer, contributed | termed Adolph Hitler “the most bur- the largest inheritance tax sum ever) tal fanatic to rise to power in the pre- affirmen as the fixed policy of this MINING INDU TRY NING INDUS é : collected by the state. After prolonged | sent history of Europe.” country. = = I re —— “ ’ is threatened NZ x | s : : When Jeb frosgus Ted.” : | PICKUP REPORTED | " / 1 A / S / E HOSPI 4 / litigation, Pennsylvania received $18,- Francis Feehan of the United States 00.000 from it half a dozen years ago Bureau of Mines praised union miners democracy itself is imper | se when it was determined that Dorrance for their “faithful and intelligent co- CE ————— | a | State College — An «gvernight”| yO | COMMISSIONERS OK | pickup in Pennsylvania’s zinc smelting | A4 { ] \ H.14 R Y S R [ CORD 9 legally lived in Radnor, Sa. though | operation” in a Reedh, declaring Penn. WPA PLAN TO BUILD | industry and sharp increases in anthra- | . his firm operated in New Jersey. | sylvania has fewer fatal accidents in ° a proportion to tonnage of coal produc- ~ > | cite, soft coal, and other mineral pro- CO. HOME CHAPEL | ; | Wh adies’ ilia Dec., 1938: Tonsilectomy ins s: : : , la z { at the ladies’ auxiliary of the , : Tonsilectomy instrumnts: we ed then any oth t uction as a result of the European | $131.58, FAIR PRICES FOR y er state in the Union. | war were reported last week by Dean. Miners’ hospital of Northern Cambria Fhas accomplished is shown in the Te- curved forceps, 1 doz. straight forceps, COAL PROM 2 stainless adenotomes, 1 perineal re- | al of a WPA project to con- | Edward Steidle. ! | tarian chapel at Be Steidle, head of the School of min-| Port read at the regular meeting of} “CTL To p00 Home at a cost of | erals at the Pennsylvania State Col- that body on September 20th, by Mrs. | ractor, etc, $166.20. w at ode irgin, | | AS. Deringer, the secretary, who CoMm=| April, 1939: Individual sugar, crealn-| Washington —_ Frederick L. Kirgin, director, said last week that the Inter- | 1 doz. tissue forceps, 1 doz. ISED | Db NYA PLANS FUNDS FOR STUDENT AID Approv struct a non-sec Cambria County $20,486 was given last Friday afternoon | lege, said the rise in zinc operations | it SY i issi < John Thom- | in Southweste snnsylvaniz | piled a tenth anniversary listing as| er and coilee poi, arp’s Jewelry |. ’ 1 "3 by County er rt had] an I Donyiang prea PIR ? oli y £ 3 Store, $3.75; | jor Department's Consumer Counsel A total of $1,948,183 has been allo- . nk vive , S Ama 11 : 19; fo . Sov sd ; 4 as Jr, Fra Fe olor ye ot SL Tovive ae in us 7s Han i on t May. 1939: Coal range, $390.00 Division, would take any steps necess- cated by the National Youth Adminis- n o I ! a ats. al ” t arks a rear | A d . Jal Ie y J : 4 & : : ¥ D. Keller. Decision 10 Co: ey | coal mar ets, already pro iting from | _ October 9th marks the tenth year| BY, ae ge, $3! y ary to assure that this country had an | tration for student aid in colleges and house of worship was made by the| increased rail and steel operations. |since the reorganization of the Ladies’ Making a grand total of $6,183.59. adequate supply of bituminous at air | other schools in Pennsyl ania during int 1 : : 3 | : to re ARCA adequate ly of bituminous & ir Ss I nr ni commissioners on request of ministers| Anthracite fields, he added, will be- | Auxiliary of the Miners Hospital of| _ That sum of money was acquired by | prices the 1939-40 term, according to an on fit through increased shipments to| Northern Cambria, Spangler, Pa. On sheer hard work on the part of the |" - , i Pais g S ip orthern Cambria, Spangler, O pé In a broad address, Kirgin said nouncement made at Harrisburg by Walter S. Cowing, state NYA director Of the total amount, which repre- sents a 19 per ¢ increase over last year’s allocation i of several denominations. i The room at the County Home for-| Ca da, whose imports of coal from | that day in 1929, al a meeung of the organization—by benefit card parties merly used for religious services is| Wales and England have been interr- | Board of Trustees held for the pur-| and dances and plays, by the chancing now occupied with beds and services | upted, and from the halting of U. S.| pose of organizing such a group, 2a off of home made quilts and candies, held recently in various imports of coal from Russia and other | number of women were presented who le of vanilla, and even, in ce because of the t of some other » the outbreak of war e,” he added, he gave this a rapid rise In commodities “At the present $876,285 will be used by tl have been sections of the Home. | European nations. | gave talks designed to interest women the e r days of its existence, by a | to help 2,500 stud n coll i i r v i : ; tae d iT: benefit basebz «there is no immediate danger of a run-| ED & stuae in colleges and Of the entire cost, the federal gov-| Accompanying the pickup in mine | in auxiliary work. They were: | benefit baseball game. Re Noitor Ap al. Ti graduate schools. The remainder will 1 away market for bituminous coal hey” Shs » mainder will n this tenth anniversary then, let ’ C approxims: ar 000 ; On tf tenth anniversary then, let go to approximat 37,000 pupils in S p 3 3 supply is more than adequate. X X xX | us reflect with pride on our achieve- Pps the cons oo representat 1 As ihe *onsu ers epresentalive, ments to date, but let us also resolve D to strive continually for greater inter- tats 7 ai aborsz yg | est on the part of % er, biel ° d will take the initiative x x X to assure culty aid, laboratory and research S : ove > or, an : ; york oz 16. for services i y and | , jequate supplies at fair prices, which work, for clerical help, for services in ernment will contribute $13,551 and the | operations, he said, was a demand on Mrs. H. M. Tarr of the Senior Aux- county $6,935. The building, which will | the school for more technical men ac-| iljary, Memorial Hospital, Johnstown. he Home on county property, | quainted with mechanized production.| Mrs, J. Meyer, of the Junior Aux- | iliary, Memorial, Johnstown. djoin t 1,208 public and parochial schools. adjoin terial Student aid funds a iv . consumers’ ¢ sel rig rx aid funds are give - will be 43 feet by 55 feet and con-| pn — ee | the consumers’ counsel division X X X 4 1 given for fa structed of native sandstone. The roof cRESSONITE BURNED | Mrs. A. B. Ford, President of the : : | | more improvements in the hospital in | repairing school furniture and the like : : : . . be an effective means of meeting the only hospital in this section, it is to| ” go $6 per month. College students get $11 be heated from the Home central heat. | | problem if it should arise. Pre plant. There ® 8 also be a bast | Miss Mary Whitney, superintendent | ant. | hae : “ > ry hospite 4 ting| William Rennie, 28, of Cresson was | of the Mercy Hospital, Alioons, the advantage of those who may some- | severly burned last Wednesday when | At tnat first meeting Mrs. C. P.| gay need it to see that it is as well| will be of slate and the structure will hi ~ | ae : | N J {PP « | Auxiliary of Mercy Hospital, Altoona. | ey can be done under existing law, ma AS GAS EXE LODES | | years to come. Inasmuch as this is the e done under existing law, may High school boys receive from $4 to i | tc $15, while graduate students aver- ment. The chapel will have a sea age about $25 a month. COUNTY FIREMEN TO | Among aMotments to individual col- capacity of 140. { ¥ ' Ri : | Work on the new building is ex- | gasoline fumes exploded in the tank | Brinton was appointed i as possible. { ected to. start about October 15. It| of an old automobile he was cutting | chairman and Mrs. B. W. Derringer, % | = : . will require four working months to| apart. temporary secretary. S a MEET THIS THURSDAY | jogs, sublee io final spproval of complete the structure. | Rennie was rushed to Altoona Hos- Since that day regular monthly mee- | SIX FROM COUNTY | ae inglon: D.C, are the following: | pital in the Cresson Fire Truck. His| tings have been held, the members be- | GET STATE >OSTS | Discussion of the annual fire preven. | unisia, Huntingdon, $5,940; St. ! : : : S POSTS |. 0 8 ) | Francis, Loretto, $4,050; St. Vi NYA PROJECT PLANS | condition was regarded as serious. ing drawn from the various commun- | tion week in Cambria County will take | 1 atroh » $4050; St. Vincent, ; | He suffered first degree burns of the | ities which the Miners’ hospital serves | place at a meeting of the Volunteer | , Tobe $6,750; Seton Hill, Greens- TO ASSIST RED CROSS entire body. His clothes were ignited | so splendidly. | In the personell changes announced | Firemen’s Association of Cambria Co-| Indiana State Teachers, The aim of the auxiliary has been by the Department of Revenue at Har- | ynty and vicinity to be held at 8:15 | Huy risburg, six Cambria Countians are dis- | o’clock on Thursday evening in the | 20 : EN —~™_™Y§Y*§ Y YG 1200 MILES OF NEW IN MAKING GARMENTS from the flames Rennie recently had purchased sev-| to do any service for the hospital such The National Youth Administration eral old automobiles in Cresson and | as hemming towels and linens, and es- project, under which approximately 75 | was engaged in cutting them apart| pecially to raise money in order to for the metal. assist in buying the many things which girls will aid in preparation of gar- ments and medical supplies for the | 4 are constantly needed to maintain such : ! i Red Cross, will be sponsored by Cam- | FLEMING GETS an institution adequately. Following is | $1,020 a year; Charles A. Carlisle, Nan. | drills to be held in schools throughout | new highway have been constructed ria County commissioners. | ANDREWS JOB 2 list of the items purchased by the | ty Glo, machine operator, $1,020; Clar- the county. It is the hope of the fire-/ so far this year records of the State According to James Z. McClune, co- Auxiliary, and it is eloquent proof ence R. George, Barnesboro, addresso- | men to arrange series of fire drills in | Highway Department show. Since con- unty NYA supervisor, the county offi- St. Paul, Minn., Sept 22 — Col Philip | that the women have succeeded in | graph operator, $1,020; Charles A. | schools in the county. The drills will | struction operations opened in the cials at a conference Thursday agreed | Fleming, St. Paul, New Deal “trouble- Knepper, Conemauh, taxing officer, be held several times during the year, | spring there have been 205.74 miles of | that aim: to adopt an enabling resolution to ser- | shooter,” has been appointed wage- $1,620; Ross W. Clawges, Portage, | according to a plgn outlined by the | road built under contract. missed and six others from the county | Cherry Tree Fire Hall. | | appoinied to positions. The appoint-| Firemen also will outline plans for | HIGHWAY BUILT IN '39 ments are: a series of fire drills to be held in| — Clare Benchena, Conemaugh, clerk, | schools throughout the county. The] Harrisburg.—More than 200 miles of March, 1930: 12 chairs, 12 table, and | ? = ] | 2 ve as sponsors. The project is designed | hours administrator, replacing Elmer |7 beds and mattresses, at Commons’ Clerk, $1,020; Edna E. Petriken, Johns- | firemen. to fit into the Red Cross program for | F. Andrews, an authorative source dis- | Store, Hastings, $669.00. town, typist, $1,020. | _ Plans for the coynty’s participation NORTHERN CAMBRIA | Dismissals included Paul J. Beck, | in the annual statg convention the] CHILD CRITIC AT LY HU lh / - Aid C R I the manufacture of articles needed by | closed here tonight. | Dec., 1930: Linoleum for nurses’ | Sm ! [ r war sufferers abroad. | A close friend of Fleming said the | dining room, Oscar Binder, Hastings, | Gallitzin, machine operator, $1,020; | first week in Octobe}, at Erie also will | ,_—_— The work centers are to be estab- | colonel had told him he already “haa | $79.67. | Beatrice R. Lantzy, Hastings, typist, | be formulated at Thursday's meeting.| Jane Roberts, eight year o | $1,020; Bernadine A. Walsh, Spangler, | rf ees tor of Mr. and Moe. tr Jongh. he a LHS. [ayino ober the county, | the job,” but that “any announcement May, 1931: 15 bedside tables, Econ- ted in| would, of course, have to come from omy Furniture Store, $420.00. clerk, $1,020; Arthur A. Noel, Johns- | INDIANA SCHOOL of Watkins, near Bakerton, was criti | town, assistant taxing officer, $1,620. ENROLLS 1,385) cally injured on Monday evening lished at various points in with the chief center to be loca - | said the enrolltnent wa The Department of Public Instruc-| which 497 are freshmen. T 1,385, of ———— S——— ROUND AND SQUARE DANCE oo _. | Fleming, U. S. district engineer in| Oct. 1934: 6 chairs for nurses’ home, The Patton Fire Company is In | gi pay], is known in Washington as a | $21.00. the building at 130 Jackson St., Johns- Washington.” Sept, 1031: Laundry fund for new | town, formeriy occupied by the Penn-| Rumors that President Roosevelt had | laundry equipment, $300.00. | Elizabeth K. Leonard, Indiana, clerk, while crossing the highway near her sylvania Telephone Corporation. | decided upon the shift in the Wages| Feb., 1932: Laundry fund, $170.00. | $1,020, also was dismissed. | With the largeft student body en- | home. The child suffered rs a a ee ———— | and Hours Division were reported in | Sept., 1932: Laundry fund, $304.41. — — | rolled in the lastleight years, the 1939- | the skull and brush Hiras. of ot HELP TEE FIRE COMPANY | Washinglon Jost werk, nd however | 5 uss a | NORTH COUNTY YOUNG jo Sador at = State Teachers | Satz baw Harry R. Born, driver of v CERNE a QTD { >ni, ™ | oy : a y 9.52. | Ww >A QQ QT NY A ‘ ollege opene ast Tuesday ». Le-| the car, sai » chi i d i 3 BY GENEROUS SUT PORT | 1.5 yet been made. May. 1634: Laundry fund, $386.96. MEN PASS STATE EXAMS | Roy DR I y. Br Losi 2s 25 531) he child darted in front | re 1039-40 need of some necessary equipment, | reliable trouble shooter, and has been| June, 1835: Blectric dish washer, | tion last Thursday announced that 156 | enroliment is 7 more than that of SATURDAY AT NICKTOW with the winter seasen coming on f assigned to posts in the Public Works | $6595.00. candidates for the dental r rofession, | 1938-39 ? rr = aa NICKTOWN As they have ne means of raising Administration, the Resettlemnt Ad-| May, 1936: Incubator, $213.75. | six of them from this arca, passed the! Because of the new auditorium tin-| A round and square dance will b revenue excepting by contribution, | ryinistration, the Farm Security Ad-| March, 193T: Fracture equipment: 1 state examinations held at Philadel- | ished several Weeks ago, is nat .t | held in St. Nichola ' He: a e during the we='r of October 8th, they | ministration and on the suspended Pas- | Ultra-violet ray lamp, 6 dental justru- phia and Pittsburgh during the! finished, the Seadent Rbly or on Sati rday ibid r at B 1 town will call at exery home and leave | samaquoddy Dam project. | ments, 2 diagnostic cets, 1 Diathermy | summer. heid in the aclu wh ry D Senter ly ‘30th Oe 2 gf # weds, an spvelape. in which you can place | Andrews, who has held the job since $1,200.92. Successful candidaes from this sec Ting introduc 4 Webars ot Hi So » { Music will be % A 3 Cae, your or ir bition. These envelopes shortly after passage of the Wages-| Sept, 1937: Steam food cart, £340.06. tion included: William Ratowsky, Pa -i ty ahd cating i g f¢ > the am on | Hi Oawibols a age BY Cuy sad will sollesied en Ortober 18, 193% | Hours Act, was asid to have been of-| March, 1638: Furnishings for private ton; Northat h | year, bs i Te Cheol { rambols. Everybody is welcome. AT +< jrr~e or sraall, will | fered the post of custodian of alien | room: Concoleum rug, John R. Muse nes B. Lear Of the total: enrolmeni, 886 student The word anthracite is deriv yd from be gratefrily accepted. Contribu- | property. er, $7.00; Bed, bureau, chair, John RR. y, Indiana; Charles C L d at the colicge. Dr Rirg said | the Creek anthrax re {ave names will not he nuhliched 1m | Well-informed circles in Washington, | Easly, $198.53; Spre: d and rapes, $2758 Nile Run, Bedford Ceunty; Ralph XE. > remainder Hoo a aor it is a noun, it is incorrect apc | it was reported, said the change may | 2 scatter rugs, Charlson’s, $5.00; Lamp, ' He rkheimer., Alum Bank, Bediord: the Conta: . m ; os ite coal”. When referring | ) rs rT om other | ward roal, the word anthracite is sufs toes bv reomest. Help support the Fira Commanv! occur as early as October 1. $13.00; Screen, $17.23. Total $268.14. County. communities al Te “ . en na sins