PAGE Two. THE UNION PRESS-COURIER. Thursday, September 14th, 1939. PINE TWP. NOTES HEILWOUDD, MENTCLE, ALVERDA, AND VICINITY, FROM PEN OF Dorot!} rnton, ten year old dau ghter of and Mrs. Wesley Thorn- ton of Mentcle, died at 3:40 P. M, on Sunday, in the Indiana hospital, where she became a medical patient on Au- gust 28th. Besides the parents, the child leaves a brother, Ronald and two sisters: Thelma Jean and Winnie, both at home. Funeral services were con- ducted at ten o'clock on Wednesday morning at the Thornton home by the Rev. Reed Bennett. Interment was in the Oakland cemetery in Indiana. Mrs. Mary Burkhamer, Mr. and Mrs Raymond Burkhamer and son, Ray- mond, Jr., of Johnstown, were Sunday dinner guests at the Frank Trinkley home near Heilwood. John Mance, Sr., of Mentcle and John Sally of Heilwood, acted as I t aid meet held at air Grounds last Sat- urday. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Belchick of Bar- rnesboro, R. D., were recent callers at the Andrew Vanish home in Mentcle Mr. Joe Henry of Alverda and Miss Evelyn Lechorchick motored to Erie on Friday evening. Mr. Henry return- home on Sunday. Mr. and Mr tt Baer of Heil- eq wood sk ay afternoon at the home of Mrs. H. C. Lansberry of Pat- ton. Mrs. William Connor = of , were recent guests at the hornton home in Mentcle. Mr. i Mrs. Link Adams and fam- ily spent Sunday afternoon in Pine Flats. Charles Saltsgiver of Glen Camp- bell, Lawrence and John Wilson and Miss Florence Chapelli of Mentcle mo- | tored to Pittsburgh early on Sunday morning to witness the baseball game between Pittsburgh and St. Louis at Forbes Field. Mr. Kenneth Trinkley of Heilwood and Miss Verna Jenkins of Washing- ton, D. C., motored to New York early on Sunday morning. While there they will visit Miss Jenkins’ brother, Rus- sell, and also the World's Fair { Miss Jean Henry of Indiana spent the week end at the home of her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Pat Henry in Al- verda. | | | | { | | HE Sealtest-APPROVED FLAVOR OF THE MONTH Ripe, luscious bananas, and delicious almond macaroons frozen 1ato a delicious ice cream. g x 5 Ras Fe MINT jul © SHERBET Sensational new fla- vor! Made of pure citrus fruit juices blended with refresh- ing mint. Don’tmissit. - CAKE ROLL [§ Our Deluxe vanilla Ice “ream Sure ad with delicious choc- olate cake—all ready to serve. DRUMSTICK THE BIGGEST 5¢ WORTH OF GOODNESS IN TOWN jainty sugar-coated cone A with vanilla ice cream, dipped in chocolate and rolled in nuts. Sealtest, Inc. and its member companies are under one common ownership. 1939 Wall Paper | Sample Book!| Contains 60 Different Papers priced from 5¢ to 25¢ per Single Roll WRITE FOR YOUR FREE BOOK TODAY! We pay the postage on all orders. No charge for trimming. BUCK'S WALL PAPER & PAINT 334 Washington Street || JOHNSTOWN, PENNA. || ding Canada, Ohio, They will mal Heilwood was a Cluroe and Henry h rec Johnston and son, B ; , of Heilwood, and Arch Williams of Pine Flats. baseball team nippe \1d on the Patton fi Mentcle on Saturd “THE WOMEN” COMING TO THE GRAND ON SUNDAY, MONDAY, FEMININE CASTING lind Russell attraction at the Grand stage play will find that the drama Patton on Sunday and | lost nothing in being transferred to Monday next. Unusual in one of the st Theatre, e out of Holly >t never showing before | po the most unus vear. iedlv top e lal io. SE a ’g year dedly top entertain-| tjine Virginia Weidler, Lucille Wat- snappy dialog sets of eye-filling beauty. “Riptide” has | Povah, imported from New York | lywood players visited ed non- and Niagara Falls. eir home in Patton ne's work is locat- at Mr, and 1 Sunday 1 ld with a score of M liss Helen llers in Joan Crawford share of the plaudits. “The Women” highest plane. I Incidently, those who witnessed the | of hospitals until its premise the screen. The broader scope offered ongest love by the celleloid provides many more vood in spectacular moments than would be What co ible on the stage, outstanding am- | has shut off g these being the bea hop se- | the heart. quence and the fashion show. V I objects 0 affections, “Tt 1 be nominated as production of any ling parformances include Joan Fon- anole with. shapy : : : angle. with sharp, | son Florence Nash, Muriel Hutchin- ling situations and | son Esther Dale, Ann Moris, Hussey, Dennie Moore, Mary Cecil, Ruth a as does Rosalind Do You Know? to —_— divided three ways generous share more than a generous and placed medica « Suporting players who added ster- PRIESTS OF LORET SEMINARY ANNOUNCE PLANS FOR REUNION llege, or | Rev. Father Philip Evacuation of London Children or 1 Scene at a London railroad station as many thousands of children )L a ba- were being taken from the city to places of more security in the country in anticipation of German air raids. The total population of the designated = evacuation areas is about 11,000,000, but enly about 3,900,000 of the resi- dents fell into the first group that was moved. That group in children, their teachers, pre-school children and their moth blind and crippled, and invalids who were in condition to be moved. The annual reunion of St. Norma | Mary Beth Hughes, Virginia Grey, Seminary Alumni Assoication w Shearer appeared in a similar role and | Marjorie Main, Cora Witherspoon, and at St. Francis Cc her return to drawing room comedy is Hedda Hopper. The production has Tuesday of this week. many fans. Joan | been given expert direction and sin- celebration was the honoring of those Crawford portraying a “heavy” for the | cere, sympathetic handling by Direc- members who are observing their 25th | first time in her screen career, scores | tor George Cukor. | a decided triumph | Russell who is proving one of Holly- | woods’ most versatile actresses, Phylis anniversary in the priesthood this sea- son. The celebration opened with a 10 o’clock high mass for deoeased mem- bers of the association. Officers of the mass were Rev. I. J. Denny, Altoona | create her stage role in the picture, is The American Medical Association | president of the association, celebrant; | a happy addition to the roster of Hol- | has always considered the h and Mary Boland and | the American people above all else. president, deacon; Rev. Father Owen Paulette Goddard garner more than a | It led the fight against “diploma mills” | Gallagher, secretary, subdeacon; Rev. luded school the adult 10 Lic to, on Keynote of the O'Donnell, vice rathers T the afternoon ir clu ce after | “Mad an amateur hour. You're Sure of Refresh- ment If You're Sure You Ask For— Ht | i {A il i HI HE | 1 | For OLD MONARCH AND NEW LIFE is made with that very idea in mind Carefully watched and checked throughout the entire process of making, it comes to vou in all its refreshing excellence. best ingredients, you can be positive of its quality. When really thirsty . . chase it quickly with a cold bot- | 1 OLD NARCH LA BEA LE ERE LIF Fr ny | if OR EW LL | Li | Fl | {Hi Li lit tle of OLD MONARCH or NEW LIFE BEER. BUY OLD MONARCH OR NEW LIFE BEER—THE BEST IN THE LAND—OUR BEER GUARANTEED TO. PLEASE OR YOUR MONEY BACK. BEER--A BEVERAGE OF MODERATION Goenner &¢ Ce it i UNION MADE AND DELIVERED. JOHNSTOWN, PA, emonies; chaplains to Most Rev. Bish-| ner. A program of athletics took op, Richard T. Guilfoyle, Rev William Ryan and John B Election of officers took p the mass. Father Philip O'Donnell ser- AAA Made of only the Father Murtagh Nolan, master of cer-| ved as toastmaster at the reunion din- up he evening program a one-act playlet entitled, the Monsignor” and was followed by Lo New COLD-WALL Frigidaire with the Meter-Miser! THE WORLD'S FIRST “COLD-WALL” REFRIGERATOR! Built on an entirely New Principle that saves food’s vital freshness from drying out For the first time, you can now store even highly perishable foods — and prolong their original freshness, retain their nourishing richness and peak fresh flavor... . days longer than ever before! Come in. Convince ourself in 5 Minutes. See how this new Frigidaire puts you years ahead in every way—in beauty, usability, economy as well as food-preserva- tion. Yet costs no more than ordinary “first-line” refrigerators! full 6 Cubic Ft. size! Gives e Simplest Refrigerating echanism, same Metet-Miser, same one- Mom steel construction and same Gunes) otors 5-year Protection Plan 25) Hed aire’s models costing up tO $10 m Quality at a Supes-Value price: ee —————E Big, roomy, you the Sam | CONVENIENT TERMS AS LOW AS 6 /, { 7) Super- Freezer freezes ice and makes BRAND NEW $ ald ber, 1939 MODEL, . ONLY ¢ £ == | , 4 7 7] NOW, FOR THE FIRST TIME 1 THE NEW “DEW -FRESH SEAL” —- A ® SOLID GLASS PARTITION — DIVIDES THE CABINET INTO 2 COMPARTMENTS. and 2 THE LOWER COMPARTMENT IS RE- ® FRIGERATED DIRECTLY THROUGH THE WALLS BY CONCEALED REFRIGER- ATING COILS. @ This provides all 3 essentials for keeping foods vitally fresh linger than ever before— 1. Uniform Low Temperatures. 2. High Humid- ity. 3. No Moisture-Robbing Air Circulation. All without adding a single moving part! AND ONLY FRIGIDAIRE HAS IT! (1352 SIRT ALSO A COMPLETE LINE OF FRIGIDAIRE AIR CONDITIONING — BEER COOLING — MILK COOLING AND HO- TEL, RESTAURANT AND MEAT MARKET COOLING EQUIPMENT, REVEL SOMERVILLE ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Office in Goud Bldg, Patton CHARLSON’S STORE -....._... Barneshoro GEORGE BROS. HOGUE HARDWARE Cresson SHETTIG HARDWARE Ebensburg N. W. MOORE HARDWARE _____ Portage ere. SOUth Fork COMMONS’ HARDWARE _....__ Nanty-Glo HUGHES STORE CO. BARNES & TUCKER STORE COMPANY Lilly — Barnesboro BENDER ELECTRIC C CARROLLTOWN * & JOHNSTOWN BARNES STORE CO. —._______ Bakerton BAKERTON SUPPLY CO. ——____ Elmora JOHN MARUSKA .._._. ________ Gallitzin H. J. EASLY FURNITURE STORE Hastings — puni tenir ly he Ar said to st Ge bute ill w thing stand An these nitel; der n one, | £4